James Alefantis and Tony Podesta interesting connections in Denmark

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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James Alefantis and Tony Podesta interesting connections in Denmark

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Here James Alefantis pictures Tony Podesta in restaurant called Uofficiel: noma in Copenhagen:
https://archive.is/5b56C/c4f79949fb8522 ... 328a91.png

Here he pictures Copenhagen:
https://archive.is/Q12OT/56f5c6b66749a9 ... 7c8165.png

Then he pictures inside of Royal Palace Copenhagen:
https://archive.is/AMFvM/4909d723642a12 ... b30967.png

Source: https://archive.ph/R6tcU

He pings user jealindm, this is the user's profile on Instagram:
Her full name is Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen and she posts a lots of pictures with her kids. That on itself is not bad however her connection to James and Podesta made me interested in her.

I was looking for some activities on that profile and not found a lot but his like on this old picture with crying kid:

https://archive.is/09VRt/5ab4a7084ca98e ... cedefc.png

Here she sits with her kid and with Tony Podesta, James Alefantis in Comet Ping Pong:
https://archive.is/9cuSF/cd46052a27d622 ... b94f81.png

Here she pictures Tony Podesta and James Alefantis in restaurant called Amass in Denmark:
https://archive.is/TZMAf/01ef19b84c7e5b ... 331c67.png

Here with James Alefantis only:
https://archive.is/3nJGu/3e199eb74e5670 ... 508c17.png

Here she posts painting of girl by Balthus - he is often accused of being pedophile because of his suggestive paintings with underage girls:
https://archive.is/12lBr/1e480baca750ca ... ec7d11.png

Scared kid with what I like to call pedo bunny:
https://archive.is/SMSiP/040e9c96463d59 ... c90e01.png

She is friends with James Alefantis and Tony Podesta on Facebook:
https://archive.is/7n8sx/f359004e0b4938 ... ce4bd3.png


Some info about her:
Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen Contact Details
Copenhagen Area, Capital Region, Denmark
Director @ Galleri Bo Bjerggaard
... @ ...
Sales director @ Galleri Nicolai Wallner
Kunsthistorie @ Københavns Universitet
Director @ From August 2015 to Present (4 months) ... @ From June 2015 to Present (6 months) Sales director @ From March 2015 to June 2015 (4 months) Director @ From October 2011 to December 2014 (3 years 3 months) Pr ansvarlig @ From June 2008 to November 2008 (6 months) Lærer @ From August 2004 to June 2008 (3 years 11 months)

Bachelor @ N. Zahles Seminarium From 2000 to 2004 Kunsthistorie @ Københavns Universitet Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen is skilled in: Curating, Creative Writing, New Media, Editing, Galleries, Arts Administration, Art Exhibitions, Art, Oil Painting, Mixed Media, Painting, Contemporary Art, Public Art, Art History, Visual Arts
Also from Linkedin:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanette-li ... bdomain=dk

Currently works here:
I work full time as a director at a Danish gallery (Galleri Bo Bjerggaard). The gallery’s program focuses on contemporary art by established national and international artists. As a director I’m responsible for managing a larger part of the artists connected to the gallery’s program. My work tasks includes being an artist liaison, curating, social media, press and working on different publications. I participate in different art fairs as Armory Show, Cologne Art Fair, Paris Photo and Chart Art Fair.
https://archive.is/CeLVm/458dd9da0649c0 ... a4a5c4.png

According to her FB profile she is full blown progressive:
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=101 ... 6192168663
https://archive.is/adoqg/8effbeac317881 ... a69190.png

Some of the movies she likes:
https://www.facebook.com/jeanette.l.mad ... ion_movies
https://archive.is/ukGHN/75d2c668f84dc9 ... 5b7b23.png

This connection could be important because Denmark was one of the countries where progressives tried to promote their "pedosexuality":

https://web.archive.org/web/20070609130 ... ed.fpc.li/

And to this day they are promoting weird shit with kids:
https://www.theatlantic.com/health/arch ... is/618153/

Going back to this picture:
https://archive.is/Q12OT/56f5c6b66749a9 ... 7c8165.png

Pingout user asks James Alefantis if he's up to game of ping pong before he leaves Copenhagen.

