Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Heisenberg123 »

This is image summarizing a lot that was presented in this thread: ... JgEXTYnPKt

Mainly connection going like this James Alefantis <-> Tony Podesta <-> Marina Abramovic <-> Axel Vervoordt ... With all of them being pointed out with something either suspicious going on with children because of them or them being accused.

Image pointing out Axel Vervoordt's proximity to case of Regina Louf where she testified that she participated as victim around 1991 in child snuff ring on property of de Caters family just beside castle Gravenwezel - bought by Axel Vervoordt in 1984. Regina Louf gave her testimony about that specific information in February 1997, in March 1997 she was already walking around Axel's properties with detectives and according to old articles police distracted from de Caters family property and focused on Axel's one. Interestingly Axel bought de Caters family properties in March 1997, month after Regina testimony.

Axel Vervoordt cooperates with Marina Abramovic, especially at Venetian art events called Venice Biennale, guess who else is regular there, ofc it's Tony Podesta and James Alefantis. One time in October 2015 Tony Podesta and James Alefantis visit Venice Biennale together with Leslie Dach who is mentioned beside Biljana Djurdjevic on event list sent to John Podesta in 2014. Biljana Djurdjevic is friends of James Alefantis and Tony Podesta, she depicts sadist pedophilia themes in her paintings.
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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Down below I will post what I consider some of important details of Regina Louf's book but there are many many more so I advice to read book. This post will have common theme of confirmations of Louf's story so even if it's not about the same thing over and over again this theme will prevail through the post.

Book in PDF: ... -free.html This is safe link and can also be read online, if the link goes down you can read it through archive:

One of more important element I've stumbled upon while reading was the mention of factory (where snuff films were made) and her descriptions matched real building details when Regina was there again but with detectives -> ... 906859.png

This factory was described well on site Conspiracy Dossiers with many details and connections mentioned: ... the-films/

They quote ISGP too:
“The intention was that she [X1] would show them the way to ‘the factory’, where she already had spoken about in a previous interview. At the time, she talked about a secret studio where snuff movies were recorded. On the E40 Brussels-Luik she had pointed to exit Sterrebeek. From there she made the inspectors drive until a crossing. ‘Go left here’, she said. A few miles down the road she made the car stop. That’s it, ‘the factory’. De Pauw looked and saw a large board with a name on it [ASCO]. It was the company of a business friend [Roger Boas] of a politician pointed out by X1 [Paul Vanden Boeynants]… ‘It has changed’, she noted [accurately, just as the description she gave earlier]… [pp. 165-166] The movies were recorded in a studio, located at an industry park at the outskirts of Brussels, close to the exit of a highway. She [X1] can give a pretty good description of the building, and when it is identified a month later it also turns out to be accurate: a glass gateway, lots of aluminum, red bricks, square building, an aerial photo in the entry hall, a waiting room with four dark brown couches and a large white astray on a salon table. She describes the murder on a baby, about which Tony V. later insinuated that it might have been her own child…” (De X-dossiers book by Van Heeswyck, Bulte and De Coninck, pages 165-166, 259-260 [ISGP translation])
Now Regina starts mentioning that eventually her pimp Tony, lover of her mother, her mother and father will admit later to police that Tony had access to house and room of Regina -> ... 9f9e4e.png

There's pretty expansive and well researched article on Tony on Conspiracy Dossiers site, very often using Regina Louf's book -> ... -the-pimp/

Which mentions interesting details as the fact that her abusers used BMW's with tainted glass which led investigators to believe that special group called the Diana Group, within gendarmerie, was involved, and ofc factory is mentioned -> ... 8756e8.png

Then continues that testimony of Regina Louf was corroborated by Carine Veniers, housekeeper of Louf's family who said during investigation that Christiane Louf (Regina's mother) and her lover Tony and Regina's pimp forced Regina to have sex with them. Tony was supposedly doing it in front of Carine. It says that Carine was in contact with Regina Louf's classmate who also stated "that there were sexual contacts between X1, that Tony, the mother of X1 and the housekeeper" -> ... 455b64.png

Conspiracy Dossiers mention this very important element ->

"On September 4, 1983, 17 year old Veronique Dubrulle was declared dead, oficially from cancer. Her death certificate waas written and signed by Dr. Luc De Schrijver and internationally esteemed neurosurgeon Dr. Luc De Waele. Veronique was the daugther of Jacsques Dubrulle, who was involved in the film industry. In Late 1996, X1 identified Veronique as one of the girls she had seen being murdered. She claimed that the murder took place in 1983, which is accurate. X1 testified that she had seen Veronique regularly at child abuse parties."

And another part of Conspiracy Dossiers article ->

"The dossiers were closed in early 1997 by the District Attorney's office in Gent, before this could be investigated further. Veronique's body was not dug up as Aime Bille had requested. Detective also found out that Tony called up Jacques Dubrulle three times after the first leaks of the X-dossiers in January 1997. Further research indicated that Tony and Jacques Dubrulle were actually good friends."

Screenshot: ... cd0fb4.png

This information traces back to "X-Dossiers" book from 1999 on which ISGP study is partially based (Conspiracy Dossiers is using ISGP as one of the sources) ->
Shortly after the press first
mentioned the X-dossiers in January 1997, detectives found out that
Tony, X1's former pimp, called up Dubrulle three times. Further research
by the authors of the 1999 book 'The X-dossiers' indicated that both men
were good friends.
Screenshot: ... d2bbfb.png ... p-2007.pdf

Going further with Tony the pimp article on Conspiracy Dossiers, he took her to castle in s' Gravenwezel just beside Axel Vervoordt's castle where she was forced to kill Katrien De Cuyper, present abusers were Nihoul, Bouty, Tony, Vander Elst, Leopold Lippens, the assumed owner of castle Kattenhof (from de Caters family, neigbhors of Axel Vervoordt, they sold him their properties month after Regina Louf testimony in 1997 as I've mentioned earlier in this thread) -> ... 8f3d8e.png

<- Regina said that in 1994 she gave list of addresses where pimps were taking children, she gave the list to organization "Against her will", and they gave this to police who refused to pursue this lead out of fear of losing job. Regina contacted police lieutenant who didn't want to write this down either.

Continuing highlight of confirmations Conspiracy Dossiers says:

"Tony was spotted under police investigation no less than 21 times near four separate schools one of which had been attended by Katrien De Cuyper. Despite these observations, Commandant Duterme and the Gendarmerie ignored Patrick De Baets and Michel Bourlet's requests to continue the investigation. During the observations of Tony, it was discovered that Tony was in continous contact with a gendarme from Antwerp, regularly calling or emailing each other. This very same gendarme officer was appointed to a leading position in the investigation of Tony. No changes were made when De Baets and his team reminded their superior that this was a conflict of interest. This particular gendarme also became responsible for dismissing the possibility of X1's testimony about the murder of Katrien De Cuyper." -> ... 7bc109.png

And the last screenshot ofc ends with info about Tony admitting to the police part about the abuse but dismissing his connections to specific individuals, and this was the conclusion of the Court of Law, and interestingly, Tony was not prosecuted, allegedly he was active in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and had company in Poland -> ... 7fc46e.png

Here's some interesting background for Tony from Conspiracy Dossiers article -> ... 5f9183.png

"Tony was bragging about being friends with Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin and Willy De Clercq. BdB has been accused of visiting Ceciles's hotel-villa (Regina's grandmother), the ASCO factory, the child hunts, Le Mirano and visiting other child abuse events. BdB will be discussed later. However, Willy De Clercq has been mentioned before. He was born in Gent and allegedly would be tied to the "pink ballets" affair, as was Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants. X2 claimed to have seen Willy De Clercq at meeting in the Hilton with Madani Bouhouche's spouse" And the text goes by mentioning "coincidences" with testimonies of other X-witnesses -> ... fa4208.png

Conspiracy Dossiers then continues pointing out connections through ASCO Factory of Roger Boas where "present were Nihoul, Annie Bouty (companion of Nihoul), Tony and two gendarmes officers. Regular visitors accused of going there for the purpose of child abuse include Tony, Nihoul, Michel Vander Elst, Jean-Paul Dumont, Paul Vanden Boeynants, Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, Wilfried Martens and Melchior Wathelet and possibly Roger Boas. These names have been mentioned before. Wathelet was the justice who approved the probationary release of convicted serial child kidnapper and rapist, in 1992. Wathelet is also accused of arranging orgies with minors and of holding satanic ritual abuse at a castle in Verviers. The rest of the individuals have all been interconnected. Wathelet and Martens were involved in the PSC, along with VdB, BdB, Dumont and Boas, who were all involved in the PSC's CEPIC. Baron de Bonvoisin, Paul Vanden Boeynants, Jean-Paul Dumont and Roger Boas were involved in the Cercle des Nations."

