Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

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Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

By 'perversion' I mean corruption... I've just seen a video which points to the Academy of Divine Knowledge
Some of their 'teachers' :
Sean Stone; Michael Jaco; David Icke; Dr. Christine Northrup; Dr. Tenpenny... the list is long...
Merch on this page:

Membership $33 per month.; .
Their IG account:
Are you someone who wants to make a massive shift in humanity’s conscious evolution through teaching a global audience? We’re accepting teacher applications to the Academy of Divine Knowledge!

We’re open to a WIDE variety of discussion topics, such as Health, Science, Nutrition, Astrology, Mysticism, Spirituality, Channeling, Technology, Current Events, Ancient History, Physical Healing, Energetic Healing, Extraterrestrial Life, Guided Meditations and Remote Viewing. We are also open to any additional expansive topics you’d like to teach :)

Visit to apply to become a teacher today!

Know someone who would be an awesome fit? You can refer a teacher, too! Head on over to the website to fill out a quick referral form.

We thank everyone for all their referrals and recommendations!
Look who else is involved.. the ITNJ aka Robert David Steele, Sacha Stone et al

Sacha Stone receiving an award at the UN for his org Humanitad
Support for Humanitad's 2009 UN award from the Point of Peace Foundation, Norway
Point of Peace Foundation is an independent human rights organization based in Stavanger, Norway. The organization is responsible for several events in 2008 as Stavanger is European Capital of Culture. The organization aims to establish an international arena for dialogue and Conflict management in Stavanger. Point of Peace Foundation has a special mandate to support Nobel Peace Prize Laureates in urgent need of media, dialogue and communication assistance in their own country and internationally.

The organization has in project the web-based “Peace Channel” in cooperation with Bob Geldof, and his London based company Ten Alps, aimed to be launched in September 2008.
This was all starting to sound familiar.. so I did a search for Bob with the Parvati Foundation..

#OceanChangemakers and Samoa are One Step Closer to Creating World’s Largest MPA in Arctic ... pa-arctic/
Founded by award-winning music artist, producer and Ocean Changemaker, Parvati, not-for-profit has a vision to slow down the melting Arctic ice...The plan is to create the world’s largest marine protected area in the Arctic, called the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary (MAPS). The hope is that this plan will stabilize the melting polar ice and compel a global shift to renewable energy. It seems like a tall order but the strategy is surprisingly simple. To create this marine protected area, is championing a unifying international agreement, administered by the United Nations, called the MAPS Treaty. This legal nation-binding document enters into force with the signatures of 99 nations...

Jane Goodall Endorses the Case for MAPS

..Parvati volunteers her time and all her creative work to its immediate realization. She is using her voice, her creativity and her music connections for change. Bob Geldof’s partner in Live Aid, legendary concert promoter Harvey Goldsmith, is now part of the MAPS production team to onboard the music industry with a ‘Live Aid for the Arctic” themed concert.
Aww.. isn't that special? And you know these woo woo people are tied in with NXIVM and the Supreme Master Ching Hai cult. right?

Master's Universal Love Extends to the Band Aid Charitable Trust ... /love3.htm
Band Aid was a "supergroup" formed in response to the devastating Ethiopian famine of 1984. The band of about forty well known British and Irish pop music stars was organized by Bob Geldof, lead singer of the Irish band Boomtown Rats and Scottish rock musician Midge Ure to record the original single Do They Know It's Christmas?..

Since this time, the Trust has also handled money raised through other charitable projects (e.g., Fashion Aid, Sport Aid, School Aid and Band Aid II) in continuing efforts to relieve hunger and poverty in Africa. To date, about half of the fund has been used to provide emergency relief, largely in Ethiopia and Sudan, where the threat of famine has continued to haunt millions each year. The other half has been supporting over 300 long term development and rehabilitation programs in Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Chad, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and other countries seriously affected by the famine of the mid 1980s. Thus Band Aid has not only saved many African lives, but also transformed those involved and most importantly touched people all around the world...