Pingout started their profile by posting kids around ping pong tables:

They are ping ponging around pizza local too, at Sonder Boulevard in Copenhagen

Name of local is Itzi Pitzi Pizza.

Pretty eerie.

Pingout is linked to Oliver Miller aka Dr Pong, friend of James Alefantis:

I've been covering this lead here:

Another profile associated with Dr.Pong and following Pingout (Copenhagen based likely?) is Pingpongproject:

Pingpongproject following Copenhagen based Pingout:
https://archive.is/xiqs9/68ebba46cf8324 ... 8bbf6c.png

Pingpongproject following Dr.pong of Oliver Miller (James Alefantis friend and business partner):
https://archive.is/olGeT/8fe4528a6a3fa7 ... f3087c.png

Interestingly Pingpongproject posted this once:
https://archive.is/NGhzT/4fbeda5bcf13b9 ... 13617b.png

And someone commented "creep" and "pedo" but still liked that post. Time stamp indicates it's not one of the pedogate researchers because it predates start of our research but could be someone else seeing/knowing something or just joking about it.
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Re: James Alefantis and Tony Podesta interesting connections in Denmark

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

Thank you for getting screenshots of the Instagram and facebook links. I can't archive them anymore. :(
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Re: James Alefantis and Tony Podesta interesting connections in Denmark

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Here James Alefantis pictures Tony Podesta in restaurant called Uofficiel: noma in Copenhagen:
https://archive.is/5b56C/c4f79949fb8522 ... 328a91.png

Here he pictures Copenhagen:
https://archive.is/Q12OT/56f5c6b66749a9 ... 7c8165.png

Then he pictures inside of Royal Palace Copenhagen:
https://archive.is/AMFvM/4909d723642a12 ... b30967.png

Source: https://archive.ph/R6tcU

He pings user jealindm, this is the user's profile on Instagram:
Her full name is Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen and she posts a lots of pictures with her kids. That on itself is not bad however her connection to James and Podesta made me interested in her.

I was looking for some activities on that profile and not found a lot but his like on this old picture with crying kid:

https://archive.is/09VRt/5ab4a7084ca98e ... cedefc.png

Here she sits with her kid and with Tony Podesta, James Alefantis in Comet Ping Pong:
https://archive.is/9cuSF/cd46052a27d622 ... b94f81.png

Here she pictures Tony Podesta and James Alefantis in restaurant called Amass in Denmark:
https://archive.is/TZMAf/01ef19b84c7e5b ... 331c67.png

Here with James Alefantis only:
https://archive.is/3nJGu/3e199eb74e5670 ... 508c17.png
Do you see it? First three pics have timestamp 115w on them meaning they were posted 115 weeks before jimmycomet Instagram was archived, it means 115 weeks before November 7 2016, so they were around August 2014. Just when James Alefantis visited Denmark with Tony Podesta. They met Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen there... but also Gitte Skjodt Madsen aka parismadsen:
That's her profile:


You can find that she visits Venice Biennale in May 2017:


And here in October 2014:
https://archive.is/g8jj3/d6d05fad9c62ad ... 37cb5a.png

Do you see a potential security break on this account? First post is at 2014... second at 2017... Big big break right there.

This visit of James Alefantis (with Paris Madsen) in Venice in October 2014 is proven by James Alefantis own Instagram profile:

https://archive.ph/R6tcU/eae5462b1688df ... 3f92a0.png
https://archive.ph/R6tcU/fcdc57a663b3ef ... 6f9fc2.png

Here James Alefantis again present at Venice Biennale, this time timestamps say 107w and 108w (weeks) before November 2016 meaning 24.6 months meaning October 2014. That means James Alefantis is regular at Venice Biennale, just like ISGP pointed out with Tony Podesta being regular there.

And here James Alefantis in Palazzo Fortuny on Axel Vervoordt exhibition in October 2017, he pings Axel (which is weird because he is pinging accounts of famous people when he posts smth about them)

https://archive.ph/zlMaH/799b5fa4ae1651 ... 2e46de.png

https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@titusfro ... w-comments

That leaves us with with three visits.

