Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

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Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Maccoby family are interesting family in context of Pizzagate, they potentially link main alleged culprit (James Alefantis) with access to orphanages, and there are even connections to known circles of child murder rings like Dutroux ring in Belgium.

Head of the family Michael Maccoby has its own article on Wikipedia:
Michael Maccoby is an American psychoanalyst and anthropologist[1] globally recognized as an expert on leadership for his research, writing and projects to improve organizations and work.[2][3] He has authored or co-authored fourteen books and consulted to companies, governments, the World Bank, unions, research and development centers and laboratories, universities and orphanages or taught in 36 countries.[4] Maccoby's article, Narcissistic Leaders: the Incredible Pros, the Inevitable Cons written in January 2000, was awarded a McKinsey Award from the Harvard Business Review.[5]
He was born in Mt. Vernon, New York on March 5, 1933 to his father, who was a reform rabbi, and his mother who was a teacher. Except for two years at the Brandes School in Tucson, Arizona, Maccoby attended public school in Mt. Vernon. He graduated from A.B. Davis High School where he was awarded the General von Steuben Medal for Excellence in American History. He received a BA (magna cum laude) at Harvard University[4] in 1954 where he was president of The Harvard Crimson. He then studied philosophy with Stuart Hampshire and Bernard Williams at New College, Oxford on a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship.

As a graduate student at Harvard he was a teaching fellow and secretary to the Committee on Educational Policy at the faculty of Arts and Sciences. He received a PhD from Harvard[4] in Social Relations (combining social psychology and personality with anthropology) in June 1960. At Harvard, he worked with David Riesman, Jerome Bruner, B.F. Skinner, and McGeorge Bundy, and also studied with the anthropologist Clyde Kluckhohn. At the University of Chicago he studied with the anthropologist Robert Redfield and the psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim. While there he also studied Machiavelli with the political philosopher Leo Strauss.[6] He married Sandylee Weille in 1959. Between 1960 and 1968 they lived in Mexico, while Maccoby worked with Dr. Erich Fromm.
His site:
Michael Maccoby
is a globally recognized expert on leadership who for 40 years has advised global leaders in businesses, governments, unions, universities and non-profit organizations in 36 countries. He is president of The Maccoby Group in Washington, D.C.. He has a BA and PhD from Harvard University, where he directed the Program on Technology, Public Policy and Human Development at the Kennedy School from 1970-90. He graduated from The Mexican Institute of Psychoanalysis where he studied under Erich Fromm and with him wrote Social Character in Mexican Village. He is author of The Gamesman, The Leader, Sweden at the Edge, Why Work?, Narcissistic Leaders, The Leaders We Need, lead author of Transforming Health Care Leadership, and author of Strategic Intelligence. In appreciation of his work in Sweden, he was made Commander of the Royal Order of the Polar Star. He is a fellow of the American Psychological and Anthropological Associations and the National Academy of Public Administration. He has been a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz and Sciences Po in Paris. He taught leadership at Oxford University’s Saïd School of Business where he was an associate fellow. The Washington School of Psychiatry presented him a lifetime achievement award. He is strategic leadership advisor to Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, an organization with homes for orphaned and abandoned children, schools, hospitals and clinics in nine countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. (his children are described here)
Curriculum Vitae of Michael Maccoby
Current Positions
President, The Maccoby Group., Washington, D.C.
Director, Project on Technology, Work and Character.

Academic Positions
Instructor, College of the University of Chicago (Social Sciences 2), 1955-56; Teaching Fellow, Harvard Department of Social Relations, 1957-60; Secretary to Committee on Educational Policy, Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences, 1956-60; Visiting Professor, School of Political and Social Sciences, National University of Mexico, 1960; Professor, Graduate course in Clinical Psychology, Mexican Institute of Psychoanalysis, 1964-66; Professor Cornell Summer School, 1966; Visiting Professor in Psychology, University of California at Santa Cruz, 1967-68; Faculty Member, Mexican Institute of Psychoanalysis, 1970-75; Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., 1969-75; Faculty Member, Washington School of Psychiatry, 1975-87; Director, Program on Technology, Public Policy and Human Development, J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard, 1978-1990; Adjunct Research Fellow, Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School, Harvard, 1990-93, Visiting Professor, Sciences Po, 1998, 2009, 2010, 2011, Assoicate Fellow, Saïd Business School, Oxford 2004-2014.

