Afghan “Refugees” Bring their Child Brides into the US

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Afghan “Refugees” Bring their Child Brides into the US

Post by darkknight111 » ... ted-states

Looks like the Islam pedos are taking the opprutunity given to them by Biden’s intentional handeling of Afghanistan to spread pedophilia.

Link contains a bunch of quotes from prominent clerics and even Muslim governments saying that yes, pedophilia is indeed a normal part of Islam.

Remember, pedophilia is not about reproduction, it is about power and depraved pleasure.

Theories related to link:

1. Biden’s motive regarding Afghanistan was as a child molestor helping out his fellow pedophiles.

2. The role of Islam in Pizzagate is as follows:

2a. Serving as a vessel for the cultural normalization of pedophilia, particullarly among the “authoritarian right” (theocracy is an authoritarian right government type like how communism/fascism is authoritarian left).

Thus people shilling to defend Islam (such as “White Sharia” groups) is a major red flag regarding their true intentions. Examples of Islam Shill tactics include “muh it was okay back then so its okay now” and deflection to other groups.

2b. Hub for human trafficking. Islam is very leinent towards slavery, including sex slaves. Slavery and human trafficking are oft linked, meaning expect minors to be among the victims.
Last edited by darkknight111 on Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Afghan “Refugees” Bring their Child Brides into the US

Post by brwn » ... ed-states/?

Watch he will come back and ask for more

My question is : will he stop them from child marriage and the raping of women ?
Deleted User 146629

Re: Afghan “Refugees” Bring their Child Brides into the US

Post by Deleted User 146629 »

1. Biden's motive? Are you referring to our withdrawal? I believe his motive was that we should never have been there and we were never going to win so it was time to leave. Something Zion Don didn't have the balls/approval of Israel to do.
2. Christian theocracy =/= Islamic theocracy, if for no other reason than the on topic one that Christianity is against pedophilia. Fascism is not left wing. Besides all this, the liberalized Afghans we bring over probably have more pedos than the Taliban.
Yes, anyone who tries to defend pedophilia with "it was okay in the past" is retarded and a pedophile.
We don't really need Islamic immigration for the normalization of pedophilia and human trafficking at this point, the Jews did it since their arrival, we just stopped holding them accountable since ~ 1945, as I'm sure you're aware. Slavery? White Christians are slaves in all but name.
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Re: Afghan “Refugees” Bring their Child Brides into the US

Post by brwn »

Biden’s goal in leaving Afph. Was to allow China in to get their minerals. Ccp and uncle joe. Now that we are out what will come to light is the crimes committed by usa there over the years.
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