Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Aids Orphanage NYUMBANI

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Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Aids Orphanage NYUMBANI

Post by MercurysBall2 »

http://www.nyumbani.org/?p=4911 [archived : https://archive.is/zufWq]
Did you know that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the current director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and an authoritative presence on the COVID-19 pandemic task force, is one of the people whose wedding was officiated by Nyumbani Founder Father Angelo D’Agostino? Dr. Fauci was a personal friend of Father D’Ag, as well as a colleague involved early on in the fight against HIV/AIDs.
That's HUGE. Let me refresh memories about the Nyumbani Orphanage by listing our posts in chronological order:

1. Newly Chosen UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt Potential POI?: Worked with Orphan Rapist / BA Pilot Simon Wood at Nyumbani; Was Funded by Groucho Club Chairman; Led Jimmy Savile Investigations https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2626986

2. Moving company Momentous Relocation of the Hampstead case changed its name from Baxter International after a court case with the Ministry of Defence. Some coincidences.. https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3159829
Baxter International was once based in Potters Bar, Cranborne Road EN6 3JN.. Just 2 minutes away was the company of pedophile British Airways pilot Simon Wood: Simpon Wood Pilot Services.. British Airway's history with Jimmy Savile and Dreamflight : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1917240 .. Groucho Club and Child Sexual Abuse - https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2014/07/ ... ual-abuse/
3. New York's Administration for Children's Services, a BBC documentary "Guinea Pig Kids", Columbia University, Nyumbani USA and the pizzagate connections https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3455933
President of Nyumbani USA is Charles DeSantis http://www.nyumbani.org/nyumbani-usa/ .. Bill Clinton babysits his adopted children: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3452995
James Alefantis friends taking children from other countries - Charles DeSantis (works for UN Refugee Agency) https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1599337

More Comet Ping Pong Connections - United Nations Charles DeSantis friends with NSA SPY AGENCY worker - Booz Allen Hamilton(Snowden) + The Washington Ballet https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1601326
4. DEBORAH BIRX and the pizzagate-connected NYUMBANI Orphanage https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3721695

5. In 2009 Oxford and Cambridge were accused of illegally taking blood from Nyumbani children's home - on adrenochrome, vaccines and PIE https://searchvoat.co/v/thinkdrafts/3767153

6. The bipartisan Foreign Affairs Policy Board and Climate Change viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2361
The Nyumbani USA Board of Directors is extremely honored to announce that the John and Patty Noel Humanitarian Award will be presented to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) at this year’s benefit Gala on September 21, 2019.

Founded in 1988 by Elizabeth Glaser, Susie Zeegen, and Susan DeLaurentis, EGPAF’s mission is to end global pediatric HIV/AIDS through prevention and treatment programs, research, and advocacy. The organization has had a presence in Kenya since 2000 and has since grown into one of the largest HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs in the country.
Well, it seems that Fauci's next vaccine will be for HIV: https://www.rosemaryfrei.ca/hiv-now-set ... vaxx-race/

Anyhoo, back to that Jesuit priest Nyumbani Founder Father Angelo D’Agostino http://nyumbani.org/testsite/father-dagostino-founder/

Corey's Digs article is well worth a read: Is AIDS US $90B Taxpayer Dollars A Global Slush Fund? https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-scien ... lush-fund/
The ANTIAIDS Foundation was founded by Elena Franchuk and husband Victor Pinchuk in the Ukraine, who went on to work with the Clinton Health Access Initiative in 2004. Of course, the Pinchuks also partnered with Coca-cola, George Soros, Kofi Anan, Elton John, and others. Victor Pinchuk was also a big donor to the Clinton Foundation.
Kofi Annan was a chum of Lawrence Bloom.. but I'm going to leave that for now...

And all connected in the post : A SMALL WORLD private social club with members Jeffrey EPSTEIN, WEINSTEIN, Rothschild et al. Foundation connections to PLAN INTERNATIONAL. https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/3943505/24936022

There's much more to dig people.
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Re: Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Aids Orphanage NYUMBANI

Post by MercurysBall2 »

About Father D'Ag http://www.rimed.org/rimedicaljournal/2 ... ritage.pdf
For Dr. D’Agostino, there was no place like home, whether in his native Rhode Island or his adopted homeland of Ken-ya. When he died of a cardiac arrest in a Nairobi hospital in 2006, he was 80 years young. His brother, Dr. Joseph D’Agostino of Fairfax, Va., later shared memories of their childhood to The Washington Post...

