ArtistiqueJewelry ago

This starts with a response to letsdothis2, but I put it here because it has a tie in to a Vanderbilt and connection to an investor of a certain cathedral. That St. John the Divine cathedral is really something! Talk about a satanic temple right under people's noses!

I covered some of these depictions on a report on hollywood's idol style self promoting award shows.

Unbelievable how they "foreshadowed" the twin towers, but of course as Q says, No Coincidences! What a depiction! Twin Towers Here

The Brooklyn bridge, depiction of what the occultists call NY as Babylon from the Bible. You don't suppose the "powers that be" through their arm of the UN decided that do you? Crumbling of Brooklyn Bridge, depicting stock exchange and the fact that Revelation points to no one trading with Babylon anymore and of course they perceive the statue of liberty as the prostitute with the golden cup. Brooklyn Bridge Crumbling Here

Crazy stuff, but then again, it isn't is it? After all, the architects are the great orchestrators.
The fallen were equipped with advanced tech and skills.

J.P.Morgan with his penchant for savings and "avoiding disasters". Interesting he was an investor considering he "almost singlehandedly saved the U.S. banking system during the Panic of 1907."

Don't you just love it when the Smithsonian helps us reminisce?

Britain's White Star Line happened to be the owner of the Titanic and wouldn't you know. . .Morgan had interests in the International Mercantile Marine, which was the shipping combine that controlled the White Star Line.

So even though he had a private room on board set up especially for him and even was there for the launching in 1911, he ended up giving up his participation for the trip because he didn't want to leave some French Resort. Awe, Rich people decisions.

Good thing he somehow steered clear of this disaster so he was able to invest in "depicting" yet More disasters.

Also giving up his place on the Titanic, he apparently cancelled so late, the newspapers reported him as being on board(ahh, back in the day before selfies and geo locators, brag updates or what have you). . .an Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt

He was a multi millionaire due to their shipping and railroad empire.

3 years later he died in the sinking of the Litsutania.

Just. . .interesting is all.

letsdothis2 ago

The 'pool' at the Biltmore mansion:

When Spanish architect Raphael Guastavino came to the U.S. in 1881, he already had a reputation for creating grand arches, domes, and vaults in Europe. Within a few years, his work caught the attention of Richard Morris Hunt, head architect for Biltmore House.

He was commissioned by Hunt to create the decorative tile vaulting at Biltmore House, including the hall ceilings around the Winter Garden. His tile work in the Swimming Pool is reminiscent of the vaulting in New York City’s earliest subway stations, another Guastavino design.

After his work on Biltmore House, Guastavino also remained in the area, focusing on two projects near and dear to his heart. His masterpiece—St. Lawrence Basilica in downtown Asheville—is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the architect is buried there.

Around the country, more than 1,000 buildings feature his designs, including his signature vaulting, including the Boston Public Library, New York’s Grand Central Terminal, Carnegie Hall, and the Elephant House at the Bronx Zoo.

The Occult Symbolism of the Bronx Zoo -

A hidden body of ancient spiritual wisdom lies encoded in the architecture of the Bronx Zoo in New York City. It was put there by the architects and stonemasons who designed and built the zoo’s central structures at the turn of the last century. This wisdom is akin to the “lost” doctrine of the Freemasons and bears every evidence of having been designed and built by (true operative) Masons. Visible in the shape, blueprint, layout and iconography of the zoo’s key buildings and landmarks, the message conveyed is one of spiritual illumination, aimed at leading a seeker toward expanded consciousness, nirvana, and ultimately the higher Self.

letsdothis2 ago

Rafael Guastavino -

Rafael Guastavino Moreno (Valencia, Spain, March 1, 1842 – Asheville, North Carolina, February 1, 1908) was a Spanish building engineer and builder.[1] Based on the Catalan vault he created the Guastavino tile, a "Tile Arch System" patented in the United States in 1885 used for constructing robust, self-supporting arches and architectural vaults using interlocking terracotta tiles and layers of mortar. Guastavino tile is found in some of New York's most prominent Beaux-Arts landmarks and in major buildings across the United States. It is used in a huge number of architecturally important and famous buildings with vaulted spaces.

In 1900, New York architects Heins & LaFarge hired Guastavino to help construct City Hall station, the underground showpiece for the IRT, the first part of the then-new New York City Subway. The station, although elegant, was never convenient or popular, and after it closed in 1945 it became a legendary abandoned Manhattan underground relic, the secret of subway buffs and urban spelunkers. Guastavino also installed the ceiling of the south arcade of the Manhattan Municipal Building, which was constructed during 1907-1914.

