How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

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How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

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Speakers: Yuval Noah Harari, Mark Rutte, Orit Gadiesh
Yuval Harari is a futurist connected to the Lifeboat Foundation

We have a number of posts mentioning him: ... um=on&b=on
Harari is gay[35] and in 2002 met his husband Itzik Yahav, whom he calls "my internet of all things".[36][37] Yahav is also Harari's personal manager.[38] They married in a civil ceremony in Toronto, Canada.[39]

Harari says Vipassana meditation, which he began whilst in Oxford in 2000,[40] has "transformed my life".[41] He practises for two hours every day (one hour at the start and end of his work day[42]), every year undertakes a meditation retreat of 30 days or longer, in silence and with no books or social media,[43][44][28] and is an assistant meditation teacher.[45] He dedicated Homo Deus to "my teacher, S. N. Goenka, who lovingly taught me important things", and said "I could not have written this book without the focus, peace and insight gained from practising Vipassana for fifteen years."[46] He also regards meditation as a way to research.[28]

Harari is a vegan, and says this resulted from his research, including his view that the foundation of the dairy industry is breaking the bond between mother cow and calf.[4][47] As of May 2021, Harari does not have a smartphone.
Vegan? Meditation? I'll get to that later..

husband Itzik Yahav
Sapienship was co-founded by Yuval Noah Harari and Itzik Yahav in 2019.
I'll get to that later too..

Mark Rutte posts:

Dutch junior minister SACKED after criticizing ‘illogical’ vaccine passports viewtopic.php?f=66&t=4113
Junior Economic Affairs Minister Mona Keijzer has been fired by Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Her crime? Suggesting that the country’s vaccine passport scheme is “illogical” and the Netherlands should “go back to the old normal.”..

[comment by CognitiveDissident5 ] The Dutch refer to Rutte as "de Kutte van Rutte". It's impossible to translate but suffice to to say kut means cunt.
Mafia Wife Says Royals, Politicians, are Killing, Raping Children For Fun
In this video Anne Marie van Blijenburgh, the spouse of a Ndragheta criminal syndicate member, gives her firsthand eyewitness account on Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult murders of “throw-away children,” claiming the killings are going on today in Belgium and Holland and have been since at least 2004. ..
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Kevin Annett: Could you name some of the people who were present?

“The people who I recognized were Prince Johann Friso and his psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont. I recognized Johann’s wife Mabel Wisse Smit. She was there with an old man, XXXX (a prominent American businessman) I believe. I recognized a Herr Donner, a former minister of the law department, the Vice Roy of the Netherlands. I recognized Ernst Hirsch Ballin, a very important former Minister of Justice. I recognized a Mr. Van den Emster. He was for years the head of judges in the Netherlands. I recognized Dick Berlijn. He’s a former head of the military department in the Netherlands. I recognized a very important journalist. I recognized Carla Eradus, the wife of Friso’s psychiatrist Guus Pareau Dumont. Carla is the President of the Court in Amsterdam, a judge. I recognized Mark Rutte. He’s at this moment the President of the Netherlands. I recognized Geert Wilders. He is at this moment the head of the political party PVV and head of the Dutch Parliament.
Rutte and his entire cabinet offered its resignation on 15 January 2021 in response to a scandal relating to false allegations of child welfare fraud by the Dutch tax authorities.[2][3][4] Rutte remained in office through the 2021 election, leading the VVD to finish first for the fourth consecutive election...
Rutte is single.

Orit Gadiesh post:

Swiss Covid, Nicole Junkermann, FIFA & resignation of Michael Lauber viewtopic.php?f=50&t=4378

Orit Gadiesh daughter of a General of the Mossad.. chairperson of management consulting firm Bain & Company...

Falk’s daughter Orit was chosen to serve in Israeli military
intelligence. Her first position in the Israeli military was as
assistant to Ezer Weizman, the deputy chief of staff who later became
president of Israel. During the early 1970s, she worked in the war
room, a bunker where Gen. Moshe Dayan was in charge. As a war room
assistant to Weizman, Orit provided military leaders with documents
and correspondence.....