Their parents, Luigi and Julia D’Agos-tino, were Italian immigrants. Luigi was a construction worker who rebuilt an Atwell’s Avenue barn in the Mount Pleas-ant section of Providence into a cottage for his six children. Angelo, who suffered from severe asthma, liked to build model airplanes and grow vegetables and flowers in the backyard..

During the Korean conflict, Dr. D’Agostino joined the Air Force and served as chief of urology at Bolling Air Force Base in Wash-ington, DC. After completing his service in 1955, he attended a Je-suit retreat, and found his second calling. He joined the Society of Jesus and was ordained a priest 11 years later, in 1966..

During this time, he switched his subspecialty, and studied psychiatry. For several years, he taught psychiatry at the George Washing-ton University Hospital, and served as chief of its inpatient service.His overseas pastoral work be-gan in 1978, when the Jesuit order sent him to Thailand to set up refugee camps, and then later to coordinate the Jesuit Refugee Service Center in Africa based in Nairobi in 1981 for the thousands of refugees displaced from sub-Saharan Africa.
JRS was founded in November 1980 by Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ, the then Superior General of the Society of Jesus, to respond to the plight of Vietnamese refugees fleeing their war-ravaged homeland...
A ridiculous amount of info from someone on 4chan https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/1959678/9648622
..The Jesuits who were previously banished from Japan were in Hiroshima when the "atomic bomb" was dropped. Pedro Arrupe along with seven other Jesuits were within miles of the nuclear blast zone in Hiroshima and all survived untouched. SJ Pedro Arrupe is in video testifying about Hiroshima before he was later made the Superior General the Jesuit Order. The Allies actually strategically firebombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima and claimed they were nuclear bombs as a form of intimidation...
The Society of Jesus also called the Jesuits function as Roman intelligence for the Italian Nobility. The Jesuits are a military order established under the Papal Bull called "Regimini Militantis Eclessiae" which means the Military Regiment of the Church. The head of the Jesuits is called the Superior General. The official definition of a Jesuit is one of intrigue or equivocation. Intrigue means trickery and equivocation means to lie. Jesuits are trained in deception and are entangled with everything in society. The Society of Jesus was involved with the genocide of Native Americans. One example was the Jesuit priest Pierre-Jean De Smet who infiltrated the Iroquois. He requested "Black Robes" for the natives which were carrying diseases as a form of biological warfare. He provided intelligence on them which was used in massacres all while pretending to be their ally. The Jesuit photographer Francis Browne was on the Titanic and managed to get off before it sank. The Titanic was switched with its damaged twin sister ship the Olympic which was intentionally sunk as insurance fraud. The Jesuits who were previously banished from Japan were in Hiroshima when the "atomic bomb" was dropped. Pedro Arrupe along with seven other Jesuits were within miles of the nuclear blast zone in Hiroshima and all survived untouched. SJ Pedro Arrupe is in video testifying about Hiroshima before he was later made the Superior General the Jesuit Order. The Allies actually strategically firebombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima and claimed they were nuclear bombs as a form of intimidation.

The Jesuits were involved with establishing Romanized communist settlements in South America known as the "Jesuit Reductions" which were funded by the monarchs of Spain and Portugal. The Jesuits were paying their dues back to the Italian Nobility which angered the kings of Spain and Portugal and lead to the Jesuits being banished from Europe. They were sent to Corsica and a few decades later Napoleon Bonaparte was born who then made war on all the European nations that banished the Jesuits. Immediately after the Napoleonic Wars ended the Jesuits were reestablished through the Congress of Vienna which was under covert control by the Habsburg and Thun and Hohenstein families who are Knights of Malta along with the Italian-Austrian nobility like the Pallavicini and Orsini-Rosenberg families. Napoleon Bonaparte wrote about how the Jesuits used him in his memoirs. Jesuits are deeply involved with science and astronomy. They run major telescopes and set the policies for NASA who reinterpret space which caused the flat earth deception and denial that space even exists deception. The Jesuits are dangerous liars and trained illusionists. The Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin developed much of the modern New Age beliefs in his book The Phenomenon of Man. The Society of Jesus are deeply involved with military, intelligence, politics, law, science, and religion. They are masters in deception and mind control and they seek to dominate over every aspect in society.