October 2014, October 2015, October 2017. But there must be more than what's visible on the surface at first glance.
Gitte Skjodt Madsen (Paris Madsen) friends with these people on Facebook, Podesta (both accounts) and Jeanette for example:

https://archive.is/m5yjR/de4d31e9f647eb ... 096424.png
https://archive.is/nPugc/0f57bb1e5ecc31 ... 1786e6.png

Source: https://www.facebook.com/gittemads/friends

Secondly. On this picture:
Here James Alefantis pictures Tony Podesta in restaurant called Uofficiel: noma in Copenhagen:
https://archive.is/5b56C/c4f79949fb8522 ... 328a91.png

Source: https://archive.ph/R6tcU
You can see Olafur Eliasson being tagged by James Alefantis:

https://archive.is/i3n4I/698149f213078d ... 044692.jpg

I'll quote research I've found on him already. He is friends with Denmark royalty, Francesca Von Habsburg (Thyssen-Bornemisza now) and perhaps by proxy her daughter Eleonore Von Habsburg?

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.p ... 475#p28475
Olafur Elliason and queen of Denmark ...

https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news ... 1157691490

Olafur Elliason ties mentioned here:

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.p ... 475#p28475
Also pay attention:
Going back to Eleonore Von Habsburg:

Her flaming sun esoteric/occult picture was liked by the occultist who is friends with Marina Abramovic:

https://archive.is/vZyqA/d1cdfc873a6560 ... b1d27b.jpg

Source: https://archive.is/R3GVS/901cacee917f51 ... 7638d8.jpg
This pic which was liked by Ali Gurel (book_of_alee) mentions Olafur Eliasson and it so happens that James Alefantis is following this prominent Danish artist original account from 2013...

https://archive.is/Hz2ja/4ee7718e1bc8cc ... 52f769.jpg

Source: https://instagram.com/olafureliasson

Olafur Eliasson following Ferdinand Habsburg from his new account:

https://archive.is/2JZBo/149094cb016710 ... fe0dac.jpg

Source: https://instagram.com/studioolafureliasson

Same interest in Ferdinand Habsburg comes from Michael Louis Giacalone who is friends with Habsburg family:
And was described in this thread: https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2484

Olafur Eliasson following Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza:

https://archive.is/6UDEa/61d955fbc29d64 ... fa8036.jpg

Source: https://instagram.com/studioolafureliasson

Pay attention btw. The very account of Eleonore Von Habsburg we are discussing here either changed nickname, was hidden or deleted since we posted our research. Isnt that strange... What we do matters more than we think.

Olafur Eliasson with mother of Eleonore Von Habsburg... Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza...(previously von Habsburg) who is friends with Marina Abramovic, Maxwell and Epstein:


https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/fr ... ?s=594x594

Olafur Eliasson, Marina Abramovic and Jeff Koons:

https://ffw.uol.com.br/app/uploads/life ... tistas.png

https://ffw.uol.com.br/lifestyle/cultur ... galeria/3/

Tony Podesta favorite artists.. among them Olafur Eliasson:


https://archive.is/BqMzx/e130d7edf52ff3 ... 7eb4f3.jpg

Here this publication mentions James Alefantis and also shows art showing victims of pedophilia, art by Biljana Djurdjevic, personal friend of James Alefantis and Tony Podesta:

https://archive.is/M2xuN/2fe07650acd1cc ... 0d213d.jpg
And here Michael Louis Giacalone (friend of James Alefantis/Podesta/Maccoby family) ties with Denmark royalty:

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.p ... 148#p29148
Giacalone changed his nickname from celadon61 likely due to some connection I will point out:
https://archive.vn/RcClh/b4c0a0294c2b9b ... 0d1d78.png

In fact celadon61 sounds just like a guy who signed himself under pedophile site with pedo homosexual stories about "dominating boys":
https://archive.vn/viI6I/0d760520faf6bc ... cf9434.jpg
https://archive.vn/HOFe2/4ac9f7f07c5775 ... 7aed39.png

