James Alefantis visit on Cuba during Obama visit, WaPo article for context and "cooking" Jewish circle

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Re: James Alefantis visit on Cuba during Obama visit, WaPo article for context and "cooking" Jewish circle

Post by Heisenberg123 »


Good find. Gerson visits Poland too:

https://twitter.com/AFIConservatory/sta ... 9334604800
Alums Liv Colliander & David Henry Gerson jetted to Poland to talk film in the AFI Conservatory Highlights section at
David Henry Gerson is husband of Liv Colliander:

In 2017 Liv also became part of the commercial directing duo ZEITGEIST, with fellow filmmaker and husband David Henry Gerson. Together they create magical lifestyle and fashion commercials, with Hollywood production company PICROW.
James Alefantis and Nora Maccoby Hathaway both liked picture of Liv and David together:


https://archive.is/U01ZK/2234c4f071e81b ... d7e403.png

Or this one:


https://archive.is/xaixq/6286accda445b8 ... 21bfce.png

David's grandparents on father's side come from Poland, Zamosc:

In the final line of my Dad’s book, he writes of another book: a tome, made by the survivors as a memorial to all the Jews from Zamosc, Poland, where his parents were from, who were murdered during World War II. His memoir’s final line reads:
Previously I had only written alone, but film school taught me the benefit of working with other writers. Screenwriter Martin Horvat traveled with me from Slovenia to Auschwitz, to my father’s parents’ town of Zamosc, Poland, and back down to Ljubljana. Finding a collaborator who is willing to bounce around ideas is essential. Brennan Peters then came aboard as well, a second writer who helped us to put structure back onto the many ideas and masks, ephemera and ghosts, we had amassed in our extensive research.
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Re: James Alefantis visit on Cuba during Obama visit, WaPo article for context and "cooking" Jewish circle

Post by Don-Keyhote »

According to Gershom Scholem, “the activities of these migrants
strengthened the Kabbalah, which acquired many adherents in Italy in the
fourteenth and fi fteenth centuries.”2
Laying the basis for the rediscovery of the
occult tradition of classical philosophy was, as Moshe Idel, one of the foremost
scholars of the subject, has pointed out that “Kabbalah was conceived by both
Jewish and Christian Renaissance fi gures as an ancient theology, similar to and,
according to the Jews, the source of such later philosophical developments as
Platonism, Aristotelianism, Pythagoreanism, and atomism.”3
While commonly conceived as a religious cause, Zionism began as a secular
movement. As the father of Reform Judaism, Moses Mendelssohn founded the
culture of Jewish secularism, which also opened the way for the development
of Zionism. According to Gershom Scholem, and later Jacqueline Rose, as
outlined in The Question of Zion, Zionism derived from Sabbateanism.86 According
to Scholem, “Sabbateanism is the matrix of every signifi cant movement to
have emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, from Hasidism, to
Reform Judaism, to the earliest Masonic circles and revolutionary idealism. The
Sabbatean ‘believers’ felt that they were champions of a new world which was to
be established by overthrowing the values of all positive religions.”87
It was Rabbi Antelman, in To Eliminate the Opiate, who pointed out that
the Frankists introduced Sabbateanism on a large-scale to Judaism principally
through the Reform and Conservative movements, as well as Zionist-leaning
organizations like the American Jewish Congress, the World Jewish Congress
and the B’nai B’rith, which was initially a branch of Freemasonry.
Freud, when he was made aware of the Kabbalah of Isaac Luria apparently
exclaimed, “This is gold!” and asked why these ideas had never previously been
brought to his attention.22 Carl Jung, who had worked with Freud, commented
approvingly of the Jewish mystical origins of Freudian psychoanalysis, stating
that in order to comprehend the origin of Freud’s theories:
…one would have to take a deep plunge into the history of the
Jewish mind. This would carry us beyond Jewish Orthodoxy into the
subterranean workings of Hasidism… and then into the intricacies of
the Kabbalah, which still remains unexplored psychologically.23
Freud’s theories were excessively concerned with sex and even incest,
which is refl ected in Sabbatean antinomianism. As Gershom Scholem noted,
the Sabbateans were particularly obsessed with upturning prohibitions against
sexuality, particularly those against incest, as the Torah lists thirty-six prohibitions
that are punishable by “extirpation of the soul,” half of them against incest.
Baruchya Russo (Osman Baba), who in about the year 1700 was the leader of
the most radical wing of the Sabbateans in Salonika and who directly infl uenced
Jacob Frank, not only declared these prohibitions abrogated but went so far as
to transform their contents into commandments of the new “Messianic Torah.”
From David Livingstone's "Black Terror White Soldiers"

