auralsects ago

remember that time your fellow Qtard @Crensch tried to cover up her Jewishness tho

awkward given this lengthy post showing her patronage by a legendary Jewish crime family who literally headed the World Jewish Congress

darkknight111 ago

2nd part of this post. The connection to Epstein is through Avric, who also connects to the Bronfmans.

Marina appears in the Wikileaks Podesta emails. People outside of the art world start looking up #SpiritCooking and labeling previous works of art as "Satanic". Emotions/imaginations make up alternate stories for pics.

"If it bleeds, it leads". No news is bad news (as we've learned from @realDonaldTrump). What genius timing for her name to be propelled to the front pages - just in time for that book to hit the shelves, for new & curious viewers.

In March 2017, Marina hooks up with Bronfman pal Avrich to do a documentary for the art world - Avrich has also done work on pals Jeffrey Epstein & Harvey Weinstein. Still needs $ for the museum & new eyes = $.

In Oct 2017, Marina realizes that she'd fall short on the $ to upkeep the Performance Art Museum/School, and decides to scrap the plans.

Investors for the Kick Starter are now pissed and want to know what they're getting for their investments. Larger donors received a Power Point presentation for their $.

Marina is pissed that news articles have questioned her squandering of investor's money. She retorts that entrance to the gallery was "free". Just another poor financial decision for Marina.

In March 2018, Republican John Gibbs, who later became a HUD senior adviser, uses the Marina controversy to rile up the base - or to once again drive $? Unsure.. No news is bad news. Others have used to propel themselves.

The #SpiritCooking dinners were a performance that she had done in the 1990's (the era of literal garbage art & grunge), and it was being offered to investors who had donated more than $10k for the Kick Starter.

Since her American ventures have failed, Marina is now back in Europe and her new digital experience performance opened in London.

And rinse & repeat - the #SpiritCooking rage was successful, she's a worldwide name. Still underpaying performers, and still reaping the rewards of bad news, as the Satanic Panic goes into play in Poland.