"Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

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"Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

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In this post I commented on the history of New Delhi and it's relationship with the British colonialists and architect Edwin Lutyens, the UN-connected Theosophists and their early connections to the British medical establishment... > viewtopic.php?f=50&p=9561#p9561
..During the Delhi Durbar on 12 December 1911, George V, Emperor of India, while laying the foundation stone for the viceroy's residence in the Coronation Park, Kingsway Camp, declared that the capital of the Raj would be shifted from Calcutta to Delhi. The stone was designed by British architects Sir Edwin Lutyens and Sir Herbert Baker. Three days later, George V and his consort, Queen Mary, laid the foundation stone of New Delhi at Kingsway Camp..The city that was later dubbed "Lutyens' Delhi" was inaugurated in ceremonies beginning on 10 February 1931 by Viceroy Lord Irwin.[18] Lutyens designed the central administrative area of the city as a testament to Britain's imperial aspirations

Krishnamurti had a a wealthy benefactress, American Mary Melissa Hoadley Dodge, who was domiciled in England.. architect Edwin Lutyens' wife, introduced Mary and Muriel to Theosophy and to the works of Annie Besant ..Dodge provided financial support for the Theosophical Society and for the construction of its London headquarters (designed by Edwin Lutyens) in Tavistock Square. The building is now BMA House, the headquarters of the British Medical Association. ..
The NED is a Soho House hotel : https://www.sydellgroup.com/the-ned/london/hotel/ .....named after the building’s architect, Edwin Lutyens.

NEW DELHI is at the heart of the New World Order...
Today as people discuss the current media psyop about COVID and India, I came across an interesting graph about the treatment of C19 there :
I also saw last night a discussion about the different vaccines being used around the world and whether there may be different varieties of the same brand depending on the region and the population..

There are two Covid-19 vaccines that are being used in India right now -- Bharat Biotech's Covaxin and Serum Institute of India's Covishield. https://www.livemint.com/science/health ... 94796.html

Serum Institute? I recently wrote about them. See:

Pfizer is reportedly asking for military bases and sovereign assets as guarantee for vaccines viewtopic.php?f=29&t=2236
CEO is Adar Poonawalla, son of founder of the company Cyrus S. Poonawalla..You know there's a suspicion that these people who 'join the club' usually give their children over to the perverts for them to be indoctrinated into this corruption, right? So, I thought I'd take a closer look at Adar..

Adar Poonawalla was educated at The Bishop's School (Pune), St Edmund's School Canterbury followed by the University of Westminster...In 2011, he became the CEO. In 2012, he played a major role in the acquisition of Bilthoven Biologicals, a Netherlands-based government vaccine manufacturing company.[6][7] Poonawalla is a board member of the GAVI Alliance, the global vaccine alliance.

Prince Charles of Wales with Serum Institute Chairman Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla and Executive Director of the institute Adar Poonawalla during his visit to the Institute in Pune on Nov.10, 2013.
..COVAX provides vaccines to the developing world.... In February 2021, the WHO and Chubb Limited announced the roll out of a no-fault compensation scheme for COVID-19 vaccinations for low and middle-income countries which would be financed initially through Gavi COVAX AMC donor funding....

Evan G. Greenberg, Chairman and CEO, Chubb Group member of the Bilderberg Group..He also serves as Chairman Emeritus of the US-ASEAN Business Council...Greenberg is the son of Corinne Phyllis Zuckerman and Maurice R. Greenberg, the former chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG). Maurice is currently chairman and chief executive officer of C.V. Starr, a diversified financial services firm that is named for the founder of AIG, Cornelius Vander Starr. ..and is a major Republican donor. He donated to Mitt Romney's presidential candidacy..Cornelius Vander Starr also known as Neil Starr or C. V. Starr (October 15, 1892 – December 20, 1968) was an American businessman and operative of the Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor of the CIA
I'm definitely not getting warm fuzzy feelings about those vaccines.
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Re: "Lutyens' Delhi", COVID and the Biltmore Estate

Post by MercurysBall2 »

<.. In 2012, [Adar] played a major role in the acquisition of Bilthoven Biological.. >

Bilthoven Biological https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilthoven_Biologicals
Bilthoven Biologicals (BBio) is a manufacturer of vaccines based in Bilthoven, the Netherlands . The company was founded in 2011 by the Dutch government as a division of vaccine production from the former Netherlands Vaccine Institute , an agency that emerged from the RIVM . [1] The company is located at Utrecht Science Park / Bilthoven and sold on June 12, 2012 to the Serum Institute of India of the Poonawalla Group . [2]

Bilthoven Biologicals produces the polio, DTP and BCG vaccines . Bilthoven Biologicals supplies polio vaccines to the World Health Organization .
National Institute for Health and Environment https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rijksinst ... _en_Milieu
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is a knowledge and research institute in the Netherlands, aimed at promoting public health and a healthy and safe living environment . ..

The RIVM has a history that dates back to 1909. It was founded in Utrecht on Catharijnesingel under the name Central Laboratory for the State Supervision and was led by Charles Henri Ali Cohen . [3] Capacity was limited, while the supply of work increased rapidly: the Spanish flu , food research, diphtheria , tuberculosis , typhoid and syphilis , but water pollution also played a role.

Partly due to the medical developments as a result of the First World War , the Bacterio-Therapeutic Institute of Professor Charles Henri Hubert Spronck was taken over by the government in 1919 . After a shared accommodation, this now renamed National Serological Institute was merged with the Central Laboratory in 1934 to form the National Institute for Public Health (RIV).