Copy of the site with similar content but little bit variated text claiming to be against child abuse and yet post stories about child abuse operates to this day in clearnet:
https://pzaboystoravp2rz.tor2web.io/ [ https://archive.ph/mc2TL ]

Screenshot: https://archive.is/LjPFR/f0e5e352133d77 ... 8bf9a4.png [ https://archive.ph/LjPFR/f0e5e352133d77 ... 8bf9a4.png ]

Also look how they use "pizza" variation code:
The archive is dedicated to Pueros and Zelamir (PZA = Pueros-Zelamir Archive), which are very prolific authors in this field and whose stories introduced Céladon to the subject. Their stories have been published since 1998 in different usenet groups and on various websites. New parts by both authors are still being published on this site.
But do we have any indication that Celadon61 - Michael Louis Giacalone even likes boys or just men in general? Well, yeah, he seems to be homosexual so that fits the pattern. Doesn't prove he's the same individual or even inspired by confirmed pedo Celadon name, however that makes Giacalone a part of small potential group that could be inspired by the nickname or somehow connected, that together with him having close relations with Tony Podesta and James Alefantis, Maccobies, Victoria Reis.

Giacalone who is pretty old right now follows accounts of young men models:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/kyVKm/aac679c88497a3 ... b1957a.png ]

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/GizIc/a8f1974951b208 ... 9c56e3.png ]

He isn't hiding his homo tendencies:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/jVH8y/a264a87f21359a ... abd709.png ]
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/ZvGMF/83edbabbfe4fdb ... 986fc9.png ]
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/5LEQP/47b37452809f6f ... 3e797d.png ]
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/xujhz/90bdd2e7942b4c ... 3c00e3.png ]
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/CHCk2/c648b0f29a0b66 ... ad2413.png ]
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/SEgzN/341362422ddc61 ... c9553b.png ]

But that's still adult stuff, have I found anything indicating him in connection to any "boy" underage, even suspicious looking stuff beside similarity of his nickname to that person signing pedo site? Well one account he is following seems to be younger than most he follows, at least from the looks of it, so he may be attracted to younger males.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/WOUCz/3a03f906a63417 ... 4c518a.png ]
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/i1wVu/94f0d74510cb23 ... bd56b2.png ]

He is also following Prince Nikolai of Denmark:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/6WNE9/f1898c5a93f73b ... e2b8d7.png ]

Who ofc seems to be way younger than usual stuff he follows:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/BNq7Y/c643bb4de7119c ... cf8928.png ]
Eddufirst now has age in his description, it says 17...


https://archive.is/lJqxQ/bad15bfa8e9020 ... d93b1d.jpg

So the question is... why was he following 14-16 year old boys on Instagram ... Because that would be the age of this model when celadon61 started following him.

And now look what we got here ... Maybe, just maybe him following Prince Nikolai of Denmark was not a coincidence.

He is also following Prince Nikolai of Denmark:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png [ https://archive.ph/6WNE9/f1898c5a93f73b ... e2b8d7.png ]

Source: https://www.instagram.com/michael_l_giaca/

James Alefantis was at Royal Palace in Copenhagen at least two times (?), Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen, his and Tony Podesta friend, implicates here, James photographed place:

https://archive.is/Ob0UV/4909d723642a12 ... b30967.png

Source: https://archive.ph/R6tcU

Thread about Jeanette: https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2228
Thread about Denmark (perhaps more elite? hard to say) connections to Russian pedophile ring: https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.p ... 245#p27245

And guess what. Michael Louis Giacalone admits he knows Denmark royalty, privately, he met the queen...

https://archive.is/2Ng4D/f5e3d45cb77a6f ... a145a4.jpg

Source: https://www.facebook.com/michael.l.giacalone

He also admits he privately knows House of Savoia, Habsburgs, Wettins, Bernadotte, Hohenzollern:

https://archive.is/7o7Zo/63820958947695 ... 0869d1.jpg
https://archive.is/fKp4W/9df97bfd21c32d ... 1bf764.jpg

All these families are mentioned on more conspiracy oriented sites about Venetian Black Nobility:

https://prepareforchange.net/2018/02/27 ... -nobility/
The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren’t we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on… hence their name.