Daughter of Emile Dellaert was Carine Dellaert who appears to have been Clo - victim that met Regina in the network. Clo was murdered. Emile was suspected of incest in 1977 and having affair with underage girl in Netherlands in 1965. Place where Clo was murdered "ended up being a brothel called the International House in the 90s. Parents of X4 (another witness) happened to live next door to the house. The house was owned and inhabited by Gustaaf Derdijn, who owned the Co-Cli-Co in the early 1980s. The Co-Cli-Co also appeared in Tony's diary. At the time the Co-Cli-Co went bankrupt in 1984, one of its largest creditor's was Le Cinema Publicitarie, a vide store owned by Tony. However the largest creditor was the firm All-Meat, in which Derdijn was a partner together with Dutch porn dealer Gerard Cok, who together with his business associate Charles Geerts are major players in the worldwide porn industry. Regina claimed that those present at the murder of Clo included Nihoul, Bouty, Tony, Vander Elst, Count Leopold Lippens and a man and a woman she recognized from the nightclub Co-Cli-Clo." -> ... 4fcb0e.png - Sorry for the cut off screenshot at the end. All of this can be read here: ... -the-pimp/

Charles Geerts according to Wikipedia was one time accused of being associated with child pornography -> ... sinessman)
In 2001 he successfully sued Het Parool newspaper in the Raad voor de Journalistiek (Journalism Council) after an article by Bart Middelburg on money laundering. In 2004, Zembla broadcast a programme in which he was associated with child pornography. By order of the Raad voor de Journalistiek, the programme had to rectify this claim. Geerts was friends with drug lord Klaas Bruinsma.
And here comes connections with Zandvoort huge child porn case

"In 1991, Regina claims she waas forced to murder a girl, seemingly Katrien De Cuyper, at the Castle Kattenhof, which happens to have been next door to the castle of Axel Vervoordt. Those named as being present were Nihoul, Bouty, Tony, Vander Elst, Leopold Lippens, Joost Bert, the assumed owner of Castle Kattenhof ( from de Caters family who sold their properties to Axel Vervoordt month after Regina's testimony about this), several others. Regina suspected that Katrien was one of Tony's girls and at the castle Tony brought her. Regina witnessed several more child murders there. It is known that during the Dutroux X-dossiers investigation and the reopening of the case on Katrien De Cuyper, that Tony was in contact with a gendarme office from Antwerp. Katrien was from Antwerp and was last seen making a phone call at cafe Les Routiers in Antwerp. Located above cafe Les Routiers was Studio De Pauw and X-Kiss, to which Gerrie Ulrich of the Zandvoort scandal made regular large donations of money. In the stash at Ulrich's flat in Zandvoort, Netherlands, found by Marcel Vervloesem, were photos of a girl who strongly resembled Katrien. This gendarme office would be appointed to a key position of the investigation into Tony and contributed to dismissing the implication of Tony in the murder of Katrien." -> ... 032bbd.png

Little bit text on that similarity and donations: ... rt-GB.html

Zandvoort case -> ... ug=2763828
But the Dutch are not ready to tolerate the pornography discovered on computer drives and diskettes in mid-July, when police raided a cluttered apartment in the sleepy North Sea town of Zandvoort.

The apartment owner, convicted German pedophile Gerrie Ulrich, 49, was shot to death in Pisa, Italy, in June, allegedly by a rival gang member. Dutch authorities are seeking extradition of the slaying suspect, Robert van der Plancken, 24, of Belgium.

This week, the scandal took a startling new turn. A top employee of the Justice Ministry, which is leading the investigation, was ousted for downloading child pornography from his office computer for personal use.

The case echoes the uproar in Belgium over apparent police ineptitude that let a serial child rapist and killer, Marc Dutroux, prey on young girls for years, and even escape briefly in April.
Going back to Tony. Conclusion on Tony and Regina Louf testimony about him from Conspiracy Dossiers "What is shocking is how substantiated X1's testimony is. Nathalie W. and X7 (Nathalie C.) both confirmed some aspects about Tony, which we known by X1. On top of this, are how these witnesses interconnect with others as X4, Chantal Storme, testimonies whch have some satanic aspects to them." -> ... 2610ca.png


Here she describes disappearances of children, indicating well organized network of kidnappers -> ... 290337.png

One of her testimonies given to police, detectives looked "defeated" [emotionally I suppose] by her testimony -> ... d8730e.png

Friend of Regina Louf from Knokke [where Regina was sent to by her parents when she was 2, she was there with her grandmother who abused her and let others abuse her] testified too, Regina wasn't allowed to contact her for the sake of investigation -> ... 890646.png

Here Regina talks about details of the case with Carine Dellaert (to Regina known as Clo) whos father was suspected of incest and already convicted as sex offender ... and also ...

"Carine (Clo) was murdered in summer of 1983 while giving birth. On September 24 1985 during the demolition of an old building, a severly decomposed female body was found in a cesspool at Kuhlmankaai 2. The body was tied up with a white electrical cord. In the woman's pelvis a laminaria stick was found. This stick is made from the roots of a plant, an Irish plant I have been tol, and because it can absorb a lot of water, it was often used in the past to speed up births or to trigger abortions. Found also were some jewels, two razorblades and a teaspoon that appeared to be part of Emile's utensils." -> ... 64bc17.png

Regina continues how she provided enough details to continue investigation, "In spite of the large number of very accurate details I had provided, the Ghent police concluded that Clo couldn't possibly have been Carine Dellaert. Even the fact that I had declared that Carine was pregnant and had recognized her in several photographs didn't seem to matter." -> ... 8cd78a.png

Here Regina gives list of the children murdered -> ... ddb90d.png ... 799755.png

Next thing that I paid attention to was murder of Christine Van Hees at mushroom farm around Brussels -> ... cd8569.png

Another thing was sex club The Dolo about which police had anonymous call on 27 April 1987 suggesting that the policemen should have a look into it to find solution of the murder of Christine

Also "The detectives were shocked by the accuracy of the details that I had given, many of which had never been published in the press. They dug up the old file of the murder at the mushrooms farm." -> ... f4c3c8.png ... 281a20.png ... d0ef4c.png ... 4d7a3a.png

That part also continues after screenshot with interesting details which I will show in much bigger context quoting that part of her book:
During the extremely painful interrogations in November and December, which I described earlier in this book, I provided a detailed description of what I remembered about Chrissie and of the way she was murdered. I didn’t know her last name at that time. The detectives were shocked by the accuracy of the details that I had given, many of which had never been published in the press. They dug up the old file of the murder at the mushroom farm. Aimé Bille, one of them, discovered that there had been an anonymous phone call on 27 April 1987 suggesting that the policemen should have a look in the sex club The Dolo and that they would find the solution of the murder there. The judicial police had always avoided following that lead. The Dolo was a popular place and several members of the


judicial police were regular visitors according to the owner. It was the successor to another club, Les Atrébates, which had been closed down by the Brussels BOB in 1983. Michel Nihoul was a regular visitor of Les Atrebates. After its closure most of the customers, including Nihoul of course, moved to The Dolo that was opened in 1987 by the same group of people. This was the period of the sex orgies with important people in the meeting facility De Gerlache in the Brussels commune of Etterbeek and in the castle of Faulx-les-Tombes near Namur. As I said before, during these parties the regular guards of the castle were sent home and the Etterbeek police took over. They probably wanted to make sure that the important people were well protected from the curious looks of the taxpayers. Aimé discovered that in 1983 Marleen De Cockere, a friend of Nihoul, had bought a dark brown Mitsubishi with an eagle head on the hood. According to Christian V.G. Nihoul had given him a ride in it several times. In the period preceding her death Christine Van Hees visited the Poseidon skating rink in Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe, a Brussels suburb, weekly. Michele Martin, who would become Marc Dutroux’ wife, had met Marc at the skating ring in Vorst, not far from the Poseidon. Dutroux, who was an excellent skater, had been denied access to the skating rink of Charleroi, close to his house, because he had harassed girls. Martin declared on 4 December 1996 that Marc visited the Poseidon every week, end 1983. She wasn’t allowed to come along because she was pregnant. Many former Poseidon visitors recognized Marc Dutroux during interrogations in 1997. One of them, Ariane M. stated that a short time before she was murdered, Christine had a date with a guy called Marc from the Mons area. Mons is located not far from where Marc Dutroux lived. Another witness Freddy V.D.S had told the police on 23 August 1984 that Christine was a regular visitor of café Les Bouffons, the pub where the staff of Radio Activité, a free radio owned by Nihoul, used to meet. She was sometimes accompanied by a paracommando named Marc Goossens, who has never been found. In Christine’s notebook the investigators found the telephone number of Philippe Moussadek who worked at FM Inter, a free radio that closely collaborated with Radio Activité. Moussadek was interrogated on 27 September 1984 but fled Belgium afterwards. On 15 February 1984, two days after Christine’s murder, Dutroux had opened a bank account at the Crédit Professionel du Hainaut. His account was immediately credited with 35000 Belgian franks (about 850 Euro). On 17 February 100000 franks were deposited. Another account of Dutroux at the same bank received 65000 franks on 15 February. Christine had also exchanged several letters with Pascal Lamarque, a young criminal who belonged to the group Nihoul-Bouty according to a memo of the Belgian State Security. They had indeed carried out an investigation into the dangerous cults in Belgium and Annie Bouty had been the leading figure in The Celestian Church of Christ that was part of an organisation that illegally imported Africans into Belgium. She was Nihoul’s lady friend in the seventies until they broke up in 1982. But they always stayed in close contact with each other. In March 1997 Patrick De Baets’ team would be taken off the case as is explained later in this book. The new investigators would give the witnesses a hard time. Judge Van Espen resumed the lead of the investigation. On 20 March 1997 the police would search my house to find out if I kept newspaper articles or other reports that could explain how I


could know all the details I provided about the murder. I had told them indeed things that had never been released to the public and the son of the former owner of the mushroom farm had stated to the police that it would have been impossible for me to describe the premises in such great detail without having been inside. Of course nothing was found in my house. I would even give them additional information.
Source: ... -free.html

