2357899103 ago

Yes they make you pay them to kill you slowly.

mememeyou ago

have thought this for years, thanks for your work OP. Disease management > natural cure is always a huge jewish red flag

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago


I've never seen anyone recover from cancer.

What I have seen is people being tortured in order to live longer while living less.

DanielR ago

I actually beat cancer by refusing to take Chemotherapy and going to scans only 1nce a year

They wanted Chemotherapy and scans every week, which would have 100% killed me.

EyeOfHorus ago

Which organ?

DanielR ago

1 that you get 2 of obviously

EyeOfHorus ago

You're worthless.

DanielR ago

what a pile of shit you are XD

EyeOfHorus ago

1 that you get 2 of obviously.... herpty derpy doo... look at me I'm an nattention fag ... obviously....
Yep. You are worthless.

DanielR ago

Get lost bitch.

WhiteChickens ago

If a "doctor" told me I had "cancer" (which would probably never happen because I've never seen one), I would tell him to go fuck himself and that would be that. lol

WhiteChickens ago

Pretty sure that "Cancer" is as real as Covid, put it in the bin with HIV.

Wait until people realize that millions of adults have been aborted in hospitals for decades.

RoBatten ago

This happened to my dad. His cancer had spread into his bones and lymph system. He got chemo. He did better for a few weeks, then took a sharp downturn, and died shortly afterwards. The difference between getting the "treatment" and not getting it was: having a couple of weeks of improvement and false hope before he had a dramatic downfall, and transferring his wealth to the medical establishment instead of leaving it to my mother. I watched the wealth he created over a lifetime be stolen in a matter of a few months.

twintie-seiven ago

The boomers and their parents really trusted doctors. Most never thought about trying to solve their health problems themselves. My grandfather died from the chemo, would have probably lived considerably longer without it. No one listened to me though when they were making decisions. I don't know why adults don't listen to children (I was a young adult but still). They just don't get it that the healthcare system is mostly a scam. I should have put a white lab coat on before telling them what I thought. Thanks for this post OP.

Another thing I might add is that chemo is another excuse to have a nuclear weapons program, or at least they are linked together.

anticlutch ago

All uploaded too;


None of you understand my tism. You're welcome.

Jews are actively waging war against all Gentiles and one of their favorite weapons is to use poison and disguise it as treatment and one prime example of this is chemotherapy.

History of chemotherapy:

In the late 19th century, Europe was starting to allow jews into medical school and jews started to flock to these schools and quickly became very predominate within the medical field.

https://files.catbox.moe/b4ngw3.png = chemo 01.png

One of the jews that came out as a result of Europeans opening their medical schools to jews was the jewish physician Paul Ehrlich who coined the term 'Chemotherapy'.

https://files.catbox.moe/su6xvf.png = chemo 02.png

https://files.catbox.moe/24ouxs.png= chemo 03.png

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20201112005701/https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/15/health/exhibition-traces-the-emergence-of-jews-as-medical-innovators.html

First chemotherapeutic agent was introduced as a way to treat 'syphilis' through Ehrlich's creation of 'Salvarsan' in 1909 which was a synthetic derivative of a very dangerous drug called atoxyl which is a form of arsenic. Salvarsan was classified as an 'antimicrobial agent'.

https://files.catbox.moe/tspjzz.png = chemo 04.png

As you can imagine, physicians denounced this poison and called out both Elrich and Hata for profiting out of selling this deadly toxin as treatment for syphilis because of its obvious deadly side-effects. Elrich was also accused of criminal negligence.

https://files.catbox.moe/6ll32k.png = chemo 05.png

Source: http://protomag.com/articles/paul-ehrlich-and-the-salvarsan-wars = https://archive.md/XkspV = SS_chemo 01.png

The use of chemotherapy to treat tumors started with nitrogen mustard, also known as mustard gas, a warfare agent that was used in WW1. The supposed 'clinical effects' of this deadly chemical was discovered by Alfred Gilman and Louis S. Goodman (both were most likely jewish as they have jewish surname) who's study introduced nitrogen mustard into clinical practice. Both Alfred Gilman and Louis S. Goodman worked for the Department of Defense.

