https://consumeproduct.win/p/15IEANWUOv ... sts-on-th/
Update: He made good on nuking his content, only to reactivate immediately after.– JosephGoebbels5 1 hour ago +2 / -0
– Elvis_Interstellar [M] 1 hour ago +4 / -0
> user reports: were - DOXXING ATTEMPT AGAIN! BAN THIS PAID SHILL! trying to doxx me!
Sorry u/were, but a link to a "fun fact" post on talk.lol in no way constitutes doxxing.
– were 45 minutes ago +1 / -2
> Sorry u/were, but a link to a "fun fact" post on talk.lol in no way constitutes doxxing.
Its the very definition of doxxing.
He is insinuating that the IP pathway to that off site post is an account tied to the IP addresses used by this "were" account. Its a lot of work to setup dedicated multistage IP paths.
It does not matter. In 65 minutes from now I am probably going to delete all my content from this site, as its apparent that its become totally out of control and soon unsalvageable without 8 others similar to myself. The Fed agent shills like him, and the Jew shills have run of all the other true intellectuals from this site.
65 minutes from now, I am probably going to delete all my content from this site, and this account
Maybe I will calm down, but maybe not. I guess I will let the feds and shills take over this site.
– Elvis_Interstellar 37 minutes ago +3 / -0
What IP addresses? No one except the website administrator should have access to that sort of information and scored.co doesn't even store it in a raw format.
He's merely insinuating you are one and the same. Which is kind of obvious from the exact same writing style and similar username. You can deny it I guess. Anyone who uses both websites is able to know that and it's not doxxing.
– were 30 minutes ago +1 / -2
You are not thinking of all angles.
regardless. 50 minutes until full self-shoah
Its called doxxing attempt and he is a malevolent force, and a fed, banned TWICE for getting caught twice downvoting me ~340 times in one week on another site, and banned similarly for rule violations on (((ruqqus))). He runs off intellectuals, and targets them sequentially. He often posts various anti-science "space is fake and gay" topics , and "nazi bases under south pole" posts and such to kookify. He is JosephGoebbels5, SturmGewehr03, antiliberalsociety (voat) , TwiceBanned (voat), Scatholic ? (voat), and many more alts).
regardless. 50 minutes until full self-shoah
– JosephGoebbels5 15 minutes ago +2 / -0
> shit voluntarily uploaded to the internet
Nice try fatboy
– Elvis_Interstellar 18 minutes ago +2 / -0
> He often posts various anti-science space is fake and gay topics , and nazi bases under south pole posts and such to kookify
He has done no such thing on here. I can't speak for ruqqus. That site's long gone, deservedly so.
I will not ban him merely because he knows of another account of yours on a different site. As I said before, anyone who uses both website is able to do so. And frankly, why should it matter? You are consciously putting in effort to avoid revealing any personal information (as anyone who isn't a total idiot should).
However, if you truly wish to keep these accounts seperate and unrecognizable you will have to adopt an entirely different persona. Yet another account using an adjective for its name posting with a similar style won't work.
– JosephGoebbels5 17 minutes ago +1 / -0
Oy vey! SHUT IT DOWN!!
u/Cognitivedissident5 get a load of this lol
– JosephGoebbels5 5 minutes ago +1 / -0
https://www.talk.lol/viewpost.php?posti ... 06ef0d8154