Also the founder of Hasidism's descendant today is a tranny rabbi who justifies trannyism via the Kabbalah and Bible. presumably the whole notion is from the "shekhinah" "female aspect of God" (Lurianic idea) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekhinah
According to Gershom Scholem, "The introduction of this idea was one of the most important and lasting innovations of Kabbalism. ...no other element of Kabbalism won such a degree of popular approval."[28] The "feminine Jewish divine presence, the shekhinah, distinguishes Kabbalistic literature from earlier Jewish literature."[29]
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Re: James Alefantis visit on Cuba during Obama visit, WaPo article for context and "cooking" Jewish circle

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Isn't that interesting that James Alefantis tagged jrcafritz - Jane Rosenthal Cafritz and Joan Nathan Gerson? IN same post? Jane is invited by James to place where they will be.

https://archive.is/NR7fF/b65e0f5c13fc6b ... 5a9da4.png

Source: https://archive.vn/R6tcU

Here's Jane Rosenthal Cafritz with Buffy Cafritz, Buffy is mother of evil child trafficker Pamela Cafritz, Pamela was pimping kids for her evil partner Keith Raniere - NXIVM sect leader:

https://archive.is/Wld2d/82177e8c63c55d ... b21674.png

Jane Rosenthal Cafritz Instagram account jrcafritz to confirm it's her tagged by James and writing to him:


And Facebook;

It was Pamela Cafritz who established concept of slavery in NXIVM:
Prior to her passing, Miss Cafritz established the concept of slavery among the women who were united in slavery to Mr. Raniere. Despite being the topmost harem member, Miss Cafritz acted as slave to some of women in the harem.
https://frankreport.com/2017/06/11/part ... the-harem/
Cafritz's Life Before NXIVM Cafritz was the daughter of Washington socialites Buffy and William Cafritz. In old footage featured in the docuseries, Raniere and Cafritz describe meeting at a ski trip when they were younger. Cafritz became closely involved with Raniere in the '90s when he launched Consumers' Buyline Inc. When the government accused CBI of being a pyramid scheme, she and Karen Unterreiner signed a consent agreement with prosecutors admitting their roles in CBI.

Cafritz's Complicity in NXIVM's Dark SideWhen Raniere started NXIVM, Cafritz cofounded Jness, a women's group in NXIVM that focussed on how gender influences women's roles in society and their relationships. Before her death, not only did Cafritz support Raniere as a business and romantic partner, but she also enabled his sketchy dealings. Cafritz has been brought up often by "Daniela," an undocumented woman who was a DOS slave kept in a house against her will for two years. When Daniela became impregnated by Raniere, Cafritz guided her through an abortion at a doctor's office. Daniela believes that Cafritz's role was to shield Raniere from liability, that she was "the defuser of bombs" who would "neutralise others.Cafritz's complicit behaviour can also be traced back to the '90s during Raniere's CBI days. According to The Times Union, she reportedly hired a 12-year-old girl to walk her dog, encourageing the girl to visit the townhouse she shared with Raniere. Later, Raniere raped the underage victim, whose mother worked for his company. He allegedly had around 60 sexual encounters with her. Two years later, in 1993, the girl reported the abuse to the police. She eventually signed a waiver saying that the claim that Raniere had sex with her was true but that she wouldn't press charges.
https://www.popsugar.co.uk/entertainmen ... m-47829596

https://archive.is/bBmJj/51010f39e16748 ... cd601f.png

At this point we should easily see the pattern. Cafritzes are powerful DC Jewish family with members connected to James Alefantis, his friends and Maccoby family (I wrote about this here: https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2056) ... who are another DC based influential Jewish family ... and are connected strongly with Gerson family, yet another influential Jewish family. Not to mention around this circle we can spot Rothschilds (banking dynasty, Epstein/Bronfman/Alefantis/Clintons/Abramovic connected) and Bronfmans (NXIVM/Epstein connected) multiple connections through different organizations, people and social events.
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Wed Sep 01, 2021 5:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: James Alefantis visit on Cuba during Obama visit, WaPo article for context and "cooking" Jewish circle

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Don-Keyhote wrote: Sat Jul 31, 2021 1:49 am What you need to know about Joan Nathan is that she was an aide to Teddy Kollek, a spy, mayor of Jerusalem, and one of the most important founders of Israel and named after his father's friend Theodor Herzl.

The entire crux of Pizzagate is satanic Jewish families infiltrating intelligence agencies to control governments. I posted the Cuba trip specifically to point that out, but instead got shilled and banned by Qtards who will soon be in camps LOL.

The Gerson+Nathan family is an emblematic example. Note that Joan and Alice Waters started a group called Sips & Suppers to host private dinners with elites like Prince Charles in DC, including a fundraiser mentioned in Politico at Pegasus "art space" with Tony Podesta and David Brock (who evidently no longer has beef with Alefantis). https://files.catbox.moe/d2n3od.jpg

Officially, Teddy Kollek, who wrote the foreword to one of her cookbooks, is important for uniting Mossad with the CIA via his "close personal relation" with Allen Dulles.