In March 2005, upon learning of the Band Aid Charitable Trust's work, Supreme Master Ching Hai contributed US$100,000 to support the fund in Her usual spontaneous fashion. Like many of Her other actions, this unpremeditated offering to those most inneed showed the unconditional and free nature of Master's Love; that is, how She always "gives without giving."
Another demonstration of how intertwined with the music biz Ching Hai is...
2012 Rewind. Jody Watley-A Favorite Professional Moment.
...When this musical came about with a chance to work with the amazing choreographer/director Vincent Paterson for starters I couldn’t say no – not to mention it’s message of finding one’s inner peace, love and faith. Loving the Silent Tears – A New Musical is my favorite professional experience of 2012 and one of THE most fun, beautiful and rewarding of my career – and that’s saying a lot! The music was composed by Academy Award Winner Al Kasha, Grammy winner and 7 time Emmy nominee Nan Schwartz (among others), with arrangements by Emmy winner Doug Katsaros; to the poetry of Vietnamese humanitarian Supreme Master Ching Hai.
I'll get more into Watley in the comments below. But I just want to get back to that favourite character of mine.. Ricky Dearman... that follower of the Supreme Master's cult... Here's Jean Paul Gaultier drooling over Ricky's abs in this MTV video clip from 1995
I'll get to more of Ricky's Hollywood friends in the comments..

Just to round this off here, remember that Bob Geldof's daughter died in suspicious circumstances. See Daily Mail article:

Forget Scientology, celebs are now falling for an even more sinister 'religion': Introducing the Satanic sex cult that's snaring stars such as Peaches Geldof ... eldof.html
The socialite, 24, is a devotee of Ordo Templi Orientis, known as OTO, and even has the initials tattooed on her left forearm. ..
Ordo Templi Orientis? Can they be shown to be connected to the Supreme Master Ching Hai Association? . ... 330715197/
Ordo Templi Orientis USA : Ordo Templi Orientis USA is a parent organization to a group of 43 other organizations. : EDIT: Organizations like Ordo Templi Orientis USA: The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in San Jose ... 770251760/
Posts on Parvati Foundation: ... um=on&b=on

Posts on Supreme Master Ching Hai : ... um=on&b=on
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

And just to tie this post back to the 'Health and Wellness' theme of COVID19, check out this video that looks at the recent creepy NHS ad for vaccines : NHS JAB Propaganda Advert Analysis / CRAWL TO DADDY / Hugo Talks #lockdown ... lockdown:2

Crawl to Daddy?

Who's the Daddy? Check out the original song by self confessed satanist Sammy Davis Jr.
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

OTO Australia data dump:

What's going on at Sydney University? Ordo Templi Orientis
ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS Grand Lodge of Australia is directly connected to Sydney University
JAIL David Bottrill, Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO, Australia) Part 1
phpBB [video]

'Cult' fights claims of child sacrifice ... e3mjs.html

AN ANTI-CHILD-SEX campaigner accused an occult religious group of hosting parties at which naked children acted as waiters and at which members had sex with and murdered children, a tribunal was told yesterday.

The obscure group Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) claims Dr Reina Michaelson and the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program described it in a website article as a satanic cult that sacrificed children and ate their organs and blood.

It has complained under Victoria's religious hatred law that Dr Michaelson and her organisation vilified OTO members, causing revulsion, ridicule, hatred and contempt.

According to OTO's statement of complaint, Dr Michaelson said it was not a religion but a child pornography and pedophile ring, that its members practised trauma-based mind control, sexual abuse and satanic rituals to discourage its victims from complaining to the authorities, and that it condoned kidnapping street children and babies and children from orphanages for sex and sacrifice in religious rituals.

The case began at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal yesterday, but was adjourned to today to allow a last-ditch attempt to settle out of court.

The article, still accessible on a website run from NSW, suggests senior politicians and television celebrities are part of a top-level pedophile ring and have been protected by some police. It says some members of the ring pretended to support Dr Michaelson's campaign and became board members of her group to subvert it from within.

Adam Paszkowski, for Dr Michaelson, who was named Young Australian of the Year in 1997 for founding the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program, said the article was published on the website "without her knowledge or consent or authority".

Dr Michaelson last year called for a royal commission to investigate her claims that Victoria Police did not properly investigate pedophile ring allegations.

Earlier complaints led to a report by the police ombudsman in 2004 that was highly critical of two senior detectives.
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Former OTO "facilities manager" convicted of second murder... ... nd-murder/
'Taylor had joined the Gnostic Catholic Church — part of a fraternal organization that preaches the Law of Thelema, a mystical and religious system that is unrelated to mainline Roman Catholic beliefs — and served as a facility manager for the church’s temple in Portland.


