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26844445? ago

We need a 3 million armed Patriot rally to storm Washington DC. Fuck the system at this point. Let’s go, January 5-7th or 19-21st. constitution in one hand, firearms in the other. 1 million will surround the whitehouse, backs toward it, as a “protest” to protect THE LEGITIMATE POTUS and prevent Trump from leaving. We will then March 1 million other people to the capitol building to prevent Pelosi and the corrupt Dems from entering. Lastly, 1 million of us March to the SCOTUS. To remove the corrupt judges.

THAT is how you enact real change. Let’s do it.

26855462? ago

None of you pussies are doing to do shit. Q had you programmed to “enjoy the show” and sit by with your popcorn because “it’s a movie”. Now you are realizing you were scammed by an internet troll, there was never a “plan”.

Stop pretending. It’s over.

26852122? ago

how about sending 1 million more to Ottawa too?

26850570? ago

Lock down the date and I'm there! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

26849718? ago

Yeah that would work as long as those people were willing to shoot any police that tried to stop them. Wouldn't even need those kinds of numbers. You could do it with a couple of thousand guys. 100 men with semi auto rifles and plentiful ammo is a powerful force, particularly in an urban setting where they're largely protected from air and armor attack. Police couldn't deal with that. It would require a substantial military deployment, and a willingness to level the terrain.

26849511? ago

Surround Robert's house.

26848740? ago

Lmfao you silly redneck faggots. Smh.

26845262? ago

So the highest court in our country and its function has been hijacked by the Left's barbarians? They're literally intimidating our court from doing justice? I don't know how that would mean anything besides that we've entered war territory.

26844786? ago

Except they would call us terrorists BLM are the Patriots

26849749? ago

We wouldn't want to be slandered in the media, would we? Gosh I'd be so mortified.

26862743? ago

Who cares about the fake news the Deep State still control the police the DA and the Judges. As an added bonus your public defender works for the Deep State as well.

26849721? ago

Maybe stop worrying about the mean labels commies use on you?

26862719? ago

Tell that to the cop spraying your face with mace and locking you up while protecting Antifa and BLM. They get all charges dropped while you sit in jail. Ask Saint Kyle Rittenhouse how it works.

26862799? ago

I thought the point of millions of ARMED patriots was to not get arrested.

26862913? ago

It's a start hopefully they dont have drones shooting explosives at the "Evil White People"

26845536? ago

We are beyond the point of needing to care about optics.

26847474? ago

I hate to say it, but that overton window is practically right over that target anyways.

26845303? ago

Fuck those faggots

26862879? ago

Tell that to the cops and the people booking you in jail. They are at war with Patriots. They protect Antifa and arrest Patriots ask Kyle Rittenhouse how it works.

26845241? ago

oh no, not a bad word

26862902? ago

No a visit to jail and a million dollar bail. Not until there are enough Patriots to overtake Antifa/BLM's protection or you end up like Kyle Rittenhouse

26845284? ago

If the Americans would have lost the revolution against Great Britain they would have all been labeled Traitors and executed. Words have meaning.

26844881? ago

they wouldn't be around anymore to call us anything

26844901? ago

I hope to see this paradise on earth before the NWO wipes out all Aryans

26844829? ago

Who are we terrorizing? BLM attacks everything. We are targeting corruption

26844875? ago

MSM will never let white people defend themselves or group up.

26844926? ago

So after we “storm the castle” of DC, we fuck their shit up and destroy the MSM. Simple.

26844969? ago

God Speed Kill Them All Let God Sort Em Out

26846821? ago

Peace through superior firepower.

26844553? ago

I’m down.

26846869? ago

Me too!

26848992? ago

Ok so we have 3 people.

Only 2,999,997 to go.

It’d be cool to see 3 mil people march organizing themselves but not a chance of happening.

26844486? ago

Have live ammo for fucks sake & guts to use it on cops.

26851199? ago

The DC Police would like to thank you for the heads up. I will pass this along to my partners and will see you in DC in January.

26846944? ago

better let's have Oath Keepers storm with us. patriot LEOs must separate from their corrupt occupiers.

26845191? ago

Found the FBI informant.

26845238? ago

Found the total basement dwelling coward.

But I can see your point. Maybe 10,000 Fuckin'BunchaIsraelis would want 1,000,000 armed pissed-off people lighting them up.

Makes total sense.

If your a fucking jew

26850192? ago

It was a joke, but since you took it so personally allow me to spell it out for you. You're literally calling for violent & murderous acts against DC police in a forum that is monitored by no less than 5 three letter agencies plus a half dozen NGO's. Your exclamation doesn't do anyone, of course, because you're a lazy fucktard doing it from the comfort of your own home, but it might incite other idiots to follow suit. You're literally playing the part, purposefully or not, of the agent provocateur giving authorities the justification to trample people's rights. Either way, being an idiotic loud mouth or informant stirring the pot, you're a useless bag of shit.

26851172? ago

You guys got it all wrong. Go hit up the Mayor of DC's house. Want the cops to stand down just like she did for BLM? Go camp outside her house. Fighting the cops won't change the orders there given.

Think of it this way, are you better off yelling at the Apple employee, or right in Steve Jobs face?

26850949? ago

Eatva bag of dicks coward

26850969? ago

Project much?

26851066? ago

Fuck off rabbi

26859899? ago

Apparently you do.

26850932? ago

We are being slaughtered already

26849018? ago

Israelis aren’t even thinking about us right now.

Nice try deflecting from the real enemy (not really).

It’s called ccp and globalist dems.

26845025? ago

That "blue line" is the line that protects the criminals and criminals alone.

Once you realize that, things make more sense.

26845308? ago

The blue line is nothing to me now. They are Zogbots.

26845116? ago

McCloiakis & rittenhouse woke ALOT of folks up.

And I don't trust any cop or sheriff that claims they won't enforce covid lockdowns.

They all lie.

It will be like catching drunks leaving the bar around closing time

26848275? ago

I would like to see any law enforcement stand up to 3 million USA firearm wielding citizens.

26847454? ago

The pension will always outweigh the oath to those people. They are just another militant arm of the left.

26844506? ago

Guts to fight back against anyone that tries to remove POTUS