https://files.catbox.moe/xgx9aa.png = chemo 06.png

The individual who set up a contract up with the government and had assigned Gilman and Goodman to study and investigate new chemical warfare agents was Milton C. Winternitz, a jew.

https://files.catbox.moe/wobrxw.png = chemo 07.png

Source: https://yalealumnimagazine.com/articles/3173-pioneers-in-chemotherapy = https://archive.md/8u0tc = SS_chemo 02.png

https://files.catbox.moe/jq2eza.png = chemo 08.png

What started as a study to investigate new chemical weapons had strangely turned into disovering a way to ''treat'' malignant tumors. Gustaf Lindskog who worked with Gilman and Goodman was also a lieutenant commander in the U.S navy.

https://files.catbox.moe/6erdoj.png = chemo 09.png

Gilman, Goodman and Lindskog had a 47 year old Polish immigrant as their first chemotherapy patient, it was a failure. At first, positive results were showing and his cancer went away only to quickly come back again more aggressively this time, leading to the patients death.

https://files.catbox.moe/j1pf6r.png = chemo 10.png

Source: https://yalealumnimagazine.com/articles/3173-pioneers-in-chemotherapy = https://archive.md/8u0tc = SS_chemo 02.png

This study shows that while chemotherapy can reduce and even remove cancers, it does not cure cancer nor does it treat it effectively because it did not take long before the cancer reappeared again with chemotherapy having no more effect on the cancer anymore, ultimately killing the patient soon after.

You would think that would be the end of using deadly chemicals as a way to treat and/or cure cancer. No. This study caused more intrigue within the corrupt medical establishment.

One such person who continued to study deadly chemicals as a way to 'treat and/or cure cancer' was the jew, Sidney Farber, he is hailed as the ''father of chemotherapy''.

Farber was the first person to use aminopterin to treat children with leukemia. Aminopterin is HIGHLY toxic and human exposure to this toxin can cause devastating side effects.

https://files.catbox.moe/2k8p4l.png = chemo 11.png

https://files.catbox.moe/r4takr.png = chemo 12.png

More on the toxicity of aminopterin; https://ashpublications.org/blood/article/4/10/1142/6915/THE-EFFECT-OF-FOLIC-ACID-ON-THE-TOXICITY-OF-ITS = https://archive.md/fuUtH = SS_chemo 03.png = PDF_chemo 01.pdf

The murderer Sidney Farber prior to using aminopterin, had done previous experiments on patients with cancer. Farber administered folic acid to 90 patients. The result accelerated patients cancers leading to the death of ALL 90 patients. This is what led him to experiment with aminopterin.

https://files.catbox.moe/8p2r74.png = chemo 13.png

Sidney continued to use gentiles as guinea pigs for his experiments, this time with the highly toxic aminopterin on children with cancer. The result was only a temporary remission on these children, some showed no effect and some had even died. This was by no means a 'cure' as any 'positive effect' was only temporary and was followed up by devastating side effects.

https://files.catbox.moe/uxsyrw.png = chemo 14.png

This find was seen as significant and this is what opened the field of chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer. Sidney Farber unethical study is what opened up the whole chemotherapy industry.

https://files.catbox.moe/h1dh4j.png = chemo 15.png

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3343710/#JRSM-12-K013-JLC55 = https://archive.md/cN8jB = SS_chemo 04.png

The deadly effects of chemotherapy:

Chemotherapy targets ALL cells in the body, it does not discriminate. Dying to chemotherapy is not uncommon and the toxicity and mortality of chemotherapy was well known already back in 1977, shown in this article from the NYT.

https://files.catbox.moe/abijrz.png = chemo 16.png

https://files.catbox.moe/fp7nx6.png = chemo 17.png

https://files.catbox.moe/nzfw1k.png = chemo 18.png

From the same article, Dr. Costanza pointed out that chemo supresses the immune system and can itself cause cancer. She also pointed that surgery itself when it came to breast cancer of women has shown to be curative enough and using chemo as treatment could shorten their lives

https://files.catbox.moe/a6r9xo.png = chemo 19.png

In 1977, critics of chemotherapy pointed out that cancers that are 'cured' by chemo are only the rare ones that account for only 6% of all cancer deaths.

https://files.catbox.moe/ni7j5n.png = chemo 20.png

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/1977/04/03/archives/the-drug-war-on-cancer.html = https://archive.md/y0nkQ = SS_chemo 05.png