The parole board reviewed Lehman’s report along with letters from Taylor and four of his supporters, including his church’s bishop, Henry Hadeed.

On Feb. 14, 2007, the board issued Taylor a parole discharge certificate, which read in part that Taylor’s “final release is not incompatible with the parolee’s welfare or that of society.”'

- from

Here is part of the letter Bishop Henry Hadeed wrote:

"As an authorized Bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica residing in Portland, OR, I have become well acquainted with David Taylor through his exemplary participation as a lay member of our congregation in a variety of settings and contexts (for example, in his frequent role as an assisting officer in the celebration of our principal liturgy). From my observations, based upon this experience, I have found that David consistently displays an outstanding degree of personal integrity, dedication, honesty, dependability, industriousness, intelligence, self control, and overall good will.

"I strongly support his full release and discharge from parole, and gladly look forward to the further contributions he will undoubtedly make as a valued member of our Church."

Read the two time killer and rapist's poetry here (it's on page 18):

How the trial ended:

A former body master informed me that in addition to his other roles, the now twice convicted killer was also both a Student and a Probationer in the Gunther A.'.A.'.

A friend noted:

"I'm still shaken by the unbridled praise Hank poured on Taylor in his letter to the parole board. I can't read it anymore without the echo of the trial coverage and DRJ's added details ringing in my ears. It's like a nightmare mashup.

"As an authorized Bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica residing in Portland, OR, I have become well acquainted with David Taylor through his exemplary participation as a lay member of our congregation in a variety of settings and contexts (for example, in his frequent role as an assisting officer in the celebration of our principal liturgy). From my observations, based upon this experience, I have found that David consistently displays an outstanding degree of...

"...personal integrity,"

"The jury further found Taylor guilty of kidnapping and robbing Gutierrez, and abusing Gutierrez’s corpse."


"As we learned in the past DRT wanted to feed the corpse to Wretha's dogs, Mercedes 'Sadie" Crabtree confirmed this detail but added that he had boiled some of the limbs and was considering eating them."


"David Ray Taylor shook his head vigorously and told the judge presiding over his murder trial that he had no desire to tell a jury his side of a story that prosecutors have characterized as a tale of horror."


"Taylor is in the rare position of facing a possible murder conviction after having previously been found guilty of murder. He served 27 years in prison for the shotgun slaying of a Eugene gas station attendant in 1977. The state parole board, on a 2-to-1 vote, granted Taylor’s release in 2004."


"The jury also convicted Taylor on 22 felony robbery charges, in connection with two bank robberies committed in 2012."


"Taylor, 58, allegedly had two younger accomplices stage a dispute outside a Eugene bar that worked to lure Gutierrez to Taylor’s home shortly before 1 a.m. on Aug. 3, 2012. Prosecutors say that after Gutierrez was killed at the house, Taylor and another suspect in the case dismembered his body."

"...self control,"

"Sadie also testified that DRT had an erection, visible through his pants, from the time AJ Nelson began wiring up poor Tino, all the way through the dismemberment."

"...and overall good will."

"A Lane County jury this afternoon found David Ray Taylor guilty of three counts of aggravated murder in the death of 22-year-old Eugene resident Celestino Gutierrez."


Taylor was arrested for this murder on the heels of another OTO related murderer/prison ministry scandal in 2012 e.v.

Read the Wikipedia entry on this child killer:

Now read his obituary here.

It's on page 11 of the pdf.

At the time I wrote:
"Is it just me or is this utterly appalling? The OTO tries to deny that the mass murderer Mathew Murray was a "member" of the Order because he was "only" a Minerval. They then proceed to count new Minervals as "new members" on annual reports. But this self-serving and transparently hypocritical stance cannot be taken here. Instead, they seem proud of the fact that the OTO had an "associate member" in prison who was there for killing four people - including two kids under the age of six! You will notice that the victims of Donald Ray Wallace aren't even mentioned in his glowing notice in Agape. How crazy is this?

