Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

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Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

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Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"šŸ‡ - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]
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Re: Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

I've been enjoying watching this event unfold. After reading kjv first few times, as a child under 10yr, i was convinced we were in the little season. But it never mattered, to me. No matter the season, Yah is truth, and all men are liars.
This guy is the very worst debunker I've heard so far. He got so much wrong in the first few minutes, i turned him off.
I just finished watching a 4 part series that is pro-littleseason, yesterday. That guy was better than this one, meaning more accurate. And he still got a whole lot wrong.

Yah forgive me for grousing about my burden.
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Re: Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

Post by doginventer »

What are the things he got wrong?
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Re: Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

doginventer wrote: ā†‘Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:39 am What are the things he got wrong?
I think maybe my saying he's 'wrong' is too strong. He was just giving his opinion. I like things to be sourced, and I think you do too.
He started by saying, "The patriarchs are still in their graves." Well that would be some good proof, wouldn't it? I need a source for that knowledge. I'd accept biblical and/or archeological. He didn't give one.

"The only thing I got, as far as their proof is..."
"Minimal bathrooms in castles"
"Orphan Trains"
"Christ came and took the orphans parents"

These statements tell me he prolly hasn't researched any biblically based reasons for the little season question. And he likes to cherry pick the low hanging fruits of secular opinions, imo.
And this is where the horrible ticking sound starts. Turned him off again. so now I'll never know if he gives any sources later on in the vid.

I'm labeling this dude as a "Normie without a clue as to how the world currently operates" Bless his heart.
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Re: Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

This is the series I just finished. This guy gets a lot wrong too, his knowledge of secular history is dismal. But at least he gives sources.
Because I don't see this as a salvation issue, it really doesn't matter to me. Maybe it is an issue, and i'm just not understanding it yet.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... uQdByYtH8k
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Re: Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

Post by doginventer »

I canā€™t claim to have done a complete study on this by any means, but I think I agree with the case being made in the video [ducks!]
He started by saying, "The patriarchs are still in their graves." Well that would be some good proof, wouldn't it? I need a source for that knowledge. I'd accept biblical and/or archeological. He didn't give one.
29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day.
Acts 2 KJV

There is no reference to the other patriarchs being resurrected, and no apparent reason for them being resurrected while David is left in the grave, so as far as I can see there is more reason to believe that they have not been resurrected than that they have.
"Minimal bathrooms in castles" "Orphan Trains" "Christ came and took the orphans parents"

These statements tell me he prolly hasn't researched any biblically based reasons for the little season question. And he likes to cherry pick the low hanging fruits of secular opinions, imo.
These are examples he is giving of the inadequate proofs of the millennium having come and gone, what are the good proofs?

I have always seen Satanā€™s little season as coming after the millennial reign, just following the progressive unfolding in Revelation 20:

1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
Revelation 20 KJV

Do you think the millennium came and went without anybody noticing, and Satan beat the rap?

Sorry, itā€™s a sarcy way of putting it I know, :)
but I genuinely canā€™t see how else ā€˜Sā€™sLSā€™ could be seen to have started, much less started and finished.
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Re: Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