Consultancies (partial listing)
AT&T, 1977-2000; Communications Workers of America, 1980-88, 1993-94, 2002; A.B. Volvo, 1975-90; U.S. Department of Commerce, 1977-81; U.S. Department of State 1978-84; World Bank, 1978-80, 1988-89, 1995-99; Swedish Council on Management and Work Life Issues, 1982-87; Bricklayers and Allied Craftsman and International Masonry Institute, 1984-2000; Library of Congress, 1988; Facilitator, National Leadership Commission on Health Care, 1986-88; National Coalition on Health Care, 1989-; American Federation of Teachers, 1990-92 & 2004; The MITRE Corporation, 1990-96; Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 1992-93; Cultor, 1988-1999; ABB, 1988-1999; Swedbank, 1987-2000; Georgetown University Medical Center, 1995-96; Scripps Healthcare, 1998-2000; Penn State Medical Center, Geisinger Healthcare, 1998-1999; George Washington University, 1999-2005; DAI 2000-2008; US Army Corps of Engineers, 2007; BT, 2007-2008, Airgas, 2013; Petrotrin, 2013.

Books Authored
Strategic Intelligence, Conceptual Tools for Leading Change
Oxford University Press, 2015.
Transforming Health Care Leadership: A Systems Guide to Improve Patient Care, Decrease Costs, and Improve Population Health
with Clifford L. Norman, C. Jane Norman, and Richard Margolies
San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2013.
The Leaders We Need: And What Makes Us Follow
Harvard Business School Press, 2007.
Narcissistic Leaders: Who Succeeds and Who Fails.
Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2007. (paperback)
Agents of Change: Crossing the Post-Industrial Design
with Charles Heckscher, Rafael Ramirez, and Pierre-Eric Tixier.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
The Productive Narcissist: The Promise and Peril of Visionary Leadership
New York: Broadway Books, 2003.
Social Character in a Mexican Village
with Erich Fromm
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1970. Reprinted with new introduction, Transaction Press, 1996.
A Prophetic Analyst: Erich Fromm’s Contributions to Psychoanalysis
Mauricio Cortina and Michael Maccoby, editors.
Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1996.
Why Work?: Motivating the New Workforce
Second Edition, Miles River Press: Alexandria, VA, 1995.
Sweden At the Edge: Lessons For American and Swedish Managers
Editor., Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991.
Leadership for Sweden
with Anders Edstrom, Stromberg Lennart, and Jan Erik Rendahl.
Lund, Sweden: Liber, 1985.
The Leader: A New Face for American Management
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981.
The Gamesman: The New Corporate Leaders
New York: Simon and Schuster, 1976.
Social Character and Social Change in Mexico and the United States
Cuernavaca: CIDOC, 1970.
Clinical Work
Private practice of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, 1962-1988.

Signet Society, Phi Beta Kappa, American Psychological Association (Fellow), American Anthropological Association (Fellow), Society for Applied Anthropology (Fellow), National Academy of Public Administration (Fellow), Cosmos Club, PEN, Authors Guild.

Board Memberships
International Group Plans, Inc., 1978-80; SMG North America, 1989-96; Our Little Brothers and Sisters, Inc., 1977-2014; Tällberg Foundation, 1990-2005; Washington School of Psychiatry, 1997-2013; Albert Shanker Institute, 2006-; National Coalition on Health Care, 2010-.

Mt. Vernon, New York public schools; Harvard, B.A. (m.c.l.) 1954; Ph.D., Department of Social Relations (Social Psychology, Personality, and Cultural Anthropology) 1960; New College, Oxford, 1954-55; University of Chicago, 1955-56 (Human Development); Mexican Institute of Psychoanalysis (Degree in Psychoanalysis), 1964.

Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1954-55, New College, Oxford; National Institute of Mental Health Research and Training Fellowships 1957-60, Harvard University, 1960-63; Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1968-69.

Commander of the Royal Order of the Polar Star (Sweden)

Lifetime Achievement Award, Washington School of Psychiatry, 2016.

b. 1933, Mt Vernon, N.Y.; married 1959 to Sandylee Weille; children: Anne Maccoby Berglof, Izette Folger, Nora Maccoby Hathaway, Max Maccoby. Grandchildren: Alexandra Berglof, Nick Folger, Camilla Folger, Katerina Berglof, William Hathaway, Ida B. Maccoby, Martin Maccoby
Michael's son, Max Maccoby info here:

Michael's daughter, Nora Maccoby information here:
Nora Maccoby is an American artist, filmmaker, and environmental activist.

In 2004, Maccoby created the bipartisan energy literacy initiative, Nature's Partners.[1]

Nora wrote the screenplay for the movie Buffalo Soldiers that was released in 2001.[2]
Nora Maccoby

Energy Strategist and Filmmaker
Nora Maccoby is an energy strategist and an award-winning filmmaker.