"I missed this the first time because I cannot bear to read Agape all that closely - it's too silly, stupid, and depressing. But I have a hard time understanding how Sabazius could approve of this kind of notice. Is our connection to this killer really something we want to advertise and be proud of? How does the fact that he memorized Liber Al while in prison make up for the fact that he murdered a four year old boy and a five year old girl - and two other people - in cold blood? If he had killed the children of one of the OTO's leaders would this thing have ever appeared in an official OTO newsletter? Please!..
Much more at the link.
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

self-definition of an Australian version

Carl Kellner, Franz Hartmann, Heinrich Klein,
Theodor Reuss, Rudolf Steiner, Gerard Encausse,
Papus, R.W. Felkin, Frank Bennett, Frater
Progradior, Aleister Crowley, O.T.O., Ordo
Templi Orientis, Vyvyan Deacon, Karl Germer,
Marcelo Ramos Motta, Gregory Tillett

...... The Crowleyan Order was established in Australia in the 1920's by Frank
Bennett (Frater Progradior) who had been trained by Crowley as a missionary
to Australia. His work attracted a degree of hostile publicity, but
failed to achieve any real influence. Its limited activity ceased when
Bennett returned to England.
Two Crowleyan derivatives operate in Australia at the present time.
One claims its authority from Grady McMurtry, who bases his claim to
lead the Order upon documents deriving from Crowley's successor, Karl
Germer. The other claims authority from Marcello Motta, whose bases for
his pretensions to authority within the Order are unclear.
The Ordo Templi Orientis in Australia, deriving its authority from the
late Frater Memnon is not associated with any other claimant to the title
of the Order, or with any other fraternity. It works the traditions of
the Order as they were established by its Founders.

Ordo Templi Orientis
Gregory Tillett
P.O. Box 362
Wentworth Building
University of Sydney
New South Wales
Gregory John Tillett is the researcher who has most investigated Charles Webster Leadbeater, his book "The Elder Brother" (1982) is the most important biography that has been written about this individual. And the most curious is that Gregory is not a theosophist, but an Australian priest.

...And apart his book and his thesis, Gregory Tillett also published a blog where he added still more information:

How important were archives in your Leadbeater research?

Particularly regarding Leadbeater’s early years, archives were essential resources since all the published material was simply factually inaccurate. Fortunately for the early years, the archival material was almost all outside Theosophical archives and therefore in the public domain.

Is there significant Leadbeater material still withheld from scholars?

The major sources of material still being withheld are those within the archives of the Esoteric Section (or School) of Theosophy, notably that held at Adyar, but there are also ES archives in the USA and at The Manor in Sydney, and, possibly, at Naarden (formerly Huizen).

...... Unfortunately Gregory Tillett passed away on December 6, 2018, and below you can read two obituaries...

..Greg was one of the early researchers in esoteric, pagan and occult spirituality in Australia, focusing particularly on the Theosophical Society. He earned his doctoral thesis with an expansion of his wonderful biography of C.W. Leadbeater and produced much ground-breaking research in this area.

He was a legal advocate for members of the Gay and Lesbian community when homosexuality was still illegal in some states. He was particularly active and instrumental in this field during the awful AIDS panic of the 80s. Greg was also an expert in conflict management, teaching it at an academic level and co-writing one of the standard texts on the subject...

In the early 90s Greg was active in the British Orthodox Church, becoming one of its leading priests, archivist and historian. Greg was one of the key people who helped bring the Church into the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate in 1994, where he was ordained. He became the first non-Copt to undergo the traditional Forty Days intensive training program following ordi- nation. As a Coptic priest Greg was an outspoken advocate for those excluded by Orthodoxy and Orthodox superstitions, particularly LGBTIQ people, women and non-Copts. He butted hard against the church hierarchy many times in his defence of the excluded.

Upon retirement Greg broke new ground by transforming his home in suburban Sydney into a consecrated Coptic hermitage. There he lived simply but reaching out to help many people through advocacy, sharing of wisdom and the incredible blog, City Desert (link). I am blessed to count myself as one of those people....
First National conference on interdisiplinary approaches to Peace was held at the Wesley College at Sydney University.L:R Prof John Frodsham, Mr Gregory Tillett, a world authority on the Moonies.
First National conference on interdisiplinary approaches to Peace was held at the Wesley College at Sydney University.L:R Prof John Frodsham, Mr Gregory Tillett, a world authority on the Moonies. August 29, 1983. (Photo by Paul Wright/Fairfax Media via Getty Images).
Moonies? See: Alefantis and Pegasus Museum connections to the Moonie Cult
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by kestrel9 »

In regards to Sacha Stone ---totally legit and organic /s

He comes from humble roots ... ic-empire/ (see info on his father) He gets around a lot because of his positive energy /s

Notably, Arthur C. Clarke is on the Humanitad people page

It sounds like Clarke is okay with no age of consent, but wants to make sure the boys WANT to engage with pedophiles. "“I think most of the damage comes from the fuss made by hysterical parents afterwards. If the kids don’t mind, fair enough.”

