Klaus Schwab and the NXIVM family of the Bronfmans

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Klaus Schwab and the NXIVM family of the Bronfmans

Post by MercurysBall2 »

EXCERPTS from article: Schwab Family Values https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/in ... ly-values/
Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and aided Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? Johnny Vedmore investigates.

On the morning of 11 September 2001, Klaus Schwab sat having breakfast in the Park East Synagogue in New York City with Rabbi Arthur Schneier, former Vice President for the World Jewish Congress and close associate of the Bronfman and Lauder families. Together, the two men watched one of the most impactful events of the next twenty years unfold as planes struck the World Trade Center buildings. Now, two decades on, Klaus Schwab again sits in a front row seat of yet another generation-defining moment in modern human history....

In this Unlimited Hangout investigation, the past that Klaus Schwab has worked to hide is explored in detail, revealing the involvement of the Schwab family, not only in the Nazi quest for an atomic bomb, but apartheid South Africa’s illegal nuclear programme. Especially revealing is the history of Klaus’ father, Eugen Schwab, who led the Nazi-supported German branch of a Swiss engineering firm into the war as a prominent military contractor. That company, Escher-Wyss, would use slave labor to produce machinery critical to the Nazi war effort as well as the Nazi’s effort to produce heavy water for its nuclear program. Years later, at the same company, a young Klaus Schwab served on the board of directors when the decision was made to furnish the racist apartheid regime of South Africa with the necessary equipment to further its quest to become a nuclear power.

On 10 July 1870, Klaus Schwab’s grandfather Jakob Wilhelm Gottfried Schwab, referred to later as simply Gottfried, was born in a Germany at war with its French neighbours. Karlsruhe, the town where Gottfried Schwab was born, was located in the Grand Duchy of Baden, ruled in 1870 by the 43 year old Grand Duke of Baden, Frederick I. The following year, the aforementioned Duke would be present at the proclamation of the German Empire which took place in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles. He was the only son-in-law of the incumbent Emperor Wilhelm I and, as Frederick I, was one of the reigning sovereigns of Germany. By the time Gottfried Schwab turned 18 years old, Germany would see Wilhelm II take the throne upon the death of his father, Frederick III.

...Eugen Schwab would follow in the footsteps of his father and also become a Machine Engineer and in future years, he would advise his children to do the same. Eugen Schwab would eventually begin working at a factory in a town in Upper Swabia in Southern Germany, capital of the district of Ravensburg, Baden-Württemberg.

The factory where he would forge his career was the German branch of a Swiss company named Escher Wyss. Switzerland had many long standing economic ties to the Ravensburg area, with Swiss traders in the early 19th century bringing in yarn and weaving products.

...By the mid-1930s, Escher-Wyss had again found itself in financial trouble. In order to rescue the company this time, a consortium was brought on board to save the ailing engineering firm. The consortium was partly formed by the Federal Bank of Switzerland (which was coincidently headed by a Max Schwab, who is of no relation to Klaus Schwab) and further restructuring took place. In 1938, it was announced that an engineer at the firm, Colonel Jacob Schmidheiny would become the new President of the Board of Directors at Escher-Wyss. Soon after the outbreak of war in 1939, Schmidheiny was quoted as saying, “The outbreak of war does not necessarily mean unemployment for the machine industry in a neutral country, on the contrary.” Escher-Wyss, and its new management, were apparently looking forward to profiting off the war, paving the way for their transformation into a major Nazi military contractor.

...Ravensburg was an anomaly in wartime Germany, as it was never targeted by any Allied airstrikes. The presence of the Red Cross, and a rumoured agreement with various companies including Escher-Wyss, saw the allied forces publicly agree to not target the Southern German town. It was not classified as a significant military target throughout the war and, for that reason, the town still maintains many of its original features. However, much darker things were afoot in Ravensburg once the war began.

Eugen Schwab continued to manage the “National Socialist Model Company” for Escher-Wyss, and the Swiss company would aid the Nazi Wermacht produce significant weapons of war as well as more basic armaments. The Escher-Wyss company was a leader in large turbine technology for hydroelectric dams and power plants, but they also manufactured parts for German fighter planes. They were also intimately involved in much more sinister projects happening behind the scenes which, if completed, could have changed the outcome of World War II.