In 1953 the RIV moved to its current location in Bilthoven . This was suitable to provide sufficient space for the staff, the work and the laboratory animals . It was set up on a large scale so that the Netherlands would no longer be dependent on imports for vaccines and, if necessary, in the event of a war with the Eastern bloc , to be able to manufacture sufficient sera and vaccines for NATO 's military apparatus .

On June 10, 2009, Queen Beatrix visited the RIVM in connection with the centenary of the institute.... As part of the reduction in the number of civil servants in the national government , the National Poisons Information Center (NVIC) has been transferred from 2011 to UMC Utrecht ..

RIVM and the Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) are expected to move from the current campus in Bilthoven to an eighteen-storey building on the Uithof in Utrecht in the autumn of 2021 . The design is by Felix Claus Dick of Wageningen Architecten.
Bilthoven https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilthoven
The history of Bilthoven dates back to August 20, 1863, when the Utrecht - Amersfoort railway was put into use and a station was opened at the intersection of the railway with the Soestdijkseweg .

The new station was called Station De Bilt , although it was half an hour's walk from De Bilt ..

In 1926 Kees Boeke founded the Werkplaats Kindergemeenschap in Bilthoven , [3] where, among others, Princess Beatrix and her sisters went to school.

Biltmore Estate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biltmore_Estate
In the 1880s, at the height of the Gilded Age, George Washington Vanderbilt II began to make regular visits with his mother, Maria Louisa Kissam Vanderbilt, to the Asheville area...Vanderbilt named his estate Biltmore, combining De Bilt (his ancestors' place of origin in the Netherlands) with more (mōr, Anglo-Saxon for "moor", an open, rolling land)
Voat posts on the Biltmore Estate include: https://searchvoat.co/search.php?t=bilt ... um=on&b=on
On the art world, occult groups and military links: SHAEF, Biltmore Estate, Monument's Men, and Psyop Units https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2701923
A recent post on the Olsen twins pictured with HRC at a Child Mind Institute gala prompted further research into the connections between the CMI and the Whitney Museum of Art via the co-founder Brooke Garber Neidich. The Whitney Museum was founded by a Vanderbilt and that made me think of the recent posts on the Biltmore Estate. Around that time was a military unit SHAEF, which also dealt with art and psychological operations/propaganda and began the Rainbow Unit of the military. ..

Henry Kissinger, whose meteoric rise to power is otherwise inexplicable, was a German refugee and student of Sir John Rawlings-Reese at SHAEF. [John Rawlings Rees CBE MD RAMC FRCP (also known as 'Jack' or 'J.R.') was a British civilian and military psychiatrist, Director of the Tavistock Clinic and President of the World Federation for Mental Health..

In 1934, Eric Fromm turned up in New York associated with the Institute of Social Research at Columbia University. The FBI took a good look at Fromm when he met with English film critic, journalist, writer, and political activist Cedric Henning Belfrage just after WWII... Dr. Maccoby also worked under Psychologist Erich Fromm.

...we've recently had a series of posts on the Biltmore Estate and its part in WW2, storing great art pieces away, its secret tunnels, and its use as a redistribution center : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2686121/13618753
QAnon Picking up Post Regarding Vanderbilt Pool and Tony Podesta Painting / It Happened Here First !!! https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2675947
St. John the Divine cathedral is really something! Talk about a satanic temple right under people's noses!.. Unbelievable how they "foreshadowed" the twin towers, but of course as Q says, No Coincidences! What a depiction! Twin Towers Here
The 'pool' at the Biltmore mansion: https://www.biltmore.com/Blog/article/g ... -asheville

Spanish architect Raphael Guastavino .. Around the country, more than 1,000 buildings feature his designs, including his signature vaulting, including the Boston Public Library, New York’s Grand Central Terminal, Carnegie Hall, and the Elephant House at the Bronx Zoo.
Biltmore/Vanderbilt Estate, the location of the "art" done by Biljana Djurdjevic? Which Tony Podesta displays in his home. https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2687605

Art and Activism - Serbian artist Biljana Đurđević https://artandactivismsite.wordpress.co ... -durdevic/
18 Feb 2017 — Serbian artist Biljana Đurđević ... In 2015 she had a major exhibition in Israel titled Instrument of Activity where she addressed sweat shops.
That was at the Braverman Gallery in Tel Aviv https://bravermangallery.com/artists/bi ... rdjevic-2/

Established in 2004, Braverman Gallery is a leading member of the contemporary art scene in Tel Aviv, specializing in video-art and installations...

Acquisitions made by significant art institutions include ... Tony Podesta collection (Washington DC)
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Re: "Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

Post by MercurysBall2 »

<... history of Bilthoven.. In 1926 Kees Boeke founded the Werkplaats Kindergemeenschap in Bilthoven , [3] where, among others, Princess Beatrix and her sisters went to school...>

Kees Boeke https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kees_Boeke_(pedagoog)
Cornelis (Kees) Boeke ( Alkmaar , September 25, 1884 - Amsterdam , July 3, 1966 ) was a Dutch pedagogue . In 1926 he founded a school, the Werkplaats Kindergemeenschap (WP) in Bilthoven ..During his studies he was a member of the Dutch Christian Student Association (NCSV), which was founded in 1896 . In the nineties of the nineteenth century, the NCSV was the first step of the youth of the well-to-do class to join together on idealistic grounds. In addition to being a member, Boeke became chairman of the board of the local chapter. After studying at the Technical College he moved to England where he became acquainted with followers of the religion of the Quakers. He married Beatrice Cadbury, daughter of the wealthy chocolate manufacturer and Quaker. In 1918 he returned to the Netherlands...

