Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

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Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

God's plan in America (This document is legit, but I cannot find the source. Apparently, it was deleted). Published by the masonic magazine The New Age. See my post on the meaning of "New world order"


See how the idea of the NWO existed way before kikes took over? It was called "Novus Ordo Seclorum"; a new order of the centuries. A new age.


Albert Pike, one of the most important Freemasons in history, whose body is in the House of the Temple (HQ of US Freemasonry), 13 blocks away from the White House, wrote in his book Morals & Dogma


Kabbalah is the jewish mystic doctrine. While most jews are only left with the exoteric belief; believing the Bible literally, the kabbalistic initiates know the true secrets and the hidden doctrine concealed within, which is very similar to hermeticism, alchemy, freemasonry, gnosticism, pythagoreanism, buddhism, zoroastrianism, etc.; all different versions of the same idea, adapted for different cultures.


Manly P. Hall was a 33rd degree freemason, who is considered an esoteric and masonic authority by many people. Although some dispute this (since he wrote on freemasonry at a young age, before having actually been initiated) he still has the honorary 33rd degree, he did rise towards the 32º and he did have more editions of his book even after being initiated. He gave many lectures and to this day, his books are renowned among esotericists and some freemasons. A follower of Theosophy, he believed a council of ascended masters (the Great White Lodge, the August society, etc.) was directing the course of human affairs from a spiritual realm of existence, contacting people through spirit channelling. In his book The Secret Destiny of America, He stated that America was founded by secret societies as a first step towards "world democracy". We'll soon see what it actually is.






Here's the true meaning of "enlightened democracy".


In short, one world ruled by the "elect"; enlightened men who know better than you. Notice how he mentions Plato, whose philosopher king ruled over a communist, hierarchical state, based on "natural law", functioning like a body. There's a class of workers, which represent the instincts of a human, a military class which represents the heart or passion and then the philosopher kings, which represent brain and intellect, ruling the whole society.

Would you like to live in his utopia? Which caste do you think you would belong to?
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Re: Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by Tallest_Skil »

See how the idea of the NWO existed way before kikes took over?
Jews created freemasonry. Try again.
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Re: Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Tallest_Skil wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:24 pm
See how the idea of the NWO existed way before kikes took over?
Jews created freemasonry. Try again.

That is simply not true. The origins of freemasonry, and other secret societies predate judaism. I know you're going to post a link to a quote saying "we jews gave you freemasonry" and "if you take everything jewish from freemasonry, what is left?" Both quotes are true, and it is true that freemasonry is based on kabbalah.

However, the ideas of kabbalah have their ultimate source in periods which predate judaism. The basis for all of these ideas (including freemasonry) can be traced back at least to ancient Egypt. Freemasonry is based upon the mystery schools of antiquity and their teachings. They can be considered their spiritual successors. Anyone well-versed enough in these topics knows that the biblical stories are allegories which conceal the true doctrines.
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Re: Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by Tallest_Skil »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:24 pmThat is simply not true.
The origins of freemasonry, and other secret societies predate judaism.
it is true that freemasonry is based on kabbalah.
Thank you for admitting that jews created freemasonry. Not sure why you wanted anyone’s time making this original post or reply when you already knew I was right.
However, the ideas of kabbalah have their ultimate source in periods which predate judaism.
They can be considered their spiritual successors.
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Re: Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Tallest_Skil wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:38 pm
If you're only interested in saying "it's the jews", I don't care. But I'm here for actual discussion with arguments rather than memes. I already have those very same pics on my computer. So if you're going to answer at least do something better than posting "No." without anything to back it up.

I'm going to use your Fritz Springemeier source to prove my point. Like it says, freemasonry descends from societies like the Roshaniya, the assassins, the Rosicrucians, the sufis and THE MYSTERY SCHOOLS. I emphasize this because that is the origin of all secret societies. Mystery schools were the first secret societies and they taught an esoteric doctrine, from which derived other disciplines like alchemy, hermetism, kabbalah, gnosticism and even yoga, buddhism and taoism. I recommend you read the book you cited; Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, which links freemasonry to the mysteries. In it, you'll find that there are references to other cultures. Add to that Morals & Dogma. They're both archived online and they're free.

Freemasonry is based upon the mystery schools of antiquity and their teachings. They can be considered their spiritual successors.
I didn't mean the successor of the jews. I meant the successor of the mystery schools (Greece, Egypt, Rome).

Freemasonry is "the successor of the mysteries", according to Albert Pike in his book Morals & Dogma. They are the widow's sons (Isis), they represent the story of an architect who died and resurrected, losing the "word" (a reference to Osiris, who died and resurrected and lost his phallus; his creative principle, represented by the masonic obelisk), the apron and the egyptian hall are also taken from Egyptian culture, they include references to mathematical postulates of pythagoreanism, the handshake and the phrigian cap were taken straight from the mythraic mysteries, the word VITRIOL was taken from alchemy, the names of some degrees are references to the Knights templar (as your own source, Manual of Freemasonry by Carlile mentions. Some believed Templars were the founders of Freemasonry, including Albert Pike) and the Rosicrucians, while shriners wear islamic regalia. They also feature references to astrology and hermeticism and to the old testament, judaism and kabbalah. The thirty-three degrees are not just a reference to the 33 elements in the kabbalistic tree of life, but also to the 33 vertebrae which the "holy spirit" or Hiram must climb to open the third eye. It is also the age of Christ and the number of Vedic gods.

