they had a (now cancelled) reunion tour priced at around $200 per ticket iirc. and i'm not taking about front seat and/or general admission. that was the average price.
Rage makes great music, but unfortunately have the politics of college Freshman. Tom Morello (guitarist) went on Bill Maher and declared himself an Anarchist.
I used to listen to RATM so much when I was younger but I got so tired of their tryhard left-wing garbage. Tom Morello is a self-important mongrel, Zach's voice is annoying, and they're overall a dated band. They perfectly encapsulate the mid-2000s blended genres and not really in a good way either.
As for the Santa Muerte cult: I'm glad this was brought up. I was just reading about them a while back and I think they're another thing Voat should be aware of. In my humble opinion I believe that they'll be a massive political force in a decade (assuming they aren't now) as they emphasize social justice, feminism, and LGBTP thought.
Daily reminder that the Aztecs are coming back with a vengeance and that America's boundaries should have been all the way down to the Panama Canal, that way we'd have a smaller border. The Reconquista is in full swing and La Raza is here.
EDIT: The sequel series of Penny Dreadful is also romanticizing Santa Muerte as well, having her personified as Natalie Dormer in a black dress, IIRC. It's another show where the evil Nazis want a race war against Chicanos.
That imagery is used a lot in the Sons of Anarchy spin off 'Mayans MC', also one of the member of the MC claims to be a sephardic jew.
And the Mayans MC appeared even earlier in SOA, so the normalization of this death cult has been going on for a while. Apparently Santa Muerte really picked up traction in the '80s but it goes back even more.
ratm has always been pro spic anti white anti American garbage. dude idolizes Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. ironic for lyrics like "fuck you I won't do what you tell me".
Tom Morello is such a self-important faggot. Got his ass verbally handed to him when a cafe in Seattle didn't seat him since they were full and the owner wasn't gonna kick out regular patrons for some overrated rockstar. Morello made some shit up about how they were rude to him and got called out on it.
The psyop was probably to make us less capable of organizing against (((them.))) Used to love that music too. No wonder so many take the blue pill. The red pill keeps on destroying the comfortable deceptions and leaving only the lonely truth. At least they can't kill off the classics from before Jewish rule - Bach, Beethoven and Mozart are still ok.
The first step of raging against "the machine" would be to not purchase tickets, cd's, and apparel promoting the very thing you're looking to "rage" against.
The name itself stems from a need to make fun of those they mean to oppress.
Quite right. It is much deeper and wider than your interesting post.
The 1980 Collier's Encyclopedia, volume 16, page 80, under the topic "Mexico ", and the sub-topic "Ethnic Origins and Language", we read the following:
"An estimated 300,000 Spaniards entered Mexico during the three centuries of colonial rule. They mixed with the Indians, producing the mestizo element which today predominates in the Mexican population. Most of the Negroes, estimated at less than 200,000, who were brought during the colonial period to work in the mines and on the plantations have been absorbed into the population."
This same article points out that there were "more than 700 tribal groups " and " 100 different languages " among the Mexican-Indian element alone. Remember, the Hebrew word (‘ereb) means "mingled ". Again, from the 1980 Collier's Encyclopedia, volume 17, page 80, under the topic " Muslims ", and the sub-topic " The Ommiad Caliphate of Spain ", we read the following:
"... So many native Christians adopted Islam and intermarried with the conquerors that the original Muslim stock was thoroughly blended with the local peoples ..."
Therefore, we don't have to guess as to the general makeup of the 300,000 Spaniards who blended with the Mexican-indians. All one need do is brush up on his history.
By this criteria, Mexicans are indeed Arabs. One must understand that with Cortez and succeeding Spanish explorers, over a period of three centuries, with an influx of 300,000 men, there were many Arabs, Turks and Jews. Most of these mixed with the various Indian tribes among them: Aztec, Misteca-Zapoteca, Maya, Othomi, Totonac, Tarasco, Apache, Matlan-zingo, Chontal, Mixeca, Zoque, Guaicuro, Opata-Pima, Tapijulapa, Seri and Huavi, Chichimec, Toltec, Huasteco and Otomis, which were also " unclean ".