...Boeke, who had a coherent view of life and society and was sensitive to Eastern wisdom, theosophy , anthroposophy, mysticism and a religion inspired by Christianity, had become concerned that the actions of the politically interested working class youth would lead to revolution and yet another war. In 1921, Kees and Beatrice Boeke-Cadbury hosted an international conference for peace. On that occasion War Resisters' International was founded. Known to many for the symbol of the broken rifle...

..Boeke was inspired by the professor of theology Jacobus Johannes van der Leeuw [a Dutch theosophist] . While studying law, Van der Leeuw had introduced the "Practical-Idealists Association" (PIA) from London to the Netherlands, which was the second step of the well-to-do youth to join together on idealistic grounds. Many members of PIA came from the very wealthy circles. Van der Leeuw's father was financially interested in the Van Nelle factories.

Cosmic View
Boeke's book Cosmic View, The Universe in 40 Jumps from 1957 (translated into Dutch as Wij in het universal, een universe in ons , 1959) gives a view of the universe that has inspired others. It shows the universe on different scales: from microscopic to galactic. Various films have been inspired by it..

Cosmic View is also mentioned as a source of inspiration by Will Wright , the creator of the computer game Spore (2008).
Will Wright & Kim Edwards, Spore at THE EDGE "BILLIONAIRES' DINNER" 2007
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Re: "Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Jacobus Johannes van der Leeuw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._J._van_der_Leeuw
J.J. van der Leeuw (nickname 'Koos'), member of the family Van der Leeuw, was born August 26, 1893 in Rotterdam, son of Marius Adrianus Gabriël van der Leeuw Sr. (1856-1923) and Madelaine van Dam (1868-1929). Marius van der Leeuw was partner of the firm Erven de Wed. J. van Nelle, wholesalers in coffee, tea and tobacco. Koos and his brothers Cees (Cornelis Hendrik van der Leeuw, 1890-1973) and Dick (Marius Adrianus Gabriël van der Leeuw, 1894-1936) were known in Rotterdam as “The Dandys” due to their modern and luxurious lifestyle. Van der Leeuw died in a plane crash in Tanganyika, Africa, on August 23, 1934. He was single without children...

During his study years he founded the Dutch section of the English Practical Idealists Association (PIA), a youth movement aimed at initiating a paradigm shift of the spiritual mind amongst students. Other members in this organization included Adriaan Viruly and Kees Boeke. Because of his scientific aspirations it soon became clear that Van der Leeuw would not become his father’s successor as CEO at Van Nelle. In 1920 he received his PhD at Leiden University with a thesis titled Historical Idealist Politics.

J.J. van der Leeuw was a close friend of Jiddu Krishnamurti. Just like his brother Cees, he was closely involved with hosting the annual Order of the Star camps at the Eerde estate in Ommen. This property was owned by Philip baron van Pallandt and it was here that Krishnamurti had settled his Order of the Star in the East.

In 1924 J.J. van der Leeuw went to Australia for occult training with C.W. Leadbeater, who was at that time guiding young people spiritually in Sydney. J.J. van der Leeuw became a priest in the Liberal Catholic Church and treasurer of the Manor, the villa owned by the Theosophical Society in Sydney. There he also founded the King Arthur’s School for boys. Back in the Netherlands van der Leeuw was elected as president of the Dutch Section of the Theosophical Society from 1930 until 1931.

He was well known for his lecture Revelation or Realization, The Conflict in Theosophy which he held at the Federation of Theosophical Lodges in London on June 15, 1930, at the Dutch convention on June 21, 1930, and before the Congress of the European Federation on June 30, 1930. In this lecture he publicly defended Krishnamurti who had disbanded the Order of the Star in 1929.

Political Activities
In the early Thirties Van der Leeuw traveled the world to elaborate on his social-scientific and philosophical ideas. They were, to a large extent, dedicated to his wish to kick-start a new world order. He had become member of the London-based New Commonwealth, which was meant to be the protagonist of a new world authority to maintain international order and strive for world peace. Besides all this he was also dedicated to education.

Van der Leeuw lived in London, but during 1933 was a regular visitor of Sigmund Freud in Vienna, where he was being analyzed.

Van der Leeuw received his pilot’s license in 1933. In 1934 he was invited by The New Education Fellowship in South Africa to hold a lecture during their Johannesburg conference. Especially for this purpose Van der Leeuw bought a De Havilland Leopard Moth (GA-CCLX). During his return flight from this conference Van der Leeuw crashed into a mountain the republic of Tanganyika. His demise received a lot of attention by both the national and international press.
New Commonwealth Society https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Commonwealth_Society
The New Commonwealth was an international organization created in London in 1932 with branches in France and Germany. It advocated pacifism, disarmament and multilateral resolution of conflicts through political lobbying and different publications...

The New Commonwealth Society was created in October 1932 in London, with the forme Labour member of parliament George Barnes as its first President, and with Henry de Jouvenel of France, Ernst Jäckh of Germany, and the American Oscar T. Crosby as vice-presidents.[1] It advocated the creation of an international tribunal and an international police force..

