On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Mappin and Webb? I don't believe this shit...

The History of Camelot Castle
In 1894, A Company was formed by Sir Robert Harvey an Entrepreneur, who made his fortune in South American mining, to build Camelot Castle. Designed by Silvanus Trevail, a leading Victorian architect of the day, the castle was completed and opened at Easter 1899, taking five years to complete...

One Hundred years after its construction in February 1999 while visiting Tintagel Island as part of his research into the true source of creativity, John Mappin, of the Mappin and Webb, Diamond, Jewelry and Silver dynasty and Crown Jewelers, acquired Camelot Castle and the adjoining lands and estates as a private residence for his family.
Nigel Farage's green employer is part-owned by QAnon believer https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 ... ohn-mappin
Image John Mappin, who chairs Dutch Green Business Group, has funded conservative political causes
Scientologist John Mappin reference in McMartin cover up - important context found on Voat by @Heisenberg123 viewtopic.php?f=16&p=8835#p8835
Institute of Noetic Sciences (INS) or as I like to call them.. 'the woo woo crowd' of the intelligence services.. see the current crop of influencers such as Sacha Stone, Magenta Pixie, Russell Grant, Laura Eisenhower, Deepak Chopra et al.. and includes.. the Parvati Foundation and the Green Movement which was infiltrated and co-opted long ago.....

INS is also, connected to the Camelot Project with Scientologists John Mappin and his wife https://www.prnewswire.com/news-release ... 78623.html

Nigel Farage has just gone to work for their Dutch Green company..

One of their major projects is reforestation which is connected to the Eden Reforestation project https://edenprojects.org/ which connects to the World Preservation Foundation which is also the Supreme Master Ching Hai cult and connected to the Hampstead case and Richard Branson.. ah, the webs we weave..
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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by HennyPenny »

The young boy standing by Prince Philllip in the tiger trophy shot with his foot on the head of the tiger:

Prince Jagat Singh then 12 didn't look like a happy camper in that photo and his short life wasn't happy either. He " succumbed to the family curse like two of his mother's uncles, her father and brother, and died in 1997 at the age of 48. His brief marriage to a member of the Thai royal family, Princess Priya, produced a son and daughter but soon broke down and she took the children to live in Thailand."
He died in London like his father before him who died at age 57 at a polo match in England.

They were not alone:
https://www.hellomagazine.com/royalty/2 ... s-aged-39/
https://news.artnet.com/art-world/world ... -48-161867

England had a tight rein on India and the rajahs:

"Sawai Man Singh II, known in the family as Jai, was only ten years old so the British moved in to insure he grew up as they wanted him to grow up. They took a special interest in his sex life. His guardian recommended that to avoid repression and venereal diseases, from about the age of 15 Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II should “associate with a healthy young girl, and that in moderation”. But the pull of Rajput tradition proved too powerful and he was married to a princess from the Jodhpur Royal family at the age of 12. The British saw to it that they were not allowed to cohabit for several years.

The anglicising programme continued, with Jai being sent to Mayo College modelled on the British public school system. That was followed by a year’s military training in Britain. The British were so concerned about keeping Jai on their side, and being able to keep his people on their side too, that the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, presided over his investiture on the Jaipur throne."

Jagat's mother Ayesha was well connected to English VIPS:
Sociable to the last, as recently as June, the Rajmata had co-hosted with Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and Sarah, Duchess of York, a fund-raising party in London for Elephant Family, a charity to save the Asian elephant run by Mark Shand, the Prince of Wales' brother-in-law. Shand was probably the Rajmata's best friend in Britain; he named his only child, Ayesha, after her.

Prince Philip, a fellow player, became a friend as was his uncle, Lord Mountbatten. They spent time abroad in Grosvenor Square in London and on their estates in East Sussex and Berkshire as Jai's sons, and later his and Ayesha's son, Jagat , followed him to Harrow

https://www.thenationalnews.com/arts-cu ... r-1.488302

Wonder how "friendly" did it get with Mountbatten who allegedly like young boys in uniform and Amal wrote that Dickie would express his liking for “dark-skinned” boys, “especially Sri Lankans”.

https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/hist ... llegations
https://theprint.in/world/the-private-l ... ia/281688/
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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by MercurysBall2 »

< Universal Music > Lawrence Bloom, WEF and Parvati Foundation > NXIVM... >

More stuff about Lawrence Bloom https://www.flickr.com/photos/concordia ... 9716390631:
Image Chairman of Dakia Institute Lawrence Bloom speaks at the 2016 Concordia Summit - Day 1 at Grand Hyatt New York on September 19, 2016 in New York City. (Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Concordia Summit)

