Marco Polo's Influence on the Great Wall of China

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Marco Polo's Influence on the Great Wall of China

Post by MartinTimothy1 »

Feedback says, "it is extraordinarily obvious these structures have been built by Masons, Martians or both .. coming from Hungary."

Store Dansk.
Marco Polo spent 17 years at the court of Kublai Khan aka the Great Khan after his father and uncle Maffeo and Niccilo Polo first entered his court in 1266, he sent them back to Italy with the commission they return with "one hundred learned men," Marco went with them on their return trip in 1271 meeting with the Khan in 1274.
The Beacon Tower on the Great Wall of China at left has the same Roman eaves and identical brickwork as the clock tower at San Miniato in Tuscany, we say that is because Tuscan architects and tradesmen designed and built the Chinese structure no less.

The Tower at Huánghuchéng Great Wall at left and the Fuente el Saz de Jarama - Hermitage of Solitude, in Madrid, Spain, have identical brick eaves and arches .. sure European architects designed and built the Ming Wall!
We will say the learned men who accompanied the Polos were the wall engineers .. triform arches and similar brickwork at the Roman Ruins at Dougga, in Tunisia, is seen as the pioneer building method that morphed into the Tuscan style that Polo sold to the Khan.
The same way modern arms dealers sell squadrons of fighter jets, or battleships and submarines to whoever can pay .. the Wall engineers copied and endlessly repeated the Tuscan thence Roman motif, of a large arch adjacent to small arch and sheer brickwork seen at the Colonne di San Lorenzo in Milano, and at the Wild Goose Pagoda in Shaanxi Province, China which reinforces the contention Italian builders and architects were in China.

Marco Polo and His Travels.
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