And here Regina comes up with defense of her testimony about Christine Van Hees murder, I've edited a bit in order to make clear where Regina defends her testimony ->
When Marc Verwilghen, Chairman of the Parliamentary Dutroux Commission wanted to investigate the way the mushroom farm file had been handled, he would encounter an aggressive opposition from Van Espen and prosecutor Dejemeppe. Because of the ongoing inquiry by the Parliamentary Commission, the investigation of Christine’s murder was temporary put on hold, but the Commission was denied access to the files. And then journalists discovered that Van Espen had worked for Bouty as a solicitor in 1984, after the mushroom farm murder. On top of that Nihoul had stated during an interrogation on 8 October 1996 that Van Espen’s sister was the godmother of his son. In January 1998 he would be replaced with judge Damien Vandermeersch. On 29 April 1998 the Flemish newspapers De Standaard and Het Nieuwsblad would publish the twelve reasons why the Brussels judicial authorities concluded that I was not present at Christine’s murder. I have listed them hereafter together with my comments.

1. The building that X1 described certainly wasn’t the building in which Christine was murdered.

I described clearly that there was a house and a cellar. Christine was not murdered in the house but in the cellar as I described. As I mentioned above the son of the former owner declared that it would have been impossible for me to describe the premises in such great detail without having been inside. - Regina's response

2. X1 described how she was forced to introduce a knife in Christine’s vagina and how Christine’s body was abused with a metal object. The doctors who did the post mortem didn’t find traces of this on the body that was however severely burned. An internal autopsy showed that there weren’t severe wounds of the type that X1 described at the genitals.

The doctor’s report also stated that the accuracy of every finding could not be guaranteed because a major part of the body was charred. - Regina's response

3. X1 stated that a tampon was used against the bleeding of the internal wound. The detectives found a tampon indeed but in another building of the mushroom farm. There was some blood on it but not very much.

The mother of Anne, another girl from the group, used several tampons as I stated during my hearing on 19 November. Only one seems to have been found. - Regina's response

4. The blood type on this tampon was Christine’s however this is the most common blood type. Vandermeersch was still waiting for the results of DNA analysis.

The results of DNA analysis seemed to be inconclusive. This seemed also to have been the case with the DNA analysis in the murder case of Julie and Melissa. Strange! - Regina's response

5. Details of the way Christine was tied up and the material that was used have been partially published in the press. X1 could have read this.

I described how Christine was tied up first with a rope. The press never mentioned this. And a 1,80 m long rope had been found indeed at the murder site. The papers described how Christine was tied up with an electric cord, barbed wire, steel wire etc. Christine


had been tied up with an electric wire before her final execution. I had described this in a way that was much more detailed than had ever been published in the papers. - Regina's response

6. X1 said that a nail had been slammed through Christine’s wrist. Vandermeersch had made enlargements of the photos and concluded together with experts that the nail had melted into her wrist because of the fire. The nail came from the pallets that were put over the body in order to burn it. The autopsy report didn’t mention a wound of that type.

The head of the Oudergem (Brussels suburb) police Jacques Dekock, who had made the first police report, stated: “A nail is planted in the left wrist.” Dekock would state later that during his hearing in 1998 the Brussels BOB agents showed him enlarged photos and that they tried to convince him that he hadn’t looked properly the night of the murder. After carefully studying the photos he declared that he maintained his 1984 statements and that the BOB tried to make him declare something else than what he had seen with his own eyes. - Regina's response

7. X1 stated that Christine had led a double life the last few months before her death. No proof of this double life had been found.

There was abundant proof of a double life (see above). The negation of this is such utter nonsense that I won’t make any additional comments here. - Regina's response

8. Christine’s parents declared that X1 could not have known Christine. During a confrontation Christine’s mother had totally ridiculed X1 by telling her e.g. that Christine had made a trip to Canada a few weeks before she died. This was not true because Christine had never been to Canada. X1 said that she remembered what Christine had told her about this.

Total nonsense. This is confirmed by the report of the confrontation which stated: Mother Van Hees: ”And then she made a big trip. She went to Canada. Didn’t she ever mention this?” X1: “I don’t think we ever got a chance to talk about those kind of things.” That’s what was said. - Regina's response

9. The file mentioned Marc Dutroux and Michel Nihoul. No, said Substitute Somers (who worked the file for judge Vandermeersch), The file mentioned a person named Marc from Mons, and Dutroux came from Charleroi. Dutroux mainly skated in Vorst, Christine in the Poseidon in another Brussels commune.

The statement of Dutroux’ wife Martin is crystal clear (see before). Dutroux went to the Poseidon every week in that period. This was confirmed by an ex-accomplice of Dutroux, Francis H. Furthermore, during a search at Dutroux’ the detectives found a table with the opening hours of the Poseidon. Many Poseidon skaters have recognized Dutroux. In spite of this Dutroux stated during an 11 June 1998 hearing that he had been at the Poseidon only once or twice and that this happened before 1980. He also stated that he didn’t remember if his accounts had been credited after the murder. - Regina's response

10. According to the investigators Christine sometimes attended parties at Radio Activité. Maybe she met Nihoul there, maybe she didn’t. Nihoul still had to be questioned about this. Dutroux and Nihoul certainly didn’t know each other at that time.

The contacts Dutroux and Nihoul had before 1985 still had to be examined in detail. I don’t know how serious the judicial authorities have taken this. - Regina's response


11. X1 was at school in Ghent until at least 4 p.m. as was indicated in the school register. She pretended she left school. She said that she was eleven years old when the murder happened. She admitted having problems with timing and dates.

Several of my former schoolmates have stated that I didn’t show up in class regularly and that the pupils themselves filled in the register. I have stated before in this book that in my school, the Provincial Institute for Commerce and Languages, it was very easy to disappear. They didn’t really care that much. The school received government subsidies according to the number of students they had registered. Frequent absences didn’t look good so most of the time the absence was not written down. - Regina's response

12. Vandermeersch awaits the results of a DNA analysis of a cigarettebutt that was found at the murder site.

I don’t know if results have become available. - Regina's response

Consequently my testimony was considered “totally unusable”. But Nihoul hadn’t been questioned about his pre-1985 contacts with Dutroux yet. The investigation concentrated again on the punkers, without result of course.
Source: ... -free.html

Here in form of screenshots: ... f96e42.png ... ea40d6.png ... 4f0a7d.png

And here she continues about murder of Katrien De Cuyper with details -> ... 5206f8.png ... b3314c.png ... 407d9e.png ... 5749d1.png ... 48da3d.png

