The_Roman_Numeral ago

You can take this for what it's worth. Everyone in DC knows one thing to be true.

Once CIA. Always CIA.

Jem777 ago

This guy is trying to divert attention on to certain people but not others. He came out of the blue when the elites began to scramble and started giving mass interviews.

Narcissism ago

RDS has all the hallmarks of a disinfo agent.

dFrog ago

Ask him about Silsby and the orphanage. Include your evidence in the question.

2impendingdoom ago

Based on his writings last fall, Steele comes off (to me) as an unmedicated bipolar on a manic rant. Maybe bipolar disorder is a symptom of MK ultra/brain washing?

SuperJohnWayne ago

David Seaman affectionately calls Bobby "Uncle Shill."

EricKaliberhall ago

I wouldn't trust Robert David Steele with a BB gun in Aleppo!

Vindicator ago

I am flairing this latest Steele encounter as "Possible Disinfo" based on the comments, as well as the fact I can't shake the sense that he is trying to be important. I also think it curious that he pops up just when the FBI drops Vault7 of HRC's emails. That's really where we need people paying attention.

roundhouse1776 ago

He's desperately trying to be important, which is always a huge red flag. In that AMA, he was dropping links to his websites every other answer. And said at least a few times how if only Trump would meet with him, that we could save the country. (Implying that otherwise we're screwed).

roundhouse1776 ago

This guy is still CIA loyal, I'm 90% sure. He constantly deflects away from blaming the CIA onto the NSA. It's well known that the CIA and the NSA hate each other. We all know the CIA is rotten and corrupt to the core, anybody who makes excuses for them is definitely a shill. Also why deflect from the Maccoby's? Does it have anything to do with the fact they're Jewish? Could be Israeli controlled disinfo, plus the CIA and Mossad are basically a package deal, they do all this evil shit together.

dFrog ago

He doesn't shy away from dishing dirt on the CIA. I've been listening to every new interview he gives and I've known of him for several years. In part 3 of 3 of his latest VL interview, he says something like, "I'm sick of all these morons saying, 'Once CIA, always CIA.' Please. What about the books I've written with state senators calling for the evisceration of CIA?"

Here's another quote from yesterday: "NSA and CIA are part of the deep state and they're all working for Wall Street. All of them have their sweetheart deals, their offshore bank accounts, their special privileges. You have networks of people who are being blackmailed--not just for pedophilia, but for other indiscretions."

roundhouse1776 ago

You're the same guy that was vigorously defending Seaman, who has no credibility at all left. I guess my instincts are right concerning RDS.

dFrog ago

"Defending" is when you stick up for someone to protect them with no regard for whether or not they are standing on legitimate ground. I don't defend anyone or anything. I say what I think and more often than not, what I think is that other people's logic doesn't hold very well. If I thought either of these men were bullshitters, I would show them no mercy. This is just me disagreeing with you.

Besides, neither Seaman nor Steele have anything to do with me, so nothing I say has any bearing whatsoever on their trustworthiness.

roundhouse1776 ago

Seaman is clearly not what he seems, only the most stubborn and/or blinded people are still denying that. So my point is that if someone still believes in Seaman, also believes in RDS, I like my odds having the opposite opinion on RDS.

dFrog ago

That is still arbitrarily pivoting off of what I think and what I think is irrelevant to both of these men.

Here's another quote from the AMA where he was asked about CIA:

"VERY compartmentalized in one sense, and very open in another.

No. CIA is simply legalized crime on behalf of the White House, Wall Street, Saudi Arabia, the Vatican, the Zionists -- they work for everyone EXCEPT the American public.

War is a profit center that also produces children for pedophiles and organs for marketing.

The Clintons were entirely created by CIA. Bill Clinton, like Barack Obama, has been a Deep State president installed to screw the 99% for the 1%, at the direction of Wall Street."

roundhouse1776 ago

So, knowing all that, why does he then call for the NSA to be dismantled and folded into the CIA? He actually even says NSA HQ should be demolished. So, the CIA is completely corrupt, and not only should continue to exist, but also gain the NSA's massive spying capabilities?

Only a CIA agent could have logic that faulty.

dFrog ago

I think he means that he would like a reformed CIA to expand, not CIA as-is. He says that their power to be corrupt to the bone is based heavily on their ability to blackmail elected leaders and etc.

Here's a quote about James Comey from yesterday:

"Comey is a deep state kind of guy. He's a Lockheed Martin guy, he is a Rothschild guy. For a while there, he was on the board of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank which is the ultimate drug money-laundering, gold-busting, child pedophilia-funding bank in the world. It is THE apple of Rothschild's eye and Comey was a member of the board of directors there, ostensibly to provide ethical oversight.