In 2002, she began working with the local government in Grenada, West Indies, to develop clean energy solutions. She co-founded Nature’s Partners (2004) and The Green Salon (2006) — and has spent the last five years working primarily with the U.S. Department of Defense as a Senior Communications Specialist.

Ms. Maccoby is a member of The Energy Consensus, and serves on the board of The International Fund for China’s Environment. Her book, "The Energy Conversation: The First 3 Years," is available online at

Her short film "Dropping the Bomb on My Street" received the Youth Jury: Leopard of Tomorrow award at Locarno Film Festival in 1994. She went on to co-write "Bongwater" (Jack Black, Luke Wilson, Brittany Murphy) and "Buffalo Soldiers" (Joaquin Phoenix, Ed Harris, Scott Glenn, Anna Paquin), which won The Evening Standard British Film Award for Best Screenplay in 2004.

Ms. Maccoby was born in Mexico City and grew up in Washington, D.C., where she graduated from The Sidwell Friends School. She received a BA in Theater from Oberlin College and an MFA in Film Directing from The American Film Institute, where she won numerous awards.

Michael's another daughter, Izette Maccoby Folger, she is on advisory board for Innocents At Risk (they're combating child trafficking):

She was also very much linked to James Alefantis - main suspect in Pizzagate, they are good friends, example of that can be found on archived James Alefantis Instagram:
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2898 [Different Instagram archives]

Interesting thread about them, connecting them to orphanage from which children were taken by Laura Silsby, Silsby was captured on Haiti, trying to get out with 33 kids, without proper documents. Bill Clinton even intervened in that case. ... 01&page=42 ... ed-sources

The last link connects Maccoby family with Silsby case, and here's different angle on that:


This is very important link between army and Nora Maccoby:

WHEN Army Major Todd Hathaway recently married screenwriter/environmentalist Nora Maccoby at the stuffy Cosmos Club in Georgetown, the ceremony was as unlikely as their union. The Episcopalian-Buddhist rite was performed by a Jungian analyst with bell-ringing, a reading from Native American visionary Rolling Thunder, and vows to “love, honor, and listen to.” The couple met through the Energy Consensus Group, created in 2005 after a Christmas party where Maccoby challenged Donald Rumsfeld to recognize America’s energy policy as a national security issue. The bride and groom are proud parents of 6-week-old William Walker Hathaway. At lunch after the wedding, top solar energy strategist Scott “Sundoggie” Sklar listened as James Woolsey, Bill Clinton‘s former CIA chief, told of test-driving the Tesla Roadster (an electric vehicle that goes 0-60 in 3.9 seconds) and dusting a teenager in a Corvette. Also at the nuptials were “Solar Siren” Jodie Roussell, head of the American Council on Renewable Energy, who was deep in conversation with screenwriter James Scott Linville, just back from the Spanish set of “Garden of Eden.”
Those links connect Nora Maccoby to occult movie producers:


And those links shows how Nora Maccoby connects Pizzagate alleged ring wherabouts with Dutroux child murder ring wherabouts, which is huge connection given Anneke Lucas testimonies about US counterparts of the trafficking ring (from what I remember):


Maccoby family mentioned multiple times here, including Nora Maccoby connection to Innocents At Risk, not just her sister - Izette Maccoby Folger - who is on advisory board of Innocents At Risk.


Here's connection of Maccoby family to interesting individual, Michael Giacalone aka celadon61:


Here's what can be found on Voat search if you look for "Maccoby" ... n&forum=on

I hope there's more info that will be posted here. Godspeed!
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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Who shielded Maccoby family when heat came close to them? None other than Robert David Steele:

We know that he is connected to vague (in contrast to Pizzagate) description of who is the culprit - because he never likes to name them when it comes to satanic ritual abuse rings.

But I've connected him to friends of Regina Louf, victim of evil elite pedophilic ring in Belgium - her story was heavily covered here:

Carine Hutsebaut is friend of Robert David Steele, Carine is also close friend of Regina Louf. ... db559d.png [Robert Steele is friends with Carine] ... 7c1b7e.png [ Carine is friends with Regina Louf ] ... 4bed17.png [ Current profile and name of Regina Louf on Facebook is Ginie Beeckman, Carine is friends with her ]

Carine Hutsebaut is also friends of Anneke Lucas, just like Nora Maccoby: ... dd46af.png


I wonder what's behind Nora Hathaway Maccoby recent disappearance from social media (Facebook, Instagram)

Here's old thread made on her on Voat, archived, with many screenshots and interesting insights into her person:
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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Robert David Steele is currently on the Arise tour with such luminaries as Sacha Stone, Leigh Dundas. I'm no fan of RDS but I've admired Leigh Dundas's work and wondered what she was doing with this crew. Then I find out she's a Scientologist.