And here in form of text ->
41. The murder of Katrien De Cuyper During hearings on 8 and 15 February I described how Tony picked me up and drove me to the castle in ‘s Gravenwezel threatening to kill my children if I didn’t come with him. I was not able to give details about my role in the murder of Catherine. I felt these immense feelings of guilt and fear again and I had to stop the hearing. But I decided to send Patrick a fax with the details. In this fax I admitted that I had been forced to participate at Catherine’s murder. As I said before in this book, Tony was dialling my home number on a mobile phone and told me that if the phone rang at home, his accomplice would make sure something very bad happened to my children. I expected to be arrested but because of my history of prolonged sexual abuse and the threat that my children would be killed I wasn’t. I was told however that I had to file a complaint against Nihoul, Tony and businessman Y, which I did in the name of my three children who had been threatened, Eli, Yentl and Hannah. On 1 March before my last hearing with Patrick, the detectives took me to ‘s Gravenwezel where, after some driving around I recognized the Kattenhof castle as the place of Catherine’s murder. I witnessed several other child murders there during the last series of sex parties at which I was forced to participate. During the hearing that took place immediately afterwards I gave the detectives a lot of additional details. What the journalists who wrote the “X-files” found out concerning Catherine’s murder follows hereafter. On 17 December 1991 around 9.30 p.m. Katrien De Cuyper phoned her parents from her boyfriend’s house in Antwerp. She promised to take the last bus of line 64 to come home. Around 10.45 customers of a lorry driver café “Les Routiers” saw her make a phone call there. The telephone switch was of an old model that wouldn’t allow the investigators


later to identify the person she called. Katrien wouldn’t be seen alive again. Her disappearance caused a big shake up in the Antwerp region because two other teenage girls Inès and Inge had disappeared without a trace during the same period. On 19 June 1992 construction workers discovered a female body during infrastructure works they did in the Antwerp docks area close to the hangers of an import company called “Katoen Natie”. A dental identification revealed the body was Katrien’s. The autopsy report showed that she must have been murdered shortly after her disappearance. After the discovery of Katrien’s body several anonymous letters were sent to the parents and to a magazine by a person who stated that he had given her a ride to Brasschaat, North of Antwerp around 11 p.m. I don’t know if this person has ever been interrogated. A year later a Dutch psychopath, Ludo De Beukelaer was arrested and accused of murdering the three girls. He showed almost spontaneously where he had buried Inès and Inge but denied stubbornly that he had anything to do with Katrien. The investigating magistrate Michel Jordens spent a lot of effort on the case but there were insufficient leads and five year later the case was still unsolved. When I talked about my involvement in the murder of Catherine during my hearings in February 1997, the time of death of Katrien perfectly matched with what I said about Tony picking me up when my daughter Yentl was a little baby. I have never been good with dates but this time everything fit including the description I had given of the premises, the entrance, the moat, the little bridge, the old “orangerie” etc. De Baets and some of his detectives would meet with their Antwerp colleagues on 13 February. The Antwerp guys reacted with enthusiasm because several details matched perfectly. They further investigated the secret life Katrien was supposedly having during the months preceding her death. Some of her friends had confirmed this but her parents reacted exactly like Christine Van Hees’ parents and didn’t want to accept the idea. The detectives discovered that above the café Les Routiers a Dutch porn company was established. Gerrie Ulrich, at whose apartment in Zandvoort near The Hague, the police would discover in 1998, 50.000 child porn photos, showing the cruellest ways of torture, as I mentioned earlier, was a customer of them. Among these photos there was one showing a girl who looked exactly like Katrien. But in March the slander campaign to discredit myself, De Baets’ team and the other Xwitnesses had started. According to Patrick he had been told clearly on 24 April 1997 that if he didn’t stop digging he would get problems. In October 1996 Tony had been followed by the police a couple of times but only during daytime because the overtime allowances for night work appeared to put too heavy a strain on the BOB budget. End 1996 all his telephone conversations were registered and on 24 October between 4.55 and 5.17 p.m. he made eighteen phone calls to B.V.H. an officer of the national police detachment of Brasschaat, situated very close to ‘s Gravenwezel. Tony’s ex-girlfriend Odette would later state that B.V.H. was one of Tony’s best friends. And De Baets’ detectives would discover that the Antwerp team had been reinforced by B.V.H.! A little later In March 1997 the Special Intervention Squad of the national police put a special tracking device commonly called “gonio” into Tony’s car. This device that used satellite communications was in principle only used to locate


top criminals. When Prosecutor Bourlet asked to keep the device in the car for two more months, the national police refused to do so. During April Tony would be reported twenty-one times in the immediate neighbourhood of four schools. One of them was Katrien’s school were her sister still attended classes. But the slander campaign against the X-witnesses was starting to take its toll. Begin 1998 a search was finally ordered at the Kattenhof castle. This was too late. Renovations had been carried out and the search warrant didn’t allow the detectives to search all the places involved. They wanted to request a new warrant but the press storm that had started early 1998 had discouraged them. The prevailing attitude was “Why are we wasting our time her?” In the meantime the first investigating magistrate, judge Jordens had been promoted and replaced by a new one, Vyncke. On 21 October 1998, the Minister of Justice, Tony Van Parijs would declare that “Investigating Magistrate Vyncke had decided to close the verification of the X1 testimony based on the conclusions of a meeting between magistrates from Ghent, Antwerp and Brussels.” That was it! The murder of Katrien would remain unsolved just like so many other child murders.
Source: ... -free.html

Regina defending herself against attempt to discredit her -> ... 25ff2e.png

De Baets team was targeted for not being objective, however they were cleared of all charges -> ... 14f032.png

Parents of Regina failing at stopping truth about Tony, Regina's pimp and Regina's mother lover, coming to light, at least in some extent -> ... 9d8ab3.png

Media cover up operation continues -> ... d323d0.png

Leaks to media continue in order to discredit with manipulations of testimony -> ... d58276.png ... 1307ca.png ... 57eb4d.png

Tony admitted to detectives that he raped Regina since she was twelve years old, he admitted to "prostituting" her, testimony wasn't recorded, only written down by the police, according to Regina -> ... 6a123a.png

X-files closed same day as her pimp confessed to some parts of the abuse and confirmed very important parts of her story while trying to downplay it as prostitution and with her parrents approval -> ... afadec.png
It has been established that Regina between her twelfth and her sixteenth year of age has had a sexual relationship with a much older and adult man named Van Den Bogaert Antoine. Regina had this relationship willingly and not against her will. Her mother knew about it, allowed it and even facilitated it. Her mother was at least platonically in love with the same Van Den Bogaert. As far as all the other items are concerned: and then follows the list (abridged):

- that I was abused by my father
- that my grandmother forced me to be a child prostitute
- that Tony lent me out
- that I had several children who were killed
- that I met important people during sex parties
- that I had contact with other girls from the network e.g. Carine Dellaert and Vero D.

have not been confirmed during this investigation. It hasn’t been shown at all that Regina’s stories are true. Nothing indicates that this would be the case. ... (more text) More specifically concerning the story of CLO it appears clearly that the CLO described by Regina doesn’t correspond at all with the girl Carine Dellaert. Furthermore nothing has been found that can prove that CLO has really existed. ..... (more text) The accusations of abuse by Tony or that he lent her out have not been confirmed by him.

And that’s it. Tony would never be arrested. During her last hearing on 6 May 1998 my mother would admit that Tony had the house key and that he had a sexual relationship with me.


After this verdict an offender could admit that he had abused a child “in every possible way”, between her twelfth and her sixteenth year of age, with the permission of her parents, with her little friends witnessing, without being punished. He would be allowed to have a ‘relationship’ with the twelve year old, so everything’s fine, why bother? This was more than just a hit below the belt.
Screenshots for this "historic verdict": ... 1bbb57.png ... ebc114.png

Additional screenshots of importance: ... f35125.png

Further cover up throughout all Belgium's institutions and places of importance -> ... b8e1da.png ... 74f6d5.png ... da435c.png ... 7eb177.png

In last two screenshot other potential witnesses to signs of abuse surface, which I will quote directly here ->
I discovered that the BOB had only interrogated those people from my surroundings who didn’t remember anything or hadn’t noticed that anything was wrong. They had never talked to the parents of a former classmate from Knokke. Their little daughter often walked with me to my grandmother’s country house after school, and one day I had been brave enough to describe certain things that had happened to me. The girl was so shocked that she had told her parents. They wanted to know who I was and invited me over for a birthday party. And indeed, I started telling them things, probably because I had reached the limit of what I could endure. I told them stories that made their hair stand on end.


They both knew that I, as a ten year old, couldn’t imagine those kind of stories unless I had been involved. Concerned, they told the school principal. Unfortunately she informed my grandmother and I got severely punished for my indiscretion. And thus I disappeared one month before the end of the fourth grade as I described in the beginning of this book. I had forgotten all this, but the parents of my little classmate still remembered this clearly because they thought that I had been taken away by the child protection services and was safe now at a different place. After I had become known through the press they realized that I hadn’t been helped at all. As soon as I had left Knokke the rumours had stopped and the abuse of children could go on undisturbed. The BOB obviously didn’t think these witnesses were interesting enough to be interrogated. A little later I discovered that Clo, who probably never existed according to the Ghent investigators and certainly wasn’t Carine, had classmates who called her Clo too. One of them confirmed that only a very few people knew her under that name and that she believed me as soon as she heard me talk about “Clo”. The description I gave of Clo matched with what she remembered about her. Months later an older woman approached me and confirmed that another little victim that I had named had died indeed in very strange circumstances. I nodded. Sometimes I would prefer to be proven wrong. These witnesses and many others who could corroborate my story had never been interrogated and after what happened to me, it was easy to understand how scared they were to testify.
Source: ... -free.html

Here Regina mentions "My former pimp Tony who i now almost sixty, still abusess children in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and probably in other countries as well. He has a business in Poland now but I don't know how many children are disappearing there. He bought a camper, which makes it a lot easier to rape children in an anonymous environment and to make appointments with other pedophiles, in a parking lots along the motorway. He doesn't have to rent apartments anymore, he's mobile and fast, more elusive and better equipped than ever before. None of my abusers, except Tony, who had a confrontation with me at the Ghent BOB, has ever been punished, or even interrogated by the police. He admitted that he raped me when I was twelve and that he lent me out, but he was let go." -> ... d96cbc.png

Regina writing about her hopes about the case but also mentioning separation of Dutroux case and pedophile networks case which gives her some hope. But also talking how connections and rampages of Dutroux are being ignored.