Later, the Society defended the creation of an international air force which would act as a military arm of the League of Nations, promoting disarmament and keeping the world's peace. Those promoting the New Commonwealth included the millionaire David Davies, 1st Baron Davies, who became its chairman, others who had taken part in building up the League of Nations Union, and Winston Churchill, who was elected as the organization's president. Ernst Jaeckh was appointed as international director

In a speech to the Society in May 1937, Churchill said:
We are one of the few peace societies that advocates the use of force, if possible overwhelming force, to support public international law.

Some of the ideas of the New Commonwealth Society were later incorporated into the United Nations Charter.
Related post:

On the art world, occult groups and military links: SHAEF, Biltmore Estate, Monument's Men, and Psyop Units https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2701923/13717209
Theosophy and the Arts https://docplayer.net/50175186-Theosoph ... -arts.html
Shiben Banerji (School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA), Woodrow Wilson s Great Mistake: Self-Determination and the Theosophical Concept of Peace In 1944, an American architect named Marion Mahony wrote an essay imagining a post-war world in which a sense of responsibility to the other would bind different races, nationalities, and species together. At the time of the essay s drafting, Mahony who in 1898 became the first woman to be licensed as an architect in the United States had just completed laying out the site plan for a pacifist commune in New Hampshire. Called the World Fellowship Center, this place gathered Theosophists and members of other heterodox movements in order to convert the war effort into a lasting global peace.

Mahony s 1944 essay did not make any direct reference to the physical layout of the World Fellowship Center, but it shared the Center's conceptual outlook and conviction that hostile feelings could be converted into their opposite. Specifically, Mahony s essay distilled the disparate cries of American isolationism and anti-colonial nationalism into an opportunity to create a borderless, worldwide economic community that shared a single international currency. This paper interrogates the practice of condensing discontinuous claims into a constitutive moment as a literary habit one that drew on the circulation, excerpting, and reprinting of news stories on imperial policy and anti-imperial struggles across the Anglophone world. Crucially, the abstract entity produced by this habit was neither the colonial state nor its nationalist alter ego. Instead, it was a globalizing mechanism that lacked attachment to territory and demos. By examining the Theosophical Society s transnational inquiry into the League of Nations and Woodrow Wilson s principle of national self-determination, this paper uncovers an internal dispute within modern occultism over the precise character of the mechanism needed to guarantee global peace. Prominent exponents of occult science like J.J. van der Leeuw attributed the failure of the League of Nations to its lack of a superstate police force, whereas others like Marion Mahony called for the formation of supranational, non-governmental organization.
Theosophy > Thule Society > Third Reich

Ariosophy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariosophy
Armanism and Ariosophy are esoteric ideological systems that were pioneered by Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels respectively, in Austria between 1890 and 1930. The term 'Ariosophy', which means the wisdom of the Aryans, was first coined by Lanz von Liebenfels in 1915 and in the 1920s, it became the name of his doctrine. In research on the topic, such as Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke's book The Occult Roots of Nazism, the term 'Ariosophy' is generically used to describe the Aryan-esoteric theories of a subset of the 'Völkische Bewegung'.[1] This broader use of the word is retrospective and it was not generally current among the esotericists themselves. List actually called his doctrine 'Armanism', while Lanz used the terms 'Theozoology' and 'Ario-Christianity' before the First World War...

The ideas of Von List and Lanz von Liebenfels were part of a general occult revival that occurred in Austria and Germany during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, a revival was loosely inspired by Christianity, historical Germanic paganism and holistic philosophy as well as by esoteric concepts that were influenced by German romanticism and Theosophy. The connection between this form of Germanic mysticism and historical Germanic culture is evident in the mystics' fascination with runes, in the form of Guido von List's Armanen runes...

Guido von List elaborated a racial religion premised on the concept of renouncing the imposed foreign creed of Christianity and returning to the pagan religions of the ancient Indo-Europeans (List preferred the equivalent term Ario-Germanen, or 'Aryo-Germanics'). List recognised the theoretical distinction between the Proto-Indo-European language and its daughter Proto-Germanic language but frequently obscured it by his tendency to treat them as a single long-lived entity (although this framing is also used in linguistics as the Germanic parent language).[9] In this, he became strongly influenced by the Theosophical thought of Madame Blavatsky, which he blended however with his own highly original beliefs, founded upon Germanic paganism
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Re: "Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

Post by MercurysBall2 »


..List died on 17 May 1919, a few months before Adolf Hitler joined a minor Bavarian political party and formed it into the NSDAP. After the Nazis had come to power, several advocates of Armanism fell victim to the suppression of esotericism in Nazi Germany...

..In 1903–4, a Viennese ex-Cistercian monk, Bible scholar and inventor named Jörg Lanz-Liebenfels (subsequently, Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels) published a lengthy article under the Latin title "Anthropozoon Biblicum" ("The Biblical Man-Animal") in a journal for Biblical studies edited by Moritz Altschüler, a Jewish admirer of Guido von List...The author undertook a comparative survey of ancient Near Eastern cultures, in which he detected evidence from iconography and literature that seemed to point to the continued survival, into early historical times, of hominid ape-men similar to the dwarfish Neanderthal men known from fossil remains in Europe, or the Pithecanthropus (now called Homo erectus) from Java..