Kollek claimed he tried to warn Dulles about Kim Philby (most notorious double agent of the 20th c) when he recognized him walking through CIA headquarters but it's now known that Kollek didn't simply once meet Philby (whose father Harold was the Saudis' handler) but was even a witness at his wedding. At that point Philby's handler was "Arnold Deutsch, an associate of the radical sex therapist Wilhelm Reich" (the Jew who put people in a box to masturbate in order to harness their energy).

Point being these aren't nationalist agents at all but occult ones, and that's why mainstream treatments of this episode admit to their confusion (https://www.thedailybeast.com/my-lunch- ... ed-the-cia).
Most importantly, they were the founders of OSS-CIA (look up Georgetown Set), and included the (Jewish) Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, protege of Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, who through his mother is one of the few publicly confirmed Frankists/Sabbateans.

Compare Gerson family:

1. daughter Merissa Gerson
-Sex therapist etc https://files.catbox.moe/30zjyg.jpg
- "Hebrew priestess" (spiral logo) https://files.catbox.moe/mnd9r8.jpg
-"inherited trauma" expert (this is a field Jews have invented to extort money indefinitely for Holocaust/slavery descendants etc)
-workshop on "Jewish Queer Ritual Objects" https://files.catbox.moe/3iohmi.jpg
-consultant for early tranny series "Transparent" by Jews who made another Jew show set in Marfa, TX https://files.catbox.moe/jnu3si.jpg
-Wrote an "aphrodisiac" recipe in Tablet (Jewish magazine), adapted from her mom's book, called "Luzzatto Family Venetian Charoset" (another Sabbatean family currently highly placed in the federal government) https://files.catbox.moe/rcbwop.jpg

2. Daughter Daniela ran a publication focused on promoting Zionism to the college left. Her lesbian wife is a lawyer for immigrants.

3. Sam Gerson (brother of Allen)+wife Shelly Nathans are both psychanalysts in San Francisco, Tavistock-affiliated

Compare to Allen Gerson himself: allegedly illegally immigrated to the US escaping the fake Holocaust and even his obituary requests donations be sent to the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
Meanwhile his professional claim to fame is "hunting Nazis" and demonizing Libya, an enemy of Israel and the bottle-cap for African immigrants to Europe, for a plane bombing now accepted to have not in fact been perpetrated by Libya. https://files.catbox.moe/x3m76n.jpg

The point is: there is no observable distinction between Satanic agendas like sexual degeneracy/mass immigration/Zionism and "legitimate" Jewish activism.

Gerson/Nathan even donated to the same Jewish research organization as Jeffrey Epstein https://files.catbox.moe/ryubdm.jpg

There should be stickied threads for the major topics like Food, Art, etc. But what moderation can be expected from the SAME EXACT QTARDS AS BEFORE LOL seriously how the fuck are they still mods after such humiliation?
Interesting revelations in context of that:

CIA suppressed top officer James Jesus Angleton's connection to Israeli intelligence as shown by this newly unredacted JFK assassination records file.

Angleton had subverted JFK's policy of preventing Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons and was praised by Mossad head Meir Amit as "the biggest Zionist of them all". Angleton was also found to have hidden documents from the Warren Commission on the assassination of President Kennedy.

Shortly before he died, Angleton stated "The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted... outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power."

The file was previously "released" in 2017, 2018 and 2022 in redacted form.

Let’s read on Kollek more:

https://m.jpost.com/features/agent-koll ... he-shadows
For several hours, they questioned Kollek closely about where Israel stood in the growing confrontation between West and East, and the likelihood of Communist penetration of Israeli institutions. One of the two was a general who would go on to become head of NATO intelligence. The other was a senior CIA official, Jim Angleton. That meeting opened the door to the intimate cooperation between American and Israeli Intelligence that has been maintained till now. For many years the relationship bore the personal stamp of Angleton, who served as head of CIA counter-intelligence but insisted on hanging on to the Israel Desk as well. "I gradually won the confidence of Angleton and through him I met [Walter] Bedell-Smith [head of the CIA]," says Kollek.
Even when he was not serving as an official intelligence or diplomatic envoy, Kollek continued to work to strengthen intelligence ties between the U.S. and Israel, and the connections he made with Engleton.
Kollek stated in an interview that Israel's contribution to the strengthening of of these ties was based on the sharing of intelligence acquired by Israel from new immigrants who arrived to Israel from the Soviet Union and other satellite countries affiliated with the USSR.
It is very interesting because he continued his efforts to keep Jewish influence around Americans. So we can only ask questions if this small clique within CIA was just truly all around infiltrated by Israeli spies + they’ve worked throughout dozens of years to establish black operations and carve their path through deception. Mr Comet and Joan Nathan could be far, distant branches of what really started years ago.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/investig ... -archives/
According to a 2023 Post essay by Morley, recent documents reveal how the CIA had been surveilling Oswald in the four years leading to the assassination. They also show that key agency officials — director Allen Dulles and counterintelligence chief James Angleton — worked to undermine the Warren Commission’s efforts to investigate the shooting.
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