The connection between Herman Nitsch and Abramovic.

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The connection between Herman Nitsch and Abramovic.

Post by Tanngnjostr »

It only took us over 5 years, but we finally have a connection between the graphically violent art of Marina Abramovic and the over-the-top bloody and sacrilegious death fetishizing bacchanals that are the art of Hermann Nitsch. His last art piece after his death (which is just as gross as any of his others) featured Miles Greenberg, the protege of Marina Abramovic. Credit goes to Throwaway345678 for the original post on Nitsch. (WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC AND GORY) "A Dark and Twisted Celebration
The resplendent weekend saw scores of Nitsch’s oldest and longest collaborators in attendance, as well as three orchestras, a chamber music group, a choral school, a large mixed choir, a carpenter, and a butcher. There was also more than 3,000 kilograms (6,000 pounds) of tomatoes and grapes, and 1,000 litres of blood.

The condensed version of the so-called work 6-day-play was a total assault on the senses—a symphony of life and death and a gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art) with no concern for moral turpitude whatsoever. Initially set to to take place in 2020 before being delayed, the artist had left specific instructions for the piece with few details spared, even outlining the tastes and smells that were to be experienced.

Pepe Morra, Nitsch’s longtime friend and founder of the Museo Nitsch in Naples, was present alongside others who had been close to the artist. Yet the enduring legacy of Nitsch was not lost on the wider group of attendees, including the bat-eating performance artist Petr Davydtchenko or Miles Greenberg, the 24-year protégé of Marina Abramovic who is known for durational performances that have included walking on a conveyor belt for 24-hours straight (minus the 20 minutes he lost consciousness)."

Here are more links on Miles Greenberg.

"“I eat a bat alive to destroy the power of Big Pharma,” Davydtchenko says. According to a press statement, the work was made in protest after some of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies ‘refused to take part in a World Health Organisation [WHO] proposal that would ensure that any medicine would be patent-free and fairly distributed to those in need’."
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Re: The connection between Herman Nitsch and Abramovic.

Post by Heisenberg123 »

I remember finding some trippy info on this as well. Just scan for Herman and theres lots more.

Going back to Marina Abramovic. Maybe you've heard about Viennese Actionism, very sick stuff. That's where more connections of Marina Abramovic appear and it does not look good.
Viennese Actionism was a short and violent movement in 20th-century art. It can be regarded as part of the many independent efforts of the 1960s to develop "performance art" (Fluxus, happening, action painting, body art, etc.). Its main participants were Günter Brus, Otto Mühl, Hermann Nitsch, and Rudolf Schwarzkogler. As "actionists", they were active between 1960 and 1971. Most have continued their artistic work independently from the early 1970s onwards.
Otto Muehl (16 June 1925 – 26 May 2013) was an Austrian artist, who was known as one of the co-founders as well as a main participant of Viennese Actionism and for founding the Friedrichshof Commune.
In 1972 he founded the Friedrichshof Commune, which has been viewed by some as an authoritarian sect,[2] and that existed for several years before falling apart in the 1990s. In 1991, Muehl was convicted of sexual offences with minors and drugs offences and sentenced to 7 years imprisonment. He was released in 1997, after serving six and a half years,[3] and set up a smaller commune in Portugal.
In 1962, together with Otto Muehl and Adolf Frohner, he performed the three-part action “The Blood Organ” in Vienna, for which a joint manifesto was published. At the beginning of the 1960s, he developed the main ideas for his Orgie Mysterien Theater. Nitsch's Orgien Mysterien Theater performances (or Aktionen, as he calls them) can be considered both ritualistic and existential. The scene is often involved with slaughters, religious sacrifices, crucifixion, as well as blood and flesh.
Sick "art" world, sick details. ... 7348958208 [ ]
In 1975 Marina Abramović participated with 59 people in the performance "Orgien Mysterien Theater" by Hermann Nitsch.
Marina Abramović, even though not being part of the Viennese Actionism movement, also took part as a performing artist in one of his actions.
Otto Muehl was not only a bloody satanist but as previously mentioned - also a pedophile ... CN20130527
VIENNA (Reuters) - Otto Muehl, one of Austria’s most provocative artists who was jailed for sexual offences against minors in 1991, died on Sunday aged 87, the Austria Press Agency said.