My bottom line on James Comey is that he's a devout Catholic bucking for Knights of Malta who would sell us out to the Vatican if he saw a chance to but he did some very important, useful things before the election that helped get Donald Trump elected and therefore, I give him a clean sheet. I think he can be saved. I would consider it a privilege to work with James Comey, who, by the way--his term doesn't expire any time soon. I think we should have a Come-to-Jesus meeting with James Comey. We should reinforce him in cleaning out his own house and then we should triple his budget."

roundhouse1776 ago

I'm quickly losing patience with your child - like reasoning, but I'll spell it out for you anyways. Combining the CIA and NSA in any way, shape, or form is a terrible idea, no matter what you want to call it. "New-CIA" or whatever. Their power would be unimaginable. Elections would no longer matter. It's the exact reason why the CIA - MOSSAD alliance has had so much power, but it would be even exponentially worse than that. If you can't see that, then I can't help you. This is my last reply.

bumbleberries ago

Let's look at this in reverse: Why did he single out the Maccobys? Why not, say, the false accusations towards Ibrahima Diallo in Hope of Guinea?

ANOTHER QUESTION: Why is he doing the AMA on Reddit? Why not at Voat?

cantsleepawink ago

He's on Reddit because he'll get a harder time here.

roundhouse1776 ago

What happened to RDS's claim that big arrests are coming in a couple of weeks? I don't trust this guy one bit. I'm giving his arrest timeline until Monday, which is already past the deadline, and if it doesn't happen I never believe a word he says again.

nomorepepperoni ago

I take Steele with a VERY large grain of salt. However, this was a response to this question from ""sheasie":

"re: your original post: /r/conspiracy/comments/5x5qd6/weekend_ama_guest_robert_david_steele_friday/defgyu6/

PizzaGate, for all its flaws

re: #pizzagate; what "flaws" ? :) "

Don't agree about Maccoby, but let's not paint this as him dismissing pizzagate--just that it has flaws.

bumbleberries ago

He could very well be controlled opposition. He's clearly intelligent enough to understand that rejecting a claim without providing reasons isn't going to cut it. It's possible that he's attempting to control the narrative. We should use him for what he's useful for: he's given personal testimony that there is a child-trafficking unit run by the CIA in Washington DC. Other than that, we should take him for a grain of salt and personally I'm worried that he has influence over Trump's decisions.

I'm glad that he's apparently being ignored for the time being.

nomorepepperoni ago

If he is somehow still legit, then could he be playing 4D chess, knowing throwing shade on someone will make us look harder? Or could he just be incredibly mistaken? He was mistaken about Trump in the past, as well, and Trump's crew might not like him too much for that reason (he suggested awhile ago that Trump might have been bribed to throw the race).

bumbleberries ago

He doesn't seem very trustworthy. If he really has all the answers from the beginning, he'd be helping us out. He's just doing random interviews repeating what we already know, without offering his "expert investigation skillz" to aide in the fight.

nomorepepperoni ago

Inclined to agree, he's just trying to get attention. He may well be trying to get that attention for unrelated good intentions (like helping Trump fight the deep state), but that's only speculation and could go either way.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Agreed, just thought it was odd he singled out Maccobys when there's a fairly extensive body of evidence to support a connection

notanartist ago

To my knowledge he mentioned the MacCoby's because he has known the daughter for many years - and she's apparently the only person mentioned w/PG that he personally knows.

Singleservename ago

On second thought the Maccobys are a very litigious lot, so their involvement could be a major reason for PG related content takedowns.

Then again are we rookies supposed to shut up about them for this reason?

nomorepepperoni ago

And I agree that part is fishy, particularly with the recent suit.

bumbleberries ago

Hmm.... why isn't he giving reasons? What is the "rookie mistake"? If he has proof that it's a false lead, why didn't he create an anonymous account on Voat to debunk it rather than waste our time?

Anyway, it's funny because the proposition of pizzagate is to demand an investigation into all these suspects. Maccobys are nothing other than one of the many. Why is he specifically targeting the Maccobys without even providing a single reason?

Anyway, upvoting because this deserves attention. What's up with this guy?