..In 1905 he expanded these researches into a fundamental statement of doctrine titled Theozoologie oder die Kunde von den Sodoms-Äfflingen und dem Götter-Elektron[42] ("Theozoology, or the Science of the Sodomite-Apelings and the Divine Electron"). He claimed that "Aryan" peoples originated from interstellar deities (termed Theozoa) who bred by electricity, while "lower" races were a result of interbreeding between humans and ape-men (or Anthropozoa). The effects of racial crossing caused the atrophy of paranormal powers inherited from the gods, but these could be restored by the selective breeding of pure Aryan lineages. The book relied on somewhat lurid sexual imagery, decrying the abuse of white women by ethnically inferior but sexually active men. Thus, Lanz advocated mass castration of racially "apelike" or otherwise "inferior" males.

..In the same year, Lanz commenced publication of the journal Ostara (named after a pagan Germanic goddess of spring) to promote his vision of racial purity. On December 25, 1907, he founded the Order of the New Templars (Ordo Novi Templi, or ONT), a mystical association with its headquarters at Burg Werfenstein, a castle in Upper Austria overlooking the river Danube. Its declared aim was to harmonise science, art and religion on a basis of racial consciousness. Rituals were designed to beautify life in accordance with Aryan aesthetics, and to express the Order's theological system that Lanz called Ario-Christianity. The Order was the first to use the swastika in an "Aryan" meaning, displaying on its flag the device of a red swastika facing right, on a yellow-orange field and surrounded by four blue fleurs-de-lys..

Flag of the Order of the New Templars
The ONT declined from the mid-1930s and - even though it had pioneered many ideas that the Nazis later adopted - it was suppressed by the Gestapo in 1942. By this time it had established seven communities in Austria, Germany and Hungary. Though suspending its activities in the Greater German Reich, the ONT survived in Hungary until around the end of World War II.[44] It went underground in Vienna after 1945, but was contacted in 1958 by a former Waffen-SS lieutenant, Rudolf Mund, who became Prior of the Order in 1979.[45] Mund also wrote biographies of Lanz and Wiligut.

...The term "Ariosophy" (wisdom concerning the Aryans) was coined by Lanz von Liebenfels in 1915, with "Theozoology" describing its Genesis and "Ario-Christianity" as the label for the overall doctrine in the 1920s.[Note 7]

This terminology was taken up by a group of occultists, formed in Berlin around 1920 and referred to by one of its main figures, Ernst Issberner-Haldane, as the 'Swastika-Circle'. Lanz's publisher, Herbert Reichstein, made contact with the group in 1925 and formed it into an institute with himself as director. This association was named the Ariosophical Society in 1926, renamed the Neue Kalandsgesellschaft (from Kaland, Guido von List's term for a secret lodge or conventicle) in 1928, and renamed again as the Ariosophische Kulturzentrale in 1931, the year in which it opened an Ariosophical School at Pressbaum that offered courses and lectures in runic lore, biorhythms, yoga and Qabalah.
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Re: "Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

Post by MercurysBall2 »


Rudolf von Sebottendorff - A Freemason and a practitioner of sufism and astrology, Sebottendorff was also an admirer of Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels. Convinced that the Islamic and Germanic mystical systems shared a common Aryan root, he was attracted by Pohl's runic lore and became the Master of the Walvater's Bavarian province late in 1917.

In 1918 Sebottendorff made contact with Walter Nauhaus, a member of the Germanenorden who headed a "Germanic study group" called the Thule Gesellschaft (Thule Society).[54] The name of Nauhaus's original Thule Society was adopted as a cover-name for Sebottendorff's Munich lodge of the Germanenorden Walvater when it was formally dedicated on August 18, 1918, with Pohl's assistance and approval.[55] Sebottendorff states that the group was run jointly by himself and Nauhaus.

Deriving elements of its ideology and membership from earlier occult groups founded by List (Guido von List Society, established 1908) and Lanz von Liebenfels (the Order of the New Templars, established 1907), the Thule Society was dedicated to the triune god Walvater, identified with Wotan in triple form [WWW ?]. For the Society's emblem Sebottendorff selected the oak leaves, dagger and swastika.[52] The name Thule (an island located by Greek geographers at the northernmost extremity of the world) was chosen for its significance in the works of Guido von List. According to Thule Society mythology, Thule was the capital of Hyperborea, a legendary country supposedly in the far North polar regions, originally mentioned by Herodotus from Egyptian sources. In 1679, Olaf Rudbeck equated the Hyperboreans with the survivors of Atlantis, who were first mentioned by Plato, again following Egyptian sources..

There is no evidence that Hitler himself had any connection with the Society, even as an associate or visitor. However, a member of the Thule Society, dentist Dr. Friedrich Krohn, did choose[citation needed] the swastika symbol for the Nazi party (although the design was revised at Hitler's insistence)..

In 1923, Sebottendorff was expelled from Germany as an undesirable alien; around 1925, the Thule Society disbanded. In 1933, Sebottendorff returned to Germany and published Bevor Hitler kam: Urkundliches aus der Frühzeit der nationalsozialistischen Bewegung von Rudolf von Sebottendorff.[54] The book was banned by the Bavarian Political Police on March 1, 1934; Sebottendorff was arrested by the Gestapo, interned in a concentration camp, then expelled to Turkey yet again, where he committed suicide by drowning in the Bosphorus on May 9, 1945,[citation needed] as the Nazis surrendered to the Allies...