The Reader's Great Encyclopedic Dictionary defines mestizo as:
"... (mes·te´zo) n. pl. ·zos or ·zoes Any one of mixed blood; in Mexico and the western United States, a person of Spanish and Indian blood: also called Ladino (def. 2). Also mes·te´zo, mes·ti´no (-no). [<Sp. <LL misticius < L mixtus pp. of miscere to mix] - mes·di´za ] za) n. fem." ("Ladino" = "Judeo-Spanish", or "Judezmo".)
This definition is quite good, except " Spanish blood " doesn't express the entire picture of the Arab, Turk and Jew intermixture Actually the original pure-blooded Spaniards were Iberian Celtic (Hiberian) people. So this definition can only apply to Spain as it was occupied by the Turk & Arab Mohammedans after its conquest by the Saracens. So it's not entirely a mixture of " Spanish and Indian ", but a intermixture of Arab, Turk, Jew and Indian; and Negroid.
Why the fuck are you quoting random encyclopedias you faggot
Therefore, we don't have to guess as to the general makeup of the 300,000 Spaniards who blended with the Mexican-indians.
How is this supported by wht you've said in any way? Where the fuck do you get Turks in Spain from? Do you think Berbers are Arabs? Any numbers for your dumbass theory of Muslim elites breeding hundreds of Spanish women each so that their offspring could be conquistadores?
The source was provided, but you're either to lazy or illiterate to pick up on something that requires at least an ambient temperature IQ. If you had so much as a GED (which I doubt), you'd know that Collier's isn't some "random" source.
Again, from the 1980 Collier's Encyclopedia, volume 17, page 80, under the topic " Muslims ", and the sub-topic " The Ommiad Caliphate of Spain"
"... So many native Christians adopted Islam and intermarried with the conquerors that the original Muslim stock was thoroughly blended with the local peoples ..."
The Ottomans (who were Turkic AND Slavic) ruled the Mediterranean until around 1585. So the first 90 years or so after the discovery of the New World. Would not be surprising if the role they played in Trans-Atlantic trade/colonization was much larger than we are told.
I honestly didn't know it was a Jewish psyop. I thought they were just another manufactured band to appeal to teen angst and generate profit. They're far more dubious.
First off he is talking about Death Metal not Black Metal.
Second there is whole genre that is called National Socialist Black Metal. If you can name a musically genre that EXPLICITLY is pro-white, I'll listen, I am aware of OI and general racist rock. It ain't country music....that shit is pozzed
I know very little about metal. Generally speaking I think the only based music is traditional/old timey shit, and even then you gotta be selective. No single genre is safe, because that's how the jew works.
I thought they went to Harvard together. Can white kids get into Harvard? No. Jews can get into Harvard tho. So a couple of ivy league grads, preaching fight the system, now I learn of them subverting Catholicism and foreign gang connections.
Funny how i didn't need to research this information... just had to see his stupid face and listen to a few lyrics. "Hmm... this doesn't appear to be an organic band at all but just propaganda... I bet he's jewish.".
I can to this day remember the edgy teenagers rocking out to RATM. I mean, the music was good. But the message, clearly, was poison.
"Fck Godzilla, pure motherfckin filla" is apparently enough to earn you a career worth of 'street cred'. They push an anti-consumer message that people can relate to, and then, when you are looking for the 'solution', "Have you tried Communism? I mean Real Communism, naturally, good sir"
And yeah, would not be surprised if Zach also got some of that sweet CIA funding (or hell, if they even wrote some lyrics).
The biggest giveaway has been their support for the Zapatistas. Again, you criticize the corruption of the government and the violence of the drug cartels, and hey, look what we haven't tried yet! Rule by Far left Commie terrorists!
I say this as a guy in a band who covers schism and has to sing and play the guitar part at the same time, and it took me a long time to do it well (it's their only song I like).
The fans are so up their own ass - loathsome know it all nihilists who think they understand sacred geometry because Maynard helped them discover what a "fibonacci sequence" was.
Fucking Maynard is a turd too. He now runs a vineyard - hes praying for tidal waves, why cant he just be sober, hey my grapes are ready for the Mexicans to pick!
The guitarist unfortunately was never taught how music works, and 85% of their songs all sound the same because he uses drop D tuning uncreatively and cant get over the plateau by just locking himself in a room for a week and practice something else.
