Ontario corrupt premier Doug Ford and his family shut out of their own home for 4 days now due to protesters outside

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Ontario corrupt premier Doug Ford and his family shut out of their own home for 4 days now due to protesters outside

Post by TFS »

https://thecovidworld.com/ontario-premi ... s-outside/

Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his family haven’t been able to get into their house for 4 days due to protesters outside their home.

The usually quiet suburban street in Etobicoke has been turned into a demonstration ground, with protesters gathering in defiance of police warnings to angrily oppose Ford’s latest public health restrictions in response to the Omicron variant.


Ford’s spokesperson Ivana Yelich wrote in a tweet:
“The premier and his family haven’t been able to get into their home for most of the weekend or today because anti-vaxxers have been protesting outside their house.”
During the first protest on Sunday evening, police warned the crowd that tickets would be issued should they return the following night. Undeterred, the group re-assembled on Monday with Toronto Police arresting one person.

Ford, equally undeterred by the developments, is rumored to be at his family cottage and has received his COVID booster shot on Tuesday.

Ford joins a growing group of politicians and public officials who have had protests outside their homes in response to recent policies around vaccination. Two weeks ago, dozens of protesters disrupted traffic outside New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Brooklyn home after he announced plans to impose a vaccine mandate on employees at all private businesses.

Although there has been discussion as to whether the homes of politicians’ should be off-limits for protesters, protestors argue that they have been left with no other options to express their discontent about the unprecedented destruction and pain caused by imposed COVID measures on the voting public.
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Re: Ontario corrupt premier Doug Ford and his family shut out of their own home for 4 days now due to protesters outside

Post by justALover »

This is how protests should be: at the homes of politicians.

Ideally, at the homes of the globalists, but no non-pedophile, normal people are ever invited to their private islands.
Deleted User 2149

Re: Ontario corrupt premier Doug Ford and his family shut out of their own home for 4 days now due to protesters outside

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

This is what I've been saying since this shit started - until they are affected PERSONALLY, they are laughing at all the protests in cities which don't affect them at all.
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Re: Ontario corrupt premier Doug Ford and his family shut out of their own home for 4 days now due to protesters outside

Post by brwn »

Ford is in that "Decades of poisoned water, clear-cutting, and bioaccumulation — scandal" isnt he?
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