Father who abused (he never admitted) Regina admitted in the court that he knew Tony was abusing her too. -> ... 513a05.png

Last pages feel as if Regina feels betrayed (and rightly so) by Belgium's justice system, journalists. But still have faith in people -> ... e8ca2b.png ... 5edd17.png

Here's article from German press talking in 1998 about some of very important details of her testimony being confirmed -> ... ettansicht [ open this link so you don't need to register there, use google translation]

Here's the part of it ->
Just a few weeks ago , hardly anyone in Belgium would have thought of demonstrating. Only a witness, who was given the code name X1 by the police, but then appeared on television in mid-January, united the people in their skepticism against the Belgian state.
The witness gives details of the murders and names the victims
When 28-year-old Regina Louf tells her story, her watchful eyes sparkle. The young woman tells of her previous life as a "child whore", of brutal "sex parties", child molester gangs, torture and murder. She tells slowly, confidently and always in sequence. Like a teacher who has to teach her students a difficult subject. Regina Louf describes a pedophile clique who have abused over sixty girls at "sex parties" since the 1980s. Some girls - she saw it herself and were later murdered so that they couldn't tell anything. Regina Louf names the names of some victims, Christine Van Hees, Katrien de Cuyper, Carine Dellaert.
They were actually murdered, the police now know that much . Regina Louf describes details of the murders, torture instruments made of metal and shackles made of power cables. Some of the descriptions are later confirmed by the investigation.
Marc Dutroux saying he was part of wider, very influential, powerful network of abusers -> ... x.ianblack
Dutroux portrayed himself as a victim, a "puppet in a show trial" who had to be put away to "hide the truth" and serve the interests of "organised corruption".

Only 10% of the case had been examined, he said, asking why independent-minded policemen had been removed from the investigating team. He urged police to follow up clues he said would prove he was working for a network which kidnapped girls to be sold into prostitution
Interestingly it wasn't just Tony who according to Regina's book, ended up making business in Poland, before that Dutroux was already having common job with other criminals there, if the intel I have is right on this, I've found this article in Polish press: ... leroi.html

And part of it translates to:
On August 13, 1996, Marc, his wife, and their accomplice, Michel Lelievre, were arrested. After two days of interrogation and confrontation with the visit of Lelievre and Dutroux, the pedophile admitted to organizing the kidnapping of 14-year-old Sabine and 12-year-old Laetitia. He also showed the policemen a small cell hidden in the basement of one of his houses in Marcinelle. On August 15, Michel Nihoul, Marc's influential friend, swindler and former owner of the claim house, was arrested. Dutroux also indicated the hiding place of the remains of Julie, Melissa and Weinstein in another property in Sars-la-Buissiere. On August 22, Julie and Melissa's funeral was held in Liege. On that day, another associate of Dutroux was arrested - Michael Diakostavrianos, with whom Marc did business in Poland. After a year, he was released from the charges.
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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Heisenberg123 »

I wanted someone to translate Tony Van Den Bogaert questioning record from January 1998 but person said "no time" and said this one isn't important but that's the only one I've found so I've retyped whole questioning record and used automatic translation with some corrections.

What should us interest us in general should be questioning records from April 1998 when Tony confessed to very important parts of Regina's story - not all, but some very important ones like having sexual relationship with her and finally admitting to other important details that would guarantee further investigation. This is from Regina's book: ... e478fe.png ... 58d76c.png ... b3d10a.png ... aa485d.png ... 374bd9.png ... 9ae456.png { Tony's confession confirmed on TV, April 1998 } ... 427bba.png {Mother's confession confirming parts of Regina's testimony in May 1998}

Source for above: ... -free.html

WikiLeaks provided us with two much earlier and less important questionings that took place same day in January 1998 basically from what I see: ... cord,_1998 ... aert-1.pdf

I've retyped that manually and run through automatic translation with corrections because some stuff didn't make sense at all, now it should be better although far from perfect:
On January 29, 1998 at. 0934 hours, was heard by me / their reporting officer (s):


Place and date of birth: BORGERHOUT on January 26, 1942
Civil status: Married to BONAERS JOSEPHINA
Profession: representative
Address: 2140 ANTWERP, Turnhoutsebaan 81/10.
who declares: in Dutch



I wish to speak Dutch and prefer this language in legal cases.
At your request, I volunteered in the offices of the Gendarmerie BOB
BRASSCHAAT, in order to be heard in a matter that concerns me.

I am aware of the presence of the following interrogators: ADC COPPENS
Frank van BOB BRASSCHAAT, Adjt Marc MERTENS, WM Chris SAENEN and Bart OOMS

I have no objection to my statement being recorded on tape.


ANSWER: Yes, I have known the LOUF family since 1981. I heo these people professionally get to know. I got to know them on the foire in the construction center of ANTWERP, where I stood as a representative in pet products at the time. From then on I joined the family as a supplier of these items.

QUESTION: Who do you know from the family

ANSWER: I know the mother, the father, the daughter, the brother of the lady, a frame I think a cook if I'm not mistaken. I also know the acquaintances from next door there, the family NEUKENS if I am not mistaken. The family lived on the Grondwetlaan, het I don't know exactly the number, in the municipality of ST-AMANDSBERG.

QUESTION: You have been there several times at home?

ANSWER: I used to come there almost weekly. If I was in GHENT I would come there. I eventually used this place as my base for my clients in Ghent.

QUESTION: So we can say that you had a good relationship with the LOUF family.

ANSWER: Yes, you can say that. But this relationship dates back about ten years ago. From 1985 the relationship diluted and in 1987 I am there about twice a year been. The last time I saw those people was in 7 or 1988. I dare there, however not to directly paste the year. However, I know that the mother was already very ill at that time. At that time already side lay with oxygen. I believed it was a lung disease for which purpose she needed oxygen. Her brother would also have a similar lung disease, after I've heard. I believe he is a baker.

QUESTION: From then on are there still contacts?

ANSWER: From then on there are no more commercial contacts. I called her irregular sometimes. Now last year in May I called her again just like that agree behind the situation. To have a chat once. Then was it must have been seven or eight years since I called her again. Or she then to called me or I don't remember anymore.

QUESTION: You know that the daughter Regina was recently in the news?

ANSWER: Yes, I know Regina has recently come into the public eye.

QUESTION: What have you caught in the media?

ANSWER: All kinds of awful things. Monday, January 19, around noon, I became Called by a journalist I don't remember, nor from any newspaper or other media group that he was. It was then that I first heard of X.

QUESTION: What was that journalist able to say?

ANSWER: He asked me to schedule an interview. He then told me to the phone about rumors circulating about me. That it was rather delicate and that he wanted to talk to me about it. The next day I got a call from several others people on the same subject.

QUESTION: Has there ever been a conflict between you and the LOUF family?

ANSWER: No, never to my knowledge.

QUESTION: Have there been any other than commercial relationships between you and the LOUF family?

ANSWER: Only a friendly relationship. Us bound the common interest from dogs and so on. For example, they kept the regional papers for methe advertisement in which I could find other customers.

QUESTION: Can you give us an outline of your career development?

ANSWER: I started as a sales representative at PUBLIFOR in 1979 to November 1980 (audiovisual advertising), then from January 1981 to August of that year, dog products representative for the company GIMPET. Then I stamped up to January 1982 and then I started working for my current firm as an employee for CPB (audiovisual advertising). I still do this at the same company that currently has RMB media store calls. During the period that I worked at CPB, I went to the LOUF in family's advertising brochures to look for customers. There are no other colleagues of this company in contact came with the LOUF family.

Mr. DIERCKX was the director of the company PUBLIFOR who has now died there was still there another representative, Mr ALPAERTS. We worked in the region of ANTWERP. They took care of their own productions. So it was mainly a certain one Jacques CLEMENT who took care of the recordings.

At the GIMPET company of pet products was a certain Paul from the area BRUSSELS director, I believe he came from the Netherlands, I was the only one there representative and there I did almost all regions in the Flemish part of the country and BRUSSELS. Sometimes alone and sometimes with him.

QUESTION: Which vehicle are you driving?