See my post on spooks, Scientology, RDS et al : British intel, US spooks, Scientology and the co-option of the Great Awakening viewtopic.php?f=50&t=1756

From your link ... te/3994307
Here is ex CIA agent Robert David Steele in Nora Maccoby's house:
Archive: ... 0O0N1Jnyns

I checked out the first commentor on his pinned comment on that video.. Angelica Christi .. uh huh..
Here she is talking about the green ray blue ray violet ray.. etc.. ... icaChristi

That's Scientology/Lucis Trust-speak.... these intelligence characters, I mean enlightened souls who constantly speak about "The Awakening".. that was also a feature in the Hampstead case... I'm really fed up with this BS...

So, I took another look at the infamous Maccoby family...

Here's an article on Max Maccoby, .. no, not the son of Michael Maccoby, but his father and grandfather of Nora Maccoby :

A Tale of Two Jewish Communities in Westchester ... r-3-29-08/
Not too long ago I received a call from Miriam Netter, the daughter of the late Max Maccoby, who had served as the founding Rabbi of the free Synagogue of Mount Vernon from 1927 to 1956, the year of his untimely death at the age of fifty-two. I knew neither Miriam nor her brother Michael Maccoby, who were born more than a half a generation earlier. Miriam and folks from the synagogue were working on a party to celebrate not only the Maccoby Foundation, but the life of their late father. It seems that Miriam was surfing the Internet when she came upon my essay, The Connections Music, the Synagogue and Politics, which mentioned her father and his relationship with the great American Rabbi, Stephen Wise and his friendship with the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt. She was able to contact me through my website: , and during our conversation, I mentioned that I knew her father when I was a lad and admired him greatly, as did the entire Jewish and non-Jewish community of the City of Mount Vernon. I learned subsequently that there would be a celebration of his life, a dinner in his honor, and an address from his son, her brother, Michael regarding his father’s legacy on Friday the 28th of March. This event would take place at the new Sinai Free Synagogue, which is located on the same property as the now demolished Free Synagogue used to stand. I promised her that Linda and I would be there, and we were.

I met Linda at the Harlem Line’s Metro North stop in Fleetwood, Mount Vernon, and within five minutes we were crossing Gramatan Avenue, heading east on Devonia Avenue and turning north for one block on Columbus to the entrance of the Sinai-Free Synagogue. We parked easily, found our way quickly inside, said hello, made our contribution and quickly found Miriam Maccoby Netter and her family. We said hello, and eventually found a table with a couple who were around our age. After our introductions, we realized that we actually were acquainted. We had last seen the Rosensweig’s fourteen years earlier....

..In 1906 Sinai Temple was founded as the first reform Temple in Westchester with the help of Daniel Hays. Its first Rabbis in those early days were Kohut, Warsaw until Joseph Gorfinkle, who served for twenty-one years from 1908 through 1929. It was during this period that it moved to Crary Avenue. Over the next forty years, Sinai Temple was guided by both Dr.Andhil Fineberg, who served until 1937, and then was succeeded by the great Dr. Henry Kagan who served though 1969. After Rabbi Kagan’s departure, Sinai merged with the Bronx Sinai Temple. In the 1920s a group of families broke off from Emanu-El, and eventually raised enough money to buy property on South Columbus Avenue, not far from Third Street, and they partially erected the new Jewish Center of Mount Vernon. Congregation Emanu-El continued to expand and they moved from the Masonic Temple on Crary Avenue and re-located to a new building on Lincoln Avenue in 1957, under the religious guidance of the liberal Rabbi Aaron Blumenthal.

...Max Maccoby, the late great rabbi, was the spiritual leader of the Free Synagogue when I lived as a child in the City of Mount Vernon. Rabbi Maccoby, was a student of the late Stephen Wise, who was one of the most important Jewish leaders of the 20th century and the founder of the Free Synagogue of New York. By the time Rabbi Wise married my parents in 1935, he was famous and a confidante of Franklin Delano Roosevelt....

