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RedGreenAlliance ago

"The Washington Times is owned by the Moonies, that quasi-religious Korean sect that publicly indulges in mass marriage ceremonies but privately, has links to pedophile networks and human trafficking. Most significantly though, the Moonies are a CIA front and always have been."

Veterans Today


That yet again we find an article tying CIA, paedophile and human trafficking, and people associated with PizzaGate. This is a direct connection and deserves greater investigation.

We should start a new thread collecting info on human trafficking and paedophilia connected to the Moonies. I am in work and can't do much but i think this is too coincidental (like all the other coincidences) to write off...

Orange_Circle ago

Somewhat forgotten over time is the fact that the managing editor at the time was caught up in the call boy scandal and forced to resign from the Washington Times.

The reporter was nominated for 4 Pulitzers.

RedGreenAlliance ago

good find...