An article from the telegraph;

''Patients should be warned about the dangers of chemotherapy after research showed that cancer drugs are killing up to 50 per cent of patients in some hospitals''

Source: https://archive.ph/ljCeZ

This article goes into how chemotherapy is not as effective as the medical establishment like to potray it as, increasing the survival rate with noticeable impact only on few and rare cancer types.

https://files.catbox.moe/vwam2a.png = chemo 21.png

https://files.catbox.moe/lx13p8.png = chemo 22.png

https://files.catbox.moe/kywgop.png = chemo 23.png

Chemotherapy can also cause negative cognitive changes;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ1FmVKCqdU&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=LIVESTRONG = V_chemo 01 - Survivor Interview Sally R.mp4

Source: https://cancercelltreatment.com/2019/02/17/the-statistics-of-chemotherapy-on-cancer/ = https://archive.md/OEFMV = SS_chemo 06.png

^^^^ youtube video on that page is sourced here as V_chemo 01 - Survivor Interview Sally R.mp4

The money factor of chemotherapy:

Why is chemotherapy still being used despite it being deadly, despite it being not effective against treating cancer? Because of money of course, big money is being made on top of poisoning the goyim to death.

https://files.catbox.moe/vyj6yo.png = chemo 24.png

And it's not just Big Pharma that's cashing in. 'Cancer doctors are allowed to profit from the sale of chemotherapy drugs'. One of these doctors cashing in is the jew, Dr. Peter Eisenberg who claims that he does not like the system just to save face of course.

''NEW YORK — It is a unique situation in medicine: Unlike other kinds of doctors, cancer doctors are allowed to profit from the sale of chemotherapy drugs.

"The significant amount of our revenue comes from the profit, if you will, that we make from selling the drugs," says Dr. Peter Eisenberg, a private physician who specializes in cancer treatment.''

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20190403025038if_/https://www.nbcnews.com/id/14944098/ns/nbc_nightly_news_with_brian_williams/t/cancer-docs-profit-chemotherapy-drugs/#.XKQfp9j7SUk

More on the huge profit that the jew-run chemotherapy industry makes; https://chemoth.com/economics

All uploaded too;


None of you understand my tism. You're welcome.

twintie-seiven ago

Thank you for your efforts.

RicardoSanchez ago

Dude, get out of here with your ridiculous grand sorcery.

thebearfromstartrack ago

BOTH (chemo and radiation) designed to make you LOOK sick as part of the PLAN. What percentage of cancer patients get NO treatment? What do they look like when they die?

kishind ago

Great write-up. I would have preferred more direct sourcing to reinforce the images of text.

Hoppes9 ago

I was wondering why cancer survival rates had increased so dramatically over the last couple of decades. I wasn't aware it was because jews were poisoning us. Thanks OP.

Waffles_The_Cat ago

Nice research/post. A quick side note about hospitals in the USA. Most hospital services lose money. Chemo and to a lesser degree heart and brain surgery make so much money that it makes up for the fact that 90% of the hospital is cash flow negative. If/when a cure for cancer comes it is going to be a major disruption in the healthcare industry.

Whiteflourguy ago

Thanks to the Jews the Doctors treat cancer as a business and make themselves a shit ton of money from it. They are crooks and want to watch you suffer and get rich while they watch you die.

King_Freya ago

Yeah, no. I went through chemotherapy when I was 2. One of 4 kids in the US to have the cancer I did at the time. Chemo and surgery to remove the tumor was what saved me. 40% chance of surviving it and here I am decades later. Chemo is shit, but so is cancer and I’d do it again if I had to.

Cannot wait to see the responses to this.

worldofmadness ago

Just because you had chemo and you managed to survive the treatment and get rid of the cancer does not equal to chemo being not dangerous and being effective. That is like saying vaccines are not toxic because you didn't get damaged by it.

You can not just ignore all the people who died because of the chemo treatment, all the people who had their cancer return more aggressively because of chemo, and ignore all the people who chemo did not work for. Nor can you say that they would have died because of their cancer anyway if they didn't get chemo because you do not know that. Also the article I cited which in some hospitals, 50% of cancer patients died to chemo and not their cancer, is pretty damning and can not be overlooked. But If you do not agree with my conclusion, that's fine, but you haven't dismissed anything on my post.

