SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

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SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by Heebro »

How true is this summary about Voat and Q?

https://old.reddit.com/r/ConspiracyDisc ... t_hard_to/
On Voat, which shut down to prevent Hunter Biden data from spreading, the Q astroturfing movement on Voat was managed by shills like Bill Haney and Suzanne Ayson, who was sharing nude photos of herself to other moderators (like Bill... does his wife know?) to inculcate multiple sub groups in her favor, and in Q’s favor. This resulted in a lot of “alt right” moderators censoring alt right content, including the origins of Q and the leaked Hunter Biden data, which was completely ignored by the Q movement and is still being ignored by the Q movement.

Off of Voat, it seems that a small group, in 2016, had plans to use "IamQ" as a kind of platform/brand to reveal information on corruption, particularly around the child trafficking. Pamphlet Anon and Crew, then, co-opted the whole idea and used other people's research to actually be Q posters. The intelligence realm entered the equation and moved Q posters onto 8chan, now 8kun, mainly because it was one of the most nefarious places on the Internet with child porn being rampant. The idea that people against CP would use a notorious CP board was suspicious, to say the least.

I believe it was a wakeful moment for many users of Voat when Pizzagate information was being censored by influencers within the Q movement. Drama was inserted into “research’ subreddits to derail them and splinter the research groups. "Strategy of Tension." "Organizational Paradoxes."

Gamergate was a similar version of this, where feminine wiles were used to compromise and bias journalists that operated in the gaming realm. While users were painted as “alt right” extremists, the truth is that they took offense when supposedly trustworthy sources of information had turned dishonest over promises of sex.

Many news outlets reported on Watkins and the people involved in 8chan’s involvement with the Q movement, but we have video evidence that Coleman Rogers aka “Pamphlet Anon” was the person originating the posts, themselves; that the Q movement had no inside information and was exploiting the work of crowd sourced research from average Internet users; and that the astroturfers on both sides of political issues, with the help of Big Tech, protected the Q movement puppet masters from exposure.
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Re: SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by chrimony »

Heebro wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:42 pm How true is this summary about Voat and Q?

https://old.reddit.com/r/ConspiracyDisc ... t_hard_to/
On Voat, which shut down to prevent Hunter Biden data from spreading
I couldn't tell you about the rest, but the post starts out with bullshit. Voat shut down on Christmas Day. The Hunter Biden story was an October surprise. Putt said he kept Voat up out of his own pocket for several months to cover the election before shutting down. I believe him.
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Re: SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by Savesequim »

chrimony wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:53 pm
Heebro wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 2:42 pm How true is this summary about Voat and Q?

https://old.reddit.com/r/ConspiracyDisc ... t_hard_to/
On Voat, which shut down to prevent Hunter Biden data from spreading
I couldn't tell you about the rest, but the post starts out with bullshit. Voat shut down on Christmas Day. The Hunter Biden story was an October surprise. Putt said he kept Voat up out of his own pocket for several months to cover the election before shutting down. I believe him.
I find the timing totally suspect. Christmas? 2 weeks before J6? Considering there was considerable "stop the steal" pushes, by his own logic he ought to have kept it open through the inauguration.

Re: vin/srayzie claims, I have no idea but intend to research it and post my findings...(if Searchvoat deems it acceptable/not a violation of site Doxxing rules)
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Re: SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by chrimony »

Savesequim wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:51 am I find the timing totally suspect. Christmas?
Putt chose that as a symbolic date.
2 weeks before J6? Considering there was considerable "stop the steal" pushes, by his own logic he ought to have kept it open through the inauguration.
There's always crap going on. Putt could have left the site up indefinitely on that grounds. Trump lost, his challenges were going nowhere. I don't recall any serious organizing on Voat about actually real-life protesting. Of course the Qtards were always predicting Trump would flip the script, keep the presidency, and arrest the election fraudsters, but this never happened, and they never stopped predicting nonsense, or even pretending that Trump was actually still president. A truly demented crowd addicted to copium.
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Re: SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by Savesequim »

chrimony wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 10:18 am
Savesequim wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:51 am I find the timing totally suspect. Christmas?
Putt chose that as a symbolic date.
2 weeks before J6? Considering there was considerable "stop the steal" pushes, by his own logic he ought to have kept it open through the inauguration.
There's always crap going on. Putt could have left the site up indefinitely on that grounds. Trump lost, his challenges were going nowhere. I don't recall any serious organizing on Voat about actually real-life protesting. Of course the Qtards were always predicting Trump would flip the script, keep the presidency, and arrest the election fraudsters, but this never happened, and they never stopped predicting nonsense, or even pretending that Trump was actually still president. A truly demented crowd addicted to copium.
What if I told you Patrick Byrne, Sidney Powell, and Michael Flynn were all guarded by a private security team operated by a Voat user who regularly posted to /GreatAwakening?

