The June 25 / 26, 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn, Custer Accused of Rape

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The June 25 / 26, 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn, Custer Accused of Rape

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

Women & Children Murdered by the U.S. Army at the Little Bighorn.

The US 7th Cavalry's Lt Colonel Nee General George Armstrong Custer who lost his entire command of 270 men, was accused of having in company with a Crow Indian Scout raped a Sioux woman a short time before the battle began!

On June 25, 1876, LTC George Armstrong Custer led the U.S. 7th Cavalry into an action against a vastly superior force of Native American tribes consisting of combined forces of the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes at the Little Big Horn in the Montana Territory. Custer’s Cavalry consisted of 12 companies with 45 officers and 718 enlisted men.

Custer vastly underestimated the strength of the Native American tribes and his immediate thoughts were on how to stop them from fleeing. He split his command into three columns and he took five companies to attack the Indian village, completely unaware that his 212 men were facing thousands of battle-hardened Native American warriors.

The Native Americans were given the land as a reservation after signing a treaty with the United States. But gold was found in the Black Hills and the government, with no true legal standing was going to take it by force. The Indian tribes weren’t going to go quietly.

It was a slaughter. In less than 30 minutes, his entire command of the five companies was wiped out. Among the dead were his two brothers, a nephew and dozens of horses. After Custer and his men were killed the Indian warriors attacked the other two split units where hard fighting between the two sides raged until the Cavalrymen got reinforcements and the Indians withdrew. Link.
Who Killed George A. Custer?
Private Gustave Korn's Story pdf.
What Happened to George Custer?
William O. Taylor's Story of the Battle.
Peter Thompson's Story of the Battle.
Custer Fell First, the Adventures of John C. Lockwood.
Daniel Kanipe of Marion, Survivor of Custer’s Last Stand.
Sgt. Daniel Kanipe, McDowell County's Big Hero at Little Bighorn.
Survivors in Little Bighorn Folklore, Compiled by Michael L. Nunnally.
The Joe Belonger Story - Thought to be the basis for the film Little Big Man with Dustin Hoffman.


Daniel Kanipe's Story of the Battle of the Little Bighorn - I think Daniel Kanipe's account is mostly factual since he has a comprehensive knowledge of the ppl and places, however his story gets a bit shaky when he says he was sent away to deliver a message, the tenor of the times suggest that as he brought up the rear of Custer's column he saw the masses of Indians lined up for battle, and deduced the 7th had no hope so he bugged out .. deserted indeed. Did Sgt Daniel A Kanipe Ride for Custer or Just Ride Away?


Frank Finkel at the Battle of the Little Bighorn - "The one thing that the Indians could depend on was a steady flow of 1866 16-shot Henry repeating rifles, now rendered surplus because of the later-model Winchester 1873 but still worth $75 on the day when the Indians received their cash annuities. Government policy kept the Indians hungry and better armed than the troopers sent to keep an eye on them, whose rifles were single-shot Springfields" - Makes me suspicious, we know the you-know-whos are gun dealers sounds like the Cavalry were "set up!" TT.


When US Cavalry reinforcements arrived on the battlefield several hours after the Indian attack had wiped out Custer’s troops, they found the 14 year old horse Comanche that had belonged to Capt. Myles Keough who perished in the battle, badly wounded but still living and standing over the Captain's body. Link.

Johnny Horton - Comanche the Brave Horse.

The rape allegations persist .. - Custer Rape Scene at the Little Bighorn, there are even darker implications in the eye-witness record concerning Custer. - George Armstrong Custer Was a Warhawk Civil War Veteran With a Thirst for Blood, he loved hookers and raping helpless, defenceless native women .. hostages, women and children were taken back to his camp and raped, repeatedly night after night by Custer and his men! - For Custer and the Seventh Cavalry Had Killed Many Women and Children in Their 1868 Attack on the Northern Cheyenne at the Washita River .. afterward the officers sexually abused the female hostages, including Custer, who raped a young Cheyenne woman named Monahsetah.


Wonder if Frank Finkel who claimed Prussian heritage who says he escaped the massacre when his horse bolted thru the Indian lines might be the villain of the piece, could be that his Prussian Officer mannerisms and as a Jew his influence over Custer was considerable, suppose he had connections to the ones [Jews] who sold the Henry rifles to the tribesmen, and that he persuaded Custer to split his forces and to enter their trap .. that the Injuns knew him and allowed him thru!

Frank Finkel: The Great Liar of the Little Bighorn?

Others have dismissed his claims, despite Indian accounts have one trooper escaping through the village.
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Re: The June 25 / 26, 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn, Custer Accused of Rape

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

Update: We should open our minds to the contention that Finkel who could have been an auxiliary in the first place since his name does not appear in official US Army records, had deserted Custer's command and "gone over" to the Indians.

That his story of being wounded then galloping thru their camp and continuing on for another 60 miles, before being cared for by a white prospector for the next 6 months was total bs.

Suppose he was known to them in his secondary persona as an arms dealer and military expert, and had in fact planned the tactic they used to defeat the Cavalry, and that he could have observed or even taken part in the slaughter of his former comrades in arms.


The same way Jews failed to attend work at the WTC in NY Sept. 11, 2001 after receiving warnings the air strikes were to occur, who watched the immolation of their co workers on live television.

19 November 1941 HMAS Sydney II a light cruiser of the Royal Australian Navy, was lost following a battle with the German raider HSK Kormoran off the Western Australian coast. The loss of the Sydney with its 645 crew remains Australia’s worst naval disaster. The Kormoran was also sunk, but 317 of its crew of 397 were rescued. AWM.
Jews are widely supposed to have similarly provided information to the enemy resulting in this sinking, so the precedent for Jewish treachery is well established.
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Re: The June 25 / 26, 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn, Custer Accused of Rape

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

MartinTimothy1 wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 8:42 pm Update: We should open our minds to the contention that Finkel who could have been an auxiliary in the first place since his name does not appear in official US Army records, had deserted Custer's command and "gone over" to the Indians.

That his story of being wounded then galloping thru their camp and continuing on for another 60 miles, before being cared for by a white prospector for the next 6 months was total bs.

Suppose he was known to them in his secondary persona as an arms dealer and military expert, and had in fact planned the tactic they used to defeat the Cavalry, and that he could have observed or even taken part in the slaughter of his former comrades in arms.

Following on from that can we not conjecture Finkel could indeed have been a journalist since it is known there were journalists in the column, which is another Zionist trick in that Sandhurst graduate Winston Churchill had accompanied Kitchener's 1898 genocidal assault on Khartoum not as a military officer but as a journalist.

That Finkel had been recommended to Custer by the Jews who then as now had the entire US military and political establishments in their thrall, who were responsible for his meteoric rise thru the ranks to become a two star general in the Civil War in the first place, as an expert in Prussian methods of war. In which capacity he was accepted into Custer's inner circle, from which position he gave advice that led to the defeat .. then as the Indians closed in he joined them.
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