He was best known as a co-founder of Viennese Actionism, an avant-garde movement that caused outrage with its graphic images of paint-daubed, naked bodies, blood and violence.
As previously pointed out Otto Muehl was founder of a legit evil sect that abused minors: ... ganisation
The Aktionsanalytische Organisation (AAO), commonly known as the Friedrichshof Commune, was an Austrian far-left commune in Friedrichshof outside Vienna. The organization was founded in 1972 by artist Otto Muehl and dissolved in 1990. AAO became an authoritarian sect, described as a "psycho sect" by authors Nordhausen and Billerbeck.[1] AAO was devoted to a breakdown of established social habits and beliefs, partly inspired by ideas of Wilhelm Reich.

Muehl was subsequently convicted of widespread sexual abuse of minors who lived in the commune and sentenced to 7 years in prison.
And here comes connection to Marina Abramovic:
Otto Muehl et Marina Abramovic
du 4 septembre au 5 novembre 2004
Marina Abramovic, Otto Muehl
Event type
da 04.09.2004 a 07.11.2004
Musée Jenisch Vevey
2, avenue de la Gare
1800 Vevey
And here:

Social media profiles of our persons of interest - Luca Guarini and Luigi Vitali: [ on private ]

Luca Guarini being friends with Luigi Vitali on Facebook;


Luca Guarini is friend with Claudio Parentela:

Source: +

Now that's interesting because it was Claudio Parentela who run interview with Biljana Djurdjevic (friend of James Alefantis and Tony Podesta [ viewtopic.php?p=11796#p11796 ], creator of pedosadist paintings) and it was Claudio who posted it on ... 3:33 AM (weird right?) and that was in year 2007

Check this out: [ archive: ] [ notice Claudio Parentela, owner of the blog ] [ notice 3:33 and Claudio Parentela ]

https://thethermostatandthegreendragoon ... jevic.html [ ]

Important parts of interview quoted:
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Interview with Biljana Djurdjevic

q) Introduce yourself first please?

a)Biljana Djurdjevic, artist

q) Where do you live and work?

a)Belgrade, Serbia.

q) How did you start? How have you realized you wanted to become an artist?

a)Since ever I have been interesting in painting, I attended junior art school and after I finished my regular prime school education I attend high school in arts, when I finished that logical move was to go further, so I went to Fine Arts Academy in Belgrade.
q) How do you dream up with your wacky ideas? What is your creation process?

a)I read a lot, from junky novels to pure art novels, am addicted to TV who works 24 hours per day, I hardly watch but I need to have it in the room, maybe it is compilation of my thoughts that I collect through ordinary day like seeing some old man struggling with his poverty and starting to fade from the face of earth without being seen at all, or seeing an other victim of paedophilia for this and other subjects unfortunately I didn’t need any imagination. Just a pure reality.

q) What is the strangest thing you have ever done?

a)There is no such thing in my life; probably that is the strangest thing.

q)your contacts….e-mail…links

a)Biljana Djurdjevic

posted by Parentela Claudio @ 3:33 AM
You might want to dig into Parentela Claudio through those links: [ ] ... r-freedom/

He is using few Instagram accounts:

And his other social media: ... art-blogs/

I'll just post it here:
&other my web sites,my socials,my art blogs…interviews ... iHaeR1_0fQ
My Art Blogs:
Interviews: ... r-freedom/
Scan everything.


Going back to Luca Guarini and his friends, I've found another one ... interesting one, Gottfried Helnwein ->
Source: - this account even seems to predate verified Helnwein account which means it was older and more personal?

And from official one he's liking Pan's Labirynth, now that's one freaking strange movie IMHO [ if you don't know what I'm talking about: ] ... /likes_all

Who is he? Well, he is using children in his art, in pretty violent looking way: ... -of-Vienna ... #The_Child
Helnwein's early work consists mainly of hyper-realistic watercolors, depicting wounded children, as well as photographs and performances – often with children – in public spaces. The bandaged child became the most important figure next to the artist himself allied with him in his actions: the embodiment of the innocent, defenceless individual at the mercy of brute force.