About Concordia https://www.concordia.net/about/
CONCORDIA LEADERSHIP COUNCIL [just a few listed here] :








Voat post re Concordia :

Connecting the Greek Dots: The Clintons, Frank Giustra, The Libra Group, and a Country in Crisis https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1923012
In 2011, Nicholas Logothetis and Matthew Swift (who graduated from Georgetown University) formed Concordia, which hosts an annual international summit (similar to the Bilderberg conference) and "promotes effective public-private collaboration to create a more prosperous and sustainable future." Stratfor was invited to attend one of these summits in Wikileaks. Previous attendees include Bill Clinton, George Bush, Joe Biden, David Silas (CEO of the Obama Foundation), Frank Giustra, José Manuel Barroso (a non-executive chairman from Goldman Sachs), and many other prominent politicians. Concordia is partnered with Penn Biden Center, founded by Joe Biden, and the Radcliffe Foundation, founded by Frank Giustra (who also founded Lions Gate Entertainment).


The Libra Group works closely with Greek refugees through their HOME Project. At the Concordia Summit that just concluded, Libra and the Radcliffe foundation (along with IKEA and Coca Cola) announced the Ascend Initiative, which will provide "humane shelter for displaced people with a focus on unaccompanied minors, community programming including provision of food, medical care, psycho-social services, and vocational training for refugees and Greeks struggling with the ongoing economic crisis."


Giustra's Radcliffe Foundation is the parent company of Elpida, a home for Greek refugees, where a Voater found the Boy Lover symbol (archived image from post) that was changed (just like Besta Pizza and Terrasol changed theirs) 2 days after being discovered.
2020, More than 180 people registered for the July 31 summit, which was put on by Concordia University Wisconsin’s Batterman School of Business and the Remedium eXchange Think Tank. https://blog.cuw.edu/4th-healthcare-summit/

Concordia University Wisconsin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concordia ... _Wisconsin
Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW) is a private Lutheran university in Mequon, Wisconsin. The school is an affiliate of the eight-member Concordia University System operated by the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.... CUW's School of Pharmacy is one of three pharmacy schools in Wisconsin—the others being University of Wisconsin–Madison and Medical College of Wisconsin.

...In 2013, Concordia University Ann Arbor (CUAA) merged with Concordia University Wisconsin. This merger was due to low enrollment and financial troubles at the Ann Arbor campus. CUW became the administration for both campuses, with Ann Arbor considered a satellite campus to the Mequon campus. ..
Concordia got its name from the Book of Concord https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Concord
The Book of Concord (1580) or Concordia (often referred to as the Lutheran Confessions) is the historic doctrinal standard of the Lutheran Church
Voat post:

Ex-wife of Amsterdam Child Care Group director at center of int'l PEDO Ring is STILL running the agencies ! viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2039
This is a follow-up to Tampa Bay Times Pizzagate Deniers and the shoddy reporting of an international ring of pedophiles. Why? viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2000

....."het Hofnarretje" group where convicted pedophile Robert Mickelson worked...

Timeline of Robert M. ... Two Latvian organizations, the youth association of the Lutheran Church and a European voluntary organization, sent Robert M. in 2003 for an internship to a daycare center in Heidelberg, Germany. He is arrested in the winter of that year
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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by MercurysBall2 »

More on Lawrence Bloom:

..That Tynwald authorises the Department of Tourism and Transport toprovide financial assistance towards the cost of building a 100-bedroom hotelat Ronaldsway airport by way of a conditional grant not exceeding 35 percent. of the approved cost of the project or £1,560,000, whichever is the lesser..

..When we were approached by Novotel, we felt that they were the best organisationto manage the proposed hotel. Novotel are part of the Accor Group which is a Frenchholding company quoted on the French stock market with a capitalisation of U.S.$1 million. It is currently ranked as the eighth largest hotel and leisure group internationally..

Equally important the group also owns a range of companies associated with thehotel and leisure industries, such as tour operating companies, hotel supplycompanies, an international reservation system, Resinta, and Accor also runs a stafftraining academy in Paris..

If the scheme is given the go-ahead it will be open in time for the 1991 seasonand will be well established in time for the arrival of 1992 and the Single EuropeanMarket, giving us a good marketing presence in the E.C. for the first time. Thisshould bring great benefits not only to the hotel industry but also to the financeand business sections...As far as the choice of site is concerned, this was the first and ultimately onlychoice of Novotel. They visited all of the available sites on the Island, includingthe Villiers site, but were finally quite adamant that the airport site was the onlyacceptable one which fitted their corporate strategy, and I have to emphasis thatpoint, Your Excellency.