I cant stand tool culture.
Not to mention Maynard had like a 1 year run where he could sing well, and all the other shows are stale garbage - theres no crowd movement, participation, just a bunch of loligaggers conveinied in one spot to quench the thirst of "belonging" that Maynard has taught them they are too cool for.instead they make up for Maynard's non-presence with flashing lights and visuals.
Fuck tool.
The part that hurts the worst - and I've only seen this from the outside, so I know those druggie tool fans must have been bubbling with passive aggressive rage - is when he made that song dissing "potheads".
I would say Maynard is stupid for doing that, because that's his entire fanbase, but he isn't stupid - he is just a self centered nihilist.
His "Father" didn't fight the Kenyan government. His "father" was the Kenyan government. I put father in quotes because he is obviously not half African. His mom cucked that ape.
I always thought they were mexicans..but do you think that you are blowing peoples minds by saying that a 20 year silent radio anti-establishment band is an establishment band?
all of that is very crazy to have documented but the general expectation is that anything from the corporate rock culture complex is an offshoot of mk ultra, laurel canyon kinda shit, and this is just more of that. It's cool that there's this degree of detail and documentation and all but for the choir it's just confirmation bias and for the goyim it's just invisible
invisiblephrend ago
they had a (now cancelled) reunion tour priced at around $200 per ticket iirc. and i'm not taking about front seat and/or general admission. that was the average price.
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
Theyre a buncha kikes in American clothing
CrowKaneII ago
Rage Against the Machine fucking sucks my ass. I never understood how people liked them, I don't give a fuck what they are.
user000101 ago
He looks it, but what is the source his mother is Jewish? The Wikipedia entry says her name was 'Olivia Lorryne Carter'.
killkillkill ago
Rage makes great music, but unfortunately have the politics of college Freshman. Tom Morello (guitarist) went on Bill Maher and declared himself an Anarchist.
WD_Pelley ago
I used to listen to RATM so much when I was younger but I got so tired of their tryhard left-wing garbage. Tom Morello is a self-important mongrel, Zach's voice is annoying, and they're overall a dated band. They perfectly encapsulate the mid-2000s blended genres and not really in a good way either.
As for the Santa Muerte cult: I'm glad this was brought up. I was just reading about them a while back and I think they're another thing Voat should be aware of. In my humble opinion I believe that they'll be a massive political force in a decade (assuming they aren't now) as they emphasize social justice, feminism, and LGBTP thought.
Daily reminder that the Aztecs are coming back with a vengeance and that America's boundaries should have been all the way down to the Panama Canal, that way we'd have a smaller border. The Reconquista is in full swing and La Raza is here.
fuckfuckfuck1 ago
That imagery is used a lot in the Sons of Anarchy spin off 'Mayans MC', also one of the member of the MC claims to be a sephardic jew.
WD_Pelley ago
And the Mayans MC appeared even earlier in SOA, so the normalization of this death cult has been going on for a while. Apparently Santa Muerte really picked up traction in the '80s but it goes back even more.
retardicus ago
rage? what was that 2o years ago? who gives a shit
areyoumygaffer ago
ratm has always been pro spic anti white anti American garbage. dude idolizes Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. ironic for lyrics like "fuck you I won't do what you tell me".
Tzitzimitl ago
wheres the lie though?
SPAMsammich111 ago
Tom Morello is such a self-important faggot. Got his ass verbally handed to him when a cafe in Seattle didn't seat him since they were full and the owner wasn't gonna kick out regular patrons for some overrated rockstar. Morello made some shit up about how they were rude to him and got called out on it.
AlphabetBoy4Goy ago
uh oh. the boomers who still think "tool" & friends is good music are waking up.
CowWithBeef ago
The psyop was probably to make us less capable of organizing against (((them.))) Used to love that music too. No wonder so many take the blue pill. The red pill keeps on destroying the comfortable deceptions and leaving only the lonely truth. At least they can't kill off the classics from before Jewish rule - Bach, Beethoven and Mozart are still ok.
DamonAxemaker ago
I saw them years and years ago. They did not like the Confederate flag some people were waving in the crowd.
