Johannesburg: armed robbery, very strange 2nd half of vid

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Deleted User 2149

Johannesburg: armed robbery, very strange 2nd half of vid

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

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Re: Johannesburg: armed robbery, very strange 2nd half of vid

Post by justALover »

Carjacking capital of the world. It's good that the kaffers have managed to keep the world record for so long after Apartheid.

Many saffer kids these days don't know this, but it was the Nationalists that brought carjacking to the country. In the 1930's they trained hundreds of thousands on how to carjack people waiting at stop lights. After a few years one couldn't stop anywhere without getting carjacked! Even in the middle of the Karoo, if you stopped your car you'd immediately get a pistol held to your temple and told to get out of the car.

There were so many carjackings during the Apartheid era that it was symbolized on the flag, which used to have a small symbol for a car and a pistol on it. The symbols were removed during the 80's, leaving only the three small flags, but the carjackings never went away.

When Nelson "Madiba, our savior" Mandela took over power, we feared that South Africa's rich carjacking heritage would disappear, but no! The cANCer has managed to remain the best in the world at carjackings, and there isn't a country in the world that is even remotely close to SA statistics!

That's the power of kaffers, when they really put their mind to things!
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