Prince Julian de Medici of Ottajano is the head of the Cult of Hermes and the Rosicrucian-Freemasonic division called the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Hermes is associated with trickery, thieves, sacrifice, sorcery, and initiation. There is a statue of Hermes at the Villa Medici on Pincian Hill in Rome. Hermes was later renamed Hermes Trismegistus and is the basis for Hermeticism which is a popular form of witchcraft and alchemy used by the occult. The name Medici means medical. The Greek word Pharmakeia means medicine, potions, witchcraft, or sorcery. The winged Staff of Hermes of two serpents coiled around a staff is very similar to the Rod of Asclepius. The Rod of Asclepius is the most common symbol used in modern medicine. Serpents are venomous like their vaccines and pharmaceuticals. The Staff of Hermes is used for New Age initiations. Hermes was known as a trickster and a thief. Members of the Cult of Hermes are intellectual thieves that steal knowledge from others and then distort it as a form of false opposition through deceptive imitation. There are computer hackers involved with this cult and their leader is named Zachary James Carr and he is from Idaho.
The Medicis (yes, those Medicis) are back, and starting a challenger bank https://www.americanbanker.com/news/the ... enger-bank
In a return to his forebears’ work, Prince Lorenzo de Medici is setting up a challenger bank in the U.S. to disrupt the old-school bankers in this country. The plan is for the new, digital-only bank to serve small and midsize international businesses in a tech- and crypto-friendly way...
Prince Lorenzo De'Medici Opportunity Village's celebrity poker tournament and auction at Caesars Palace Las Vegas, Nevada https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-princ ... 24904.html

How Prince Lorenzo De’ Medici Is Keeping The Medici Dynasty Alive https://hauteliving.com/2018/10/prince- ... ty/661576/
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Re: Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Aids Orphanage NYUMBANI

Post by MercurysBall2 »

The Hotcourses Group was the public name for Hotcourses Ltd, an educational guidance company based in Fulham and the world's largest course database.[1][2]

In January 2017, Hotcourses Group was bought by IDP Education[3][4] and was rebranded as IDP Connect in January 2019.
Strategic advisory board - IDP https://www.idp-connect.com/about/strat ... ory-group/

Professor Colin Riordan took up the post of President and Vice-Chancellor at Cardiff University on 1 September 2012. Previously he was Vice-Chancellor of the University of Essex, having been appointed in October 2007. He moved to Essex from Newcastle University, where he had been Pro Vice-Chancellor and Provost of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences since August 2005.

..Professor Riordan is Chair of The Conversation (UK), Vice-Chair of the Association of Commonwealth Universities and a Board member of the Edge Foundation. He is a Fulbright Commissioner and chairs Universities UK’s Outward Student Mobility Advisory Board and the Welsh Higher Education Brussels Board.
In November 2017, shortly after missing Bisexual Visibility Day, Riordan came out as bisexual in a monthly email to staff.[9] The BBC quoted him as saying, "Only a few vice chancellors have spoken out about being gay or lesbian and none about being bi, as far as I'm aware."[10] He has two daughters from a former marriage...
Edge Foundation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_(edu ... oundation)
Edge Foundation, commonly referred to as 'Edge', is an independent education foundation, dedicated to raising the status of practical and vocational learning[1] in the UK.. CEO, Alice Barnard..
Alice Barnard: Hunting for a new political strategy https://www.independent.co.uk/news/peop ... 21846.html
2010: The Countryside Alliance's new chief executive wants it to move beyond marches to make itself heard, she tells Jonathan Brown
Countryside Alliance? See:

A London nursery, the SoHo crowd and the Knights of Malta viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2803
Do you want to join our club? The ‘Soho House for parents’ run by friends of William and Kate [Rose van Cutsem and Maggie Bolger]..Maggie and Rose is the nursery that the 2 friends created..

Rahul Raswant, Finance Director, Wayfair UK..Rahul & Priyanka Raswant are the husband and wife team behind Highbrow, a streaming service for the delivery of ‘healthy children’s content’.. Highbrow has secured investment, partnerships and distribution deals with the likes of Telefonica, Reliance, KidZania and Maggie & Rose.

Highbrow also works with Gems Education ..

Grace van Cutsem, husband Hugh... godfather to Prince George..