Back in the Escher-Wyss factory in Ravensburg, Eugen Schwab had been busy putting forced labourers to work at his model Nazi company. During the years of World War II, nearly 3,600 forced labourers worked in Ravensburg, including at Escher Wyss. According to the city archivist in Ravensburg, Andrea Schmuder, the Escher-Wyss machine factory in Ravensburg employed between 198 and 203 civil workers and POWs during the war. Karl Schweizer, a local Lindau historian, states that Escher-Wyss maintained a small special camp for forced labourers on the factory premises.

The use of masses of forced labourers in Ravensburg made it necessary to setup one of the largest recorded Nazi forced labour camps in the workshop of a former carpenter’s at Ziegelstrasse 16. ...

..Klaus Schwab and his younger brother, Urs Reiner Schwab, were both to follow in the footsteps of their grandfather, Gottfried, and their father, Eugen, and would both initially train as machine engineers. Klaus’s father had told the young Schwab that, if he wanted to make an impact on the world, then he should train as a Machine Engineer. This would only be the beginning of Schwab’s University credentials.

Klaus would begin studying his plethora of degrees at Spohn-Gymnasium Ravensburg between 1949 and 1957, eventually graduating from the Humanistisches Gymnasium in Ravensburg. Between 1958 and 1962, Klaus began working with various engineering companies and, in 1962, Klaus completed his mechanical engineering studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich with an engineering diploma. The following year, he also completed an economics course at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. From 1963 until 1966, Klaus worked as Assistant to the Director-General of the German Machine-building Association (VDMA), Frankfurt.

.....On 1 January 1968, the freshly reorganised Sulzer Escher-Wyss AG was rolled out publicly and the company had become streamlined, a move deemed necessary because of several large acquisitions. This included a close collaboration with Brown Boveri, a group of Swiss electric engineering companies who had also worked for the Nazis, supplying the Germans with some of their U-boat technology used during World War II. Brown Boveri was also described as “defence-related electrical contractors” and would find the conditions of the Cold War arms race to be beneficial to their business....

Plutonium and Pretoria
Escher-Wyss were pioneers in some of the most important tech in power generation. As the US Department of Energy points out in their paper on Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle Development (CBC), a device used in hydro and nuclear power plants, “Escher-Wyss was the first company known to develop the turbomachinery for CBC systems starting in 1939.” Going on to state that 24 systems were built, “with Escher-Wyss designing the power conversion cycles and building the turbomachinery for all but 3”. By 1966, just before the entrance of Schwab into Escher-Wyss and the start of the Sulzer merger, the Escher-Wyss helium compressor was designed for the La Fleur Corporation and continued the evolution of the Brayton Cycle Development. This technology was still of importance to the arms industry by 1986, with nuclear powered drones being equipped with a helium-cooled Brayton cycle nuclear reactor.

Escher-Wyss had been involved with manufacturing and installing nuclear technology at least as early as 1962, as shown by this patent for a “heat exchange arrangement for a nuclear power plant” and this patent from 1966 for a “nuclear reactor gas-turbine plant with emergency cooling”. After Schwab left Sulzer Escher-Wyss, Sulzer would also help to develop special turbocompressors for uranium enrichment to yield reactor fuels.

When Klaus Schwab joined Sulzer Escher-Wyss in 1967 and started the reorganisation of the company to be a technology corporation, the involvement of Sulzer Escher-Wyss in the darker aspects of the global nuclear arms race became immediately more pronounced. Before Klaus became involved, Escher-Wyss had often concentrated on helping design and build parts for civilian uses of nuclear technology, e.g. nuclear power generation. Yet, with the arrival of the eager Mr. Schwab also came the company’s participation in the illegal proliferation of nuclear weapons technology. By 1969, the incorporation of Escher Wyss into Sulzer was fully completed and they would be rebranded into Sulzer AG, dropping the historic name Escher-Wyss from their name.

It was eventually revealed, thanks to a review and report carried out by the Swiss authorities and a man named Peter Hug, that Sulzer Escher-Wyss began secretly procuring and building key parts for nuclear weapons during the 1960s. The company, while Schwab was on the board, also began playing a critical key role in the development of South Africa’s illegal nuclear weapons programme during the darkest years of the apartheid regime. Klaus Schwab was a leading figure in the founding of a company culture which helped Pretoria build six nuclear weapons and partially assemble a seventh...