Modern organisations

The Armanen-Orden celebrates seasonal festivities in a similar fashion as Odinist groups do and invites interested people to these events. The highlights are three 'Things' at Ostara (Easter), Midsummer and Fall (Wotan's sacrificial death), which are mostly celebrated at castles close to sacred places, such as the Externsteine. The author Stefanie von Schnurbein attended a Fall Thing in 1990 and gives the following report in Religion als Kulturkritik (Religion and Cultural Criticism):

…the participants meet in a room decorated with hand-woven wall hangings and pictures of Germanic gods, Odin and Frigga in this case… At one end of the room is a table covered with black cloth. On this a 4 ft. high wooden Irminsul, a spear, a sword, a replica of a sun disc chariot, a leather-bound copy of The Edda as well as ritual bowls and candles are placed. The participants are seated in a semi-circle in front of the table, the front row being occupied by Order members clothed in their ritual garb (black shirts for the men and long white dresses for the women; both have the AO emblem sewn on them)… after several invocations the 'spirit flame', symbolising Odin in the spirit world, is lit in a bowl filled with lamp oil. The purpose of this cultic celebration is the portrayal of Odin's concentration from spirit into matter. After a recital of the first part of Odin's rune poem () from The Edda, the "blood sacrifice" commences, in which a bowl with animal blood is raised to the beat of a gong and an invocation of sacrifice. Then Odin is called into the realm by the participants who assume the Odal rune stance, whisper 'W-O-D-A-N' nine times and finally sing an ode to Odin with the following words: 'Odin-Wodan come to us, od-uod, uod'. Wodan's sacrifice to himself is symbolised by extinguishing the flame.
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Re: "Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

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Rudolf von Sebottendorf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_von_Sebottendorf
Adam Alfred Rudolf Glauer (9 November 1875 – 8 May 1945?), also known as Rudolf Freiherr von Sebottendorff (or von Sebottendorf) was a German occultist, writer, intelligence agent and political activist. He was the founder of the Thule Society, a post-World War I German occultist organization where he played a key role, and that influenced many members of the Nazi Party. He was a Freemason,[1] a Sufi[2] of the Bektashi order - after his conversion to Islam[3] - and a practitioner of meditation, astrology, numerology, and alchemy.[4] He also used the alias Erwin Torre.

..Glauer was an agent of the German military intelligence in neutral Istanbul during the period 1942–1945, while apparently also working as a double agent for the British military. His German handler, Herbert Rittlinger, later described him as a "useless" agent (eine Null), but kept him on largely, it seems, because of an affection for "this strange, by then penniless man, whose history he did not know, who pretended enthusiasm for the Nazi cause and admiration for the SS but who in reality seemed little interested in either, much preferring to talk about Tibetans".
So, let me get this straight, Glauer who was instrumental in starting the Thule Society which is intrinsically connected to the Nazi Party was an intelligence officer who worked for the Germans and the British?
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Re: "Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Asheville

Meghan Markle, the Portland Hospital and HCA Healthcare - which takes us to Rick Scott, ... and the Florida ratlines... https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3238475
HCA Healthcare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HCA_Healthcare
In 2006, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Bain Capital, together with Merrill Lynch and the Frist family (which had founded the company) completed a $33.6 billion acquisition, making the company privately held again, 17 years after it had first been taken private in a management buyout.

In May 2010, HCA announced that the corporation would once again go public with an expected $4.6-billion IPO. ..In 2017, it acquired three hospitals from Tenet Healthcare.[15] Milton Johnson is the current CEO of HCA, with an announced retirement at the end of 2018.[16] He will be replaced by Sam Hazen. ..The $1.5 billion purchase of Asheville, North Carolina-based Mission Health System, announced in March 2018, was completed February 1, 2019.
Re Kohlberg Kravis Roberts

Luke Johnson, former Chairman of Pizza Express Deep Dive viewtopic.php?f=16&p=9154#p9154
Johnson sold his interest in Belgo in 2005 to Tragus Group, now Casual Dining Group.. The company was backed by investors including KKR and Pemberton Capital Advisors...CDG claimed to emphasise corporate social responsibility practices.[38] It reduced its energy consumption by 17% from 2012 to 2016,[39] and had a partnership with The Prince's Trust charity.
George Floyd, El Nuevo Rodeo, Denny's and Pilot Flying J https://searchvoat.co/v/thinkdrafts/3855340
..Denny's was founded by Harold Butler and Richard Jezak, who opened Danny's Donuts in Lakewood, California in 1953...In 1994, Denny's became the largest corporate sponsor of Save the Children, a national charity...

Denny's main offices were located in La Mirada, California, until 1989. At that time, the office was first moved to Irvine, California and subsequently moved to the Spartanburg, South Carolina, headquarters of the parent company Trans World Corporation (TW Corporation) that acquired Denny's in 1987. In 1992, private equity firm, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts acquired a 47% interest in TW Corporation, later known as The Flagstar Companies, and encouraged the company to sell non-core businesses.[4] Eventually, Denny's operations dominated the parent company to such an extent that The Flagstar Companies changed its name again to Denny's Corporation.

..n July 2010, Denny's presence in the United States saw a major expansion when Pilot Flying J started opening Denny's locations inside their Flying J-branded truck stop locations.[8] 123 Pilot Flying J conversions were eventually completed.