Zestyclose_Marketing ago
Of course, Mexicans never liked christianity.
Keknado ago
I’d be shocked if he wasn’t a member of La Rasa but he made a shit load of money from ignorant white collage kids
Mind_Games ago
The first step of raging against "the machine" would be to not purchase tickets, cd's, and apparel promoting the very thing you're looking to "rage" against.
The name itself stems from a need to make fun of those they mean to oppress.
Also, their "music" is fucking awful.
spudsuds ago
I don't see anywhere saying Los 4 was funded by the CIA. Can you please provide a link or proof?
Oh_Well_ian ago
sure.. right after you provide the proof that Q is a Mossad psyop
spudsuds ago
Faggot alert
Bushtaco321 ago
Well I will be a pocket full of shells.
slumbermachine ago
Thanks for sharing this, I figured something nefarious was going on with that band, you don’t just get popular without selling out.
AdValorem ago
Quite right. It is much deeper and wider than your interesting post.
The 1980 Collier's Encyclopedia, volume 16, page 80, under the topic "Mexico ", and the sub-topic "Ethnic Origins and Language", we read the following:
This same article points out that there were "more than 700 tribal groups " and " 100 different languages " among the Mexican-Indian element alone. Remember, the Hebrew word (‘ereb) means "mingled ". Again, from the 1980 Collier's Encyclopedia, volume 17, page 80, under the topic " Muslims ", and the sub-topic " The Ommiad Caliphate of Spain ", we read the following:
Therefore, we don't have to guess as to the general makeup of the 300,000 Spaniards who blended with the Mexican-indians. All one need do is brush up on his history.
By this criteria, Mexicans are indeed Arabs. One must understand that with Cortez and succeeding Spanish explorers, over a period of three centuries, with an influx of 300,000 men, there were many Arabs, Turks and Jews. Most of these mixed with the various Indian tribes among them: Aztec, Misteca-Zapoteca, Maya, Othomi, Totonac, Tarasco, Apache, Matlan-zingo, Chontal, Mixeca, Zoque, Guaicuro, Opata-Pima, Tapijulapa, Seri and Huavi, Chichimec, Toltec, Huasteco and Otomis, which were also " unclean ".
The Reader's Great Encyclopedic Dictionary defines mestizo as:
This definition is quite good, except " Spanish blood " doesn't express the entire picture of the Arab, Turk and Jew intermixture Actually the original pure-blooded Spaniards were Iberian Celtic (Hiberian) people. So this definition can only apply to Spain as it was occupied by the Turk & Arab Mohammedans after its conquest by the Saracens. So it's not entirely a mixture of " Spanish and Indian ", but a intermixture of Arab, Turk, Jew and Indian; and Negroid.
DonKeyhote ago
Why the fuck are you quoting random encyclopedias you faggot
How is this supported by wht you've said in any way? Where the fuck do you get Turks in Spain from? Do you think Berbers are Arabs? Any numbers for your dumbass theory of Muslim elites breeding hundreds of Spanish women each so that their offspring could be conquistadores?
AdValorem ago
Here's the key sentence.
The source was provided, but you're either to lazy or illiterate to pick up on something that requires at least an ambient temperature IQ. If you had so much as a GED (which I doubt), you'd know that Collier's isn't some "random" source.
Again, from the 1980 Collier's Encyclopedia, volume 17, page 80, under the topic " Muslims ", and the sub-topic " The Ommiad Caliphate of Spain"
Don-Keyhote ago
LMFAO thats saying that the MUSLIMS were diluted among Spaniards, not the reverse you fucking MORON
Nobody gives a fuck about an encyclopedia from 1980 you dumb nigger. Imagine being pretentious enough to cite sources like that
Oh_Well_ian ago
Don't answer that King of the Downvoats faggot or any variation of his name.
Great comment and thank you.
AdValorem ago
Thanks. It's like dealing with a psychopath who has Tourettes' syndrome......
TheSeer ago
The Ottomans (who were Turkic AND Slavic) ruled the Mediterranean until around 1585. So the first 90 years or so after the discovery of the New World. Would not be surprising if the role they played in Trans-Atlantic trade/colonization was much larger than we are told.