There are many other examples of people getting rid of their cancer without chemo, they didn't have to go through hell and risk dying to this deadly and devastating treatment to get rid of their cancer.

My mother's friend was diagnosed with cancer, doctor told her she only had a few months to live and chemo would extent her life by a little bit. She refused the treatment. Guess what? Been years and she's still alive

King_Freya ago

Look at my other replies. I don’t deny how terrible chemo is for the body. Doesn’t mean it isn’t viable. Not everything is a jewish plot.

The same logic you use in the beginning of your reply could be did for your mothers friend.

It’s why I hate statements like “We finally understand how X works.”

It’ll be a looooong time before we fully understand the human body and how to effectively treat it.

Chemo works for some, not for others, while some people might not need it at all, but in the end, we still don’t truly know why and which option is the best for each person. Health is individual as they say.

worldofmadness ago

Jews are not allowed to treat or cure gentiles, only allowed to poision them which is exactly what chemotherapy does. Of course chemotherapy has the ability to kill cancer because chemo is such a toxin that it kills every cell it faces, including cancer cells. You just got to hope the chemo kills the cancer before it kills you, why take that chance and why should we still rely on such a deadly treatment after all these years? Also, chemotherapy destroys the immune system, the immune system is needed to kill of mutated cells before they turn into tumors so with chemotherapy, you can actually get cancer because of it. Also let's not forget that many cancer patients recieve both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is another deadly treatment that causes irreversible damage to the body.

Obviously this is a jewish plot because it does two things;

1. Poison the gentile

2. Make tons of profit

These two have been there M.O for a long time. Also, i've made it quite clear in my post that since the very start, jews were behind chemotherapy and you must be very naive if you believe it's for the good of our health, nothing these bastards have done has ever been good.

There's already been studies made on turmeric and blueberries anti-cancerous properties and they've shown tons of potential for real cures.

Do you know why India has a low prevalence of colon cancer in comparasion to Europe? Because their diet consists of a lot of turmeric and ginger, both are highly anti-cancerous and they work mostly around the colon area.

However the jew-run cancer industry is not interested in cures so such studies do not get any attention or funding for further studies.. So yes, it is a conspiracy, a JEW conspiracy.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Yeah, no. Why do you talk like that, faggot? Why are you excited for responses?

King_Freya ago

Because this thread is full of speculation by people who haven’t had any sort of medical education other than Googling shit from sources that back up what they’re saying.

Unfortunately for me, I actually went through it, so when I provide myself as evidence to the contrary, what else can they do besides call me a jew or like or not respond?

I’m literally living proof that chemo doesn’t absolutely wreck everything it touches. Millions of people are. I don’t argue it’s a terrible substance that has also killed many who were likely going to die regardless of their cancer, but I don’t try to bullshit people out of doing by telling to them fucking stop eating.

The very nature of the thread is controversial and so was my response to it, and as Voat goes, you don’t get thought out responses the majority of the time, you get knee jerk, emotional reactions.

As for me being excited, I wasn’t. I was just anticipating the shitstorm it would cause some of the folk here. I was pleasantly surprised however that more people tend to agree than not.

At least some here have their heads on right and aren’t wearing tinfoil hats.

I also may come off as more blunt about this having gone through it, but this post is no better than telling people to use essential oils without even bothering to go to a doctor or anyone even slightly educated and trained to deal with the subject.

Getting medical advice on Voat, and the Internet in general without verification from multiple sources is just bad.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

Are you sterile?

Are you healthy?

If you are not healthy and able to have kids, then so what if you lived? Life is not about surviving. It's about purpose.

As people age and as the hedonistic enjoyment of things wears off, they find that purpose is what gives life meaning. It's damn near impossible to have purpose without children.

If chemo sterilized you, and in the unlikely event that you grow old, then you will probably find one day that you have no meaningful purpose. Being alive is not the same as living.

If you are the unprecedented example of someone who has gone through chemo and come out fertile and healthy, then I am legitimately grateful for your luck.

That said, from personal observation, most people stop living once they get cancer and all chemo does is make them live longer while living less.