While the masses were given the exoteric, literal teachings, the esoteric were reserved for the initiated few, who understood the true philosophical messages behind judaism. In fact, some kabbalistic practices can be compared to yoga; they include breathing excercises, union with the divine absolute, reciting the names of God as mantras, meditating (see Abulafia's practices). In fact, most jewish scholars think kabbalah is older than judaism; a clear example is Gershom Scholem. I could go on about how kabbalah isn't an original jewish invention, but I don't think this would be of much interest to you anyway.

Like I said in my previous post; it isn't that the freemasonry is founded on judaism. They both share the same source, which is the mysteries. Albert Pike stated in M&D that Moses was an initiate of the Egyptian mysteries, who taught it to the jews, founding judaism and kabbalah; if you read the quote I posted, it says quite clearly that there were Greek and Egyptian kabbalists, implying the jews didn't invent it.

Saying that freemasonry is judaism because of this is like saying that islam is, because they both share the old testament, they both believe in certain patriarchs and prophets, they're both semitic, they both share similar views on women, food prohibitions, dressing codes, etc.


By the way, masonry did ban jews from entering for quite some time.
To the objection of the Churches and other conservative elements in society, the Masons reacted by an apology which, in the main, tried to prove that Freemasonry was not an un-Christian institution, an argument supported by the fact that the Masonic fraternity consisted exclusively of Christians: Jews, Muslims, and pagans were not and should not be accepted. However, in England and Holland no objection in principle to Jewish applicants existed and in France the objections were swept away with the Revolution. Here Freemasonry became a kind of secular church in which Jews could participate freely.

In Germany objection to Jewish membership persisted, remaining a matter of controversy for generations. Until the 1780s only a few German Jews were admitted to Masonry. About this time Jewish applications for admission to the Masonic lodges became frequent. Though there were some attempts to open the lodges to Jews, no German Freemason of any standing at that time advocated Jewish admittance. Some German Jews became Freemasons when traveling abroad in England, Holland, and, particularly, in post-revolutionary France. In Germany itself French or French-initiated lodges were established during the Napoleonic occupation. A Jewish lodge, L'Aurore Naissante, was founded in Frankfurt, authorized in 1808 by the Grand Orient in Paris. These ventures, however, hardened the resistance of the indigenous lodges in Frankfurt and in other German towns, and some Masonic fraternities introduced amended constitutions specifically excluding Jews.

In the 1830s German intellectuals who were Freemasons protested against this exclusion, joined by Masons from Holland, England, France, and even by a lodge in New York, who resented the fact that their Jewish members were refused entrance to German lodges. By 1848 some lodges admitted Jews, if not as full members at least as visitors. The years of the 1848 Revolution swept away some of the paragraphs excluding Jews, and the Frankfurt Jewish lodges were now acknowledged by their Christian counterparts. The exceptions were the Prussian lodges, controlled by law from 1798 by the mother lodges from Berlin.

Whether this was a smokescreen is up to you to prove. It may be, though.

So that leaves a few questions:

1) Why would overwhelmingly non-jewish institutions serve jewish interests? What evidence is there that it was jews all along controlling them from the shadows?

2) Why is freemasonry jewish because it has some elements of judaism, but not egyptian, templar, islamic or greek, even though those symbols can be even more apparent?

3) If Jewish-Freemasonry was strong enough to carry out both the American and the French revolution (and the Latin American independences a few decades later)... What took them so long? Why not just found the country of Israel? Save for France, they brought about republics which were overwhelmingly christian.

4) If a scrap from a jewish newspaper and an unsourced quote by Fritz Springmeier are evidence good enough to prove absolute jewish dominion... Why not believe the writings of masonic authors and scholars which link the origins of freemasonry to other sources like King Nimrod, Adam, the knights templar, the ancient mysteries, the medieval stonemasons, etc.?


Whether freemasonry was coopted by jews, that's an entirely different thing which may very well be true. But to say that masonry was founded by jews, based on judaism is simply wrong. There is more than enough evidence of its links to other cultures, some of which predate judaism and kabbalah
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by Tallest_Skil »