ANSWER: I drive a CITROEN CX diesel of gray color, number plate 21 CS 5. Me bought it as a new car in November 1986. At this CITROEN. Were options include an air conditioning, ABS, tinted windows and radio-cassette that I got about a year and a half later have placed it. Before that I had a Mercedes 300 diesel of brown metallic with as an option a radio cassette, a sliding roof. I also bought that vehicle new. Before that I had a silver-gray FORD Capri, there were no special options on it. It was about a two liter six-cylinder.

I've never owned a motorcycle. When I was fifteen or sixteen I had an accident with one moped and have never been on a two-wheeler again.


ANSWER: He worked in the weaving industry, I don't know what services he did. He However, not much showed up in the dog hair salon. He was a very good, quiet person, a family man, rather on the soft side. The mother was a very hard-working woman. She was more resolute. Regina was a good girl, a little sleazy. She was a little shy, quiet. Many people came to the LOUF family, mostly customers. I also have seen the neighbors, the NEUKENS family with them a few times. I think these were good ones friends of the LOUF family. The NEUKENS family consists of a man, a woman and two daughters about the same age as Regina. I'm still in touch with now the LOUF family.

QUESTION: Have you ever had financial difficulties?

ANSWER: I have never had any real financial problems.

QUESTION: What is your family status?

ANSWER: I have been married to BONAERTS Josephina since 1963. Out of this is one daughter, Tanja VAN DEN BOGAERT. She is married to Mark GEELEN and has two children, Tessa, 6 years old and Nick, 9 years old. I've never been divorced, I do get in 1991 I lived for six months with BENNOY Maria, for the reason that we are marriage no longer saw fit. Afterwards, the relationship with BONNAERS Josephina is back restored.

QUESTION: Have you had any other extramarital affairs or slips.

ANSWER: In 1997 I had a short slipper with a certain Ilona TIMMERMANS who then lived on the Hoogboomsesteenweg in Kapellen.

I am formal to say that outside of the aforementioned relationships or flip flops, there is never anything else has been, not even in the past.

QUESTION: Did people from the LOUF family accompany you during the time you worked at CPB?

ANSWER: Yes, Regina has been on a few customer visits, she stayed of course sitting in the car. I cannot remember that they take me outside Ghent accompanied. This was only to point out an address to me.

QUESTION: Have you ever stayed overnight with the LOUF family?

ANSWER: Yes, in the room next to the parents' room. There was a single bed. This has happened at most once or twice.

QUESTION: have you ever gone to parties with the LOUF family?

ANSWER: Outside the wedding reception, I agree with them to the Gentse Feesten and this in the following company: the LOUF couple, the DONNERS couple (my then boss) with their son Thierry, Regina and myself. I believe this happened in 1986. This was the second time I think, as I have been with it the year before couple DONNERS.

QUESTION: Did it get late then?

ANSWER: Both times it was early hours before I returned to Antwerp.

QUESTION: Have you ever been on vacation or outing with the LOUF family?


QUESTION: Did you have common hobbies with the LOUF family.

ANSWER: Yes, on the one hand the dogs and I knew that the daughter liked to ride horses. I am ever go and see a horse that they are against my advice (financially hard to bear) bought in for their daughter Regina. After that, I went to one several times show gone in the riding school. I myself also had a horse that stood at the Welcome Farm in Grobbendonk and that I rode daily.

QUESTION: Who was the manager of the riding school in Grobbendonk?

ANSWER: It concerned a certain François of whom, however, I no longer have surname remembered. He even gave me driving lessons. I think Danny, Regina's frame, once attended a competition that included the The LOUF family participated in the riding school “De Ponderosa” in Ghent.

QUESTION: Did Regina already know her husband when you went to watch the competition?

ANSWER: Of course. That boy then also sat down at the table. Afterwards I deduced this from the facts, because I did not know then that it was her boyfriend.

QUESTION: Do you have anything to add to this for now?

ANSWER: I can only say that I once went to the veterinarian after the family's poodle was run over. I used to go pick up dogs with them from an animal breeder in Kalken.
I am aware of the fact that this interrogation will be interrupted on 29/01/98 at 11:05 hour.

Reopened our interrogation of VAN DEN BOGAERT on January 29, 1998 at 11.45 am
who further explains us in Dutch:

QUESTION: Have you ever hosted a member of the LOUF family at your home?

ANSWER: No, even none of the family has ever been in contact with the members from my family.

QUESTION: Can you tell us about the LOUF family dog ​​grooming salon which were its regular visitors and this both business and friendly?

ANSWER: Outside of the NEUKENS family, I don't remember any regular visitors.

QUESTION: Do you know a certain Carine in this connection?

ANSWER: I think it was a girl who lived right up there and who lived there came regularly. She was about thirty years old. She walked in and out, but I can't tell you anything more about it. On interpellation I can say that she was married and a little daughter. She eventually divorced her husband and then moved. Later on I met them once more. I think Georges LOUF helped her move but am not sure.

QUESTION: Are there any friends or acquaintances of Regina that you have seen there?

ANSWER: I remember a certain Brigitte (black hair) who spent some time in the hair salon helped. School friends and neighbors also came home. I can mine do not remember any names. On interpellation I can say that Regina went to school in the school street in St Amandsberg. I think she went to school by bus. If i I drove past it I took her with the car. I don't remember this being me was asked systematically.

QUESTION: Do you know of any other Regina schools?

ANSWER: I believe she later went to school near St Peter's Square. I don't remember ever picking her up there. However, it is possible.

QUESTION: Have you ever known Regina's grandmother?

ANSWER: Yes, I have seen her two or three times. I mean her once at the LOUFS at home. I also remember one time when I was together with the LOUF family went to Knokke to see the garden she had set up with a view to participating in a decoration contest. She lived right opposite a customer “Hotel Cecile”. The last time that I saw her was at Regina's wedding.

She gave me the impression of being a pretty bossy woman who was, however, loved by her grandchildren for she was generous with it. I think Regina was also very positive about it. I thank you that the grandfather had passed away and was a former police commissioner.

QUESTION: Do you have other than business relationships in Knokke?


QUESTION: What was Regina like when she was with her grandmother?

ANSWER: She was normal in my opinion. I think I even heard that Regina had once lived in Knokke with her grandmother.

QUESTION: How old was Regina when you met the family?

ANSWER: I believe she was about fifteen years old. On interpellation I can say that before 1981 I was not even aware of the existence of the LOUF family.

QUESTION: Have you ever stayed with the grandmother?

ANSWER: No. However, it was a fairly large house for which the hotel paid quite a lot of money wanted to give to buy it.

QUESTION: Who did you know at the Hotel CECILE?

ANSWER: The patrons, however, I don't remember their name. I have prospected in it as part of the sale of Alta Mira stones by those people.

QUESTION: Have you ever had any other than commercial or friendly relationship with Regina or her mother?

ANSWER: Definitely not, I am formal about it.

QUESTION: Do you have anything else to add to this?

ANSWER: No. I am aware that this interrogation ends today, January 29 1998 at 12:09 pm. I have no complaints to formulate regarding the course of this interrogation.
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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Truthseeker3000 »

Tony V was also the rapist abuser of Anneke Lucas and slept with her mother as well, same scenario as Regina.
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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Axel Vervoordt is brought to light ... again ... in context of smuggling stolen art, just like he was accused of doing the same nearly 20 years ago. ... re-1964390
Kim Kardashian Must Forfeit an Ancient Roman Sculpture That Experts Say Was Looted From Italy
The celebrity influencer purchased the work from Axel Vervoordt Gallery in 2016.

The U.S. government is seeking the forfeiture of an ancient Roman sculpture that celebrity influencer Kim Kardashian was in the process of acquiring after officials determined that it had been illegally smuggled out of Italy.

The statue was detained at the U.S. border in 2016 after a logistics company working for Kardashian tried to import it with the wrong documentation. New legal documents, first pointed out on Twitter by federal courts reporter Robert Snell and independently verified by Artnet News, have concluded that the work was “looted, smuggled, and illegally exported,” and Italian authorities have requested its repatriation.

A civil forfeiture action on April 30 in a U.S. district court named Kardashian as the consignee and importer of the ancient limestone sculpture. According to court documents, Kardashian bought the sculpture, known as Fragment of Myron’s Samian Athena (1st – 2nd century), in 2016 from Axel Vervoordt Gallery in Belgium. (Vervoordt is the art dealer and interior designer responsible for the decoration of Kardashian’s Calabasas mansion.)

The sculpture was detained when it arrived in Los Angeles in May 2016 after authorities were alerted that it might be protected cultural property. As part of a bilateral agreement to crack down on the pillaging of cultural heritage, the U.S. has restricted imports of archeological material originating from Italy. Any importer now needs clear documentation authorizing the importation or other documents such as an affidavit, license, or permit stating that the export was not in violation of the laws of the country of origin.