Hugh's father : Hugh van Cutsem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_van_Cutsem
Van Cutsem worked as an investment banker at Hambros Bank.[2] Later he began his own company and purchased further companies, including a data storage company.. Van Cutsem inherited his father's stud Northmore Farm in Exning near Newmarket, Suffolk, in 1976.[2] He also owned a 4,000-acre estate in Norfolk, best known for its private wild game shoots...

He was a founding member of the Countryside Movement, a non-profit organization which later became the Countryside Alliance, focussed on shooting.

In 1993, he was appointed a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.. From the Prince's university days Hugh van Cutsem was a friend of Charles, Prince of Wales.[2] Prince Charles was godfather to his son Edward, who was a pageboy at the Prince's wedding to Lady Diana Spencer in 1981
Trustees https://www.edge.co.uk/about-edge/our-trustees/
His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent
See: Freemasons open a lodge at Buckingham Palace... but the Queen isn't amused https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... mused.html
A branch of the Freemasons secret society is being formed by members of the Royal Household and police who protect the Royal Family. And their decision to call it The Royal Household Lodge has put them on a collision course with Buckingham Palace – as has their plan to co-opt the royal cipher – EIIR – for their regalia, to underline their connection to the Queen.

Although the Queen's cousin, the Duke of Kent, is head of the secretive organisation – he is Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England – the new branch has not gone down well with the Royal Family.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Ed ... ke_of_Kent
The Duke of Kent has performed engagements on behalf of his cousin, the Queen, for over 50 years. The Duke has represented the Queen during independence celebrations in the Commonwealth countries of Sierra Leone,[21] Uganda,[22] Guyana,[23] Gambia[24] Ghana, to commemorate its 50th independence anniversary celebration.[25] He has also acted as Counsellor of State during periods of the Queen's absence abroad.[26]

One of the Duke's major public roles for many years was Vice-Chairman of British Trade International, formerly known as the British Overseas Trade Board, and later as the United Kingdom's Special Representative for International Trade and Investment. This position saw the Duke travel abroad to represent the British government in fostering trade relations with foreign countries and organisations. Prince Andrew, Duke of York succeeded him in this position, which is today known as UK Trade & Investment (or UKTI), although Prince Andrew resigned from the post in 2011.[27] He was also the vice chairman of the British Overseas Trade Board.[28] In that capacity, he became the first member of the royal family to visit China in 1979 with his focus being on the British Energy Exhibition in Beijing
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Re: Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Aids Orphanage NYUMBANI

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Rahul Raswant, Finance Director, Wayfair UK. .. was made a director of Wayfair UK in 2019 https://find-and-update.company-informa ... 2/officers

This is the website of Highbrow https://joinhighbrow.com/ . They were founded in 2017 and have been in major press outlets already like the BBC, Bloomberg, the Telegraph, LA Times.. yet, they've got only 272 followers on their Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/joinhighbrow/

In this video Priyanka says she has a large team behind her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvM7Cn6eTv0&t=70s

Lord Rami Ranger tweeted about presenting a business award to her. https://twitter.com/ramiranger/status/1 ... 0821469184
Great to present an Award to a young entrepreneur Priyanka Raswant at the TiE London dinner at the Jumeirah Carlton Hotel, Knightsbridge.
So Priyanka seems to be experiencing a lot of success and recognition in a relatively short space of time. Maybe her husband's Wayfair connections help too... we'll look into that in a bit.

LORD Rami Ranger is another Sikh that experienced tremendous success in his life. According to this article: NRI Industrialist Rami Ranger, Who Started Business With £2, Nominated to Britain's House of Lords https://www.news18.com/news/india/nri-i ... 04167.html
Leading NRI entrepreneur Rami Ranger on Tuesday was nominated to Britain's House of Lords for his outstanding service to the business fraternity, the Conservative Party and the public.

Former Prime Minister Theresa May had recommended Ranger's name for the peerage in her resignation letter...

Ranger began his first cargo shipping business with just two pounds. Today, he is the chairman of Sun Mark Ltd and Sea Air and Land Forwarding Ltd... Presently, Ranger is the chairman of the British Sikh Association... Through Sun Mark, Ranger has donated more than GBP 1 million to the Conservative Party and GBP 25,000 to Theresa May's Party leadership campaign.

