Walter Veith - The Three Angels' Messages - Part 3 [23.57]

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Walter Veith - The Three Angels' Messages - Part 3 [23.57]

Post by doginventer »

Walter Veith - The Three Angels' Messages - Part 3 [23.57 - Intro: 0.00, Presentation Start: 02.41]
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In this study, Prof. Veith goes directly to the heart of the First Angel's Message.
What is the character of this God who called everything into existence?
Why is it credible and convincing to trust a creation model of six days?
But how does the world outside react to this model?
Why this tension?

But this is not the end:
Walter Veith takes his listeners into the depths of Revelation 14 and 18:
Come out of her my people!

This important and decisive call is more relevant today than ever before.
But a well known system hinders many people in true discipleship through delusion, through pomp and boasting.
Through presumption and false teaching.
Through tradition and seduction.

Part three of this series of five is the cornerstone for decision. The time that lies ahead and has already begun demands a decision, more than that: it demands an urgently needed knowledge of the adversary, his strategies and, above all, of the truth. And this truth can only be found directly in God's Word.
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