King_Freya ago

I don’t expect to live to 80 anymore because of it. I think a study showed child cancer survivors live about 30% shorter lives.

Sucks for me. Something I’m still coming to terms with as I slowly get there.

However I am indeed healthy as can be. No health issues. And yes, my boys still swim just fine. Made a point to get that checked as I got older too!

I agree with the points you made all the same though.

Just felt like I had to share my experience on here as not many can/do in my position.

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

Good for you, man. I highly recommend having kids since you can, if you haven't already.

If you do have kids, I recommend focusing on them rather than the mother. Too many men let the mother interfere with the father's relationship.

TheSecretShakespeare ago

"It's damn near impossible to have purpose without children."

What great folly of the groin is revealed in that statement!!

So much for Nikola Tesla, Jesus Christ, and many others of a Great Spirit who had no genetic offspring.

Charlie Manson, Ed Gein, and Hillary Clinton were once someone's 'child.'

What a fool you have become.

"One loyal friend is worth more than ten thousand relatives."

-- Euripides

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago


You do realize that you just argued that if a person doesn't have children, then in order to have a meaningful life they have to be the Son of God?

So, miss, I have ask, in order to find purpose in your life, which one of these people are you emulating? Are you the next Tesla, or are you the second coming?

TheSecretShakespeare ago

I argue nothing that your twisted perception seeks to explain of Me.

You stumbled over the stumbling block.

If man gossips and spreads slander about another, does that change the nature of the man who is slandered against?

Your idea of those who are recognized by Him is the idea of the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

Primary Sources, Little One...Primary Sources.

Let the sifting continue!!

-- The Secret Shakespeare

1_Lurking_Ungulate ago

More like -- The Schizophrenic Shakespeare.

Utterly unintelligible sophistry.

WhiteChickens ago

You were probably fine to begin with.

Doctors lie. lol

King_Freya ago

Bud, I had a tumor the size of a grapefruit growing off an organ. You could see it protruding from my stomach when I laid down.

Doctors lie yes, but it was apparent I had a cancerous tumor.

RicardoSanchez ago

I suspect this place is full of lefties pretending to be "far right wingers" saying unfounded and racist shit. I find it hard to believe anyone is really this stupid. Cancer fatality rates have decreased significantly due to chemo and other cancer treatments. It's cold, hard fact.

kishind ago

And what evidence do you have to suggest that your odds were better with chemo AND surgery, rather than just surgery? Anecdotal evidence is persuasive but inconclusive. "Because the doctors said so"? OP made it clear that chemo will shrink tumors without actually helping anything long-term.

I think we can all agree surgical removal has a pretty great track record vs cancer.

generate ago

Nigger you are a voice of sanity.

People here are dumber than redditors actually.

DeusVultSaecula ago

There are other ways of dealing with tumors besides Chemo. Just because it helped you doesn't mean it's the best way or only way or that it's even safe. There are plenty of other known ways to treat tumorous growth. You can't argue that insane amounts of people die from chemo, OP provided plenty of evidence.

King_Freya ago

I’m not arguing it’s terrible for your body, just that it’s a useful option. Cancer is a death sentence, but for most, if chemo can delay it or possibly beat it, then it’s worth doing.

I was 2 like I said, so luckily I don’t remember any of it but I can imagine what my parents went through making that decision.

If I had to make it for myself today, I’d do it.

DeusVultSaecula ago

As a parent I can understand what your parents probably went through, and I get where you're coming from. I'd only do it after exhausting every possibility.

assquatch0 ago

My sister was the only person to survive two rounds of chemo and beat leukemia at 5 years old. This post is retarded.

MetaCog ago

Honestly, if White people are dumb enough to "take the vaccine" cause the Jews on TV said so, they deserve to be sterilized and exterminated.

blackguard19 ago

Thanks for writing this. I have a hunch that dialysis is also a shekel-grubbing hoax but you seem better suited to present that research than I. Good work. It’s enraging how blithely corrupt the healthcare system has become and sad how much faith people still put in it.

CarltheCuck88 ago

Rich people to my knowledge get chemo. No reason to believe this is a hoax

kishind ago

In that vein, how often is chemo used in Israel? The big sign that they know they're doing harm is that they don't do it to themselves.