The developing company is to be Land and Property Trust Company (Isle ofMan) Ltd., a Manx registered company which was established purely to undertakethe development of the airport hotel and has not yet traded. At present there isonly nominal capitalisation but prior to any development it will be substantiallycapitalised by the U.K. parent Land and Property Trust Company P.L.C. with thelevel of capitalisation approved by the Treasury, and I would inform hon. membersthat the Treasury and Economic Adviser's Department have been closely involvedwith these negotiations from a very early stage. The negotiations have not simplybeen carried out by the Tourist Department.Land and Property Trust Company, which until November 1988 was named LandInvestors P.L.C. is a major U.K. property development and management company.Its issued share capital comprises 75 million 25p shares and its net assets at the 24thMarch 1987 were £57 million. In November 1987 the Financial Times survey quotedthe company as number 377 in its survey of the top 500 companies in Britain. The chairman and major shareholder in the company is Berish Berger who purchased his interest at an estimated cost of £254 million. The Managing Director is Lawrence Bloom who was once the founding partner in Bloom, King, Main, the successfulCity agents of the 1970s


Mr. Leventhorpe: Your Excellency, once again this hon. Court is being asked at short notice, very short notice, to vote a large sum of money for a project about which, despite the brochure produced by the Department of Tourism and Transport,we know very little, and if Government departments wish this hon. Court to votesuch substantial sums, then it is surely their duty to provide the fullest information......

So what do we know? We do know that this scheme has been around for almostthree years and was, in conjunction with a large office complex, rejected some twoyears ago. We are given some further information. An option on this land wasapparently given by the D.H.P.P. When was this given? How long ago? For howlong? How much money passed for it? On whose authority? And was a questionof a lease considered? We know nothing...

...We are also told that feasibility studies have been carried out, but we are notgiven any information on them. That information surely is not so classified thatit could not be made available to hon. members. The Treasury and the Departmentof Tourism seem to have accepted assumptions made therein..

..We are also told that it will advance the cause of tourism. The Novotel chainis largely aimed at the business community, not at tourism...We are also told, Your Excellency, that there is a Novotel in Guernsey. Do wehave to have the same, then? All right, but let it be on the same terms, and to thebest of my understanding no Government money, no subsidy, went into that hotelin Guernsey, nothing at all...

Your Excellency, I turn to Schedule 1 of the tourist brochure where we are referred to Land and Property Trust Company P.L.C. It does not exist. There is a Land and Property Trust Company. It was taken over in May 1986 by a consortium held as to 51 per cent. by Reliable Properties and 49 per cent. by Mr. Berger, who is mentioned, and a Mr. Garrard. They paid £75 million for the company; it was a substantial company...in June of last year that company was in fact re-named from Land Investors,which is what it used to be, to Land and Property Trust, and it was bought outfrom Reliable Properties by Mr. Berger and his friend and it is now a wholly ownedsubsiduary of a private company called B.C.P.H. So we are not dealing with a stockexchange-quoted company with all the benefits of help and backing from somethinglike the Monopolies and Mergers Commission or the Office of Fair Trading. Weare dealing with an individual's private company with all the implications that that has for it..

we are also told that it was numbered 377 on the F.T. list in November '87.Well I have looked that up and it was Beihaven Breweries at that time, was 377,and neither Land Investors, Land and Property Trust Limited, Reliable Propertiesor B.C.P.H. figure in that list
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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by MercurysBall2 »

http://berishberger.crazybillionaire.or ... berger.php
The late Gerson Berger built up a huge residential property empire. The family is headed by his grandson, Berish Berger, 51, who is a director of about 100 companies and in about 50 of them, including London-based Greaterheaven and Makepeace Investments, there were nearly £100m net assets in the 2005 and 2006 accounts. Taking into account outside shareholders, we value the Berger family at about £65m.

Charity told to repay rabbi £322k - Berish Berger
From The Jewish Chronicle - Simon Rocker
April 11, 2008
A North London rabbi has won a High Court claim to be repaid more than £322,000 by a strictly Orthodox charity which he says was intended as a loan, not a gift.

Rabbi Moshe Meisels, from Stamford Hill, had sued supporters of the anti-Zionist Satmar Chasidic sect who raised funds for a charity, the Yetev Lev Jerusalem Trust.

On Wednesday, Mr Justice Blake hoped “that the bitter controversy this claim has created within the synagogues of Stamford Hill will now abate”.