RDS has just become a member on the project Avalon forums. Ask him straight up

dFrog ago

He knows some Maccobys (a man and his daughter, I think, but I don't remember the names; I think the woman does some kind of art) and said, "They are not pedophiles as far as I know." He added something to the effect of, "Not every orphanage in Haiti is a trafficking front."

cantsleepawink ago

We all need to continue digging. After all, we are doing the work that the FBI should be doing. If we stray into territory that some poor sensitive soul doesn't want TOUGH.

bumbleberries ago

At this point, it doesn't matter if the Maccobys do turn out to be a false lead, because there's clearly smoke and none of it has been investigated, which is a fact. I find it strange how Steele would pull this move, as he'd lose all credibility if it turns out to be true. But he doesn't deserve an inch of respect due to the fact that he thinks he doesn't require evidence for his claims. I just cringe at the idea of him saying "I told you so!" or some shit. He's one cocky bastard, that's for sure. And if it does turn out to be true, Steele should leave the truth industry and apologize to the children for derailing such an important investigation.

cantsleepawink ago

Agree with you re: Maccobys. As for Steele, I think that's all part of Operation Smoke and Mirrors.

huhhh ago

Do people really trust this goose?

cantsleepawink ago


Red4reel35 ago

That's how I feel . He insults people for making " Rookie mistakes " when most of us are rookies . He could send us the information if he really wanted to and help these children because we all know at the very least there is some really messed up child molestors hurting children but he chooses to tell us something we already know? I don't buy it for a second . If he was " afraid for his safety " he's no rookie right ? So he would have no problem getting the real info to us or at least putting us on the right track. At least the " rookies " are trying even though we get laughed at and called conspiracy nuts , I'm proud to be that instead of being brainwashed by a system who hurts children.

dFrog ago

Calling something a rookie mistake is not an insult. Have some humility. Maybe he doesn't point us in the right direction because this subverse is not his priority. Maybe he's working with old data and doesn't know how much we've found. There are a number of possibilities.

Red4reel35 ago

I have plenty of humility . I think I am not just speaking for myself when I say that we all deserve the truth and I highly doubt he is working with " old data " retired or not they are always working , my mistake was I used to think they worked to protect the American people.

Clinker ago

Well said!

Singleservename ago

Maccoby has no ties to Friends of the Orphans? FotO has no ties to Silsby? Silsby has no ties to Clinton?

Maccoby has no ties to Izette Folger? Izette Maccoby-Folger has no ties to Alefantis? The Folgers have no ties to Podesta?

Fuck you Steele. And thank you, I will be digging some more right here.

Do not trust anything or anyone CIA, except to send you exactly the wrong way.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I know right? Don't know why this post is getting downvoted, it's not like I agree with him. We have evidence Max Maccoby legally represented Alefantis and Brock for godsakes

dFrog ago

I think a lot of people who cry "shill" have an arbitrarily hypersimplistic way of making that determination. I'm open to the possibility of Steele being a shill, but I've been following him for years and he's always been consistent with other insiders I've listened to and other information I've come across.

He was in Scott Noble's Counter-Intelligence docuseries and it's all about how dirty the CIA is.

Singleservename ago

We also have evidence Maccoby Jr. publicly defended Comet in a very aggressive way against an annoying if innocuous ANC.

Downvoats are likely for the same reason I downvoat ANY post referring to DS no matter the content.

Steele is of a different calibre though.

Edit: jr. not sr.

bumbleberries ago

It also turns out that Max Maccoby was also the guy that threatened Frank Winstead at the ANC meeting, rather than his father. So the ties were closer than we originally thought.

huhhh ago

*Robert David Seaman

notanartist ago

This is a very disappointing comparison. RDS has been a voice for government integrity and Open Source Everything for three decades. He's authored numerous books, is an international expert on open source, a current Nobel Prize nominee, and a proponent of Electoral reform. Some of the best minds in the world subscribe to his website. Has he been extremely visible lately? Yes - people are FINALLY recognizing the importance of his work and are eager to hear what he has to say - after THIRTY years. This sub should be the last place he should face criticism. Your research is remarkable - You have shed light on one of the biggest global conspiracies in history, and your research will no doubt save thousands of children's lives and bring many of the perpetrators to justice. Can you imagine waiting thirty years for that to happen? Can you imagine how frustrated you'd be, and, how, when given the chance to finally get your message out, you would jump on that? You might even be described as "self-important," "outspoken," or worse. But you'd keep doing it because people need to know - no different than how you're educating people about pedophilia and child-trafficking now. RDS does NOT support pedophilia and has openly criticized it for years The statement he made about Maccoby was based on personally knowing her, and he qualified it with a "to my knowledge" or something similar. His broader point seemed to reflect a concern that contributions to legitimate orphanages could be affected.

derram ago :

I am Robert David Steele, former spy, Marine, electoral and intelligence reformer, champion of Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE). AMA : conspiracy

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