70+ MPs launch cross-party campaign against COVID passes — Big Brother Watch.

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70+ MPs launch cross-party campaign against COVID passes — Big Brother Watch.

Post by doginventer »

70+ MPs launch cross-party campaign against COVID passes — Big Brother Watch
https://bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/2021/04/ ... id-passes/
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Re: 70+ MPs launch cross-party campaign against COVID passes — Big Brother Watch.

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Whilst I agree with the sentiment, of course everyone should protest this dystopian idea of COVID passes, I think this protest by MPs is nothing more than a dog and pony show. 'Freedom papers' is exactly where the UK is headed.

Sir Keir has argued for more intense lockdowns.. Chakrabarti who adopted her pretentious pearls when admitted to the House of Lords is a fraud as is the entire Labour party.. they play the 'role' of opposition party just as the Republicans do in the US. It's all theatre.

So, who is Big Brother Watch ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brother_Watch .. Director > Silkie Carlo

Before joining Big Brother Watch in January 2018, she was the Senior Advocacy Officer at Liberty where she led a programme on Technology and Human Rights and launched a legal challenge to the Investigatory Powers Act. She previously worked for Edward Snowden’s official defence fund and whistleblowers at risk.

Silkie is also an information security trainer and organises Cryptoparty London. She is the co-author of Information Security for Journalists.
Are you smelling the BS yet?

https://howthelightgetsin.org/global/id ... lkie-carlo
Outside of her civil rights campaigning, Silkie is also a passionate Buddhist and a self-professed 'Vegangelist'.
Ah, now we're getting somewhere.. see my posts on the UN's "woo woo crowd".. let's keep going...

Here she is at the World Ethical Data Forum (another BS org for my database) https://worldethicaldataforum.org/node/99

And finally at an Event by Tactical Tech and Mozilla : https://www.facebook.com/events/69-char ... 655403309/

The idea of Tactical Tech was born around 2001, as a question posed by co-founders Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszynski: What can be done to help activists, advocates and campaigners to think about and use technology differently?..

FUNDING : Oak Foundation, SIDA, Open Society Foundations, Luminate
Colour me surprised.

Re Oak Foundation, see: The Global Fund for Children https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/3732950
Other GFC strategic partnerships include Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Johnson & Johnson, Howard G. Buffett Foundation, Oak Foundation, GoodWeave, Feizy Rugs, and Tea Collection
Board Chairman for Child Right's International Network (CRIN), works for SOROS Open Society, and advocates for legalization of SEX WORKERS https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2135189
There is an organization called CRIN , Child Rights International Network https://www.crin.org/en/home/about

CRIN is currently funded by:
A private donor (George Soros??)
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Oak Foundation
Save the Children Sweden
Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Re Mozilla, see : Y Combinator and Google in Our Schools and Colleges Data Dump viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2431
Google went into the Christ Church Primary School in Hampstead UK before the whole thing blew up. Their presence in a primary school was never adequately explained and pretty unusual at the time. The recent Joe Biden speech included references to Climate Change and school buildings not being environmentally and healthwise safe.
[That feeds into the whole reason for humans to be 'vaccinated' with the new biotech COVID vaccines, believe it or not.. but I digress]
Make School is redesigning college for the 21st century .. funded by Learn Capital, Y Combinator, Mitch Kapor, Alexis Ohanian, Tim Draper and others....In 1990 with John Perry Barlow and John Gilmore, he co-founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and served as its chairman until 1994. In 2003, Kapor became the founding chair of the Mozilla Foundation

Related Voat posts : On the Sunlight Foundation, the Open Source and Open Government movements and the co-option of Counter Culture https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagateTNT/3042505
The Sunlight Foundation's donors include the Open Society Foundations, The Pew Charitable Trusts, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Omidyar Network, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation
Stewart Brand, Long Now; Mitch Kapor at THE EDGE SCIENCE DINNER 2003 https://www.edge.org/igd/1097
Aaaand we're back to Jeffrey Epstein and the perverts network.... However, you've introduced a few more bad actors to the play .. going to have a look.
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Re: 70+ MPs launch cross-party campaign against COVID passes — Big Brother Watch.