In the report, Peter Hug outlined how Sulzer Escher Wyss AG (referred to post-merger as just Sulzer AG) had supplied vital components to the South African government and found evidence of Germany’s role in supporting the racist regime, also revealing that the Swiss government “was aware of illegal deals but ‘tolerated them in silence’ while supporting some of them actively or criticised them only half-heartedly”. Hug’s report was eventually finalised in a work entitled: “Switzerland and South Africa 1948-1994 – Final Report of the NFP 42+ commissioned by the Swiss Federal Council” which was compiled and written by Georg Kreis and published in 2007...
Swiss banks would help to fund the South African race to nukes and, by 1986, Sulzer Escher-Wyss were successfully producing special compressors for uranium enrichment.

The Founding of the World Economic Forum

In 1970, the young upstart, Klaus Schwab wrote to the European Commission and asked for help in setting up a “non-commercial think tank for European business leaders”. The European Commission would sponsor the event as well, sending French politician Raymond Barre to act as the forum’s “intellectual mentor”... So, in 1970, Schwab left Escher Wyss to organise a two-week business managerial conference. In 1971, the first meeting of the World Economic Forum – then called the European Management Symposium – convened in Davos, Switzerland. Around 450 participants from 31 countries would take part in Schwab’s first European Management Symposium, mostly made up of managers from various European companies, politicians, and US academics. The project was recorded as organised by Klaus Schwab and his secretary Hilde Stoll who, later the same year, would become Klaus Schwab’s wife.

The Club of Rome and the WEF

The most influential group that spurred the creation of Klaus Schwab’s symposium was the Club of Rome, an influential think tank of the scientific and monied elite that mirrors the World Economic Forum in many ways, including in its promotion of a global governance model led by a technocratic elite. The Club had been founded in 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Scottish chemist Alexander King during a private meeting at a residence owned by the Rockefeller family in Bellagio, Italy.

...The last question that should be asked about the real motivations behind the actions of Herr Schwab, may be the most important for the future of humanity: Is Klaus Schwab trying to create the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or is he trying to create the Fourth Reich?
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Re: Klaus Schwab and the NXIVM family of the Bronfmans

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Rabbi Marc Schneier’s Hampton Synagogue Caters to New York’s Wealthy https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news ... /beachhead

January 2009 was not a time for extravagance, and no one knew it better than New York’s wealthiest Jews. The scope of Bernie Madoff’s vast Ponzi scheme was just becoming clear, and the world’s financial markets were reeling. Wall Street bigwigs were voluntarily canceling their bonuses. Upper East Side doyennes were concealing their luxury purchases behind plain white bags. So, it raised some eyebrows when Marc Schneier, the so-called “rabbi to the stars,” publicized the 50th birthday present he’d received from his wife, Tobi: a 400-pound endangered Asian lion, resident at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, which was dubbed “Rabbi Marc” in exchange for an undisclosed donation to fund its care. The Schneiers—she looking svelte and blonde in a leopard-print Michael Kors sheath, he smiling in a dark suit and one of his customary Hermès ties—were pictured in press photos posed next to the cat, which clawed at the glass walls of its enclosure.......

Schneier will happily recount, at length, how he chased Steven Spielberg to help him launch the Hampton Synagogue, in 1994, a story that began with Schneier asking Edgar Bronfman, then still actively involved in running the Seagram Company, to put him into position to corner Spielberg at a dinner Bronfman was throwing in the director’s honor. (It was the year that Spielberg won the best director Oscar for Schindler’s List.) “I needed some pizzazz, I needed some gravitas,” Schneier told me at our dinner. “This man was the most famous man on earth at the time,” Schneier went on. “If you’d asked me to choose between Spielberg and Clinton that year, I’d pick Spielberg. He’s Jewish. He’s in the Hamptons. There’s no stretch here.”

...Despite the divorce, Schneier has preserved his ties with his ex-wife’s cousin Danny Abraham. Last September, when Abraham decided to host a private dinner at the Plaza Hotel for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Schneier made it on the guest list, due to his efforts over the past five years to establish links between Jewish and Muslim clergy in the United States and Europe. The participants—including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Sandy Berger, the former national security adviser—were asked to limit themselves to brief questions for Abbas, but Schneier took advantage of the opportunity to preach a sermon about anti-Semitism in Europe.
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Re: Klaus Schwab and the NXIVM family of the Bronfmans

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Why didn't I make this connection before?

2003: Time Warner music division goes to Bronfman consortium https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/ ... 28793.html
As expected, the American media group Time Warner announced the sale of its Warner Music division to a group of investors led by the media entrepreneur and former Seagram boss Edgar Bronfman..

