Beer distribution networks and child trafficking ratlines - some coincidences

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Re: Beer distribution networks and child trafficking ratlines - some coincidences

Post by MercurysBall2 »

<..Cindy Hensley McCain > Hensley & Co...>

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The Middleton family, British Airways, Dreamflight, Stoke Manderville Hospital and Jimmy Savile
AgileCraft, the company of James Alefantis's brother, teams up with Atlassian who works with SALESFORCE... you know, those pedo enablers (according to a recent lawsuit)...
Elizabeth Sheehan was on the board of the Halo Trust [a charity that Princess Diana supported, Harry now carries on that tradition]..So is Cindy McCain..Cindy serves as co-chair of the Arizona Governor’s Council on human trafficking and on the McCain Institute’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council... Cindy also served on the Board of Directors for OPERATION SMILE .. and is the Chairman of her family’s business, Hensley Beverage Company, ..
..and just to get back to that point about Princess Diana and the Halo Trust .. which is a charity about the landmine issue.. they work with the UN's Humpty Dumpty Institute where Jeffrey Epstein's brother Mark is a Director ..

[Jailed pedophile doctor Michael Salmon] authored 38 scientific papers and a text book used by doctors, chaired the World Paediatric Congress held in 1986 and served on a number of professional bodies, including the Royal College of Physicians. Shortly before his first arrest, Salmon was hailed by Princess Diana for taking 300 ill and disabled children to Disney World in Florida. He was asked to join the inaugural Dreamflight charity trip, co-founded by former British Airways cabin crew member Patricia Pearce in 1987

He insisted on being addressed as ‘Dr’ in his church and golf club circles, where he said he was descended directly from the Duke of Northumberland. The Duke of Northumberland currently lives at Alnwick Castle (home of Hogwarts School in the Harry Potter film and was also the backdrop for the film Elizabeth),

His children are friends with the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry and the Duke’s son, Earl Percy, has been frequently photographed with Pippa Middleton > banker Alex Loudon ... astle.html

CEO of SABMIller is Mauricio Leyva Arboleda ... had been Zone President of Middle Americas at Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV since October 10, 2016 until 31 August 2018

... Alex Loudon, is currently employed by the Woking UK head office of brewing giant SABMiller.

Sheehan > C2C

Containers2Clinics, Baird Capital and United Way Milwaukee. This is background for more stuff on C2c and shipping containers

The C2C stuff is complicated.. for follow up.
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Re: Beer distribution networks and child trafficking ratlines - some coincidences

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Back to the Hensley family

Jim Hensley
Hensley and his older brother, Eugene, first began working in the liquor distribution business before World War II, being in the employ of Kemper Marley, Sr., an Arizona rancher who had become wealthy in that business in Phoenix and Tucson following the end of Prohibition.[6] The brothers started the United Liquor Co. in Phoenix and the United Distribution Co. in Tucson..

In 1953, Jim Hensley and Marley were charged by federal prosecutors with falsifying liquor records.[14] Defended by future Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist, they were acquitted.

In December 1952,[7] the Hensley brothers bought into the Ruidoso Downs racetrack in New Mexico, with Eugene running it and Jim returning to Phoenix.[6] In a May 1953 hearing before the New Mexico State Racing Commission, the Hensley brothers concealed the existence an equal partner, Clarence "Teak" Baldwin, who had been banned from any ownership role due to illegal bookmaking activities.[15] A 1953 New Mexico State Police investigation found further that Kemper Marley was a financial backer for bookmakers and had connections with Baldwin and with the bookmaking operations of organized crime..

In 1981, Hensley hired his new son-in-law John McCain, who had married his daughter Cindy..
1954 - Supreme Court of Arizona., Picow v. Baldwin ... 743-0.html
The evidence shows plaintiff is an artist and in April, 1950, earned his livelihood by drawing the likeness of restaurant patrons and selling them to the subject. He carried on this work at several places, including the "Steak House" and "Gilded Cage" night clubs located on North Central Avenue in Phoenix, which were at that time owned by defendant [Teak Baldwin]
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Re: Beer distribution networks and child trafficking ratlines - some coincidences

Post by MercurysBall2 »

The Gilded Cage
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Re: Beer distribution networks and child trafficking ratlines - some coincidences

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Speaking of Baldwins......Just saying..