Who are these families today?

Well, the most important ones are:

House of Bernadotte, Sweden

• House of Bourbon, France

• House of Braganza, Portugal

• House of Grimaldi, Monaco

• House of Guelph, Britain (the most important one)

House of Habsburg, Austria

• House of Hanover, Germany (the second most important one)

House of Hohenzollern, Germany

• House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia (former)

• House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

• House of Nassau, Luxembourg

House of Oldenburg, Denmark

• House of Orange, Netherlands

House of Savoy, Italy

House of Wettin, Belgium

• House of Wittelsbach, Germany

• House of Württemberg, Germany

• House of Zogu, Albania

• all the families you will find on the Windsor family tree
Olafur Elliason and queen of Denmark ...

https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news ... 1157691490
What got my interest as well was Russian pedophile ring ties with Denmark, like pointed out here... Mention of "elite voirist pedophile club" whatever this is. I don't know. Translation is rough, but it's interesting.

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.p ... 245#p27245
KDV writings mention Denmark elite clients. Lets remember that we have already linked James Alefantis and Tony Podesta to Denmark's progressive circles and possibly even royalty - James Alefantis was at Royal Palace in Denmark, hard to tell if as a tourist or something more.

https://archive.is/g7Hzr/f5a9f86bbd4af4 ... 08924f.png


Denmark is also the place where Pedophile Group existed and was protected by Denmark parliament:
In 2004, the Danish Parliament of the 2001 Danish general election voted against the dissolution of the association.[6]

Progressive woman Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen from Denmark followed by both James Alefantis and Tony Podesta:

https://archive.is/Sei6q/9760d7eaf24243 ... f4478f.jpg
https://archive.is/kGTtv/cdb7e26db9caa4 ... e7e397.jpg

Source: https://www.instagram.com/jealindm/

Shes following some one eye symbolism accounts as well:

https://archive.is/k76lu/4e8c08cfc6473f ... c2c625.jpg

And Mpizzaboy who had spiral and pizza pic:

https://archive.is/bSC2S/892380635a6fb3 ... 4ed246.jpg
https://archive.is/qa98e/51c5133eb1b1e3 ... 792a2f.jpg

https://archive.is/0e6Ew/0a6942975b0791 ... 933784.jpg

Source: https://www.instagram.com/mpizzaboy/

Jeanette met with James and Tony Podesta in Denmark but she also traveled with her kid to Comet Ping Pong and White House to meet ... James and Tony Podesta.
Jeanette seems to be very much linked with Tony Podesta to this day like I was writing about here in topic about Giacalone:

https://searchvoat.co/forum/viewtopic.p ... 419#p27419
Now, where James Alefantis and Tony Podesta celebrated their birthday in 2018 on same day? (yes, they are both born on October 24), it was Rome, Italy:

https://bidenlaptopemails.com/biden-ema ... 0810_85360
BIRTHDAYS: NYT deputy Washington editor Jonathan Weisman is 53 ... Marc Lotter ... Tony Podesta, who's celebrating in Rome with family and friends including James Alefantis ...
Indeed. And they're both kicking well in 2022, here together pictured on new account of Tony Podesta:

https://archive.is/n3BQt/13a8d59c883de3 ... c92e04.png
https://archive.is/Qwcdy/b6e29f03ffd31a ... c8102b.png

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=552 ... 8762902936 [ https://archive.ph/T5dGG ] https://www.facebook.com/anthony.podesta.967

Who liked that picture? Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen who is friend of both James and Podesta, she comes from Denmark, land of progressive pedos where even parliament protects pedophiles, one time she came with her kid to Podesta and James to DC and also visited White House, one of her fav movies is Eyes Wide Shut, figure it out:

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=552 ... 8762902936 [ https://archive.ph/T5dGG ] https://www.facebook.com/anthony.podesta.967


Btw, the kid who traveled with Jeanette Lindholdt Madsen to DC to visit Tony Podesta and James is Einer Madsen:
Here she sits with her kid and with Tony Podesta, James Alefantis in Comet Ping Pong:
https://archive.is/9cuSF/cd46052a27d622 ... b94f81.png
Now he will be almost adult (he will be 19 years old around October 20 - Happy birthday, Einer!)

