The Military Order of Christ and Golden Square , SoHo, London

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The Military Order of Christ and Golden Square , SoHo, London

Post by MercurysBall2 »

A developing post.. ... he%20order.
The Military Order of Christ[a] is the former order of Knights Templar as it was reconstituted in Portugal. Before 1910, it was known as the Royal Military Order of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Order of the Knights of Our Lord Jesus Christ.[c] It was founded in 1319, with the protection of King Denis of Portugal, after the Templars were abolished on 22 March 1312 by the papal bull, Vox in excelso, issued by Pope Clement V. King Denis refused to pursue and persecute the former knights as had occurred in most of the other sovereign states under the political influence of the Catholic Church.

There exists also a parallel Supreme Order of Christ of the Holy See, the Order of Christ of the House of Orléans-Braganza, and the Order of Christ of Kongo.


The order's origins lie in the Knights Templar, founded circa 1118. The Templars were persecuted by the king of France and eventually disbanded by the pope in 1312. King Dinis I of Portugal created the Order of Christ in 1319 for those knights who survived their mass slaughter throughout Europe. In Portugal, the Order of Christ accumulated great riches and power during the Age of Discoveries.

In 1789, Queen Maria I of Portugal secularized the order. In 1910, with the end of the Portuguese monarchy, the order was extinguished. However, in 1917, the order was revived, with its Grand Master to be the President of Portugal.

The Military Order of Christ, together with the Military Orders of Aviz and of St. James of the Sword, formed the group of the "Ancient Military Orders", governed by a chancellor and a council of eight members, and appointed by the President of the Republic to assist him as Grand Master in all the order's administrative matters. The Order can be conferred for outstanding services to the Republic on military officers, and, despite its name, on civilians (including foreigners as well as Portuguese citizens) and on members of: Parliament or other branches of government, the diplomatic corps, the Courts of Justice, the Civil Service, and other public authorities

Embassy of Portugal, London ... al,_London

The Portuguese Embassy had previously been situated at 23–24 Golden Square, Soho, London, W1F 9JP from 1724 to 1747; the Marquess of Pombal served as Ambassador from 1738 to 1744. During this period a chapel (now the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory) was under the protection of the embassy. The embassy was situated at 74 South Audley Street in Mayfair from 1747 to 1829

Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, 1st Marquis of Pombal ... _of_Pombal

In 1738, with his uncle's assistance,[4] Pombal received his first public appointment as the Portuguese ambassador to Great Britain, where, in 1740, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society.[5] This author points out that Carvalho e Melo used his circulation among influential people to "investigate the causes, techniques, and mechanisms of British commercial and naval power."[6] In 1745, he served as the Portuguese ambassador to Austria.

Opposition of the Jesuits

Having lived outside of Portugal in Vienna and London, the latter city in particular being a major centre of the Enlightenment, Pombal increasingly believed that the Society of Jesus, also known as the "Jesuits", had a grip on science and education,[14] and that they were an inherent drag on an independent, Portuguese-style iluminismo. He was especially familiar with the anti-Jesuit tradition of Britain, and in Vienna he had made friends with Gerhard van Swieten, a confidant of Maria Theresa of Austria and a staunch adversary of the Austrian Jesuits' influence. As prime minister Pombal engaged the Jesuits in a propaganda war, which was watched closely by the rest of Europe, and he launched a number of conspiracy theories regarding the order's desire for power. During the Távora affair (see below) he accused the Society of Jesus of treason and attempted regicide, a major public relations catastrophe for the order, in the age of absolutism.

...There were long-standing tensions between the Portuguese crown and the Jesuits, so that the Távora affair could be considered a pretext for the climax to the conflict that resulted in the Jesuits’ expulsion from Portugal and its empire in 1759. Jesuit assets were confiscated by the crown.[21] According to historians James Lockhart and Stuart Schwartz, the Jesuits' "independence, power, wealth, control of education, and ties to Rome made the Jesuits obvious targets for Pombal's brand of extreme regalism."
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Re: The Military Order of Christ and Golden Square , SoHo, London

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory
The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory is a Catholic church on Warwick Street, Westminster. It was formerly known as the Royal Bavarian Chapel, because like several Catholic churches in London it originated as a chapel within a foreign embassy.

The origins of the church lie in the chapel established in the 1730s at the Portuguese Embassy on 24 Golden Square.

Responsibility for the chapel passed to the Bavarian embassy in 1747 but it was destroyed in the Gordon Riots in 1780. The replacement church was designed by Joseph Bonomi the Elder, an Italian architect and draughtsman ..

Prayers continued to be said for the King of Bavaria, and the church described as the Royal Bavarian Chapel, until 1871
Saint Gregory - Pope Gregory I
A traditional procession is held in Żejtun, Malta, in honour of Saint Gregory (San Girgor) on Easter Wednesday, which most often falls in April, the range of possible dates being 25 March to 28 April. The feast day of Saint Gregory also serves as a commemorative day for the former pupils of Downside School, called Old Gregorians. Traditionally, OG ties are worn by all of the society's members on this day
Żejtun is a city in the South Eastern Region of Malta, .. Żejtun is traditionally known as Città Beland, a title conferred by the grandmaster of the Order of the Knights of Malta , Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim in 1797. Before that, the village was known as Casale Santa Caterina, named after its patron saint and parish titular. ... zu_Bolheim
Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim, O.S.I. (9 November 1744 – 12 May 1805) was the 71st Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller, formally the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, by then better known as the Knights of Malta. He was the first German elected to the office. It was under his rule that the Order lost the island of Malta to France, after ruling there since 1530. This effectively marked the end of their sovereignty over an independent state, dating from the time of the Crusades.
Voat posts re Knights Hospitaller
The Knights of Malta, the Vatican, another Haitian orphanage and another child sex abuse scandal

this article hints at possible CIA links with the Order,

the Membership list is a virtual who's who of the New World Order club...Bill Clinton, Bush (Sr and Jr), Kissinger, Soros, etc.

The Haiti Child Sex Abuse Scandal

In September 2007, the Knights of Malta (KOM) gave an award to Douglas Perlitz for his ten years of charitable work with Haitian orphan children. The Knights’ publications praised Perlitz repeatedly – in 2005 and in 2008, as well as in 2007.

Perlitz, a Fairfield University graduate who had been a commencement speaker for the school in 2002, set up a child care project in Haiti: Project Pierre Toussaint (PPT). He had active support – including over $2 million in donations to his Haiti Fund – from the Knights of Malta (KOM), affluent alumni and benefactors of Fairfield University, the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (a Canadian order), and other prominent Catholics from the Diocese of Bridgeport
Q Lazzarus - Goodbye Horses viewtopic.php?f=25&p=15386#p15386

COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting viewtopic.php?f=50&p=12076#p12076

Children’s Action Network: Potential New Target viewtopic.php?f=16&p=9953#p9953

Jesuit Hollywood Terrorism by Walter Veith. viewtopic.php?f=50&p=9068#p9068

The Ivermectin Psyop.....imho viewtopic.php?f=50&p=8325#p8325

Cesar Sayok's former employer at New River Pizza attended a private military school where sexual abuse charges were lodged. His connections to military intelligence and the Democrat party are noted.

Remember when? When Q said "What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating with POTUS to ELIMINATE the NWO?"

William Donohue and Jesuit Pedophilia

A ridiculous amount of info from someone on 4chan
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