TheRealSkeptic5000 wrote: Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:48 pmIf you're only interested in saying "it's the jews", I don't care.
Then fuck off this website entirely. You don’t want to tell the truth? Kill yourself. What good are you to anyone? It’s the jews. Name them or you’re worthless.
I already have those very same pics on my computer.
So you’re KNOWINGLY and WILLFULLY spamming proven lies, then? Okay. Thanks for clarifying.
without anything to back it up.
Literally just did.
societies like the Roshaniya
Oh, you mean the jewish offshoot of Islam, Chovot HaLevavot?
They both share the same source, which is the mysteries.
I guess the key point is in wondering why we should support or care about the wellspring of judaism, then. Except out of an archaeological interest.
1) Why would overwhelmingly non-jewish institutions serve jewish interests? What evidence is there that it was jews all along controlling them from the shadows?
The evidence is that an overwhelmingly non-jewish institution (((just so happened))) to serve jewish interests.
2) Why is freemasonry jewish because it has some elements of judaism, but not egyptian, templar, islamic or greek, even though those symbols can be even more apparent?
Because it openly admits to being jewish, as cited in its own documents.
If Jewish-Freemasonry was strong enough to carry out both the American and the French revolution (and the Latin American independences a few decades later)... What took them so long?
So long for what?
Why not just found the country of Israel?
They did. Zionists have been operating in various ways since the fucking Sack of Jerusalem itself.
Save for France, they brought about republics which were overwhelmingly christian.
But which always allowed the jews to operate, whereas previous nations didn’t.
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Re: Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Then fuck off this website entirely. You don’t want to tell the truth? Kill yourself. What good are you to anyone? It’s the jews. Name them or you’re worthless.
I already did; in this very same post; the new "chosen race" is the nordics, not the jews. And the idea is to fuse all races and creeds; including judaism. I have done it in this sub as well: viewtopic.php?f=54&t=1993 . What I meant is that I'm not here for the edgy memes. If you say something, show your evidence. Otherwise it's worth nothing.
Literally just did.
You only posted three screenshots, simply denied my claims posting only "No." and got pissed because you cannot disprove what I said.
societies like the Roshaniya
Oh, you mean the jewish offshoot of Islam, Chovot HaLevavot?
Pir Roshan wasn't jewish. The book you mentioned has nothing to do with the roshaniya, other than the esoteric teachings are very similar (being both part of the mystery schools)
I guess the key point is in wondering why we should support or care about the wellspring of judaism, then. Except out of an archaeological interest.
No, the key point is that "judaism" is the exoteric teaching for the masses, using stories as metaphors, while the true doctrine, the kabbalah, is universal and has its origins in earlier periods. In fact, only a select few among them got to study kabbalah, so most jews are not even in on the kabbalistic doctrine. Similar doctrines can be found in Egypt, Greece, Persia, etc. In fact, some branches of gnosticism consider Jehovah, the god the jews worship, as an evil, false god. They may be ethnically jewish, but the religion is the opposite.
The evidence is that an overwhelmingly non-jewish institution (((just so happened))) to serve jewish interests.
Such as?
Because it openly admits to being jewish, as cited in its own documents.
"The religion of Freemasonry is not sectarian. It admits men of every creed within its hospitable bosom, rejecting none and approving none for his peculiar faith. It is not Judaism, though there is nothing in it to offend the Jew; it is not Christianity, but there is nothing in it repugnant to the faith of a Christian. Its religion is that general one of nature and primitive revelation handed down to us from some ancient and patriarchal priesthood -- in which all men may agree and in which no men can differ" [Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Vol. II, p. 847-48].

Edit: Also, in Morals & Dogma, Albert Pike states very openly that freemasonry is the mysteries and that kabbalah was the version adapted to the jews, which Moses learned from the Egyptians. This book, highly regarded among masons and given to freemasons of the souther jurisdiction of the scottish rite, in a way illustrates the official stance of freemasonry. He does also mention that the "Jehovah" of the bible is a cruel, puerile god, and that it was only myths for the masses, while the initiated scholars knew the hidden meaning behind the stories of the bible.
They did. Zionists have been operating in various ways since the fucking Sack of Jerusalem itself.
The state of Israel didn't appear until 1948. What were they doing all along? To this day, they still have to spend millions to keep muslims who fight tanks with stones and have people edit wikipedia articles (JIDF). Not to mention that their country is the gayest and they have abortion as well; in the same country that is allegedly founded on judaism (which forbids both), some jews intend to secede and form their own "state of Judea". The number of jews, which is 0.02% of the world's population, is dwindling due to intermarriage; not to mention most jews are secular. Apart from that, they are racially diverse. If they've been ruling the world for centuries... This is all they amounted for? Why not just rebuild the temple according to their prophecy, live in accordance with their religion and have the slaves they wanted so much?
But which always allowed the jews to operate, whereas previous nations didn’t.
Allowing the jews to operate = allowing them as citizens? (Napoleon would be an exception since he gave Rothschilds the monopoly; but that didn't happen in America which didn't have a central bank until the 1800s). That already happened in many monarchies which were christian. In fact, even while under regimes which took precautions against the jews, they were still allowed to do business and live in fairly normal conditions (though some of them did rise to the top through corruption and marranism).
Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Fri Mar 05, 2021 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »


Source: Nesta Webster, Secret Societies & Subversive Movements

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Re: Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

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Re: Freemasonry, the NWO and why it isn't just the jews.

Post by TheRealSkeptic5000 »

Last edited by TheRealSkeptic5000 on Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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