The sculpture arrived as part of a 5.5-ton shipment described as containing 40 antiques, Modern furniture, and decorative objects, valued at $745,882. It was being imported under a U.S. tariff schedule for “antiques of an age exceeding 100 years,” as opposed to archeological material.

Officials requested provenance details from the logistics company Masterpiece International, which provided the sculpture’s sales invoice to Kardashian, as well as a previous invoice showing that Vervoordt had purchased the work from Galerie Chenel in Paris in 2012.

Suspicions were raised when authorities noticed a discrepancy in the descriptions of the sculpture on the two invoices, with the 2012 statement describing it as “a large draped statue” with provenance from an “Old German Collection, bought before 1980,” and the invoice for the 2016 sale to Kardashian describing it as a “fragment,” and containing handwritten notations indicating it had originated from Italy. A director from Vervoordt’s art history department, Robert Lauwers, had also provided a contradictory statement by way of an unsworn affidavit stating that the sculpture did not originate from Italy.

The sculpture was seized in June 2016 and, the following month, Italy’s task force for the protection of cultural heritage added a new twist by claiming it had seen (and photographed) the confiscated statue at Vervoordt’s gallery booth at TEFAF Maastricht in 2011, well before Vervoordt purportedly purchased it from Galerie Chenel in 2012.

Ollivier Chenel, a director of Galerie Chenel, told Artnet News that the gallery purchased the sculpture from an auction house in Germany in 2010, and that it had previously come from an English estate. He added that the date discrepancy on the invoice could be explained because the statue had been on loan to Vervoordt before it was officially acquired.

“It is very strange that [the complaint does not mention] the German auction house as the information was given to them at the time,” Chenel said. “I can guarantee you that this sculpture was acquired legally at Hampel Auction house in 2010.”

A spokesperson for Axel Vervoordt told Artnet News that the forfeiture filing took the gallery by surprise. “We have acquired this piece in good faith from a French gallery who had also acquired it in equally good faith from a German auction house,” she said. “The former collector was English but precise traces seem to stop there. However, there is no evidence that this piece was illegally imported from Italy.” She added that the gallery’s American client also acted in good faith when dealing with the work but declined to comment further in the interest of discretion. Representatives for Kim Kardashian did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The decision to seek definitive forfeiture of the sculpture came after an archeologist from Italy’s Ministry of Cultural Heritage analyzed the work in February 2018 and identified it as a copy of an original Greek sculpture executed during the early to mid-Roman Empire. The expert also linked the sculpture to Italy through comparative scientific and iconographic elements. They noted that it had never been reported as a fortuitous find, nor been subject to a request for an export license from Italy, both of which have been required by law since 1909. Based on this information, the archeologist in the forfeiture report determined that the sculpture was “looted, smuggled, and illegally exported from Italy.”

A spokesperson for the court told Artnet News that the potential claimants involved will have an opportunity to litigate the matter before the court issues a final order of forfeiture. The court may still demand “other and further relief,” as well as the cost of the proceedings.
In fact, the list of accused by Baron de Meeus from 1999 that Axel was on wasn't only about children smuggling operations but also drug smuggling: ... ember-2001

According to Kleintje Muurkrant (wrote in 2005) Axel was dragged into accusations about art smuggling by Michel van Rijn, famous art world connected person who was first looked for by the police however later he cooperated with them: ... n-de-abous

You can read it here too: ... p-2007.pdf
Very well respected art dealer. Began his career as an art and antiques dealer
in the late 1960s, when he meticulously renovated a narrow street with
sixteen of the oldest houses in Antwerp. In 1986, his company moved to a
castle in the woods of 's-Gravenwezel, a small village just north-east of
Antwerp. This estate is right next to the Castle Kattenhof, which was pointed
out by Regina Louf as the place where she was forced into torturing and
killing of what seems to have been Katrien De Cuyper. His client base consists
of extremely rich businessmen from all over Europe and the United States.
Friend and decorator of the Belgian royal family. Sting, Bill Gates, and
Madonna are among his clients, supposedly just as the Rothschilds, Saudi
royals, Otto von Habsburg, and Hans Melchers (of the Dutch Melchemie who
was involved in selling chemicals to Iraq in the 1980s). According to Michel
van Rijn, Vervoordt not only exhibited art looted by the Nazis from the
Adolphe Schloss collection in his booth at the fair in Maastricht, he seems to
have also been a paedophile
Now Jan Portein of Kleintje Muurkrant reported again, today, on the newest information about Kardashian - Vervoordt potential art smuggling scandal, Google translation: ... l-s-return
Axel's return
06 MAY 2021
By Jan Portein.

Another lot of fuzz around Kim Kardashian. Well, that will probably rust her ass. But not us. Because an old friend from Kleintje's star gallery is involved in that fuzz. The Belgian art saint Axel Vervoordt. In February 2020 we got a very nice look at Kim's home and her Kanye West, still acting as a marital trailer. The entire loft is decorated according to the ethereal insights of Uncle Axel. Watch and enjoy . But for a few years now, an inky black cloud had hung over this white “abbey” in the form of a Roman statue from the time when the Colosseum was still properly preserved. Read and enjoy.Oops. Axel and Pontius Pilate suddenly turn out to be distant relatives. In any case, it is clear that the image has passed the always so kosher TEFAF and La Dusselière is still Axel's spokeswoman. You will have to tell such a dick story on behalf of your boss to sleuths and sjoernalists. And that is not the first time. Axel and his spokeswoman have appeared in the light of our headlights several times in the past and if you want to laugh in this time full of doom and gloom, we recommend that you use our search engine.. It transports you to shady stories about koterkrawlings, scrambling with Jewish heritage, the loss of a stolen parquet floor, the presence of Axel's name on the compromising List Meeûs, a lost court case surrounding the construction of a “gentleman's farm” in 's Gravenwezel and drone about a stolen Libyan burial monument that came from the richly stocked storehouse of the Lebanese Aboutaam brothers. All very memorable and exclusive to Kleintje Muurkrant. What else. Stay tuned.
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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Heisenberg123 »

This news is very important because it potentially links (again) Axel Vervoordt and probably in the most public way possible - to underworld of criminals. ... 03576.html
Has the Belgian art dealer Axel Vervoordt sold a stolen Roman statue to the world-famous TV star Kim Kardashian? The American customs confiscated the image and Italy is demanding it back, but Vervoordt says in a response to De Tijd that he bought the image lawfully.
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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Heisenberg123 »

If you are interested Memory Hold has made video closely following this topic called "From DC to Dutroux":

Hopefully more will be covered in video form and information will be closer to mainstream.
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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Interesting facts and connections pointed. Possible infiltration/connections to bad actors circle (through Steele? and Maccoby?) Read and connect the dots before you accuse me of accusing good people and victims/alleged victims.

Who shielded Maccoby family when heat came close to them? None other than Robert David Steele:

We know that he is connected to vague (in contrast to Pizzagate) description of who is the culprit - because he never likes to name them when it comes to satanic ritual abuse rings.

But I've connected him to friends of Regina Louf, victim of evil elite pedophilic ring in Belgium - her story was heavily covered here:

Carine Hutsebaut is friend of Robert David Steele, Carine is also close friend of Regina Louf. ... db559d.png [Robert Steele is friends with Carine] ... 7c1b7e.png [ Carine is friends with Regina Louf ] ... 4bed17.png [ Current profile and name of Regina Louf on Facebook is Ginie Beeckman, Carine is friends with her ]

Carine Hutsebaut is also friends of Anneke Lucas, just like Nora Maccoby: ... dd46af.png
Source; ... 917#p10917

Anneke Lucas who knows Nora Maccoby (from family who are friends of James Alefantis) testifies that she was a victim of the very same pedophile ring as Regina Louf: ... 3284595090 ... 676033.png ... kf3N0o7KIr

Nora Maccoby and James Alefantis: ... 227824.png

Nora Maccoby claimed she knows Anneke Lucas since 90s: ... 334036.png ... 9bf2d9.png

She's commenting her profile: ... 360c04.png

Anneke goes on liking Nora Maccoby profile: ... 04/scr.png ... d2d8be.png [Actual like]

Other people liking it are: ... f4/scr.png Dawnsbizzy ... 88/scr.png Nora sister - Izette Maccoby Folger and a guy who calls himself a "slave hunter" Aharon Cohen

Look for Folger and Dawnsbizzy activity here too: ... d738cc.png
Source: ... -instagram ... 07792e.png

And look at the first liker, jabbaroos, his own activity doesn't look like he's anti-child abuse hero, lol [this image shows his strange activity, provides his look and proves by his own picture and him captured on YT adoption video that he was at adoption day November 2014 (107 weeks before jabbaroos profile was archived in December 2016, 107w is timestamp on his own adoption day pic) in two rooms of Moultrie Courthouse, those activities liked by James Alefantis] ... lDRHRdTJxo

Then there's Victoria Reis activity on the same profile of Nora Maccoby, they're friends: ... 96/scr.png

Reis activity on the bottom here: ... 43/scr.png

Interestingly Reis activity aligns with some of the jabbaroos activities: ... lDRHRdTJxo - Bottom left to see the context how it aligns.