I came across Pilot Flying J when I was looking into Nica Inc.. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3811108

In 2011, Pilot Flying J began a partnership with Truckers Against Trafficking ..On October 3, 2017, it was announced that Warren Buffett-controlled Berkshire Hathaway will acquire 38.6% of Pilot Flying J, with plans to increase its stake to 80% in 2023. The Haslam family and FJ Management will retain ownership stakes until then, upon which the Haslam family will retain the remaining 20% and FJ Management will withdraw altogether. The Haslam family will retain control of day-to-day operations of the company...

Pilot Flying J's main restaurants include Arby's, Chester's Chicken, Dairy Queen, Denny's, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Subway, Taco Bell, Wendy's, and Cinnabon. Recently they have also added Huddle House (full-service restaurants), Moe's Southwest Grill, and Dunkin Donuts...

Bill Haslam is the brother of owner of Pilot Flying J and Mayor of Knoxville TN. He was also involved in the Franklin Coverup https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/com ... ed_to_two/
Alexander, the Secretary of Education under George H W Bush, has been tied to a network of Tennessee politicians and businessmen associated with government and private companies, including Bright Horizons and Omni Visions, Inc. of Tennessee, as well as state government social service agencies, such as the the Department of Childrens' Services, accused of endangerment and sexual abuse of foster and mentally challenged children.

Alexander's close GOP associate, Jim Henry, the CEO of Omni Visions, provides services contracted out by the state of Tennessee to developmentally disabled and troubled children. Henry is a close political ally of Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Haslam, as well as Alexander. Omni Visions has been cited in several legal cases for placing children into the foster homes of convicted pedophiles and endangering children by placing them under the care of abusive staff. There are also documented cases of children dying at the hands of Omni Vision care providers.
Omni Visions? Bright Horizons? We have posts: https://searchvoat.co/search.php?st=com ... um=on&b=on

But there's something else I want to get to.. Mission Health

Edit: I'll just slip this in here: https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3003487/16468969
Century 21 was acquired by Trans World Corporation in 1979, when Trans World Corporation decided to focus on hospitality.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans_World_Corporation : Trans World Corporation was the original name of the holding company set up to own Trans World Airlines.

See: Dr Quentin Van Meter on unethical transgender medicine involving children, WPATH and the NIH https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2961440
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Re: "Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Mission Health System https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_Health_System
Mission Health, which traces its roots in the region back to 1885, operates six hospitals, numerous outpatient and surgery centers, home health provider CarePartners, and the region's only dedicated Level II trauma center. Its medical staff consists of more than 1,000 physicians and is certified in more than 50 medical specialties and sub-specialties. Mission Health has seven Centers of Excellence: Cancer, Heart, Neurosciences, Orthopedics, Trauma, Women's Health and Mission Children's Hospital, the region's only children's hospital...Other Mission Health member hospitals include Angel Medical Center in Franklin, Blue Ridge Regional Hospital in Spruce Pine, Highlands-Cashiers Hospital in Highlands, McDowell Hospital in Marion and Transylvania Regional Hospital in Brevard.

..Mission Hospital traces its roots to 1885, when a group of women calling themselves "The Little Flower Mission" saw a need for a hospital in Asheville that would care for those in need, regardless of their ability to pay. They raised funds by selling flowers on the streets of the city,[3] started their hospital in a rented five-room house on what is now Biltmore Avenue near Hilliard Avenue, and expanded and relocated four times in the next seven years.[4] By 1940, there were five small general hospitals in the city, but medical professionals had begun to see the need for a major medical center for western North Carolina.[5] In 1947, Mission Hospital merged with Clarence Barker Memorial Hospital (at that time known as Biltmore Hospital), which was established by the All Soul's Parish in 1896 and constructed on land donated by George Vanderbilt[6] and became Memorial Mission Hospital.

Over time, Memorial Mission Hospital absorbed Victoria Hospital (formerly called Norburn Hospital, founded in 1928) and the Asheville Colored Hospital (founded in 1943). Memorial Mission Medical Center and St. Joseph's Hospital established an organizational partnership in 1996 and formally merged in 1998[8] as Mission-St. Joseph's Health System.

St. Joseph's Hospital was established by the Sisters of Mercy in 1900 as a sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis..

The $1.5 billion sale of Mission Health to the for-profit HCA Healthcare, announced in March 2018, was completed February 1, 2019. [In 2006, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Bain Capital, together with Merrill Lynch and the Frist family (which had founded the company) completed a $33.6 billion acquisition]

Mission? Sisters of Mercy? KKR?

KKR London address : 7 Carlton Gardens .. I'll get back to Carlton Gardens later..

In On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle viewtopic.php?f=50&p=9457#p9457
CONCORDIA LEADERSHIP COUNCIL [just a few listed here] :








Image Chairman of Dakia Institute Lawrence Bloom speaks at the 2016 Concordia Summit - Day 1 at Grand Hyatt New York on September 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Concordia Summit)
KKR > Lawrence Bloom > Dakia > Universal Music..

Universal Music?

The Sisters of Mercy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sisters_of_Mercy
The Sisters of Mercy are an English rock band, formed in 1980 in Leeds...In October 2006, Side-Line Music Magazine announced that the band was in talks with the Universal sublabel W14 Music.[16] In the same year, three Sisters of Mercy reissues were released on 3 November in Europe (and 30 October in the USA) via WEA International: First And Last And Always (1985), Floodland (1987) and Vision Thing (1990). All contained bonus tracks taken from related single releases..