The roots of the Free Synagogue emanated from the mind of Rabbi Wise in 1905. Rabbi Wise, who was from Portland, Oregon, was under consideration to be installed as the Rabbi at Temple Emanu-El in New York City. When he learned that the temple’s board of trustees would review his sermons, he withdrew his name from consideration. He was interested in a “free” synagogue that would appeal to Jews from all of the then three existing movements. He started to hold services in the Lower East Side, and the Hudson Theater, on 47th Street and in 1907, at the Savoy Hotel, with hundreds of followers, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., the father of the future Secretary of the Treasury, was selected as president of the new synagogue. The Free Synagogue held services often at the Universalist Church of Eternal Hope on West 81st Street, where, in 1910, over 1000 people attended a service. Wise reached out to all of Judaism’s branches, and with his great success and message, the congregation was able purchase several brownstones on West 68th Street, before they built their new and current synagogue and headquarters there in 1950. Unfortunately, Rabbi Wise did not live to see the opening of the new location. He died suddenly on April 19, 1949, only one month after celebrating his 75th birthday at a gala diamond jubilee ceremony in his honor.
Miriam Netter Obit ... id=4964148
Netter, Miriam DELMAR Miriam "Mimi" Maccoby Netter, Esq., died on September 9, 2010 in her Delmar home surrounded by her loving family. Ms. Netter was born in Mount Vernon, N.Y., the daughter of Rabbi Max and Dora Steinberg Maccoby. She graduated from Brown University and (with honors) from Albany Law School (where she was also law review editor). She married Dr. Howard R. Netter, an obstetrician-gynecologist, in 1956. In her practice, Mimi was an inspiration and role model to law students, young attorneys, and women. She represented universities, corporations, individuals, and not-for-profit organizations, and worked with startup companies in developing intellectual property law (an area in which she was recently honored). She was a partner at Pattison, Sampson, Ginsberg & Griffin in Troy, and served as general counsel at MapInfo, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Russell Sage College. Mimi was also a frequent lecturer, a member of numerous professional organizations, and served on the boards of several organizations including Wild-wood Programs and Capital Repertory Theatre. She actively supported Planned Parenthood, To Life! and the United Jewish Federation. She was president of the Legal Aid Society and continuously involved with Albany Law School (helping to create the Kate Stoneman Program) and New York State Bar Association. She was honored with many awards for her philanthropic and professional contributions....

Predeceased by her husband in 1995, the beloved Mimi is survived by her children, Mark (Stacy) and Beth; grandchildren, Jake and Nate; her brother, Michael Maccoby (SandyLee); many family members; and her loving life partner, Carl Bloomberg.
Sandylee Maccoby
Sandylee Maccoby is a portrait painter and novelist. She is a graduate of Smith College and taught French and Spanish at Georgetown Day School...

The Therapist
by Sandylee Maccoby
explores forbidden love between a charismatic psychoanalyst and a beautiful patient. It takes us into the glittering salons of Boston society, the world of avant garde New York artists, and the politics of Harvard professorships. It is a story of passion and ambition, but, most of all, it is the story of a woman's awakening to self discovery and finding the courage to follow her dreams.

"A page turner on the lives of the rich and the ambitious. We expect to find such astonishing narcissism in bankers, not therapists! Maccoby reminds us that power politics is everywhere."
-Katie Lee Weille, Ph.D., author of Making Sense of Parenthood
Sandylee Maccoby obit ... &fhid=2167
Passed away on November 4,2019 after a long illness. She was the beloved wife of Michael, loving mother of Annie Berglof, Izette Folger, Nora Maccoby Hathaway, and Max Maccoby, grandmother of Alexandra and Katie Berglof, Nicholas and Camilla Folger, William Hathaway, Ida and Martin Maccoby.She was born in Boston, MA in 1933, graduated from Rosemary Hall and Smith College. She was a champion figure skater, artist and novelist. She taught French and Spanish at Georgetown Day Middle School.
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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by MercurysBall2 »

For the longest while I've wondered if Eleanor Maccoby was related to Michael Maccoby and his family. See our related posts mentioning her here: ... um=on&b=on

The answer is yes, by marriage. She was married to Nathan Maccoby (who she calls Mac) which she writes about in her memoirs: ... 872283.pdf
Pg. 114:

We didn’t meet any other family members on that first visit,
but on a subsequent visit we were invited to dinner by his cousin
Frances, now married to a successful business man. After that we
often stayed with Frances and her husband when we visited
Portland. As it turned out, however, we were soon to move to the
East Coast, and the member of his family with whom we became
closest was his brother Max, the rabbi of the Free Synagogue of
Westchester, in Mt. Vernon, New York. Max ran a reform
synagogue and seemed to have no reservations whatever about
welcoming me into the family. He and his wife, Dora, visited us
often, and we stayed with them in Westchester when the
opportunity arose. We became very fond of their two children,
Michael and Mimi.