Mitt Romney attended the Mossad’s “Herzliya Conference on Israeli
Security” in 2007. Romney and the current Israeli prime minister
Benjamin Netanyahu worked together as consultants at the Boston
Consulting Group early in their careers.

Romney’s close relationship with Orit Gadiesh and Israeli military
intelligence is the real reason he is the chosen candidate of the
Zionist establishment. Romney is being supported by high-level
Zionists, Israeli military intelligence, and their controlled media
network. This relationship between the Israeli military and Mitt
Romney, a presidential candidate, should be of great concern to all
Americans because this is how the Israeli military plans to drag the
United States into a war with Iran.
Hmm .. in his WEF talk Harari used football/soccer as an example of how the globalist community uses rules successfully and how all nations follow the same regulations for that sport. Therefore, he argues, that's where the future of mankind lies.. a global order.. Uh huh...
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Re: How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by kestrel9 »

So I'm watching the video ... do you know how jarring it is to have that dire forecast playing in the background when I go to peruse another site and see this headline?
Alec Baldwin Shot and Killed Female Cinematographer, Injured Director on Movie Set
omg AI hacked Alec Baldwin!! He's a symptom of the rise of the useless class! /s

Well turns out Breitbart was doing the typical clickbait crap... the shooting was an accident. Baldwin should be aware that a good number of people in my estimation have no problem believing him capable of losing his shit and shooting someone :shock: ... movie-set/

Maybe Baldwin needs to reinvent himself and teach yoga to software engineers /s :lol:
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Re: How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by kestrel9 »

I'm continuing to listen to the video... why is this guy so worried about AI benefitting Mexican textile workers as much as it does American software engineers? Was this on the minds of the Davos Globalists in 2020 (his target audience)?

Who knows but reading about a day in the life of the man who's not a guru brings him down to earth from the lofty venues of setting rich peoples' hearts a flutter, to his own perch still high above the concerns of the upcoming 'useless class'. He's an author and a speaker who is married to his agent/manager Itzik Yahav, who knows how to get Harari the BEST gigs.
“Because I have only one author, I can go crazy,” he [Yahav] had told me. In the car, he noted that he had declined an invitation to have Harari participate in the World Economic Forum, at Davos, in 2017, because the proposed panels were “not good enough.” A year later, when Harari was offered the main stage, in a slot between Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, Yahav accepted. His recollections of such negotiations are delivered with self-mocking charm and a low, conspiratorial laugh. He likes to say, “You don’t understand—Yuval works for me! ”
The following quote conjures up speculation of how Harari might view his audience's gullibility or intellectual laziness.
If Harari weren’t always out in public, one might mistake him for a recluse. He is shyly oracular. He spends part of almost every appearance denying that he is a guru.
Harari has the ear of decision-makers; he travels the world to show them PowerPoint slides depicting mountains of trash and unemployed hordes. But, like a fiery street preacher unable to recommend one faith over another, he concludes with a policy shrug. Harari emphasizes that the public should press politicians to respond to tech threats, but when I asked what that response should be he said, “I don’t know what the answer is. I don’t think it will come from me. Even if I took three years off, and just immersed myself in some cave of books and meditation, I don’t think I would emerge with the answer.”

Harari’s reluctance to support particular political actions can be understood, in part, as instinctual conservatism and brand protection. According to “Sapiens,” progress is basically an illusion; the Agricultural Revolution was “history’s biggest fraud,”

Here's someone who takes issue with the unintended consequences of not being a guru but yet having to continually tell people you aren't... ... e25d0d9c85
The dangers of this fiction [that Nature Is a Machine] arise when others, along with Harari, base their ideas and plans on this flawed foundation. Believing nature is a machine inspires a hubristic arrogance that technology can solve all humanity’s problems. Molecular biologists promote genetic engineering to enhance food production, while others advocate geo-engineering as a solution to climate breakdown — strategies fraught with the risk of massive unintended consequences. Recognizing that natural processes, from the human mind to the entire global ecosystem, are complex, nonlinear, and inherently unpredictable, is a necessary first step in crafting truly systemic solutions to the existential crises facing our civilization.
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Re: How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by MercurysBall2 »