If Sacha Stone's logo creations seem familiar with global elitist themes and symbolism, read to the end, he says it's all good, he's just reclaiming the symbols for good. ... l-justice/

The ITNJ offers a lot of publicity perk packages to raise funds ($200 - $10,000), scroll down to blue squares ... fraudster/
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

<..Sacha Stone receiving an award at the UN for his org Humanitad.. Support for Humanitad's 2009 UN award from the Point of Peace Foundation, Norway..>

MDG Awards Stavanger Message of Support
phpBB [video]
Starts off with a message from Jonathan Granoff, President Global Security Institute..
Jonathan Granoff is an American lawyer, screenwriter and lecturer, widely known as President of the Global Security Institute.

Granoff is a Senior Advisor of the American Bar Association's Committee on Arms Control and National Security and has served as Vice President of the NGO Committee on Disarmament at the United Nations. He serves on numerous governing and advisory boards including the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, the Lawyers Alliance for World Security, the Jane Goodall Institute, the Bipartisan Security Group, and the Middle Powers Initiative..
[Jane Goodall > Parvati Foundation > NXIVM]

Global Security Institute
The Institute was founded by US Senator Alan Cranston in October 1999...Kim Cranston – Chair of the Board, elected in 2000 after the passing of his father..
Alan Cranston
Alan MacGregor Cranston (June 19, 1914 – December 31, 2000) was an American politician and journalist who served as a United States Senator from California from 1969 to 1993 and as a President of the World Federalist Association from 1949 to 1952... In 1991, the Senate Ethics Committee reprimanded Cranston for his role in the savings and loan crisis as a member of the Keating Five.

..A supporter of world government, Cranston attended the 1945 conference that led to the Dublin Declaration and became president of the World Federalist Association in 1948..
Keating Five posts ... n&forum=on, including:

So Jeff Epstein also worked for Adnan Khashoggi, the man who sold American made weapons to Iran in the Iran-Contra Affair?...follow the boats, maxwell yacht, Adnan involved with McCain "Keating Five"
Sara Latham is affiliated with the Milken Institute..

Voat related posts:

"N Korean-style mind control" boarding schools/rehab centers near Tucson camp; ties to spooks
Learned of this place after finding its former director Bette Fleishman, who is from a pizzagate family, now running Pegasus Legal Services for ChildrenJPG in Albuquerque (several hours across the desert from Tucson).

She ran "Amity", which was a HW Bush "thousand points of light" center to recover from 'addiction or trauma', which along with troubled-teen boot-camps is a pizzagate industry:...

..Interestingly, not only is DeConcini a board member of ICMEC, but he was along with John McCain (whose namesake human trafficking "institute" is just north in Phoenix at Arizona State) one of the Keating Five -- legislators who most enabled the financial fraud of Charles Keating in the 80s S&L crisis (the biggest before 2008).

Keating's fraud was mostly through the firm Drexel-Burnham-Lambert under the infamous "junk-bond king" Michael Milken and his army of 100% Jew shysters, many of whom I have confirmed went on to start their own pizzagate-related firms...
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Thu Jul 08, 2021 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Millennium Development Goals Awards Ceremony ... -ceremony/

The award ceremony was organized by the MDG Awards Committee in association with Humanitad.

Highlight of the Humanitad produced event was the presentation of a Lifetime of Humanitarian Achievement Award to Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu who serenaded the audience with his rendition of ‘Sentimental Journey‘ after bitterly criticizing governments who spend billions on buying arms, when so many of their own people live in squalor. He also accused the world’s powers of misplaced priorities in the so-called war against terror, fighting the symptoms when the root causes should rather be addressed. “We will never win a war against terror as long as there are conditions in the world that make people desperate,” said Tutu. That desperation, in many cases, is what drives people to engage in violent conflicts, he added.

Dr. Kevin M. Cahill was presented with a Lifetime of Humanitarian Achievement Award for his life-long dedication of extraordinary service. Dr. Kevin Cahill, is a leading specialist in tropical medicine who worked in the streets of India with Mother Teresa...

