It all happens at the boat landing...

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It all happens at the boat landing...

Post by antiliberalsociety »

Growing up, I was taught at a young age that you get to see the ingenuity of idiots galore trying to launch and land a boat. There's more idiots per square inch than there is access space.

If you are looking for a release, or just keks, go have a picnic near a boat ramp. My biggest battle are avoiding these idiots. I realize there's a learning curve, but these dipshits can't be taught. I've towed in far too many just because they're a dumbass and didn't think about fuel capacity, paddles, or you know - to MAINTAIN YOUR FUCKING ENGINE SO IT STARTS or to CHECK YOUR FUCKING BATTERY BEFORE LEAVING...

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And no, it's not limited to poor uneducated people with socioeconomic circumstances, I've seen people with boats bigger than my garage unable to get it off the damn trailer. The back of the truck was in the water, electric lights, surge brakes all submerged because he obviously forgot a damn strap somewhere. There's business sense to make money, then there's common sense manhood shit.

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Re: It all happens at the boat landing...

Post by TFS »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: It all happens at the boat landing...

Post by antiliberalsociety »

I might just make this a megapost...

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Fucking geniuses

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Last edited by antiliberalsociety on Tue Jun 07, 2022 4:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: It all happens at the boat landing...

Post by antiliberalsociety »

To commemorate the busiest boating weekend (going into the 4th of July), here's another one.

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This is more on par with what I've seen

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Last edited by antiliberalsociety on Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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