AdValorem ago
Quite Right and a good point. It's not easy teaching this to some DonkeyAsshole though.
ranch-othelioma ago
Never liked 'em. I always referred to them as "Rage Against the Machine on Sony CD's & Cassettes"
ggolemg ago
I honestly didn't know it was a Jewish psyop. I thought they were just another manufactured band to appeal to teen angst and generate profit. They're far more dubious.
RarryLeeDacted ago
Explains his communism
blumen4alles ago
You know the band / rappers "Beastie Boys"?
fuckfuckfuck1 ago
The hell you say, and they just happen to become one of the most successful (((white))) artists ever!
ForgottenMemes ago
Some of their songs were actually good though.
blumen4alles ago
Yeah, that is what got me when I realized this. Hell I have a lot of music that was created by jews.
ForgottenMemes ago
Slayer's producer was a jew. No wonder so much of their music is "satanic"
fuckfuckfuck1 ago
Look, I'm not going to claim that I haven't at one time or another enjoyed songs by RATM or BB. Subversion is always appealing.
WorldSerpent ago
Who cares in 2020? Is this 1995?
The only remotely explicitly pro-white music you will find is Black Metal.
Splooge ago
I dunno about black metal specifically, but I agree with what Dr. Pierce has to say on the topic in general:
WorldSerpent ago
First off he is talking about Death Metal not Black Metal.
Second there is whole genre that is called National Socialist Black Metal. If you can name a musically genre that EXPLICITLY is pro-white, I'll listen, I am aware of OI and general racist rock. It ain't country music....that shit is pozzed
SPAMsammich111 ago
Country music nowadays is nothing more than twangy pop sang by rich yuppies who think they're "cawntry" because they wear a cowboy hat.
Splooge ago
I know very little about metal. Generally speaking I think the only based music is traditional/old timey shit, and even then you gotta be selective. No single genre is safe, because that's how the jew works.
CanIPlay2 ago
I thought they went to Harvard together. Can white kids get into Harvard? No. Jews can get into Harvard tho. So a couple of ivy league grads, preaching fight the system, now I learn of them subverting Catholicism and foreign gang connections.
The Jew has struck again, why am I not surprised?
killkillkill ago
Only Tom went to Harvard. And he's black.
CanIPlay2 ago
Oh, the pet of the Jew. Thanks for clearing that up.
Dalai_Llama ago
Most of the time, anyone who claims to be "against the man," is the man or a useful idiot of the man.
Oh_Well_ian ago
True, but the far bigger threat comes from Los Muerte Cult..
100% Satanism and selling in Target, Walmart, etc.
Dalai_Llama ago
Sorry, I am ignorant to what you're talking about.
tastelessinvective ago
Looks like it's just the Mexicans reverting to their Aztec roots. Vatican BTFO.
Oh_Well_ian ago
maybe if you read the entire post you would become enlightened
Dalai_Llama ago
Wacinda ago
Rand told us contradictions are impossible. Now, this one is squared.
itsgettingcloser ago
Funny how i didn't need to research this information... just had to see his stupid face and listen to a few lyrics. "Hmm... this doesn't appear to be an organic band at all but just propaganda... I bet he's jewish.".
TestForScience ago
By the way, wheres our royalties check? I'm going to go buy a fifth car for my third house...
SexMachine ago
Right? How can anyone signed with a record label claim to be against the "machine"? They're part of the machine that they're raging against.
CheeBooga ago
Jewish commie music. I would also bet the guitar player is a nigger jew like Jussie Smollet.
QueensNewYorkGuy ago
Middle name is “Isaac”: If we’re not referring to the congenial nog from The Love Boat, then we’re probably talking about a jew here.
robot7247 ago
Fuck him, I won't do what he tells me.
aWe5it5 ago
Rage against the machine protests raging against the machine since they successfully replaced the machine by raging against it.
Bremertonbruiser ago
Haha nice!
illuminalto2 ago
Tom morello is such a leftist knob.
areyoumygaffer ago
he is a true dumb cunt. truly unique guitar sound. shame.
CheeBooga ago
He truly is a commie jew dipfuck. He has a show on (((satellite radio))).
TheSeer ago
I can to this day remember the edgy teenagers rocking out to RATM. I mean, the music was good. But the message, clearly, was poison.