And in the months prior to J6 this dude was recruiting Q-believing vets to do "operations" in DC?

And this dude was subpoenad...

If (and this is total speculation) Voat admins were aware of any of this, I think this may have something to do with the timing.

But that's all speculation.
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Re: SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by EricKaliberhall »

And in the months prior to J6 this dude was recruiting Q-believing vets to do "operations" in DC?

And this dude was subpoenad...

Fuckin' kek, you're glowing so bright it's not even funny. Adam "Standard Hotel" Schiff is subpoenaing Qrackheads from Voat for his televised "January 6 insurrection" SHOWtrial... Is that what you're telling us?

Hey Adam, what happened at the Standard Hotel? - https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2375412

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Re: SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by Savesequim »

EricKaliberhall wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:51 am
And in the months prior to J6 this dude was recruiting Q-believing vets to do "operations" in DC?

And this dude was subpoenad...

Fuckin' kek, you're glowing so bright it's not even funny. Adam "Standard Hotel" Schiff is subpoenaing Qrackheads from Voat for his televised "January 6 insurrection" SHOWtrial... Is that what you're telling us?

Hey Adam, what happened at the Standard Hotel? - https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2375412

Glowing? how? I'm providing additional information that hasn't even been reported in the press.

On 12/18, there were posts like this: https://searchvoat.co/v/QRV/4164521/26844445

"We need a 3 million armed Patriot rally to storm Washington DC. Fuck the system at this point. Let’s go, January 5-7th or 19-21st. constitution in one hand, firearms in the other. 1 million will surround the whitehouse, backs toward it, as a “protest” to protect THE LEGITIMATE POTUS and prevent Trump from leaving. We will then March 1 million other people to the capitol building to prevent Pelosi and the corrupt Dems from entering. Lastly, 1 million of us March to the SCOTUS. To remove the corrupt judges...THAT is how you enact real change. Let’s do it."

"So after we “storm the castle” of DC, we fuck their shit up and destroy the MSM. Simple."

"better let's have Oath Keepers storm with us. patriot LEOs must separate from their corrupt occupiers."

3 days later on 12/21 Putt announced the site was closing: https://searchvoat.co/v/announcements/4169936

Either real Voaters, or bad actors, were already saying they should "storm the castle" alongside right-wing vet orgs. I'm actually suggesting that @PuttItOut may have taken the lavabit route of shutting down his site instead of complying with an order to hand over information (like ip addresses or private messages between users)

Given the user I reference openly proclaimed his identity by linking to articles he wrote in his own name. Revealing the info wouldn't even be a dox, I'm simply honoring a conversation I had with @SearchVoat in which he told me he'd interpret doxxing rules liberally.

"Qrackheads" like you may already have your information in the hands of the J6 committee (as could any Voat user). Maintaining the Q farce is only giving people like Adam Schiff and those who seek to prosecute QAnoners more ammo.
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Re: SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by Savesequim »

EricKaliberhall wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 8:51 am
And in the months prior to J6 this dude was recruiting Q-believing vets to do "operations" in DC?

And this dude was subpoenad...

Fuckin' kek, you're glowing so bright it's not even funny. Adam "Standard Hotel" Schiff is subpoenaing Qrackheads from Voat for his televised "January 6 insurrection" SHOWtrial... Is that what you're telling us?

Hey Adam, what happened at the Standard Hotel? - https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2375412

Yes. A 32 degree freemason and golden dawn affiliated former guard of Dick Cheney who brags about his CIA supporters...isn't that the exact opposite of pizzagaters?
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Re: SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by Crensch »

Last I checked, SWMBO defends EsotericShade.

Dude got caught using an alt to attack PizzaGate researchers, then he'd swoop in and "save" them. Befriend them. Learn stuff about them. Then threaten to dox them if they didn't stop researching/posting.

Anything out of that cunt's mouth is suspect.
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Re: SWMBO Recommended I post this here: How true is this?

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

Crensch wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:17 am Last I checked, SWMBO defends EsotericShade.
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