Bigger context for the whole network of these people: ... JOwossfSkC

So I wonder what's relation of Anneke Lucas with them because for me it's the most surprising connection of them all. That leaves us with fact that Pizzagate circle knows at least ONE alleged criminal from Dutroux case and at least ONE victim. If that doesn't make you think then I don't know what will.
In addition to that, Douglas De Coninck, author of X-Files about Dutroux case, man who contacted Regina Louf, friend of her ...
THE "X-FILES" was written by two reporters from the newspaper De Morgan, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, and a reporter from the weekly Journal du Mardi, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, who is appealing a 500,000-franc fine for revealing prosecution secrets.
Also friends with Anneke Lucas:


Also friends with Carine Hutsebaut:


And Regina Louf, now known as Ginie Beeckman:


Regina Louf about Douglas de Coninck in her own words, in her book: ... -free.html
46. I talk to the press I read the newspaper articles about the Dutroux case. Would Marc Verwilghen know what was really going on? Would he listen to me? One way or another I had to let him know how alarming the situation really was. I didn’t know how to reach him and I was wrestling with my many doubts and questions when all of a sudden a part of the answer reached me through the mail. I received a brown envelope, addressed to me, but the originator was unknown to me, someone from Brussels. I thought it was publicity and opened the envelope without suspicion. When I looked at the letter inside, several pages long and addressed to me personally, I gasped for breath. Two journalists Annemie Bulté and Douglas De Coninck, introduced themselves and explained that they had been following up on the Dutroux case and the X-files for quite some time already. They stated they were very uneasy about the fact that De Baets’ team had been eliminated. They doubted whether the investigations would continue and were afraid that all these files would die a silent death. They’d like to meet me, as a witness, to have at least an idea about who was hiding behind the X. They left the choice to me, I didn’t have to meet them if I didn’t want to, and they wished me the best. I read the letter, read it again and again. I got this eerie feeling that I was no longer anonymous. If two journalists could get


to know who I was this easily, who else knew my identity? And why did they ask the same questions I had been asking since September 1996? I stared at the letter and came to a conclusion quite rapidly. What did I have to lose? I picked up the phone, nervously, and dialled the number. “Hello, with Douglas De Coninck.” “Hello, I am X1,” I answered. I started laughing when it remained silent at the other side. This wasn’t at all what he had expected, and he told me so. He had expected that I would be timid and serious. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. I did not fit the image that people had of a victim. But I was a fighter and I didn’t want to let a year and a half of hearings go to waste. We understood each other, this was clear. But because we were both very cautious over the phone - God knows who was listening - we agreed to meet. Douglas and Annemie would come to my place. I told them jokingly that they certainly wouldn’t have too much trouble finding my place, given the fact that they already knew the address. He laughed and I hung up. I fully realized the importance of this new step. I had no idea about how this would impact my life, but I had promised De Baets not to give up and I always kept my promises. The journalists appeared to be quiet and pleasant people. One way or another I felt immediately comfortable with them. We sat down at the table, closed the door and let our baby-sitter take care of the kids. My children didn’t need to know what would be said and what was going to happen. They deserved their own life and didn’t have to carry along the burden of my past. And I started an interesting conversation with Douglas and Annemie from De Morgen (Belgian newspaper in the Dutch language) and Marie-Jeanne from Télémoustique (Belgian magazine in the French language). It quickly appeared that we shared the same worries. They had an impressive knowledge of the case and they too had been following the recent evolutions with a very uneasy feeling.

Re Anneke Lucas and her connections to circle of alleged US ring, Anneke Lucas claims she was trafficked to the US at age of 9 and trafficked through hotels: ... -on-hotels
Efforts to stop sex-trafficking focus on hotels
Anneke Lucas survived being trafficked for sex not once, but twice.

"I was 9 years old when an elderly English-speaking man took me to the United States in his jet and sex-trafficked me in a luxurious hotel,” says Lucas, an anti-trafficking advocate and the founder of the nonprofit organization Liberation Prison Yoga.

“When I was 11, a similar thing happened with a French-speaking guy,” she tells me. “Both times there were numerous hotel staff around us, and I was never approached by anyone.”
Another quote:
Lucas was born in Belgium. She says she was sold to a European pedophile network by her mother. The first time she was sexually abused, she says, was around her sixth birthday. She was raped repeatedly, made to perform in orgies and physically tortured. During her enslavement, she says, she was taken to high-class hotels in Europe and United States with men whose languages she didn’t speak.

Nora Maccoby has known Anneke Lucas since 1991, this basically predates the X-witness testimony on the criminal group that Dutroux and others belonged to. Nora Maccoby claims that Pizzagate is a hoax and it's better to look only at the Belgian side, but fails to mention that Anneke Lucas talked about being transported to the US as well. ... 334036.png ... 9bf2d9.png

Interestingly, Steele wrote the foreword to the book on the themes of the occult and human trafficking, the illustration was done by Nora Maccoby: ... B08NDRCWBC
Pedophilia & Empire: Satan Sodomy and the Deep State Book 2: The United Kingdom – The World’s Pedophilia Epicenter (PRINT Pedophilia & Empire) Paperback – November 11, 2020
by Joachim Hagopian (Author), Nora Maccoby (Illustrator), Robert David Steele (Foreword)
Robert David Steele visits blessed (as he says) Nora Maccoby: ... paintings/
Nora Maccoby is BLESSED and on occasion tormented. I met her when I agreed to read and ultimately endorse her book The Intelligence, which has many of her earlier paintings. Now I have ordered her latest book, Identity Cartography, which is loaded with her newest paintings. Listen to her talk about what inspired her and what the painting represent — hint: everything is energy (Einstein said this), the feminine is back, love is on the rise, and when we reach peak love, Earth will be restored and the Cosmos will be balanced. I don’t impress easily. Nora Maccoby is BLESSED and being exposed to her work has been a blessing for me and should be a blessing for you.
Interestingly Robert David Steele is here on his bizarre unofficial ITNJ committee collecting "evidence of child trafficking" and talking there too about the takeover of charities like orphanages and organisations fighting child trafficking by dangerous individuals, yet he seems to be defending the Maccoby family and downplaying the importance of the connections found by never mentioning them directly, he also talks about satanic rituals, just bizarre stuff

Next to David sits Carine Hutsebaut, who has dedicated her life to fighting the phenomenon of trafficking and exploitation of minors:


And quote from previous pages:
I've made map of connections between Pizzagate circle and Dutroux:

The connections are undeniable. Take your time in studying it, there's a lot.

Here's updated version with little note about two texts on it not being continuation of each other but being from same PDF file and both talking about Nihoul, important in order to not cause confusion, never thought about it when I was making screenshots but it actually looked like one text is direct continuation of other.
To this day Anneke Lucas is active on profile of Nora Maccoby Hathaway alongside users like dawnsbizzy (Dawn Saul) ... vN-QKovg0/

Here's Nora Maccoby activity on 2013 post of Anneke Lucas:

When did Anneke Lucas start trending on the internet? Well it was 2016, just when Pizzagate broke out, interesting coincidence? Or not? ... ke%20lucas

First huge videos with her made in December 2016, just month after Pizzagate broke out: ... p=CAI%253D

No doubt this was pushed shortly after/during Pizzagate and because of Pizzagate popularity, she was talking about being victim before that but the interesting thing is that it was pushed back then.
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:12 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Someone contacted Regina Louf friend Carine Hutsebaut about Anneke Lucas and Nora Maccoby friendship. Carine says she thinks Anneke is controlled oppositon. ... 4dabb2.jpg ... 510e97.jpg ... f69e8f.jpg ... 4cba35.jpg

Obviously James Alefantis - Nora Maccoby - Anneke Lucas is one of the most interesting connections in Pizzagate especially given how mainstream media are so interested in debunking Pizzagate and yet they are not interested in debunking extremely viral claims of Ms Anneke Lucas which hit millions of views.

And thats just one video ...

Think logically about implications of this all, lets not judge but lets dig deeper and think.

Because the connection is very real ... ... 9bf2d9.png ... 227824.png
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Axel Vervoordt caught in storm of accusations in Dutroux case is connected to James Alefantis and Abramovic

Post by Heisenberg123 »

New image on Anneke Lucas connection to this whole thing:

And other link: ... ssLCeXDNno

Its yuge, and contains some additional stuff. Also I will add again, I have no idea what this means. But its important connection.
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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