Pg. 167:

Another real benefit of our situation was that our nephew,
Michael Maccoby, the son of Mac’s older brother Max, the rabbi,
was admitted to Harvard, and we saw him frequently through the
ensuing years. Max and his wife, Dora, occasionally came up from
Westchester for a weekend with us and to see their son. We became
pretty much Michael’s off-campus home. We went through some
of the vicissitudes of his college life with him, feeling great pride when he joined the staff of the Crimson and was elected the
president of the Crimson in his senior year.
During all of Michael’s childhood, his family, of course, had
never celebrated Christmas, and Michael had harbored a secret
envy of his Christian friends, with their decorated trees, bright
colored lights and all the rest. So on the next Christmas he wanted
to join us for our celebrations. He helped trim the tree, sang carols
with us, and woke up Christmas morning to find a stocking for him
hanging at the fireplace. His mother thought we were leading him
astray, and blamed us when he subsequently married Sandylee
Weile, from a fairly prominent non-Jewish family. Sandylee and
Michael and their four delightful children have remained a close
and beloved part of our family over all the many years since that

As it happened, my older sister Sue’s younger daughter,
Helen Bee, was admitted to Radcliffe during our Harvard years, so
we also had the pleasure of visits with her. She took my course in
Developmental Psychology, and later came to Stanford as a
graduate student in Psychology. Needless to say, she too has been
a continuing close family member and I see her and her
wonderfully interesting mathematician husband, Carl deBoor, as
often as possible.
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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Here's another review of Sandylee's novel The Therapist by Father Rick Frechette ... 0615519377
"I loved the story. Very engaging. I raced to finish it, trying to guess which track the storyline would take. It is a story not only about the true values that save a personality from harm and illness but make it flourish; at the same time, it is a warning about what happens when people ignore these values or worse, choose the opposite. (The deadly sins are alive and well.) Great story!" Father Rick Frechette
Our posts on Fr Frechette ... um=on&b=on, including:

A further look into NPH Haiti, the orphanage that Laura Silsby visited to find her children - Politics, the church, intelligence services and children.
When Rick Frechette became a Passionist priest in 1979, his goal was to minister to the spiritual health of humanity. Little did he know that one day he would also minister to the physical health of orphaned children and the needy. Born in 1953, Frechette graduated from Assumption College in Massachusetts with degrees in math and philosophy. He next attended St. John’s University in New York and studied theology as a seminarian, and was ordained a priest in 1979. After a few years as a parish priest in Baltimore, he met Fr. William B. Wasson, founder of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos™ (NPH, Spanish for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”) and worked in Mexico in 1983 at an old hacienda that had been converted to a home for nearly 1,000 orphaned and abandoned children. As a priest and administrator, his next calling was to Honduras to help establish a second orphanage for NPH.

He also founded the St. Luke Foundation which creates dignified jobs in social service fields including 29 street schools, water delivery to the slums, hospitals and clinics and burying the unclaimed dead from the city morgue.

Mother Teresa’s Sisters of Charity in Haiti directed Fr. Rick to the next turning point in his life.

Mother Teresa' s Sisters of Charity Investigated for Adoption Trafficking (2011) ... d-for.html


Father Frechette, Hollywood and Scientology

In 2009, Artists for Peace and Justice was formed by Paul Haggis.
APJ began after filmmaker Paul Haggis met Father Rick Frechette, an American doctor and community organizer working in Haiti.

In the same year he left the Church of Scientology
After maintaining active membership in the Church of Scientology for 35 years, Haggis left the organization in October 2009.
Scientology in Haiti ... e=true&s=i
By the time we arrived in Haiti, after a stopover in Miami, we had missed three landing slots at the airport. Aid agencies — genuine aid agencies — from other countries were being turned away, refused permission to land. But we still got a slot straight away. The guy who ran our charter seemed to think that the Scientologists had some real influence with the US Government, who were assigning the slots.
Film director Paul Haggis' connection to NPH (Our Little Brothers and Sisters) in Haiti thru Catholic priest/physician Fr. Rick Frechette. NPH connection to Friends of the Orphans and Laura Silsby...

Paul Haggis is in the news now because he was recently accused of rape by a publicist who, by the way, happens to be working now for Child Mind Institute.