Alec Baldwin's dad was school shooting coach who died after breathing in bullet dust ... g-25337117
Alec Baldwin's dad Alexander Rae Baldwin II died aged 55 from lung cancer having spent 28 years breathing in the lead dust from the bullets fired by his studentz

..Alexander Rae Baldwin II died at 55 from lung cancer, which the actor believes was from working in the unventilated range...

Baldwin, 63, a dad of seven, is still waiting to learn if he will face criminal or civil action over the gun death on set of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, 42.

He accidentally shot mum-of-one Halyna with a prop gun while filming the western Rust in New Mexico 10 days ago...
Is that a Guinness in Halyna's hand ? But I digress.. moving on..
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Re: Beer distribution networks and child trafficking ratlines - some coincidences

Post by MercurysBall2 »

<..Hensley and his older brother, Eugene, first began working in the liquor distribution business before World War II, being in the employ of Kemper Marley, Sr..>

Kemper Marley's legacy tied to robust philanthropy, Phoenix death of reporter Don Bolles ... /84650044/
originally published May 28, 2006.

When Kemper Marley died, a friend fretted that the land baron and liquor distributor would always be associated with the 1976 death of Arizona Republic reporter Don Bolles.

But the passing years, and the work of the foundation Marley started in 1990, have ensured his legacy also includes art galleries, museums and buildings on university campuses.

To Bolles’ daughter, Diane Bolles Haynes, the burnishing of Marley’s image as a philanthropist is understandable.

The Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation has become one of the largest non-profits in Arizona. It donated approximately $8.8 million to charities in 2011, according to its latest tax return.

The foundation, which is run by Marley’s grandchildren, operates out of a Phoenix address. It listed assets of $208 million in its 2011 report... The Arizona Republic contacted other non-profits that received the largest donations from the foundation in 2011: the Phoenix Zoo, Mayo Foundation, the University of Arizona Foundation, the Phoenix Art Museum and the ASU Foundation. None responded with comments about the foundation’s generosity.

Marley started to lease ranches at age 27. He ended up with extensive landholdings and operated Arizona’s largest producer and shipper of vegetables. He also owned two meat-packing facilities and a major cotton-ginning company. Marley ran one of the state’s largest liquor wholesalers after Prohibition was rescinded in 1933.

As his business grew, so did his political power. Marley ended up serving on several state boards and commissions.
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John McCain - another connection to pizzagate, NXIVM, human trafficking. AZ
McCain's father was an enforcer for the Arizona branch of a nationally organized crime syndicate. The senior McCain worked for Kemper Marley, a mob chief for Meyer Lansky. Lansky was immortalized as Hyman Roth in the film the Godfather and worked for hand in hand with the Bronfman family of Montreal. The Bronfman clan, incidentally, would eventually become the Seagrams fortune. Marley, a major hitter in the Lansky/Bronfman Jewish mafia, was also very chummy with the Republican and Democratic parties in Arizona.

McCain is also a frequenter of Rothschild fund-raisers. ..
McCains Rothschild Fundraiser in London
phpBB [video]
Dinner With Dr. Henry Kissinger, January 30, 2017 - McCain Institute - McCain and Lynn de Rothschild - Kissinger and George Osborne
Chairman of the Fellowship - Sir Evelyn de Rothschild
Chairman, E.L. Rothschild LLC

Sir Evelyn is currently co-chairman of E.L. Rothschild, a family investment company. He is chairman of the ERANDA Foundation, a family foundation he founded in 1967 to support charities working in the fields of medical research, health and welfare, education and the arts.

In addition, Sir Evelyn currently serves as a Governor Emeritus of the London School of Economics and Political Science, Fellow of Imperial College London and is an Honorary Life President of Norwood and Ravenswood Children’s Charity. From 1976 until 2003, Sir Evelyn was chairman and CEO of NM Rothschild and Sons Ltd, the international investment bank. From 1972 until 1989, Sir Evelyn also served as chairman of the Economist Group, from 1977 to 1994 chairman of United Racecourses Ltd and previously he served on the Board of Directors of De Beers and IBM UK as well as serving as deputy chairman of Milton Keynes Development Corporation, chairman of St Mary’s Hospital Medical School, member of the council of the Shakespeare Globe Trust and president of The Evelina Children’s Hospital Appeal.
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Wed Feb 23, 2022 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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