Pretoria South Africa: SAMWU trade union members dump garbage in streets, loot shops, burn stuff

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Deleted User 2149

Pretoria South Africa: SAMWU trade union members dump garbage in streets, loot shops, burn stuff

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

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Re: Pretoria South Africa: SAMWU trade union members dump garbage in streets, loot shops, burn stuff

Post by justALover »

For those not in the know, including myself, SAMWU is South African Municipal Workers' Union.

They are another bunch of communists, so it's not surprising that they're prone to destroying what others have built.

Just communists being communists, and kaffers being their idiotes utiles.
Deleted User 2149

Re: Pretoria South Africa: SAMWU trade union members dump garbage in streets, loot shops, burn stuff

Post by Deleted User 2149 »

Yeah, so they'll be the ones cleaning it up again!
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Re: Pretoria South Africa: SAMWU trade union members dump garbage in streets, loot shops, burn stuff

Post by La_Chalupacabra »

Soooo vibrant and diverse!

That one White guy at the end, though, walking up to the cab like anything he says is gonna make a difference.
Just light the trash pile on fire and start chucking municipal workers in till it's out.
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