With President of the 63rd UN General Assembly H.E. Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann presiding the hall was filled with government officials from over 100 nations, international luminaries, renowned artists, astute members of society and celebrated figures. Head of the UN Office for Global Partnerships Mr. Amir Dossal called MDG Awards Executive Director Michael Jacobson and Humanitad Founder and Executive Producer Sacha Stone to the General Assembly stage in recognition for their accomplishment in staging the ground-breaking event. He also recognized the tireless efforts of the GA event Producer & Director Chris Wangro and his team...

Actor, anti-land-mine Activist and Humanitad Ambassador Armand Assante opened the ceremony at the United Nations General Assembly Hall ..

MDG Awards Committee co-Chair H.E. Ambassador Francis Lorenzo of the Dominican Republic stated that to achieve the MDGs, we need to develop a global partnership for development.. blah, blah...blah..

MDG Awards founding Goodwill Ambassador Scarlett Johansson adds.. blah, blah...

Lets start with H.E. Ambassador Francis Lorenzo of the Dominican Republic ..

2015: U.N. diplomat charged by US for bribe scheme gets $2 million bail ... llion-bail
A deputy United Nations ambassador from the Dominican Republic facing U.S. charges over a bribery scheme had his bail set at $2 million on Friday, despite a prosecutor's warnings that he poses a flight risk.

Francis Lorenzo, who was arrested on Tuesday, must also live under house arrest with his mother after bail conditions are met and waive diplomatic immunity from future arrest, a federal magistrate judge in Manhattan ruled.
(L-R) Dominican Republic Ambassador Francis Torres attends the 2015 South-South Awards at The Waldorf=Astoria on September 26, 2015 in New York City. (L-R) Dominican Republic Ambassador Patricia Gonzalez attends...
Miss Universe?

UN Briber Francis Lorenzo Used Africa ICF Fund Now Wants Supervision Ended Early ... 10521.html
By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive Patreon

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Jan 5 – Francis Lorenzo used his position as UN Ambassador for the Dominican Republic to take and pay bribes for a Macau "UN South South Development Conference Center proposed by now incarcerated Ng Lap Seng.

On November 8 Lorenzo was given a sentence of time served, which was twenty days in detention, by U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Vernon S. Broderick.

Inner City Press then reported that convicted and sentenced UN briber Francis Lorenzo has been spotted right back in UN world, at an event for the new Holy See / Papal envoy to the UN no less. And see Periscope near UN, here.

Others in the UN said he was back working with the Dominican Mission, which oversaw and was complicit in lack of protection of civilians in Cameroon and elsewhere during two years on the UN Security Council.

Now on January 5, Lorenzo is asking for an early termination of supervised release - on consent, no less: "Re: U.S.A. v. Lorenzo, Francis, et al. Case No.: 15-Cr-00706 (VSB) Honorable Judge Broderick: The Government (through AUSA Douglas Zolkind) and Probation (through USPO Zondra Jackson) have no objection to the following request. Defendant, Francis Lorenzo, requests this Court grant him early termination of supervised release....
My how the other half live.
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

kestrel9 wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 6:03 pm In regards to Sacha Stone ---totally legit and organic /s

He comes from humble roots ... ic-empire/ (see info on his father)

Its funny because he denies that Sir Adams is his father. Yet here are some slides from the 2009 MDG awards: ... esentation

And what do we see on slide 10? Sacha Adams Stone
Ambassadors that year: Angelina Jolie, Michael Douglas; Geri Halliwell; George Clooney; Nicole Kidman

Slide 11 - International Talent : Ciro Orsini .. See CIRO ORSINI II ... 7734375000
During Ciro Orsini I, I did my best to expose his role in human trafficking, and Luciferian secret societies. I also showed some of his associates like Sacha Stone. During this delivery, I focus on his criminal ties and Black Nobility bloodline. Earlier this week, I was publishing a piece about child trafficking in Las Vegas, and Im reminded Mafia is eternal. Some people think the Mafia has lost tons of power but au contraire. The worst kind of Mafia doesn’t belong to the New York families. It belongs to Nepotism in politics, religion, and corporations. It belongs to secret societies...
Ciro is another rabbithole...
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Re: Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

This Week’s Blog, TV & Radio Shows – December 16, 2012 ... 2-16-2012/
.... To continue the theme, my colleague and dear friend Sacha Stone will open the show with me, calling in from Mexico where he will be part of the Unity Festival at Chichen Itza....