I don't know if you saw this reply, or not. I'm reposting it. I edited it a bit. the original comment is in SV archive.
First of all, don't apologize for saucy. I luv sauciness and sass.
I canā€™t claim to have done a complete study on this by any means, but I think I agree with the case being made in the video [ducks!]
So do I, mostly. That's why that normie pissed me off. No sources, just opinion. I Want Sources!
29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day.
Acts 2 KJV
Sepulcher! That's the word i couldn't remember the other day. thanks. If the guy would have just said, "book of acts", I'd have found it.
There is no reference to the other patriarchs being resurrected, and no apparent reason for them being resurrected while David is left in the grave, so as far as I can see there is more reason to believe that they have not been resurrected than that they have.
The little season question doesn't involve questioning the events recorded in the bible, as far as I can tell. I know it never has with me.
Its about questioning the secular timeline. Everybody agrees that the millennial reign happens/happened after the bible was written.
I have always seen Satanā€™s little season as coming after the millennial reign, just following the progressive unfolding in Revelation 20:
Yes it does.
Do you think the millennium came and went without anybody noticing, and Satan beat the rap?
No. I think we are either pre millennial reign, Or in satan's little season. There's no beating the rap.
These are examples he is giving of the inadequate proofs of the millennium having come and gone, what are the good proofs?
I'm looking for good proof for both sides. I've been waiting decades for this answer.
His examples came off of an 'hidden history' website, imo. Everybody was talking about Tartaria. The examples he gave were the first things i saw, 7yr ago while archiving PG subject of Orphan Trains(churches and charities) having trafficked children in the 19th & 20th centuries(still in full operation, now the rcc uses planes and cargo ships). The castles didn't have one bathroom, they were built with none. The dude in the vid got it wrong. Plumbing and sewage disposal were centuries old afterthoughts. This may or may not be a millennial reign issue. It could be about nephilim/rephaim, imo.
Some say that the palace of versailles, for example, was where one of the Saints reigned from. Millennial Saints don't need plumbing for toilets, just lots of plumbing for fountains and healing waters. But satan's earthly minions do, so the toilets were added after the kingdom was over. The PG stuff started before the flood, and continues to this day. He chose piss-poor debunk points. Old. Stale. I want real men of scripture, and historians, archeologists, geologists to tackle this. Not Brother Normie.
Was that sincerely saucy enough?

I'm mad(at myself) because I'm not ready to deep dive this, and that dude was useless. So if you happen to come across some good debunks, I'm interested.
TheUnexpected Cosmology - https://theunexpectedcosmology.com/ - https://www.youtube.com/user/nhadley80
BibleScribe - https://www.youtube.com/@BibleScribe
CONSPIRACY-R-US - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... Q0Bqkx5I8f
JonLevi - https://www.youtube.com/@jonlevichannel
UnderstandingConspiracy - https://www.youtube.com/@uconspiracy
THE ARCHIVIST - https://www.youtube.com/@1_Analog_9
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Re: Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

Post by doginventer »

shewhomustbeobeyed wrote: ā†‘Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:38 pm I don't know if you saw this reply, or not. I'm reposting it. I edited it a bit. the original comment is in SV archive.
I'm mad(at myself) because I'm not ready to deep dive this, and that dude was useless. So if you happen to come across some good debunks, I'm interested.
Pretty much same here.
I never got into the preterist stuff, I spent some time going through the Joseph Atwill concoctions and basically couldnā€™t find anything to confirm any of it. I feel the same about the Tartaria/missing millenium stuff as well, it just seems like imaginative fiction using parts of the scriptures as a stepping off point into creative writing.
But I canā€™t say Iā€™ve really gone into any of it thoroughly just because it has never come up with enough to seem to merit the time and effort.
Having said that if anything turns up Iā€™ll definitely share.
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Re: Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

TIL about Joseph Atwill. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar's_Messiah
As a youth, Joseph Atwill studied Greek, Latin and the Bible at St. Mary's Military Academy, a Jesuit-run school in Japan.
Jesuit educated. Sounds like a dumbshit. ;)
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Re: Exposing the "Deeper Things of Satan"🐇 - Brother Ronnie Swafford - Gerald Badalamento [37.47]

Post by doginventer »

doginventer wrote: ā†‘Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:09 am
shewhomustbeobeyed wrote: ā†‘Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:38 pm I don't know if you saw this reply, or not. I'm reposting it. I edited it a bit. the original comment is in SV archive.
I'm mad(at myself) because I'm not ready to deep dive this, and that dude was useless. So if you happen to come across some good debunks, I'm interested.
Pretty much same here.
I never got into the preterist stuff, I spent some time going through the Joseph Atwill concoctions and basically couldnā€™t find anything to confirm any of it. I feel the same about the Tartaria/missing millenium stuff as well, it just seems like imaginative fiction using parts of the scriptures as a stepping off point into creative writing.
But I canā€™t say Iā€™ve really gone into any of it thoroughly just because it has never come up with enough to seem to merit the time and effort.
Having said that if anything turns up Iā€™ll definitely share.
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