His profiles:



Does that kid look like a boy to you, or mother tried something on those kids. Weird!

Their mother did her best to indoctrinate them into LGBT:


Because let's not forget, gender isn't down "there" but "up there" (in brain):

According to her FB profile she is full blown progressive:
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=101 ... 6192168663
https://archive.is/adoqg/8effbeac317881 ... a69190.png

Jealindm (Jeanette) mentioning how Einer was talking with her about Comet Ping Pong:

https://archive.ph/R6tcU/de370aa710b705 ... 17a8d5.png

Source: https://archive.ph/R6tcU

For a good reason, lets go back to jimmycomet/parismadsen visit at Venice Biennale 2014 October:

https://archive.ph/R6tcU/fcdc57a663b3ef ... 6f9fc2.png
https://archive.ph/R6tcU/ddca173302f2be ... d64bd0.png
https://archive.ph/R6tcU/349663ba58ec45 ... 122206.png
https://archive.ph/R6tcU/eae5462b1688df ... 3f92a0.png
https://archive.ph/R6tcU/9125871738a502 ... 6d71ca.png

Source: https://archive.ph/R6tcU

Seems like Gitte Skjodt Madsen aka parismadsen is into LGBT indoctrination as well (typical for Denmark):


If there's anything else you can find please share.
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:55 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: James Alefantis and Tony Podesta interesting connections in Denmark

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Fischli / Weiss guggenheim five years ago exactly today, outstanding show - visited with my (then😅) sweet, little daughter 💕💞

APRIL 5, 2021
https://www.instagram.com/p/CNS10othfT2/ [ https://archive.ph/ykd7J ]

https://archive.is/gkuTF/0cfcb1e9b26c6c ... f9cf30.png

https://archive.is/qK60B/c54066c4f4a307 ... 4ddcfe.png
https://archive.is/Sa2mZ/82c311774419a0 ... 10c4a5.png
https://archive.is/EKU1B/0ef878ccbdaed9 ... 0fa733.png
https://archive.is/Wuado/e6657aa148e9c7 ... 8cc3a5.png

Gitte Skjodt Madsen aka parismadsen describes visit from Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum that happened 5 years before April 5 2021 ... Obviously James likes this photo (among very few on this account, which is weird he likes this one) but he was also hanging around there but 37 weeks before November 7 2016 which would be February 22 2016 which does not fit April 5 2016 which would be 30-31 ( I think ) weeks before Nov 7 2016.

https://archive.ph/R6tcU/7ec56cf0a0aaf8 ... 4b7c54.png

Source: https://archive.ph/R6tcU

Another picture liked by jimmycomet on this profile:

Hydra Greece 🇬🇷🏖💕#minime #debedsterejsekammerater kaasmarenmadsen nannahjortenberg julian_hjortenberg

JULY 30, 2019
https://www.instagram.com/p/B0id6J_hviD/ [ https://archive.ph/4LrNL ]

https://archive.is/8Z6lI/fbb3d565fac516 ... 24e72d.png

https://archive.is/nBmvq/a3f0cdb2afb2d4 ... e483ed.png
https://archive.is/LAzLn/d16db09b61cf0f ... 233797.png
https://archive.is/bXP64/7d68dc341a1ecb ... b3243b.png
https://archive.is/ZS6QJ/1bedcfa45c8cba ... 265aba.png
https://archive.is/v3mVv/492c0cd9f36156 ... cf4b05.png


Olafur Eliasson mention here, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art north of Copenhagen, 115 weeks like mentioned before... During his visit in Copenhagen

https://archive.ph/R6tcU/0e2bcda9044ac9 ... 048eb6.png

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana ... Modern_Art

Royal Palace Copenhagen here, 114 weeks...

https://archive.ph/R6tcU/bba4fb83228ac7 ... 5fd45e.png

The last one basically would be end of August or beginning of September 2014.

Sources: https://archive.ph/R6tcU
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Thu Sep 08, 2022 1:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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