..Sacha is Executive Producer of the Millennium Development Goals Awards which launched at the UN General Assembly in New York. The prestigious event exemplifies nations, organizations and individuals most impacting the critical issues facing humanity and our planet from poverty eradication through to environmental sustainability. (

As Director-General for the UN-IGO (IREO) Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization in 2010, he founded and launched the Exemplar-Zero Initiative ( ..

..Sacha is also founder and Director-General of the (NWO) Natural World Organization ( an intergovernmental organization promulgating accountability and transparency in world-wide governance...
Board of Advisors , MDG Awards [2009] ... &Itemid=67
Judith Cunningham -Judith Cunningham is the Founder and Executive Director of Montessori Model UN..

Mario Gualdi - Mario Gualdi holds degrees in Political Science from LUISS (Rome, Italy), and in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA). His professional experience includes project procurement and management for a US based consulting firm working with various international organizations (World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and International Monetary Fund), and export management for an engineering firm based in Germany.

Jonathan Granoff

Ralph Kader

Sally Kader

Marsha Levine - Ms. Levine is a pioneer in the field of product placement and is in numerous “Who’s Who of Women” for distinguished achievement. She is a founding member of the first and worldwide Association of Product Placement Agents and Hollywood Motion Picture Studio Affiliates. Her client placements range from such hit films as The Terminator and Twilight Saga to popular TV shows including Desperate Housewives and Two and a Half Men... Ms. Levine has established awards for children who make films based upon the MDG’s and serves as the Millennium Development Goals Youth Online Film Festival Coordinator for the MDG Awards. ... 551912196/
Peace One Day - Judith Cunningham. The inspiring founder of the Montessori Model UN. It's such a pleasure to be working with her and all the team at MMUN to increase action for #PeaceDay and awareness of #CyberNonViolence.

Cunningham with founder Jeremy Gilley
Peace One Day? See: ... um=on&b=on

Wuhan Lab, Ecohealth Alliance and Execution Noble - Will Draper's employer viewtopic.php?f=50&p=10368#p10368
Execution Charitable Trust is the London based trust set up by traders at Execution Ltd. [Employers of Hampstead cult financier Will Draper.. who introduced Ricky Dearman to his ex-wife Ella]...

In the following video of a recent Zoom chat with Nick Finegold (founder of Execution Ltd.), circa 13:30m. he talks about his days with Execution Ltd. and the work they did with the United Nations. Peace One Day was set up by his friend Jeremy Gilley :

Sir Elton John poses with Jeremy Gilley (2nd right), Lily Cole (right) and Jude Law (left) during the Peace One Day Concert at the Wembley Arena, London PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Friday September 21, 2012.

.....In 2018, Peace One Day teamed up with 23andMe and iHeartMedia, to raise awareness of Peace Day 21 September at the iHeartRadio Music Festival, T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas. Performers included Mariah Carey, Carrie Underwood, Kygo, Logic, Sam Smith, 5SOS, Belly, as well as Nick Jonas, Troye Sivan, Dinah Jane and more, who lent their voices to an original Peace Day piece – written by American singer-songwriter, poet and record producer Mike Posner....

..On 21 March 2021, Peace One Day in association with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights have produced the Anti-Racism Live Global Digital Experience on 21 March 2021, on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Produced and Directed by Jeremy Gilley...

..Peace One Day is pleased to announce that founder of goleadorasMX Eglantina Zingg will be joining us for Climate Action Live .. Eglantina began her television career by being the host for MTV Latin America where she presented the program L'Gueveo and where she had the opportunity to present the MTV Latin Music Video Awards and the MTV Latin America Movie Awards. From an early age Eglantina stood out as a professional model and being represented by the international modeling agency Ford.. She was in 2012, co-presenter of the Pepsi Music Venezuela Awards , and co-presenter of the Miss Venezuela 2012 pageant ....
Sacha Stone Works For the Satanic Empire? ... ic-empire/
When I worked with them, they instructed me to stay away from the Hampstead Case. I received contradicting statements, and according to Connie Broussard, “there wasn’t enough evidence.” Sacha contradicted her: “MI5 said they were going to kick my door down if I didn’t drop it.”
Uh huh...
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