About a year ago, or more, I tried reading Harari's book Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind.. and after the first couple of chapters had to stop as I found it unreadable. He has a habit of making sentences which he thinks are factual without backing up his pronouncements with data or citations when all his opinions really are is a view of the world through a leftist lens.
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Re: How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

kestrel9 wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:19 am So I'm watching the video ... do you know how jarring it is to have that dire forecast playing in the background when I go to peruse another site and see this headline?
Alec Baldwin Shot and Killed Female Cinematographer, Injured Director on Movie Set
omg AI hacked Alec Baldwin!! He's a symptom of the rise of the useless class! /s

Well turns out Breitbart was doing the typical clickbait crap... the shooting was an accident. Baldwin should be aware that a good number of people in my estimation have no problem believing him capable of losing his shit and shooting someone :shock: ... movie-set/

Maybe Baldwin needs to reinvent himself and teach yoga to software engineers /s :lol:
The Alec Baldwin story smells...

Halyna Hutchins, ..
Hutchins was born in Ukraine in 1979 and grew up on a Soviet military base in the Arctic Circle.

Her website said she grew up "surrounded by reindeer and nuclear submarines".

She entered the film industry after gaining a degree in international journalism from Kiev State University. After working on documentaries in the UK, she moved to Los Angeles, where she graduated from the American Film Institute conservatory in 2015.

She began working her way up in Hollywood, with credits on films including Blindfire, which she described as a "racially charged cop drama" written and directed by Mike Nell.

She also worked on horror feature Darlin', directed by Pollyanna McIntosh, which debuted at the SXSW film festival 2019.
David Gerson posts: ... um=on&b=on

James Alefantis visit on Cuba during Obama visit, WaPo article for context and "cooking" Jewish circle by @Heisenberg123 viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3450
They are parents of David Henry Gerson who is friends with James Alefantis and they together produced occult satanic movies with bizarre cultish vibes and visions of "secret pizza" and horned creatures, this is described in ...
During the break between old Voat and searchvoat I came across a lot of Alec Baldwin connections to the DS, China Silk Road, Asia Association, Smithsonian, etc...
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Re: How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

In 2017 Halyna was the cinematographer on the film Snowbound ... _=tt_cl_sm
A group of people attending an erotic party wake up naked in the snow. In the nearby cabin they find a dead girl and a message: in order to survive, they must decide who is responsible for the child's death and murder that person. ... 540400129/
Olia Oparina was the director of the film..

Blending Cinema with Theatre: A Q&A with the Creators of ‘The Black Key’ Experience ... 07bac31ba7

How a Cannes party sensation is becoming an immersive experience for New Year’s Eve..

Part lavish party and part elaborate mystery quest, this year’s most talked about New Year’s Eve party might just be The Black Key.
A self-proclaimed “erotic” event, The Black Key will take place in a San Francisco mansion this Saturday night, December 31, to ring in 2018. But event creator Anya Bay wants you to know this is by no means just another ordinary evening of drinking and debauchery. Guests have the opportunity to look beneath the New Year’s celebration to dig deeper into a story that unfolds over the course of the event, leaving just one lucky participant to find the elusive titular “black key” which unlocks the final secret of the night... Olia Oparina and Anya Bay of Infilmity Events at the “Snowbound” Cannes Film Festival party..
Anya Bay (AB): We did the first event — it was barely immersive — at Cannes Film Festival and people loved it. My producer said, ‘You guys are so good at this. Why don’t we do another level.’ With each film that we do, we not only create the film but also an experience for people to be part of the film. And also later on, which requires more investment, to do a VR piece....

The event promotes the film and the film promotes the event. That was the whole idea of creating the company, doing the film, immersive experience, and later on VR...
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Re: How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by kestrel9 »

Part lavish party and part elaborate mystery quest, this year’s most talked about New Year’s Eve party might just be The Black Key.
A self-proclaimed “erotic” event, The Black Key will take place in a San Francisco mansion this Saturday night, December 31, to ring in 2018. But event creator Anya Bay wants you to know this is by no means just another ordinary evening of drinking and debauchery. Guests have the opportunity to look beneath the New Year’s celebration to dig deeper into a story that unfolds over the course of the event, leaving just one lucky participant to find the elusive titular “black key” which unlocks the final secret of the night...

