Ritual Human Sacrifice on the Rise in Uganda

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Ritual Human Sacrifice on the Rise in Uganda

Post by MartinTimothy1 »


Witch doctors in Uganda have admitted their part in human sacrifice amid concerns that the practice is spreading in the African country. One man said he had clients who had captured children and taken their blood and body parts to his shrine, while another confessed to killing at least 70 people including his own son.

According to officials trying to tackle it, the crime is directly linked to rising levels of development and prosperity - and an increasing belief that witchcraft can help people get rich quickly. During its investigation, the BBC team witnessed anti sacrifice campaigners torching the shrine of a witch doctor in northern Uganda, who agreed to give up the practice, he said clients came to him in search of wealth.

"They go and capture other people's children. They bring the heart and the blood directly here to take to the spirits," he said, "they bring them in small tins and they place these objects under the tree from which the voices of the spirits are coming." The witch doctor, who said he was paid 500,000 Ugandan shillings, around £160 for a consultation, denied any direct involvement in murder or incitement to murder, saying his spirits spoke directly to clients.

Moses Binoga, the assistant police commissioner who is head of the Ugandan anti human sacrifice and trafficking task force, said there were 26 murders thought to be part of ritual sacrifice last year compared with three cases in 2007. "We also have about 120 children and adults reported missing whose fate we have not traced," he added. "From the experience of those whom we recovered, we cannot rule out that they may be victims of human sacrifice."

Studio Edirisa Blog - Archive Ritual child sacrifice in Uganda?
Daily Mail.
In August 2006 a court in Kampala district charged a traditional doctor and his wife with a young boy. Reports like these are not uncommon. Despite the rise of Christianity and Islam there are still witchdoctors in Uganda practicing traditional faiths, including ritual sacrifice, it can be used for various purposes, broadly speaking a human sacrifice is meant to appease the spirits or the gods.

An offering of this kind is alleged to bring protection, wealth, good fortune or health. For a select group the construction of a new building, road or bridge requires a sacrifice. Developers wish to protect their lands, families and businesses. Whilst some make do with slaughtering animals such as bulls or goats others use children. Bodies of victims are most often found decapitated; the head is buried under the site that constructors wish to protect.

At times other body parts are also removed, particularly the genitals, tongue and fingers which are thought to have particular powers. In numerous cases children are kidnapped, stolen or lured away but there are instances of children being sold by their parents and families. The Monitor, August 2006 reported that in October 1998 40 year old James Kareju Mugisha of Mbarara was arrested for attempting to sell his 12 year old son Reuben Mugabe to Strabag Construction Company.

The company has offered Shs3m for his son to be used for ritual sacrifice. James Kareju Mugisha had thirteen children and hoped that by selling one he could escape poverty.
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Re: Ritual Human Sacrifice on the Rise in Uganda

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

Your Telegraph link doesn't work. Here - https://archive.is/hELcc
This is from 2010. Got anything more recent?
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