You know, like how Chuck Schumer donates to pro-abortion groups in the United States while donating to anti-abortion groups in Israel. He knows it's harmful to a society.

generate ago

so do russians chinks and japs, or they do it to kill more of their own?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Sick rich people are desperate. Even if they think it's a hoax, they'll do it if they believe it will save their lives.

CarltheCuck88 ago

The fact is they think it will cure them and not garlic and Epsom salts. Tell me when they take the covid vaccine and I'll consider it

TrialsAndTribulation ago

The fact is they think it will cure them and not garlic and Epsom salts.

Yes, I know. That's what I just said.

Tell me when they take the covid vaccine and I'll consider it

I have no idea what that means.

CarltheCuck88 ago

I'm saying that rich people will take chemo because it's well established and effective, but not a covid vaccine

Interruptedagain ago

Excellent work!

Thank you! This should be a sticky!

getshanked ago

Imagine you’re about to dive into a pool to save your drowning child and a doctor yells “wait! Tie your hands behind your back first!”. Chemotherapy destroys immunity. Immunity is cancer prevention. Cancers arising due to heritable, genetic anomalies make up a stark minority. The rest are lifestyle induced.

generate ago

how the fuck people can be so stupid? Do you know anything about science nigger?

getshanked ago

Do you? Medical science has trodden this tired path for decades and gotten nowhere. Cancer is not a genetic disease, it is a metabolic disease. Cancer cells exist in perpetual glycolysis, yielding low ATP, high lactate, and they overexpress fatty acid synthase and glutathione synthetase, the latter protecting them against totally normal, ROS- mediated apoptosis. It’s pretty clear that the mitochondria play a larger, if not the largest role in cancer pathogenesis since simple and cheap redox agents like vitamin K2, aspirin, methylene blue, niacinamide and benzoic acid consistently induce apoptosis in vitro by correcting oxphos, releasing cutochrome c and killing the cell.

For being the largest producer of free radicals in the entire cell body, medical science has given surprisingly little attention to the mitochondrion.

generate ago

nigger, you def read naturalnews.com, you know a lot of fancy words, probably you are a social garbage, but that doesn't matter here, we are not here to laugh at each other. Tell me simply what a 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage patient supposed to do? Fast, pray? Or do a fucking chemo who has proven a million tomes to work

getshanked ago

They can do what they think is best. I have nothing against patients who do what a doctor tells them. How are they supposed to know what’s good and what’s not? I do sympathize with them, and I feel sorry for the people who have to suffer.

I think medical science is like any hard science in that, as much as its participants doggedly refute, it’s still contaminated with the personality and the egos of its experts. It’s idolatrous, dogmatic and something I’ve seen over the last few years is that it’s highly politicized. Vaccine is the new messiah. Sugar is always bad for you. You would think something like testosterone replacement therapy as an ageing middle-aged male, you know, to improve your energy and stamina, would be a pretty simple request. It’s easier to get your nuts surgically removed. No one is writing scripts for toxic masculinity anymore. Add in the massive insurance apparatus and soulless drug companies, and you have an system with no incentive to change.

Chemotherapy is money. Aspirin is incredible for lowering cancer risks, but all you hear is its benefits for blood clotting disorders. It’s also dirt cheap. No medical body or drug company is about to spend money on a national, decade-long campaign for better health that yields fuck all ROI, even if it does reduce cancer rates.

It’s tragic and to be frank, it saddens me.

kishind ago

Science, the process of making testable claims and checking them against reality? The one that embraces dissent as a pathway to a fuller understanding? The one that can't make up its mind whether or not eggs are good for you? That science?

Or SCIENCE, the cult of authority leveraged by government and media for social engineering, whose results are determined by funding? The one that's certain that eggs are bad for you, then a couple years later, certain that eggs are good for you?

generate ago

faggot gtfo heal your cancer with fasting we are full

BasketPitcherTub ago

oh, I know about science nigger! he's the fat nig that talks about space all the time, right?

generate ago

wrong nigger, there are many sciences you got the dumb one same as you went for the wrong hole and got your dick covered in shit but we are not here to laugh at you

usernameisnotthis ago

this should be a sticky somewhere.

generate ago

stick it in your ass

DeusVultSaecula ago

Yep, I know at least 6 people who died shortly after starting chemo who probably would have lived many more years, decades even. Chemo is evil.