Haggis has a long history of working on behalf of children in Haiti, even pre earthquake. It started when he read an article years ago about an American priest and physician named Father Richard “Rick” Frechette who was helping people in the slums of Haiti and decided to go there and meet him in 2008. They became good friends. ... hp?lang=de
Fr. Rick with Sr. Philomena and Mother Teresa
Fr. Rick with Pope John Paul II
Fr. Rick and child from NPH Haiti St. Helene home
Dr. Michael Maccoby, an American psychoanalyst and anthropologist globally recognized as an expert on leadership, explains who is a Productive Narcissist and how it might be essential for their success :
phpBB [video]

In comments:

"Trauma-based mind control was refined by the work of Michael Maccoby and Erich Fromm for the CIA using the research of B.F. Skinner- an associate of Maccoby at Harvard. Maccoby and Fromm worked in Mexico and Central America doing sadistic research on children in orphanages supported by Maccoby. He's also a good friend of James Alefantis as is his son Max."
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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Further, from Eleanor's memoir, she writes about her boyfriend prior to Nathan Maccoby: ... 872283.pdf
I began to talk with some of the students in Monty’s inner
circle, and there was one in particular with whom conversations
became especially lively. We began to drift over to the commons for
coffee, and then to date in the evening. His name was Ben Barzman,
a literature major and budding playwright. Of all things, he was
also a Day Dodger—one of those people who didn’t live on campus
with whom we campus residents seldom associated. He stood out
from the rest of the Reed students in a number of ways. For one
thing, he was older—definitely a man, not a boy. I later learned that
he was about seven years older than me...

He had never expected to go to college, but had been talked into signing up
for courses at Reed by his good friend Nathan Maccoby, a recent
Reed graduate,
famous among the in-group as the only student
who had come close to beating Monty at handball...

One evening Ben took me over to Monty’s house for one of
the famous sessions of Monty’s storytelling, with his little group of
faithful psychology students in attendance. Everybody except me
was drinking and smoking. I think I was the only girl there. As
Ben’s girlfriend I became a peripheral member of the group..

It was a strange summer. Ben was a loyal and supportive
presence, and we spent a good deal of evening time together.
Sometimes we went over to his brother’s house to babysit for their
four-year-old little boy. I learned something about Ben: he was a
remarkably skillful inventor of games and stories, and together we
had a good time keeping ourselves and the little boy entertained. I
remember one game Ben invented: we would pretend that his little
nephew was a lump of dough, and we would set him to rise for a
few minutes, and then knead him vigorously and then carry him
over to the corner of the couch, which was our “oven.” We’d close
the oven door and leave him to bake. When we thought he’d been
quiet as long as he could stand it, we would go and test him to see
whether he was “done” (sometimes poking him with a pretend
toothpick). When we pronounced him fully baked we’d slice him up and take delicious bites of him here and there. The little boy was
generally a very active child, and when we thought he was getting
too hyper it was a good game to calm him down with.
Ben Barzman
Ben Barzman (October 12, 1910 – December 15, 1989) was a Canadian journalist, screenwriter, and novelist, blacklisted during the McCarthy Era and best known for his screenplays for the films Back to Bataan (1945), El Cid (1961), and The Blue Max (1966)... He was born in Toronto, Ontario to a Jewish family. He was the screenwriter or co-writer of more than 20 films..

Like many of his colleagues in the movie business, Barzman was blacklisted by the House Un-American Activities Committee.[1]

His wife, Norma Barzman, was a Communist Party USA member from 1943 to 1949. In 2014, she told the Los Angeles Times, "one should be proud to have been a member of the American Communist Party during those years. Hitler was invading the Soviet Union, so there was no reason to be anti-Russian, they were our allies."[2]

The couple moved to England so Barzman could work on the film Give Us This Day (aka, Christ in Concrete, 1949).[1][3] Following his return to the United States after directing Give Us This Day, Edward Dmytryk, one of the Hollywood Ten, testified about the Barzmans to HUAC in 1951. "To get out of prison he named us and a lot of other people," said Norma Barzman in 2014.[2] In the 1950s, the family moved to Paris, where friends included Pablo Picasso, Yves Montand, and Simone Signoret,[2] and later southern France).[1] Barzman did not receive credit for some films because of the Hollywood Blacklist.[1]

His U.S. citizenship was revoked from 1954 to 1963.[1] His wife Norma had her passport revoked from 1951 for seven years.[2] The family remained abroad in London, Paris and Nice until 1976, during which time he wrote his novels and screenplays for French and Italian films
I was a Hollywood communist - Screenwriter Norma Barzman spent years in exile after being blacklisted by the studios. Duncan Campbell meets her
There were two blacklists in Hollywood in the 1940s, says Norma Barzman, and she was on both of them. One was aimed at communists, and has been comprehensively documented. There was also a subtler one - one that's not as notorious as it perhaps ought to be - that excluded women from much of the film industry. Barzman learned about this second list not long after she moved to Los Angeles, 22-years old and newly divorced, as a would-be screenwriter...