Rabbi Meisels, who himself attends a Satmar synagogue in Stamford Hill and is a businessman with 50 UK properties, issued his writ against Menachem Lichtman, currently a trustee of Yetev Lev, and Berish Berger and Solomon Weiss, who were fellow trustees at the time of the transaction....
Photo Essay: Rosh Chodesh Seuda In Honor Of The Skulener Rebbe’s Children During Their Visit In London To Benefit Mosdos Chesed L’Avraham, In The House Of Reb Berish Berger https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/ph ... y-jdn.html

Berish Berger - director at United Talmudical Associates Limited · London https://leadquest.co.uk/berish+berger_u ... limited-gb
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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by MercurysBall2 »

more re Lawrence Bloom https://www.ethicalmarkets.com/lawrence ... an-london/
In 1992 he set up Forus Investments in partnership with Dieter Bock (at that time Joint Chairman and Chief Executive of Lonrho Plc) and arranged the joint venture with Lord Palumbo to redevelop No.1 Poultry in the City of London. After the completion of this project in 1995, Lawrence travelled extensively to further deepen his understanding of the issues surrounding a sustainable future for society and humanity. Returning formally to business in 2006, Lawrence has taken two non-executive positions, as Deputy Chairman of Noble Cities plc. and Chairman of Connolly & Callaghan.
Re Lonrho

Montreal Permindex ties revealed to JFK murder, 1001 Club https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2591618/13028645
Canadian Major Bloomfield and Bronfman organized crime syndicate...British Intel
Following World War II, Bloomfield returned to Montreal to resume his law practice, but he continued to be Division Five’s recruitment agent. His law firm, Philips and Vineberg, managed the Bronfman organized crime interests which emerged into prominence during Prohibition. The Bronfman syndicate has always functioned as a covert capability of British intelligence..
WWF related

-Maurice Strong:
Recruited from the private sector as Vice President of Power Corp (1963-1965), Strong became a leading figure heading the Department of External Affairs under Lester Pearson, and creator of the Canadian Investment Development Agency (CIDA) under Prime Minister Trudeau. In this function, Strong promoted the program of depopulation and “appropriate technologies” onto third world countries seeking foreign aid. Strong became a main recruiter of corporate Canada to the WWF agenda, becoming co-founder of the 1001 Club alongside Bloomfield in 1971, and taking over as Vice President for the WWF from Bloomfield from 1978-1981 (while Prince Philip was still serving as its President).
• David Ogilvy:
Founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy Mather, who worked out of Stephenson’s New York City office as the British SOE (Special Operations Executive) liaison to OSS during the war. Ogilvy and Stephenson later established the British American Canadian Corp. It was out of that firm that Permindex was spawned. Ogilvy was the cousin of the Angus Ogilvy, the patron and partner of Tiny Rowland in Lonrho (London-Rhodesia Ltd.), the British intelligence proprietary responsible for orchestrating numerous civil wars in Africa in collusion with the WWF. Angus Ogilvy’s wife, Princess Alexandra, is the cousin of the Queen. Princess Alexandra recently succeeded Prince Philip as president of WWF-U .K. Some of the WWF’s first staff were drawn from Ogilvy and Mather.
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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Princess Alexandria

One year before PIE started banking with Midland, where Angus Ogilvy was director, Jimmy Savile was bragging of his visits to Duncroft with Princess Alexandra, Ogilvy's wife and the Queen's cousin. References to her were later removed from police reports. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... andra.html

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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by shewhomustbeobeyed »

MercurysBall2 wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 2:06 pm More on Lawrence Bloom:

Hi MB2, that archive only shows the top of the document. I did this one on wayback, hope it's better. - https://web.archive.org/web/20210421185 ... 7gL9-6CAAw
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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re: INFOSYS 222 - Case Study Dante's Pizzeria https://canvas.auckland.ac.nz/courses/2932/files/546769

School: The University of Auckland (Auckland) *Professor:James Sneyd

James Sneyd: How can mathematics help fight disease? https://youtu.be/C2cb-EdmhiI