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Luminate https://luminategroup.com/
Founded by The Omidyar Group
That takes us straight back to Ricky Dearman (who worked for the Supreme Master Ching Hai aka World Preservation Foundation) and the Hampstead case.. see:
The Hampstead children and Ricky Dearman turn up at the 2017 Ebay Business Awards https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2614904

eBay Cyberstalking charges - on covens, corporate cults and the Hillary Clinton child trafficking network https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3957296
Omidyar also takes us to satellites, tracking and Nicole Junkermann.. i.e. Jeffrey Epstein perverts network..
Bill Gates Has Started a New Crusade to Save the World https://fortune.com/2017/03/20/satellit ... t-omidyar/
Some of the world’s most influential billionaire philanthropists plan to launch a powerful digital platform to harness the avalanche of data sent from satellites each day—and make it freely available for humanitarian and environmental causes.

Bill and Melinda Gates—who are also custodians of legendary investor Warren Buffet’s billions— have joined forces with Pierre Omidyar, founder of [f500link]eBay[/f500link], to fund the ‘Radiant Earth’ project, a repository and archive of the world’s satellite, aerial and drone imagery.
Gates Foundation, WHO, Coronavirus, Satellites and pizzagate https://searchvoat.co/v/thinkdrafts/3682205

The US government said no. Swarm Technologies launched its satellites anyway [Jeffrey Epstein/Nicole Junkermann connections] https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagateTNT/3582463
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Re: 70+ MPs launch cross-party campaign against COVID passes — Big Brother Watch.

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Btw Baroness Chakrabarti, international travel is NOT just a luxury.. for some of us it's a necessity as we have family spread across the globe.

That's where globalism gets you... 'diversity' puppets who in reality have insular perspectives. The ideals of internationalism long since co-opted by the Rothschild/Rockefeller/Windsor/Klaus Schwab crowd.
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 70+ MPs launch cross-party campaign against COVID passes — Big Brother Watch.

Post by MercurysBall2 »

https://bigbrotherwatch.org.uk/2021/04/ ... id-passes/
Further to Sir Keir’s comments about vaccine passports being un-British and against the “British instinct”, over 70 MPs have launched a cross-party campaign opposing their “divisive and discriminatory use”.

MPs and peers from Labour, the Liberal Democrats and Conservative parties have signed a pledge to oppose the move.

Signatories include former Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, Labour MPs Dawn Butler and Rebecca Long Bailey, former director of Liberty, Baroness Shami Chakrabarti, and over 40 MPs from the Conservative Covid Recovery Group.
https://twitter.com/Ian_Fraser/status/1 ... 9360770059
guess who's funding the "Covid Recovery Group"...Step forward Luke Johnson, who failed to spot a £94m blackhole in Patisserie Valerie's accounts.
https://twitter.com/Ian_Fraser/status/1 ... 9340565505
Like most adherents of the fallacious "Great Barrington Declaration", Luke Johnson doesn't seem to care if people with pre-existing conditions and the over 65s live or die. All that matters is pizzas.
That tweet by journalist Ian Fraser http://www.ianfraser.org/biography/ . I'll have to check him out but first, Luke Johnson..

Former Patisserie Valerie boss Luke Johnson says he wanted to flee the country and suffered from chronic insomnia when cafe chain went bust https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... apsed.html
Luke Johnson's private equity firm Risk Capital Partners purchased a controlling stake in Patisserie Holdings - parent company of Patisserie Valerie - in 2006, growing the chain from eight outlets to 192. ..

Mr Johnson was previously chairman of Channel 4, Pizza Express and The Royal Society of Arts.
LOL !!!!

See: Pizza Express Woking viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2503
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Wed Apr 07, 2021 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 70+ MPs launch cross-party campaign against COVID passes — Big Brother Watch.

Post by MercurysBall2 »

And.. while Boris leads the Conservative party who the sheeple in the UK still think lean 'right'.. his daddy Stanley works for the globalists and the Bronfmans... you know, the NXIVM crowd, connected to Alefantis et al and Epstein pervert network...

See : https://searchvoat.co/search.php?t=stanley+johnson&b=on

If the people keep waiting for politicians and lawyers to act, we are well and truly stuffed.

PS: I did a whole thing on Twitter (before they permanently suspended my account) about Boris's time as Mayor of London and all the shenanigans he got up to.. I'll have to dig up my notes... you know that woman he had an affair with at the time was connected to Epstein, right? Jennifer Arcuri ..

A very good Twitter thread on her: https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1176142981226815488
Do all lines of investigation lead to Jeffrey Epstein?
Here are a few facts about Boris de Pfeffel of Spaffwaffle's pole dancer Jennifer Arcuri ...
And an interesting blog: JENNIFER ARCURI, BORIS JOHNSON HONEYPOT: ANDREW, EPSTEIN, MAXWELL, MARKLE https://enchantedlifepath.com/2021/03/2 ... on-affair/
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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