The split: the Sisterhood and the Mission (1985–1986)
..The upheaval at Warner was beneficial to its rivals, who picked up valuable executives who had left Warner. Goldberg moved over to Mercury Records; Morris joined MCA Music Entertainment Group and led its reorganization into Universal Music Group, now the world's largest record company. In November 1995, Fuchs was himself sacked by Levin, leaving the company with a reported US$60 million "golden parachute", and Time Warner co-chairmen Robert A. Daly and Terry Semel took over the running of the music division.[39][40][41]

In 1998, Seagram boss Edgar Bronfman Jr. held talks aimed at merging Seagram's Universal Music, headed by Morris, with the venerable British recording company EMI, but the discussions came to nothing; Bronfman then oversaw Universal's takeover by Vivendi. WEA meanwhile continued to expand its publishing empire, buying a 90% stake in the Italian recording and music publishing group Nuova Fonit Cetra..

Looking to reduce its debt load, Time Warner—the corporate successor to Warner Communications—sold Warner Music Group in 2004 to a group of investors led by Edgar Bronfman Jr. for US$2.6 billion. This spinoff was completed on February 27, 2004. In the 2004 transition to independent ownership, WMG hired record industry heavyweight Lyor Cohen from Universal Music Group (the result of the merger between the PolyGram and MCA label families) to attempt to reduce cost and increase performance.
Let's remind ourselves again of this mash-up between the globalists at WEF, Bronfmans, NXIVM, Lawrence Bloom of Universal Music Group, Parvati Foundation and the Rainbow Cultural Gardens : viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2519

Some Sisters of Mercy posts:
Another Sisters of Mercy reference in the film "Showgirls" ...set in Vegas - Vision Thing (a Bush reference) - more occult weirdness https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2167503

The Secret Life of Ely Cathedral, the diocese of Westminster and Eel Pie Island https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2619522

Satanism is now MAINSTREAM - A historical perspective including the Parsons, Hubbard, Agape Lodge and the Temple of Love https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2645898
..Cake of Light is the eucharistic host found within Thelema, the religion founded by author and occultist Aleister Crowley in 1904...At the bottom of the wiki 'Cake of Light' page one of the links to 'organizations' is to the Agape Lodge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agape_Lodge

So, it was with this lodge that we have the origins of Dianetics, Scientology and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sisters_of_Mercy ..

Under the insistence of the record company the band re-recorded their early single "Temple of Love" with Ofra Haza on additional vocals

Ofra Haza- Bat-Sheva Ofra Haza-Ashkenazi was an Israeli singer, actress and Grammy Award-nominee recording artist, commonly known as "The Israeli Madonna", or "Madonna of the East"..Ofra Haza died on February 23, 2000, at the age of 42, of AIDS-related pneumonia. ..

...it was Peres who invited Haza to sing at the signing of the Oslo Accord and at the Nobel Prize ceremony, during which he won a prize for "peace." Recalling that Peres was in charge of the Israeli atomic program during the days when the Yemenite children were kidnapped and turned into guinea pigs for atomic experiments, her appearance beside him was more than a little disconcerting...We all believe she was deliberately infected with AIDS.

He took her everywhere. If Margaret Thatcher was in town, he'd bring her along to serenade her. I have a picture of that event. His affair with her began way before the 'peace' process. He saw her first movie, Ha Frekha, (The Tart), and he took a shine to her. Peres had a contact to the film's director, Pashanel, who died last year. He was Gideon Zinger. He's the father of Yoel Zinger, the lawyer who drew up the Declaration Of Principles with the PLO. That's how he got to meet Ofra. Peres is a serial cad, but at least he rewards his conquests with great careers. However, he really took advantage of her.

Jack Parsons - After Hubbard and Sara defrauded him of his life savings, Parsons resigned from the O.T.O. and went through various jobs while acting as a consultant for the Israeli rocket program. Amid the climate of McCarthyism, he was accused of espionage and left unable to work in rocketry. In 1952 Parsons died at the age of 37 in a home laboratory explosion that attracted national media attention; the police ruled it an accident, but many associates suspected suicide or murder.

One of Cameron's friends, the artist Renate Druks, later stated her belief that Parsons had died in a rite designed to create a homunculus.
Sisters of Mercy Neverland (A Fragment)
phpBB [video]
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Re: "Lutyens' Delhi" , COVID and the Biltmore Estate

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Edwin Lutyens:

Jeff Bezo's grandfather was Lawrence P. Gise, manager of the Atomic Energy Commission's Albuquerque Operations..connections to ARPA and Sandia Labs https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3346590/19849045
Dalton Plan schools in the UK: Bryanston School, Blandford, Dorset Millington Primary School, Portadown


Bryanston School is a co-educational independent school for both day and boarding pupils, located next to the village of Bryanston, and near the town of Blandford Forum, in Dorset in South West England. It was founded in 1928. It occupies a palatial country house designed and built in 1889–94 by Richard Norman Shaw, the champion of a renewed academic tradition, for Viscount Portman, the owner of large tracts in the West End of London, in the early version of neo-Georgian style[1] that Sir Edwin Lutyens called "Wrenaissance", to replace an earlier house, and is set in 400 acres (1.6 km2).

Bryanston is a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference and the Eton Group.

..During the mid-1930s, Bryanston School was the location of Anglo-German youth camps where the Hitler Youth and Boy Scouts tried to develop links..In 2005 the school was one of fifty of the country's leading independent schools which were found guilty of running an illegal price-fixing cartel.

[Epstein taught at a Dalton School]
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