MaunaLoona ago

Almost all cancer cells use glucose exclusively as a source of fuel. Stop eating carbs.

Attac ago

What's the alternative?

WhiteChickens ago

Can't be diagnosed with "cancer" if you don't go to the doctor.

Lever_Action ago

I agree 100%

kishind ago

HCQ is found in all effective chemo blends. We should examine that route. There are supplements that promote natural cell death, which helps raise your average cell health. There are a number of anti-parasite treatments with some promise.

Look, cancerous cells appear regularly, and virtually all of the time, your body destroys them and moves on with life. What we call cancer is the times that it doesn't. All real cancer treatments will be focused on using the body's own anti-cancer functions against tumors, using a boost of the right nutrients or a method to alert your systems to the malfunction, or both.

generate ago

asking idiots on Voat

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Myrrh, turkey tail mushrooms, RSO, b-boswellia oil...

kegelkikensteen ago

Turpentine - https://voat.co/v/QRV/3785327/

CBD - https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457516/


Vitamin C

Carnivore Diet


DeusVultSaecula ago

Fasting and naturopathy, there are tons. Just gotta do the research.

generate ago

did you parents told you you are an idiot? If they forgot, you are

RedWolfTheAnimal ago

Why dont you go and read some shit before you make a fool of yourself dismissing a subject you know nothing about. Fasting is a well documented cancer treatment. It has been covered up by (((them)))

generate ago

so (((they))) are fucking everywhere in Japan, Korea, China, Russia, India?? They make scientists there not listen to an idiot on voat but rather use proven methods. What a fucking shame, you need to take control nigger and make them all use real science

DeusVultSaecula ago

Go take your enriched uranium like a good goy.

King_Freya ago


DeusVultSaecula ago

So you can fast and beat cancer or you can be irradiated to death in exceuciating pain, take your pick. Fasting starves and kills cancer, along with herbalism and proper nutrition it can be incredible. There are many methods to killing cancer, fasting is just one, but foundational.

TeddyJackson ago

Congrats on being an obvious jew.

King_Freya ago

Terrible argument.

“You survived cancer. You must be a jew.”

Get cancer and see how you feel about your options.

TeddyJackson ago

Die in a fire glow nigger faggot.

King_Freya ago

Suck more black cock.

26781896? ago

Reminds me of this story: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8974341/How-three-year-olds-playdate-beach-ended-leukemia-diagnosis.html

Perfectly healthy little girl, mum notices bruises and takes her to the GP who sends them to the ER where she is diagnosed with blood cancer.

The youngster had a lucky near miss earlier this year when her body, unable to fight infection due to the radiation treatments, contracted an antibiotic-resistant infection


'The thing that kills children who are so young with cancer often isn't the illness, it's the chemotherapy because their bodies can't fight infection,' Mrs Pedersen said


My husband and I grieve the childhood she's lost, but she lives in the present and has no idea what she's missed.


While Scout hates being in hospital and doesn't like being away from home and her own bed, she plays energetically and shrugs off sickness so convincingly the doctors have to double-check her results to see if she's as sick as they say.

Her mother said the four-year-old has had moments where she had to get around with a walking frame, and is sometimes so ill she needs a wheelchair.

The photos are really sad, the whole story is, especially when you think what are her chances of survival with "treatment" vs without, and what would her quality of life be like with "treatment" vs without.

sneaksnek ago

inducing extreme fever even works better than injecting jew poison. paging Dr. Sseth. stream -- immunology lecture starts about 1h07m

Minkxy ago

Wow. Great trove of information. Thank you. This is a get comfortable, afternoon read. You don’t want to miss it.

NumbDigger ago

Always ask your doctor if they would put a family member through it. You’d be surprised how many wouldn’t.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I'm going to keep that in my back pocket just in case I need it. I hope I don't, but I'd really like to know what the doctor says if I ask that.

Oh_Well_ian ago

excellent post

Did you know that Hydroxychloroquine is an additive in nearly every chemo drug, and in larger amounts for trials of new chemo drugs?

NiggadermCQ ago

They'll do your well though.

fightknightHERO ago

worldofmadness ago

They were also the culprits of the black death; https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3636232

MuricaPersonified ago

Man, that's some great research! Saved.