In addition to Lexa Partners LLC from Edgar Bronfman, the buyers of the music and music rights business are the holding companies Thomas H. Lee Partners, Bain Capital and Providence Equity Partners. With the purchase, the former head of the spirits and media company Seagram, Bronfman, returns to the music business. Three years ago Bronfman had sold Universal Music, which he had built into the world's largest music group, to the French company Vivendi.
Universal Music > Lawrence Bloom, WEF and Parvati Foundation.

See posts:
The United Nations 'game' called "OUR WORLD" - a Karma credit system viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2519

Boris Johnson's father Stanley , Parvati Foundation and NXIVM's Rainbow Cultural Garden viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2258

Mariana Abramovic: Connections to Hollywood, the Bronfmans and Epstein by @darkknight111 https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3272622
https://www.universal-music.de/jay-z/vi ... ilm-326307

In May 2011, Marina appears with Hannah and Clarissa Bronfman at the MoMA Annual Party. Another interesting note - Mayor Mike Bloomberg was also in attendance. Marina directed the gala later this year.
Judith Barsi Case Part 36: Censorship ho! by @darkknight111 viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2393
https://nypost.com/2015/01/25/spielberg ... iberation/ I found business collaboration between Spielberg, Eric Schmidt (Google), and Ron Meyer (founder of CAA and a big shot at Universal). This means that via connections to Google execs, Spielberg can pull strings to arrange censorship to protect himself. Ron Meyer given his connections to the MSM could also pull strings to bury scandals.
Sid Sheinberg Dig https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3093821
https://adage.com/ The successor to Sheinberg at Universal was Ron Meyer, of CAA.
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Klaus Schwab and the NXIVM family of the Bronfmans

Post by MercurysBall2 »

In Pizza Express Woking viewtopic.php?f=50&p=8943#p8943
..Lawrence Bloom...a Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles associate at the WEF and advisor to the Parvati Foundation... He is Co Founder of Dakia Global LLC, the ultimate holding company of a JV with the the Universal Music Group..
and in Bill Gates and the Black Nobility viewtopic.php?f=50&p=8782#p8782
Robert Lavia, Founder & Chairman, Dakia Global Enterprise https://www.dakiaglobal.com/team
...Renowned brands under his portfolio of collaborations include Hyatt, Marriott, Ritz, Wyndham, Occidental, Accor and others. He has also put together the only commercial-scale bio jet fuel refinery in the world with Honeywell UOP. Located in California, as of today it produces over 5,000 barrels per day representing 90% of the global Bio-jet fuel. Some of the clients include United Airlines, U.S. Department of Defense, and many others.

..Board Member of Oxford Leadership .. Director of Global Strategies & Partnerships for Nanobiosym
Oxford Leadership https://www.oxfordleadership.com/approach-history/
Oxford Leadership trace its roots back to 1984 when Brian Bacon formed the consulting arm of a global US-based marketing agency. A management buy-out in 1990, and a tie-up with Oxford Research in 1996 preceded the formation of Oxford Leadership Academy in 2005. Prior to its incorporation as Oxford Leadership in the United Kingdom in 2005, the company was based in Hong Kong with operations in USA, Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Brian Bacon developed the core methodology in organisational transformation during the period 1989 – 1990. It was used in major global business turnarounds as well as in several governmental contexts such as for the Mexican, Australian and Swedish governments and in the post-Balkans conflict (strengthening the Stability Pact in South Eastern Europe).
Brian Bacon is the Chairman of Dakia UMusic Hospitality. Brian is the founder and President of Oxford Leadership with offices in 29 countries. He is a Member of the Global Leadership Council of Michel Nobel Harriet Fulbright Institute of Business Technology Management in USA; a Member of the Advisory Board of European Management Institute, London.

As Founder & President of Oxford Leadership. Brian is a Special Advisor to Prime Ministers, Presidents and Heads of State and a Leading Consultant to the CEOs and Top Management of numerous Multinational Corporations including Telefónica, O2, AkzoNobel, METRO AG, Ericsson, Coca-Cola, BP, NXP, Barclay’s, Unilever, McDonald’s, Sandvik, GE, Pharmacia, SAAB, British Aerospace and Volvo.
We are conducting a ‘living research’ project aimed at redefining leadership in the context of what has been referred to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The project focuses on how corporations are adapting their leadership style, culture and methodologies in order to innovate and steer the implementations of new business models. In addition to this, corporations are also having to find ways of facing the relentless headwinds of new market realities caused by disruptive technologies and turbulent business conditions.

* Klaus Schwab “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, World Economic Forum 2016.

How will this research be used? ... To Transform the Culture
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