Judge in the Edgar Maddison Welch case is top contender for the Supreme Court

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Judge in the Edgar Maddison Welch case is top contender for the Supreme Court

Post by EricKaliberhall »

Since Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer announced last month that he would retire, court watchers have identified a short list of potential contenders for the seat– particularly based on President Joe Biden’s promise to name a Black woman to the nation’s highest court.

Ketanji Brown Jackson, J. Michelle Childs and Leondra Kruger have all been discussed as possible nominees for the Supreme Court. Biden’s nominee, the first of his presidency, will face a Senate confirmation process after she is named.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was born in Washington D.C. and grew up in Florida. She was president of the debate team in high school, to which she attributes much of her early success. She went on to earn honors degrees from Harvard and Harvard Law.

Early in her career, she attained three federal clerkships, including one under Justice Stephen Breyer, who she could now possibly replace. Unusual among the Supreme Court, Jackson became a public defender and would go on to become vice chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission. On the commission, she fought for more racially equitable drug penalties.

She was nominated to the federal bench in 2012. During this time, she sentenced the man who fired his gun in a D.C. pizza shop due to his belief in the so-called Pizzagate conspiracy.

Jackson was a longshot pick of sorts back in 2016 when former President Barack Obama was looking to fill a vacancy left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Today, she’s considered a leading contender.

=> https://archive.is/F27Zt <=
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Re: Judge in the Edgar Maddison Welch case is top contender for the Supreme Court

Post by brwn »

.......Welch later told police he wanted to “self-investigate” the fictitious online rumors, which began after Podesta’s
hacked emails, released by WikiLeaks, showed he had considered a possible fundraiser with the pizzeria’s owner.

Those emails transformed into a conspiracy about child abuse on the anonymous message board 4chan, seeped
out on to forums like Reddit and Facebook, and were amplified by spurious websites such as InfoWars, which is
run by Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist who has interviewed Donald Trump.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/201 ... alex-jones

Justice Leondra Kruger-----A stint in the Obama administration, including arguments at the Supreme Court
California Governor Jerry Brown nominated Kruger to a seat on the Supreme Court of California. She was publicly praised Att Gen Eric Holder, Obama's then-Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr., Obama's former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal, and former Solicitor General (under President George W. Bush) Paul Clement.

J. Michelle Childs------------whose early life was shaped by gun violence. President Barack Obama nominated Childs to serve on the US District Court for the District of South Carolina. Childs ruled in favor of two women who sued to have the state recognize their marriage performed in Washington, D.C., finding South Carolina's failure to recognize their marriage to be unconstitutional.Liberal

Ketanji Brown Jackson--------- heres a photo of her holding winnie the pooh stuffed animal and book
she was quoted in the 1988 Palmetto High yearbook ,naming her to the graduation class Hall
of Fame.https://www.politico.com/newsletters/we ... s-00011718
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/ ... rylink=cpy
https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/ ... 32708.html

Jackson studied government at Harvard Un. When she was in college, her uncle was sentenced to life in prison
due to a nonviolent cocaine conviction. Jackson persuaded a law firm to take his case pro bono, and
President Barack Obama eventually commuted his sentence. In 2012, President Barack Obama nominated
her to serve as a district court judge in the capital.

btw: '"..... I haven't been able to find a single case where she has had a child porn offender, a pedophile in front of her, where she hasn't given him the most lenient sentence she possibly could," ....hmm

Judge was responsible for the Comet PingPong /Pizzagate shooter case. She sentenced him to four years in prison,
https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/U ... 1063-1.pdf
https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zo ... gest-cases
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Re: Judge in the Edgar Maddison Welch case is top contender for the Supreme Court

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Re: Judge in the Edgar Maddison Welch case is top contender for the Supreme Court

Post by EricKaliberhall »

Ketanji Brown Jackson Disagreed with Expert Witness’s Definition of Pedophilia
Ketanji Brown Jackson disagreed with her expert witness’s definition of pedophilia during a hearing while serving as Vice-Chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

At a February 2012 sentencing commission hearing, Jackson debated the definition of pedophilia with expert witnesses Gerald Grant, a digital forensics investigator; James Fottrell, a U.S. Department of Justice criminal child exploitation expert; and Dr. Gene Abel, founder of a medical group that works to identify pedophiles.

During a 2012 sentencing hearing, Jackson said:
I’m wondering whether you could say that there is a — that there could be a less-serious child pornography offender who is engaging in the type of conduct in the group experience level because their motivation is the challenge, or to use the technology? They’re very sophisticated technologically, but they aren’t necessarily that interested in the child pornography piece of it?
difficult” to say those kinds of offenders are “not dangerous.”

Jackson then went on to talk about how she “mistakingly assumed that child pornography offenders are pedophiles.”

“So I’m trying to understand this category of non-pedophiles who obtain child pornography. And are those the people who you are saying are the nonsexually motivated offenders?” Jackson asked.

Dr. Abel told Jackson, “I think you ought to keep your previous definition, quite frankly.”

Abel said:
There are individuals who collect. And sometimes they’ll collect ten gigs of images, and they won’t look at them. They are collectors. But that’s kind of rare. There are people who collect just for collecting purposes, you know, but the majority of these individuals are collecting over time. If they’re collecting over time, then they have interest over time. If it’s greater than six months, they meet the definition of pedophilia. So that’s why I say in general I would keep your old definition as being accurate. But I would agree that there are other reasons that people get involved in looking at child pornography, but I’ll put my nickel on pedophilia.
Jackson’s lenient sentences for child sex offenders were thrown into the forefront of her confirmation hearings after Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley (R) exposed her record in an 18-tweet thread the week before her hearings.
=> https://archive.ph/p4Vvg#selection-643.0-643.162 <=

Ketanji Brown Jackson is herself a Satanic Pedophile working for the Cabal.

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Re: Judge in the Edgar Maddison Welch case is top contender for the Supreme Court

Post by EricKaliberhall »

Senate confirms Ketanji Brown Jackson as first black, satanic, pedophile, woman on the Supreme Court...
The Senate confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court Thursday, making her the first black woman and first former federal public defender to be elevated to the nation’s highest court.

Three Republican senators — Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitt Romney of Utah — voted with all 50 Democrats to confirm Jackson. Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the vote, which was held up for several minutes to allow Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to cast a “no” vote.

Biden and Jackson watched on a TV in the White House Roosevelt Room as Harris said “this nomination is confirmed.”

“Alright! OK!” Biden said, pumping his fist and wrapping an arm around Jackson’s shoulders. The exchange was shown in an edited White House video released hours later.

No reporters or TV cameras were allowed into the Roosevelt Room, but in a rare limited grant of access, Biden’s press staff allowed still photographers to snap shots of the moment.
=> https://archive.ph/6EgUa <=

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Re: Judge in the Edgar Maddison Welch case is top contender for the Supreme Court

Post by EricKaliberhall »

Oh! Look everyone, Ketanji Brown Jackson and Sheila Jackson Lee are pedophile friends... Pray for the children!


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