Art historian Peter Gorsen specified the relation between Helnwein's work and Viennese Actionism:
Helnwein must be set apart from Viennese Actionism as he does not reduce the child's body to mere aesthetic material (as in the "material actions" of Günter Brus, Hermann Nitsch, and Otto Muehl), but instead endows it with a symbolic function in representing defenceless, sacrificed man. The sexualistic concept of the child in (Freud-influenced) Viennese Actionism is countered by the moralist and utopian Helnwein with the child as a sexless salvation figure.[28]
In 2004, The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco organized the first one-person exhibition of Gottfried Helnwein at an American Museum: "The Child, works by Gottfried Helnwein" at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor.[29]

Harry S. Parker III, director of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco stated:
For Helnwein, the child is the symbol of innocence, but also of innocence betrayed. In today's world, the malevolent forces of war, poverty, and sexual exploitation and the numbing, predatory influence of modern media assault the virtue of children. Helnwein's work concerning the child includes paintings, drawings, and photographs, and it ranges from subtle inscrutability to scenes of stark brutality.

Of course, brutal scenes – witness The Massacre of the Innocents – have been important and regularly visited motifs in the history of art. What makes Helnwein's art significant is its ability to make us reflect emotionally and intellectually on the very expressive subjects he chooses. Many people feel that museums should be a refuge in which to experience quiet beauty divorced from the coarseness of the world. This notion sells short the purposes of art, the function of museums, and the intellectual curiosity of the public.

The Child: Works by Gottfried Helnwein will inspire and enlighten many; it is also sure to upset some. It is not only the right but the responsibility of the museum to present art that deals with important and sometimes controversial topics in our society".[30]
The show was seen by almost 130,000 visitors and the San Francisco Chronicle quoted it the most important exhibition of a contemporary artist in 2004. Steven Winn, Chronicle Arts and Culture critic, wrote: "Helnwein's large format, photo-realist images of children of various demeanors boldly probed the subconscious. Innocence, sexuality, victimization and haunting self-possession surge and flicker in Helnwein's unnerving work".[31]
Reference to Viennese Actionism is kinda interesting because people from that movement were cooperating with Marina Abramovic and one of them even run legit free sex/abuse sect (widespread abuse of children in that sect ) and that is Otto Muhl, but other sicko is Hermann Nitsch. Check this out:


And going back to Gottfried Helnwein, his profile:

And this is pretty weird: ... empel.html ... pel_17.jpg [ ... 2848a4.jpg ]

Gottfried is running some weird stuff with satanic Marilyn Manson; ... Golden-Age

They became friends in 2003:
In 2003 he became friends with Marilyn Manson[47] and started a collaboration with him on the multi-media art-project The Golden Age of Grotesque and on several experimental video-projects.
and, obviously a satanist
Manson was a friend of Anton LaVey,[127][128] who in his early writings, Manson claimed inducted him as a minister in the Church of Satan. Manson later downplayed this, stating that he was "not necessarily" a minister in the Church of Satan. "That was something earlier," Manson continued. "It was a friend of mine who's now dead, who was a philosopher that I thought I learned a lot from. And that was a title I was given, so a lot of people made a lot out of it. But it's not a real job, I didn't get paid for it."[129] The Church of Satan itself later confirmed Manson was never ordained as a minister in their church.[130]