She and Ben first became aware that the police were on their case when they were tipped off by a young actress, also called Norma, who was on her way to a party the Minellis were throwing to celebrate the arrival of their new daughter, Liza. Spotting the Barzmans having an alfresco gin and tonic, the actress told them that she had been stopped by cops at the bottom of their street and asked if she was going to visit them. Two years later, in exile, Ben spotted a photo of the actress in a newspaper. She had changed her name to Marilyn Monroe...

Gradually, she became disillusioned with the Communist party; the final break came in 1968 in Paris. So where does she stand politically now? "In the beginning, I saw that capitalism didn't work and that led me to look for another system. I still think capitalism doesn't work - there has to be some sort of socialist system - so I guess I'm a socialist now." Last year, she campaigned in Europe for John Kerry. "I wanted to keep Bush out - there really is a difference." She thought the president might have learned a painful lesson from what had gone wrong with the New Orleans rescue operation, "but he's smirking again"...

In London, she has addressed a meeting with George Galloway, whose new publishing house is bringing out her book. She is also catching up with the actress Zoë Wanamaker, whose late father, Sam, founder of the now reborn Globe Theatre, was an old friend. Her reception here has been friendly but in the US her talks and signings have been disrupted by a few right-wing hecklers. She was also dismayed, when speaking at American universities, that few of the students knew much about the blacklist. "How can they get through college without a clue about it? They haven't even heard of the Hollywood Ten [who were jailed for refusing to testify]?" She thinks that the Patriot Act in the US and the use of detention without trial both there and here have echoes of the old days. "They're using fear the same way they did during the cold war," she says...
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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Nathan Maccoby obit

STANFORD -- Nathan Maccoby, professor emeritus of communication and associate director of the Stanford Center for Research on Disease Prevention, and spouse of Eleanor E. Maccoby, professor emerita of psychology at Stanford, died of a heart attack Tuesday, April 14. He was 80.

Maccoby's interests ranged broadly over the uses of the behavioral sciences and mass communication for human benefit. A psychologist by training, he began his research career with studies of the effects of Army morale and training films during World War II. His research included work on the utilization of educational television for the Peace Corps, as well as studies of the application of mass communication and behavioral science for the prevention of disease.

Maccoby was internationally recognized as a leader in the field of communication research. He served as the director of the Institute for Communication Research at Stanford in the 1970s and held the Janet M. Peck chair of International Communication.

He was president of the International Communication Federation in 1974-75 and was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the International Communication Association, the American Psychological Association and the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Maccoby also served as consultant to the National Institute for Drug and Alcohol Abuse, the National Cancer Institute and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

Maccoby was born in London and grew up in Portland, Ore., where he was a high school tennis champion. He earned a bachelor's degree at Reed College and a master's at the University of Washington. After World War II service in the Army's Information and Education Branch under Yale psychologist Carl Hovland, Maccoby completed his doctorate at the University of Michigan.

His first academic appointment was as Earl Newsome Professor of Opinion Research and professor of psychology and chairman of the division of research at the Boston University School of Communication and Public Relations. He came to Stanford in 1959 as professor of communication, and served as department chair in the early 1970s.

Maccoby formally retired from teaching in 1977, turning full- time to a program of research in the uses of communication for disease prevention. This "second career" continued a program he had begun six years before retirement, as co-principal investigator on the "Three Community Study," and later the "Five Cities Study," which field-tested the effectiveness of various communication strategies in reducing heart disease risk factors among residents of California communities. He was published widely in academic journals of psychology, communication and public health.

He is survived by his wife, daughters Sara Bellina and Janice Carmichael, son Mark, and five grandchildren.
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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Carine Hutsebaut is friend of Robert David Steele, Carine is also close friend of Regina Louf.
Carine seems like a good person but I don't know much about her. She is focused on anti-child trafficking efforts: - Here she talks on ITNJ Commission, sitting beside Robert David Steele
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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by brwn »

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Re: Maccoby family - Important Pizzagate connection

Post by Heisenberg123 »

Why did Nora Maccoby delete her Instagram and Facebook account? ... 20hathaway

I wonder what happened.
Last edited by Heisenberg123 on Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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