The final secret is the "black key" winner wakes up the next day only to discover the party was a honey pot operation and he killed the girl. Now he's the political slave bitch. /s
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Re: How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by kestrel9 »

in his WEF talk Harari used football/soccer as an example of how the globalist community uses rules successfully and how all nations follow the same regulations for that sport. Therefore, he argues, that's where the future of mankind lies.. a global order.. Uh huh...
For all Harari's finesse of speech and education, it's clear that he's a pet darling of the elites, given all the globalist kudos, the elite talk circuit. In a world where the average person in America is chided and vilified for 'wrong speak', such as still using the word 'homeless person' instead of the more dignified currently acceptable term "the unhoused", we have Harari catering to globalists penchant for dehumanizing the people they so self righteously pretend to care about. Namely via the use of terms like the "the upcoming useless class", aka the "superfluous people".

Some example quotes from this colossal hubris fest interview: ... s-optional
KAHNEMAN: What you are doing here, in terms of prediction, is about trends. The trend is clear, what progress means is clear, but when you describe people as superfluous, you are presenting the background for a huge problem. Who decides what to do with the superfluous people. Especially, what are the social implications that you see, the technical or technological development that you foresee?
KAHNEMAN: What I find difficult to imagine is that as people are becoming unnecessary, the translation of that into sort of 20th-century terms is mass unemployment. Mass unemployment means social unrest. And it means there are things going to happen, processes going to happen in society, as a result of people becoming superfluous, and that is a gradual process, people becoming superfluous....
...HARARI: Yes, the social side is the more important and more difficult one. I don't have a solution, and the biggest question maybe in economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people. I don't think we have an economic model for that. My best guess, which is just a guess, is that food will not be a problem. With that kind of technology, you will be able to produce food to feed everybody. The problem is more boredom, and what to do with people, and how will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless. ...My best guess at present is a combination of drugs and computer games as a solution for most ... it's already happening....
I'm adding this illustration here (Pixar's WALL-E)
...KAHNEMAN: What is very interesting and frightening about this scenario is that it is true, as you point out, that people have lived to work, or worked to live, and that what you are describing is a scenario in which work is unnecessary for most people.

There is a class of people who work because they enjoy it, and are able to do it, and then there is most of humanity, for which work no longer exists. That mass of people cannot work, but they can still kill people. How do you see the possibility of strife and conflict, between the superfluous people and those who are not?
...HARARI: ...If you go back in most periods in history, say to the middle ages, you do see peasant uprisings. They all failed, because the masses were not powerful. And once you become superfluous, militarily and economically, you can still cause trouble, of course, but you don't have the power to really change things.

It's funny how these arrogant eggheads always conveniently forget that masses of people are not as 'superfluous' to the Satanic elite class as they posit, because that group of have had and will always keep a slave class to serve their needs, whether it's slave labor or it's the burgeoning child sex industry, or the need for human medical guinea pigs or walking organ donors on demand. (Not to mention whatever other perverted fetishes they dream up).
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Re: How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Halyna's Harvard educated lawyer husband Matt worked for a firm which has represented the Clintons & also the Bidens.
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Re: How to Survive the 21st Century | DAVOS Conference 2020 and the Epstein-connected globalists

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Latham and Watkins?

Nicole Junkermann crashed Voat. We need to dig on her more
European private equity firm Bridgepoint has reached an agreement to acquire Infront Sports & Media AG, one of the world’s most respected and leading international sports marketing companies based in Zug, Switzerland, taking 100 per cent of Infront’s shares from Jacobs Holding AG, the Junkermann Group and Dr Martin Steinmeyer for an undisclosed sum. The acquisition is subject to the approval of the antitrust authorities...

Bridgepoint was advised on the transaction by Leonardo (corporate finance), Deloitte, Value Partners (market due diligence), KPMG (financial and tax due diligence), Latham & Watkins, Niederer Kraft & Frey (legal); Jacobs Holding AG and Junkermann Group were advised by Goldman Sachs, Nomura (corporate finance), Deloitte (financial and tax due diligence), Shearman & Sterling, Homburger, Lenz & Stähelin (legal); Dr Martin Steinmeyer was advised by Wirsing Hass Meinhold Rechtsanwälte (legal). ... -media-ag/
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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