Despite that, Manson has been described as "the highest profile Satanist ever" with strong anti-Christian views and social Darwinist leanings.[131] However, Manson denies this, and stated the following:
"I'm not a misanthrope. I'm not a nihilist. I'm not an atheist. I believe in spirituality, but it really has to come from somewhere else. I learned a long time ago, you can't try to change the world, you can just try to make something in it. I think that's my spirituality, it's putting something into the world. If you take all the basic principles of any religion, it's usually about creation. There's also destruction, but creation essentially. I was raised Christian. I went to a Christian school, because my parents wanted me to get a better education. But when I got kicked out I was sent to public school, and got beat up more by the public school kids. But then I'd go to my friend's Passover and have fun."
— Marilyn Manson[132]
Manson is also familiar with the writings of Aleister Crowley and Friedrich Nietzsche. He quotes Crowley throughout his autobiography, including Thelema's principal dictum, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."[133] Crowley's esoteric subject matter forms an important leitmotif in much of Manson's early work.[134]
And more ..
On 3 December 2005, his friend Marilyn Manson and Dita Von Teese were married in a private, non-denominational ceremony at Helnwein's castle.[20] The wedding was officiated by surrealist film director Alejandro Jodorowsky[21] Gottfried Helnwein was best man[22][23] ... _2470.html
The couple exchanged vows after dark at a private ceremony in the home of their artist friend Gottfried Helnwein.
Shock-rocker Marilyn Manson tied the knot with his burlesque bride Dita Von Teese in a secret ceremony in Tipperary last night. The couple exchanged vows after dark at a private ceremony in the home of their artist friend Gottfried Helnwein.
The stately castle of Gurteen de La Poer where Helnwein lives with his family was transformed into a gothic fortress as pals including Lisa Marie Presley, Johnny Depp, Madonna and her husband Guy Ritchie arrived for the event. As darkness fell, former stripper Dita, 32, walked through the gothic arches of the castle's Great Hall to the sound of a harp - dressed in a stunning gown designed by Vivienne Westwood and corset expert Mr. Pearl.

But theres more about Gottfried Helnwein, I've found him listed in same places and magazines as Biljana Djurdjevic or Otto Muhl or ...Herman Nitsch ... =39&id=279
Artistas en la exposición:
Siegfried Anzinger, Christian Ludwig Attersee, Teodora Axente, Asad Azi, Stephan Balkenhol, Herbert Boeckl, Arik Brauer, Piot Brehmer, Günter Brus, Francesco Clemente, Arnold Clementschitsch, Chuck Close, Biljana Djurdjević, Fang Lijun, Judy Fox, Adolf Frohner, Mira Gáberová, Mona Hakimi-Schüler, Gottfried Helnwein, Michael Horsky, Alfred Hrdlicka, Jörg Immendorff, Martha Jungwirth, Johanna Kandl, Martin Kippenberger, Elke Krystufek, Maria Lassnig, Marie Luise Lebschik, Rosa Loy, Markus Lüpertz, Marcin Maciejowski, Jonathan Meese, Jürgen Messensee, Virgilius Moldovan, Muntean/Rosenblum, Zoran Mušič, Hermann Nitsch, Oswald Oberhuber, Sergius Pauser, Katrin Plavčak, Arnulf Rainer, Neo Rauch, Daniel Richter, Franz Ringel, Martin Schnur, Peter Sengl, Antoni Tàpies, Oswald Tschirtner, Andreas Urteil, Wang Dajun, Reimo Wukounig, Yang Shaobin, Yue Minjun, Herwig Zens. ... apName=org
Bai Yiluo, Fang Lijun, Hong Hao, Jahanguir, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Miao Xiaochun, Muntean/Rosenblum, Nie Mu, propeller z, Rong Rong, Yan Lei, Yang Shaobin, Yue Minjun, Adolf Frohner, Agnes Essl, Albert Oehlen, Aleksandar Stankovski, Alex Katz, Alfons Schilling, Alfred Kubin, Alois Mosbacher, Anish Kapoor, Anselm Kiefer, Anton Henning, Antoni Maznevski, Antoni Tàpies, Arnold Clementschitsch, Arnulf Rainer, Asger Jorn, August Walla, Barry Flanagan, Beat Zoderer, Bernard Frize, Bettina Rheims, Biljana Djurdjevic, Bill Viola, Birgit Jürgenssen, Boris Viskin, Braco Dimitrijevic, Carl Fahringer, Carl Unger, Cecily Brown, Christian Brandl, Christian Gonzenbach, Christian Hahn, Christian Schmidt-Rasmussen, Christian Ludwig Attersee, Christoph Ruckhäberle, Cindy Sherman, Cory Arcangel, Cristian Pogacean, Damien Hirst, Daniel Lezama, Daniel Richter, Daniel Spoerri, Dave Bailey, David Salle, Deborah Sengl, Destiny Deacon, Dieter Roth, Donald Baechler, Eduard Angeli, Eduardo Chillida, Elke Krystufek, Emilio Vedova, Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Erwin Wurm, Esther Stocker, Eva Schlegel, Evan Penny, Francesco Clemente, Francis Bacon, Frank Stella, Franz Graf, Franz Kamlander, Franz Ringel, Franz West, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Gabriel Orozco, Gentian Shkurti, Georg Baselitz, Georg Eisler, Gerhard Richter, Gottfried Helnwein, Gudrun Kampl, Gülsün Karamustafa, Günter Brus, Gunter Damisch, Hans Bischoffshausen, Hans Fronius, Hartwig Ebersbach, Heimo Zobernig, Herbert Boeckl, Herbert Brandl, Hermann Nitsch, Hubert Scheibl, Jakub Nepras, James Connelly, Jannis Kounellis, Jeppe Hein, Jim Dine, Johann Fischer, Johann Hauser, Jonathan Meese, Jörg Immendorff, Josef Mikl, Juan Muñoz, Julian Opie, Karlheinz Essl, Karlheinz Essl jr., Katerina Šedá, Katrin Plavcak, Lucio Fontana, Ludwig Heinrich Jungnickel, Maja Bajevic, Marc Quinn, Marcin Maciejowski, Maria Lassnig, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Mariela Gemisheva, Mark Verlan, Markus Lüpertz, Markus Prachensky, Martin Kippenberger, Max Weiler, Melanie Smith, Michael Kos, Mimmo Paladino, Morris Louis, Nam June Paik, Neo Rauch, Norbert Schwontkowski, Oswald Oberhuber, Otto Muehl, Paul Flora, Paul McCarthy, Per Kirkeby, Peter Halley, Peter Kogler, Peter Land, Peter Pongratz, Peter Sengl, Philip Taaffe, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Pierre Soulages, Reimo Serge Wukounig, Richard Bell, Robert Zeppel-Sperl, Ronald Kodritsch, Rosemarie Trockel, Rover Thomas, Rudolf Schwarzkogler, Sam Francis, Shirin Neshat, Siegfried Anzinger, Siggi Hofer, Sigmar Polke, Sokol Beqiri, Stephan Balkenhol, Sylvia Hostettler, Thomas Ruff, Tilo Baumgärtel, Tobias Lehner, Tony Cragg, Tony Oursler, Ugo Rondinone, VALIE EXPORT, Vanessa Beecroft, Wolfgang Herzig, Wolfgang Hollegha, Zoran Antonio Mušic.