Heins & LaFarge -

Heins & LaFarge was a New York-based architectural firm composed of the Philadelphia-born architect George Lewis Heins (1860–1907) and Christopher Grant LaFarge (1862–1938), the eldest son of the artist John La Farge. They were responsible for the original Romanesque-Byzantine east end and crossing of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, and for the original Astor Court buildings of the Bronx Zoo

Sinister Sites - St. John The Divine Cathedral -

The destruction of New York city (including the Twin Towers) sculpted right on the building... Strange occult symbols on the floor... Weird rituals being performed in the sanctuary... Home of the Temple of Understanding which admittedly seeks to instate a new world religion... This cathedral is definitively "different", as some people might say. But the "difference" lies in the fact that the cathedral is in fact a temple for the occult elite...

This unfinished building has been claimed as being the world's largest cathedral. It is realistic to maintain such high aspirations when your sources of funding include tycoons like JP Morgan and prominent figures like the Grand Master of the Masons of the state of New York. The completion of the cathedral was such a prized accomplishment for the Freemasons that it was featured on the front page of "Masonic World" of March 1925.

Joe10jo ago

Anyone who’s been to the Biltmore probably remembers the pool more than anything else. What I found strange about it is that it isn’t in a big open area but a small room that seemed large enough for the pool and only the pool. Not that any of that matters, it’s just that it always stood out in my mind how small the pool room was.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It seems like it would be impossible to get footing on the steeply sloped tile bottom if it was wet.

Was there any vintage photos that showed the pool filled with water? The room is like a catacomb.

abattoirdaydream ago

Q said Podesta+Rome. They also said 1 of 2, to the Vanderbilt pool. Is there a "Vatican" pool?

Energizedbeardedpede ago

Any chance Aretha's death yesterday is possibly related to PG? Seems strange that a mysterious illness takes her now. Cnn reporting it's pancreatic cancer of the neuroendocrine type. Seems Odd to me

Oh_Well_ian ago

I find it extremely suspicious as with all the music industry deaths since PG broke.

This is what a cleanup op looks like.

Memanon ago

It was rumored she had HIV/Aids, CDAN claims.

bopper ago

Some are speculating that red shoes mean blood-stained. The necklace of Gloria V. represents sacrifice (offering).

Sacrifice is natural to the heart of man and Satan makes use of this to mock the ultimate sacrifice (one of the more subtle ways is transubstantiation, the wafer and the wine).

At any rate, Rome (papacy) is guilty of blood, in more ways than one.

They make 'common' things sacred, and sacred things common.

bopper ago

Just an example, common things become sacred...a wafer and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ...sacred things become common, a statuette of a man nailed to a cross depicts the actual sacrifice of Christ (showing a still dead and impotent savior, which serves the purposes of the devil very well). All very subtle but all very soul damning and deceiving.

TippyHome ago

Nov 2,2016-Facebook LEO friend who knew many NYPD-told me Weiner laptop discovery all true-so horrible that not conceivable-Surgeon friend-February 2015-medical conference in France-WW compromised WW health system due to human/child trafficking, etc. Found Voat when moved from Reddit-have believed since redpill in 2016. I have lost friends over this(probably at least 10, and job opportunities-because bosses are liberal) I don't care. I only want the children to be saved and the fiends, who and wherever they are, prosecuted. So fantastic that Q is letting the world know this depravity and crime. It just has to stop.

White_pride_cis ago

They look nothing a like besides being in a tiled area (odd story, communal showers look more like the photo... spoiler alert they’re tiled too!). Based on a scenario... this would be like someone discribed the situation to someone who wasn’t there and asked them to paint it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Biltmore Mansion is in Asheville, NC, not Virginia FWIW>.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Drove by, creepy land!

Oh_Well_ian ago

Identical post was heavily brigaded down in PG.

Oh_Well_ian ago



darkknight111 ago

The charm drop was meant to be a tip specifically for US at v/pizzagate.

To investigate human trafficking in Guatamala. Possible Vanderbilt ties. Possible ties to Pan Am.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think the red shoes depicted on children = eaten/food.

darkknight111 ago

Probably because the painting isn't an exact replica, but is based on such a scenario. Note my theories in this post.

bopper ago


BlueDrache ago

"Art imitates life."

Joe10jo ago

This has to be the best drop yet. I’m blown away!! Yes yes yes!!!

darkknight111 ago

I think those drops were a hint.

