Gothamgirl ago

Great Post!

twistedmac11 ago

Great find, thank you! There's no way these connections are all coincidental.

EvaEverywhere ago

I was piqued by the association with a shipping magnate but it is not the one that benefited from Clinton's dealings with Libya and Qatar encapsulated in the Art transaction for Cezanne's Card Players. ( )

Oh, cards...

twistedmac11 ago

Very interesting read, thank you!

Silverlining ago

Connecting the Greek Dots: The Clintons, Frank Giustra, The Libra Group, and a Country in Crisis (pizzagate) June 09 2017 by @twistedmac11 [this thread archived June 10]

Truthseeker3000 ago

Frank Guistra or Giustra has his hand in all kinds of nefarious activity involving "charities". What kind of man who is so busy with his businesses and his own two kids goes out of his way to "volunteer" with underprivileged boys on a regular basis going to hockey games and hanging out with them "mentoring" them? It's just too suspicious, especially the pedofile logo on his Elpida (el pedo) boy lover charity where he's pictured proudly in front of the logo smiling thumbs up then mysteriously changes the logo overnight when it's called out. NO COINCIDENCE. He's a Freemason and hell bent on globalism and destruction of societies. Check out his Loins Gate movies for instance.

Silverlining ago

@millennial_vulcan @11-11 This thread might interest you.

2impendingdoom ago

J&T Podesta and the Paule Carres cousins inherited a property in Greece. I don't much about this but it was in the emails, so there is definitely a Greek geographical and family connection with them. Great post!

twistedmac11 ago

I will have to look into that! Thanks!

Also, Alefantis is Greek. Lots of Greek connections.

2impendingdoom ago

Yes, like many other places, their economy has been systemically and intentionally ravaged. Its outright financial terrorism

Commoner ago

Great research! I would say whenever the Clintons are involved in anything, it is for nefarious reasons. I can definitely see them creating chaos in Greece in order to take advantage of it. Haiti was a naturally occurring chaos in which they could find benefit.
But what do they do when there are no naturally occurring ones? They create them!

Silverlining ago

Was there a suggestion it my have been caused by HAARP technology? If so, possibly caused deliberately.

Warren Flood - a character in the George Webb saga - related to the Awans acquiring low-lying land in Pakistan and then flooding it to get disaster relief dollars - is thought to be a CIA made-up fictional character - a play on the words "WAR and FLOOD"

Reality Winner, George suggests, is another made up character - Geo reports rumors that there was an audition process to select the best "actress" for the part.

In one of the suspicious plane crashes, the pilots have Chinese sounding names like Fli To Lo - it seems to be something of a CIA signature.

Was Hugo Chavez Right About HAARP & The HAITI Earthquake? Is ...

Haiti, HAARP, and conspiracy theorists

Truthseeker3000 ago

Bang on. Don't get me started on HAARP lol!!! Everyone running around preaching about global warming yet no one ever addresses HAARP the very thing responsible for so much destruction of both humans and environmental.

twistedmac11 ago

Hugo Chavez thought so.

'I don't want to die, please don't let me die': Last words of Hugo Chavez revealed as medics admit president died of heart attack

The Strange Death of Hugo Chavez. Was He Assassinated?

I always found it kind of strange that both Laura Silsby and Bill Clinton were in Haiti shortly before the earthquake happened, and then two weeks after it hit, Silsby and her team were down there ready to get kids for their "orphanage". Idk, maybe it's just me.

Silverlining ago

Kissinger is normally the harbinger of war. A visit from Biden always looked like bad luck. Once you hit on the technique of causing a war for profit, some people will look around for similar play-books. Create a virus to sell a vaccine. Create a hurricane to cause a fresh supply of blood and body parts and sex slaves and desperate drug dealing youth.

David Icke has been pushing his Problem - Reaction - Solution Theory, but I am beginning to see problem - reaction - profit as the MO.

twistedmac11 ago

Good point, but I think it's probably a mix of the two; Problem - Reaction - "Solution" that doesn't actually fix anything - Profit as long as the problem continues. This leads into all of the "fight human trafficking" charity fronts these people have (like Thorn, for example) that actually just help it continue.

Silverlining ago

Just saw this in the Chavez article [link above]

"president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the U.S.’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was responsible for the devastating floods in Pakistan"

twistedmac11 ago

Whenever I post, I try to play devil's advocate and debunk whatever it is that I'm posting to make sure that it holds up. When I did that for this post, I considered the idea that all of the parties involved (the Clintons, Libra, and Giustra) were acting morally and legally. Then I remembered the Clintons were involved and hit 'Submit' 😆