Siegfried Anzinger, Christian Ludwig Attersee, Teodora Axente, Asad Azi, Stephan Balkenhol, Herbert Boeckl, Arik Brauer, Piot Brehmer, Günter Brus, Francesco Clemente, Arnold Clementschitsch, Chuck Close, Wang Dajun, Biljana Djurdjevic, Judy Fox, Adolf Frohner, Mira Gáberová, Mona Hakimi-Schüler, Gottfried Helnwein, Michael Horsky, Alfred Hrdlicka, Jörg Immendorff, Martha Jungwirth, Johanna Kandl, Martin Kippenberger, Elke Krystufek, Maria Lassnig, Marie Luise Lebschik, Fang Lijun, Rosa Loy, Markus Lüpertz, Marcin Maciejowski, Jonathan Meese, Jürgen Messensee, Yue Minjun, Virgilius Moldovan, Zoran Muši ?, Hermann Nitsch, Oswald Oberhuber, Sergius Pauser, Katrin Plavcak, Arnulf Rainer, Neo Rauch, Daniel Richter, Franz Ringel, Muntean / Rosenblum, Martin Schnur, Peter Sengl, Yang Shaobin, Oswald Tschirtner, Antoni Tàpies, Andreas Judgment,Reimo Wukounig, Herwig Zens

And here's some article on Gottfried "art" and Biljana Djurdjevic is mentioned too: ... rrealizma/ [ on Gottfried's own deviantart page: ... -276140593 ]

Gottfried's creations shown on the same photography as Djurdjevic's creations:

Here it's in form of magazine: ... 4_2016/320
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Sun Oct 09, 2022 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The connection between Herman Nitsch and Abramovic.

Post by Tanngnjostr »

Great post, thanks!
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Re: The connection between Herman Nitsch and Abramovic.

Post by NinaSparrow »

Very well written. 👍🙏🙏🙏
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