To start looking at v/pizzagate's work and SPREAD IT.

I have the following deductions to make about the Vandebilt Pool:

  1. They forgot to fully clean up. The red on the ground is dried blood.

  2. Zoom in on the ropes. I'm noticing dark discolorations near the bottom of the ropes. This actually tells me a lot about how the murders were conducted. Hung -> throats slit.

  3. At least 3 murders took place based on similar dark discolorations.

  4. Given the drops about "the charm" (and subsequent analysis) I believe one of the culprits in these murders is a high level priest.

Shizy ago

After reading your comment it occurred to me that their fascination from red shoes could be the symbolism of the blood that gets all over their shoes when they slaughter their victim.

bopper ago

That's what I've been hearing.

Joe10jo ago

The ropes!!! Good catch!

Oh_Well_ian ago

Look for the firehose with a brass nozzle that runs down the right side of the pool. Also, notice the stairs that have missing steps and appear difficult to climb.

White_pride_cis ago

But don’t pay attention to the tile not matching. Only pick out the things that do, right oh_well_ian? Don’t forget to tell him that in the photo, there is grout between the tiles which matches the painting! The painting has floor drains that are the same width as the tile which run in a straight course, while the real pool is staggered. The red looks kind of like mold to be honest. Don’t forget there’s plants in both paintings. I still don’t get what you’re trying to point out with the fire hose comment.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Q dropped the crumb, stalker. Not me.

The firehose is for washing down the pool.

Pretty obvious. Oh, and look for my comment in the linked post where I specifically state my opinion that it's not the same pool.

You sound panicked, bro. Are you panicked?

White_pride_cis ago

Why would I panic? I’m pointing out it seems like this pool matching the photo is forcing it to fit. Why do you always deflect? Was it because you couldn’t deflect the older boy’s advances? Me pointing out how you were wrong is panicking in your little bubble. Cute. Apparently my grandpa having a hose to fill up his indoor pool (or to wash it down) means he slaughtered children there... does your dad ever look at you and say he should’ve pulled out?

Oh_Well_ian ago

'Things a pedophile says for $1000, Alex.'

White_pride_cis ago

Stop being your average liberal cunt and attack the points that are made. They always attack the person, not the topic.

Look for the firehose with a brass nozzle that runs down the right side of the pool. Also, notice the stairs that have missing steps and appear difficult to climb.>

The ladder is difficult to climb, because it isn't meant to be climbed when the pool is empty. I had to figure out how to make the local pools ADA complaint and the ladders/ramps have to be removable (see light) and they are awkward, so they do what they can to reduce weight. A fire hose for cleaning isn't nefarious in my opinion. I saw the city workers pressure washing all of the pools at the end of the year. The first photo definitely has mold growing on the bottom tiles, especially in the grout lines. That is pretty common (look at public bathrooms). The shower areas of the pools were always terrible; in one pool I yelled at the tile layer because he put black grout down when the rest of the grout was white. Turns out, he was right and the grout was just that gross. It took a week to get the owner to decide which color to match. The bottom photo seems like someone took a photo of the pool right after it was cleaned and it looked nice. I don't think this pool is the one from the painting, because NOTHING lines up besides the fact that there is tile involved (and even that isn't the same color scheme). Stop arguing like a Commie Ian.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hey shitbag… find a pic of that 'pool' with water in it...

We'll be waiting.

White_pride_cis ago

Why can you never address the points made? I like how it’s always the same amount of down votes when I comment to you. But that’s just coincidence, right?

bopper ago

I think the point is more that pools are a convenient way to pull these rituals off. That their features have been put to a diabolical use.

darkknight111 ago

Impossile for a child to climb. An adult could pull it off. Looks like a slaughter trap to me.

The hose is probably to wash out the blood. Its brass to make it easier to clean the hose itself.

White_pride_cis ago

Look at modern pools. The deep end, over 3m deep have ladders with 3-4 wrungs. That’s how they are. No one climbs those ladders when the pool is drained.

White_pride_cis ago

An old pool ladder would be heavy as hell to remove, due to the awkwardness. The missing wrungs on the ladder (there are no steps in this photo) is so that one person can remove the pool ladder, and since there’s usually water in the pool, you don’t need to swim to the bottom and come up the ladder that way. The pool is ramped, so the cleaners can leave via the shallow end.

Oh_Well_ian ago


I'm searching for the post, but I think you and I and @bopper and @Blacksmith21 were on this even earlier than the links in the OP indicate.

Hang these evil fuckers!!