Is the Septuagint false? What about the Dead Sea scrolls? "The BIG questions for us today" [1.53.53]

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Is the Septuagint false? What about the Dead Sea scrolls? "The BIG questions for us today" [1.53.53]

Post by doginventer »

Is the Septuagint false? What about the Dead Sea scrolls? "The BIG questions for us today" [1.53.53]
The Septuagint
Christendom is founded on the Septuagint LXX: ‘the earliest translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek. How reliable is that as the primary source?
What about the Dead Sea Scrolls? How do the Dead Sea Scrolls relate to the Judeo / Roman bible. Why are these books not included?
Surely we all need to know the answer to these fundamental questions !!!
Join us on “Answers for our Time” with guest and UK Independent Researcher Malcolm David, Jessica Knock: "Eating Wild Honey and Locusts" & Dr. Stephen Pidgeo: "Cepher Publishing."
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