100 Experts demand Investigation of data suppressed by British Heart Foundation proving COVID Injections damage Heart

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100 Experts demand Investigation of data suppressed by British Heart Foundation proving COVID Injections damage Heart

Post by doginventer »

Over 100 Experts demand Investigation of data suppressed by British Heart Foundation proving COVID Injections damage the Heart – The Expose
On Tuesday, UK Medical Freedom Alliance, Doctors for Patients UK and the Health Advisory & Recovery Team, along with around 100 medical professional co-signatories, sent an open letter to Helen Stephenson, CEO of the Charity Commission, to express their deep concerns about recent allegations made by Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen in the House of Commons.

During his “vaccine harms speech” in mid-December, Mr. Bridgen stated that a whistle-blower alleged that the Oxford University Cardiology Research department, whose lead clinician, Professor Charalambos Antoniades is funded by the British Heart Foundation (“BHF”) has withheld important data about covid injection harms, for fear of losing funding from the pharmaceutical industry, and was therefore prioritising funding over patient safety.

In their letter, the group are calling for a full and independent investigation into any suppression of data by the BHF, itself, or by senior BHF grant holders and have made a number of FOI requests.

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance (“UKMFA”) is the UK’s most recognised and respected organisation advocating for every individual’s right to informed consent, bodily autonomy and medical choice.

Doctors For Patients UK (“DfPUK”) was set up in September 2022, by a group of doctors who wanted to create a platform and safe space for clinicians to discuss current issues in healthcare and medicine. The group was borne out of a shared concern that core principles of medical ethics were – and still are – being disregarded, such as the oath to “First do no harm,” the respect for individual bodily autonomy and the need to obtain fully informed consent for all medical interventions.

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Re: 100 Experts demand Investigation of data suppressed by British Heart Foundation proving COVID Injections damage Hear

Post by EricKaliberhall »

Over 100 Experts demand...
Me on "Experts"...
Adepts of the parachute analogy (jump out of the plane without a parachute, and you will die) assume a linear relationship between cause and effect. This was one of the foundations of the first version of Koch's principles of infection: one bug, one set of symptoms, one disease, and then eventually one treatment. Unfortunately, in real life, this is rarely the case.
But it is very effective when the purpose is propaganda and brainwashing. Take the vaccine or die. I've observed the thought process in the vaccinated and I've come to the following conclusions: They are incapable of lateral thinking, they don't have a long term memory and a selective short term memory, and critical thinking is only allowed by "Experts"...
The self proclaimed "Expert" exhibits Myopic thinking. This is good for the persons work, sadly the Myopic thinking/attitude is what prevents the "Expert" from seeing the bigger picture of what's going on. Compartmentalization comes to mind.

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