Professor James Sneyd https://www.math.auckland.ac.nz/people/jsne010
Research :
Mathematical physiology
Nonlinear dynamical systems
https://nzmathsoc.org.nz/downloads/prof ... 1460947005
Dunedinite, musician, icon and pillar of the scientific establishment, it is well and truly time for Professor
James Sneyd to grace the profile pages of our newsletter. James was born into a medical family in Dunedin and,
except for a brief stint in Tennessee with his parents, spent his childhood and teenage years in our southernmost
university city. With parents who were doctors, parents’ friends who were doctors, parents’ friends’ children
who went to medical school, he enrolled at the University of Otago. Thanks to numerous engaging conversations
with his uncle Alfred (profile in NZMS Newsletter 105), James was curious about mathematics, and included a
math course in his medical programme. When I asked about the switch to mathematics, the answer was clear and
unambiguous: really enjoyable lectures from Dennis McCaughan, followed up by another insightful conversation
with Alfred. Upon realising that you could use math to work stuff out, and actually understand it, James changed
his major to include mathematics..
From Cells to Organisms: Current Topics in Mathematical and Theoretical Biology https://link.springer.com/article/10.10 ... 010-9113-x

Since its foundation in 1991, the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology has been organizing triennial conferences in different European countries bringing together people who work on different aspects of mathematics but who share an enthusiasm for exchanging ideas and learning about research in this increasingly interdisciplinary field. In particular, the last conference, which was held in 2008 in Edinburgh (ECMTB’08: European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology), attracted almost 500 delegates from across the world, with increased participation by young researchers and students. ..

Neil Ferguson discussed Planning for novel infectious disease outbreaks: the role of modelling. Epidemic modelling has grown in prominence as a tool to assist public health professionals and policy-makers to plan for and respond to outbreaks of human and animal diseases. Recent examples include Foot and Mouth Disease in livestock, SARS in humans, and planning for a possible human pandemic caused by H5N1 avian flu...

In a lively presentation, James Sneyd considered Calcium, smooth muscle and asthma. He explained that, as far as we know, the only known function of the contraction of airway smooth muscle is to cause, at least in part, asthma. ..
Self-Organization in Biological Systems (Princeton Studies in Complexity Book 7) by Scott Camazine (Author), Jean-Louis Deneubourg (Author), Nigel R. Franks (Author), James Sneyd (Author), Guy Theraula (Author), Eric Bonabeau (Author) https://www.amazon.com/Self-Organizatio ... B086R9PVGY
The synchronized flashing of fireflies at night. The spiraling patterns of an aggregating slime mold. The anastomosing network of army-ant trails. The coordinated movements of a school of fish. Researchers are finding in such patterns--phenomena that have fascinated naturalists for centuries--a fertile new approach to understanding biological systems: the study of self-organization. ..
In Theatre of the Absurd viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2816
Steven Spielberg's father attended the University of Cincinnati : was Arnold Spielberg, Stevens Father, in on the beginings of NSA? https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2663048
.Mr. Spielberg was recognized by the IEEE in 2006 as a Computing Pioneer for his work on developing a computerized Point of Sale System while working for RCA. The system was tested in Cleveland, Ohio at the former Higbee's Department Store. Higbee’s was made famous in the movie “A Christmas Story” and now is the site of the Horseshoe Casino Cleveland.

..RCA, a London corporation with an American front..Serco is a prime example of the super spider in a web of deception, acting as king in all things contingency governance and as a subsidiary of RCA, for all appearance for the masses it would seem to be an American affair, but this is certainly not the reality of the situation...
..That point of sale system developed by Arnold Spielberg is highly significant because those point of sale tutorials are all over the internet to show database developers how to make a database for companies and the example often used is for.. a pizzeria...

In the late 1950s, Arnold Spielberg, the father of Hollywood director Steven Spielberg, helped revolutionize computing when he designed the GE-225 mainframe computer. The machine allowed a team of Dartmouth University students and researchers to develop the BASIC programing language....(Young Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs all used the language when they started building their digital empires..

Getting back to Arnold : Iowa WWII veteran befriends war buddy’s famous son, Steven Spielberg (yes, the director).... Glen 'Red' Henton, 98 of Maquoketa, holds up a 'Saving Private Ryan' poster May 16 signed by actor Tom Hanks and director Steven Spielberg. Henton and Spielberg's father, Arnold, served together in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II in the 490th Bomb Squadron stationed in India and Burma....Their history goes back a generation, to World War II, where Henton and Arnold Spielberg, Steven's father, served in the 490th Bomb Squadron in Burma and India, part of the war's China-Burma-India Theater. Henton served there for 2½ years in administration, doing payroll, courts martial and the worst task - writing to inform families that a loved one was killed in action.

Arnold Spielberg, now 102, was an electronics specialist with the B-25 medium bomber planes.
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Re: On Prince Philip.. and cracking the 222 Pizza Express Puzzle

Post by kestrel9 »

I have to do a lot of catching up on your posts, so many names stand out. But I want to jot down a couple links that talk about many of the people and organizations that you're posting about (and those you've posted about in the past).

PDF https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1995 ... nation.pdf

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