Ranger was appointed joint chairman of the Conservative Friends of India in 2018 with Zac Goldsmith MP, a group associated with the Conservative Party which aims to build a strong link between the party, the British Indian Community and India.
Dr Rami Ranger CBE, FRSA Chairman Of Sea Air And Land Forwarding Ltd Receiving The Queens Award For Export Achievement 1999 From Her Majesty's Special Representative Field Marshall Sir John Chapple.

Here's Lord Ranger with Jeremy Hunt
Source [check out all the politicians lining up to congratulate the dear man.. Thatcher, Cameron, May, BoJo..]:
phpBB [video]
He's also a fellow of the Prince's Trust..

Right now he's embroiled in a bit of a MeToo scandal.. Twitter thread here: https://twitter.com/cathynewman/status/ ... 5175765002
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Re: Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Aids Orphanage NYUMBANI

Post by MercurysBall2 »

EshareLife celebrates life-changing Christmas gift https://www.esharelife.org/news/esharel ... tmas-gift/
Friends, supporters and representatives from beneficiary organisations gathered at London’s Naval and Military Club for Esharelife’s third Christmas Party this month – and raised thousands for Kenyan education projects.

The glittering event, hosted by sponsor Tratos’ CEO and charity founder Dr Maurizio Bragagni MBA, welcomed special guests from the worlds of politics, business and the arts and featured a highlight silent auction which saw works of art that were – for this year’s Christmas Party – generously sponsored by the artists, D. Mihov, Luca Brandi and Piero Mochi.

Esharelife would like to extend its sincere gratitude and appreciation for the patronage of the Consulate General of Italy in London and the Consulate of San Marino, as well as for the outstandingly kind gesture of Michele Satta, who sponsored the wine for the evening. Likewise, an extensive Thank You to Sir Rocco Forte who also supported the festivities with a generous contribution.

More than 100 invited guests joined the Christmas gathering to look back at the progress enabled by funds from the registered charity and hear about ambitions for 2020.

Addresses were made by speakers including The Right Hon Jeremy Hunt MP; the charity’s Chair, Simon Blagden CBE; Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne; Lord Rami Ranger and Dr Selva Pankaj. Esharelife was overwhelmed by such great support.

Special certificates of appreciation for outstanding donations and support were given to Mr Aris F. Mattheou, Executive Director – External Relations and Professor George Holmes DL, President & Vice Chancellor both from the University of Bolton; Professor Paolo Volpin and Professor Paul Palmer, respectively Interim Dean and Director of The Centre for Charity Effectiveness at Cass Business School and Professor Phil Harris, Executive Director at the University of Chester.

Esharelife showcased some of the opportunities and chances created through the provision of school places for children and vocational training for young adults thanks to the work of beneficiary organisations, including one of the charity’s founding project providers, international education aid organisation, AVSI.

AVSI Kenya Project Manager Antonino Masuri gave an inspiring speech and a good understanding of the great work which he and his team are performing in Kenya. Esharelife is grateful to be able to support projects like the Distance Support Programme of Avsi Kenya, which beautifully demonstrates the impact our help has on the lives of less privileged people in our world.

Dr Bragagni thanked friends of Esharelife for their continued support and especially valued the time invested by guests of the evening, naming it a special gift – and furthermore mentioned how everyone’s time would yield change for good for young lives, thanks to education...

Lord Ranger https://www.esharelife.org/wp-content/u ... Ranger.jpg
Jeremy Hunt https://www.esharelife.org/wp-content/u ... Volpin.jpg
The Naval and Military Club, known informally as The In & Out, is a private members club located in St James's Square, London, originally for gentlemen of the British Armed Forces.

The Club's President is Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who has been a member since 1947.

Notable past members include Prince Louis of Battenberg, Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Field Marshal the Earl Roberts, John Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe, Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, Redvers Buller, David Niven, T. E. Lawrence, and Robert Falcon Scott, who is commemorated on the Club's Roll of Honour.

The Club includes a total of thirty-three past members who have been awarded either the Victoria Cross or George Cross. All current recipients of these awards are honorary members of the Club.

Notable current members include Prince Andrew, Duke of York, William Astor, 4th Viscount Astor, Khalid bin Sultan, Michael Boyce, Baron Boyce, Peter de la Billière, and Peter Wall, who is the current Vice-Chairman.
Wasn't Prince Philip the one who wants to come back as a virus? All these strange coincidences...

Just a reminder, it was Ghislaine Maxwell who sat outside the In-N-Out burger joint in Los Angeles...I believe that she was actually referencing the Naval and Military Club..
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Re: Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Aids Orphanage NYUMBANI

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emma_Nich ... nterbourne
Emma Harriet Nicholson, Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne (born 16 October 1941) is a British politician, who has been a life peer since 1997. She was elected as the Conservative Member of Parliament for Torridge and West Devon in 1987, before switching to the Liberal Democrats in 1995...In 2017, Baroness Nicholson was appointed as Prime Minister's Trade Envoy for Kazakhstan.

..Born in Oxford and a descendant of the family which founded London gin distillers J&W Nicholson & Co, Lady Nicholson is the third of four daughters of Sir Godfrey Nicholson, Bt and his wife, Lady Katharine (the fifth daughter of the 27th Earl of Crawford). Her uncle was Lord Chancellor in the 1960s,[4] and his daughter, her cousin Eliza Manningham-Buller, became Director General of MI5.

Prior to her political career, she was a computer programmer and systems analyst from 1962 to 1974, and a director of the Save the Children Foundation from 1974 to 1985....

Nicholson fought for the release of Katiza Cebekhulu, the "missing witness" in the case of the death of Stompie Seipei. [9] The South African national had been part of the so-called Mandela United Football Club, the bodyguards of Winnie Mandela.[10] Cebekhulu later claimed that Nicholson had demanded £50,000 from him to obtain copyright over a book she had Fred Bridgland write about him; Nicholson denied this, saying her motives were "exclusively humanitarian and honourable"..

..During the Iraq War, Nicholson gave evidence to the United Nations that she claimed showed Iraq had "hidden material used to make weapons of mass destruction".[16] She described the draining of the Mesopotamian Marshes as a "genocide"

She has monitored elections in many countries. In 2006, Lady Nicholson was Chief Observer of the European Union Election Observation Mission to Yemen. She was a member of European Union Election Observation Missions to Palestine (2005), Azerbaijan (2005), Lebanon (2005), Afghanistan (2005), Armenia (2007) and Pakistan (2008). In January and December 2005 she was a member of the United Nations Election Observation Missions to Iraq.

She also generated controversy through her strong opposition to international adoptions, which she believed had become a market and subject to corruption. While the EP's Special Rapporteur for Romania's EU accession she and some others in the international[18] community criticised international adoptions. Due partially to her pressure, the Romanian government in 2005 implemented legislation that de facto banned the practice, in line with practices in some of the EU member states. The measure generated controversy, mainly in the US, Israel, France, Spain and Italy, particularly from prospective parents. International and Romanian media also called attention to poor conditions in Romanian orphanages and hospitals where abandoned children remained for prolonged periods, while acknowledging some progress made in reforming child protection. In December 2005 and July 2006, the EP passed measures requesting Romania deal with outstanding pipeline cases, despite Romania having dismissed these formally through legislation after consultation with an Independent Panel of EU Experts on Family Law. Critics claimed that this panel was stacked with opponents of international adoptions. The U.S. Congress also passed repeated measures and held hearings opposing the ban...

Lady Nicholson is the Executive Chairman of the AMAR Foundation,[26] which works to rebuild and improve the lives of disadvantaged communities in war-torn areas.

She is Executive Chairman of the Iraq Britain Business Council[27] an organisation which facilitates business, trade investment, human resources, training and transfer of technology and know-how into the Republic of Iraq.

Lady Nicholson is Executive Chairman of the Associatia Children's High Level Group. She co-founded its English counterpart, the Children's High Level Group (now the charity Lumos, "working to end the harm of institutionalisation & help children worldwide be reunited with family"[28]) with novelist and philanthropist J. K. Rowling.[29] Lady Nicholson is the co-chairman with the Prime Minister of Romania of the High Level Group for Romania's Children and the co-chairman with the Prime Minister of Moldova of the High Level Group for Moldovan Children...

She is Vice President of The Little Foundation, and is Honorary Advisor to the Prime Minister and Government of Iraq on Public Health and related issues...
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Re: Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Aids Orphanage NYUMBANI

Post by doginventer »

Dr. Anthony Fauci: How his Jesuit education helped prepare him for the pandemic
phpBB [video]
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