"Fck Godzilla, pure motherfckin filla" is apparently enough to earn you a career worth of 'street cred'. They push an anti-consumer message that people can relate to, and then, when you are looking for the 'solution', "Have you tried Communism? I mean Real Communism, naturally, good sir"
And yeah, would not be surprised if Zach also got some of that sweet CIA funding (or hell, if they even wrote some lyrics).
The biggest giveaway has been their support for the Zapatistas. Again, you criticize the corruption of the government and the violence of the drug cartels, and hey, look what we haven't tried yet! Rule by Far left Commie terrorists!
illuminalto2 ago
They wear Che Guavera shirts. The guy who ruled by military force. Then they sing about American brutality.
Shame because Know Your Enemy was a banger.
The early songs sucked, repeating verses and choruses over and over like a picket line sign or something - just crap.
The kids ate it up because it was the logical transition from Saturday morning cartoons "parents just dont get it" and they said the F word.
I'm an adult now! I listen to music with curse words and political opinions!
Fucking shit heads.
Macska ago
That's how I feel regarding fans of Tool as well.
illuminalto2 ago
Tool sucks, and the fans suck.
I say this as a guy in a band who covers schism and has to sing and play the guitar part at the same time, and it took me a long time to do it well (it's their only song I like).
The fans are so up their own ass - loathsome know it all nihilists who think they understand sacred geometry because Maynard helped them discover what a "fibonacci sequence" was.
Fucking Maynard is a turd too. He now runs a vineyard - hes praying for tidal waves, why cant he just be sober, hey my grapes are ready for the Mexicans to pick!
The guitarist unfortunately was never taught how music works, and 85% of their songs all sound the same because he uses drop D tuning uncreatively and cant get over the plateau by just locking himself in a room for a week and practice something else.
I cant stand tool culture.
Not to mention Maynard had like a 1 year run where he could sing well, and all the other shows are stale garbage - theres no crowd movement, participation, just a bunch of loligaggers conveinied in one spot to quench the thirst of "belonging" that Maynard has taught them they are too cool for.instead they make up for Maynard's non-presence with flashing lights and visuals.
Fuck tool.
The part that hurts the worst - and I've only seen this from the outside, so I know those druggie tool fans must have been bubbling with passive aggressive rage - is when he made that song dissing "potheads".
I would say Maynard is stupid for doing that, because that's his entire fanbase, but he isn't stupid - he is just a self centered nihilist.
Seriously man Fuck tool.
New-World-Ebola ago
RATM are a bunch of fucking shitskin faggots that should get napalmed on stage.
ugly arse cunts belong in a colombian prison.
EyeOfHorus ago
Tom Morello
Public radio talk show host
Worked for Senator Alan Cranston
Father fought Kenyan govt
MurkSquatch ago
His "Father" didn't fight the Kenyan government. His "father" was the Kenyan government. I put father in quotes because he is obviously not half African. His mom cucked that ape.
ArielQflip ago
WOW. I thought everyone knew this. I knew years ago.
Jews singing Islam mantras in heavy metal 'murica.
I can't listen to them anymore.
fundie ago
Neither can I. I’m finding there’s a lot of music these days that I can’t listen to anymore
invisiblephrend ago
at least pantera will always be based.
fundie ago
RIP Dimebag, one of the greatest of all time IMO
Oh_Well_ian ago
Did you know about his fundamental role in bringing the cult of Santa Muerte to America or how it's the chosen 'religion' of MS13.
Zestyclose_Marketing ago
The 1st amendment protecting Freedom of religion was a mistake.
Stubbabubba ago
Really the first is only meant to protect political speech. It wasn't supposed to be applied to things like this
borderline7 ago
whites believing in bronze age death cults and lies is a mistake... which leads to the creation of the mistake of the 1st amendment.
you can't have a fundamental flaw of logic and reason like this and not suffer the damage it causes.
Draco777 ago
How about starting a new religion?
CornyGoatWeed ago
I always thought they were mexicans..but do you think that you are blowing peoples minds by saying that a 20 year silent radio anti-establishment band is an establishment band?
Oh_Well_ian ago
Not Mexicans, Jews.
far more to the post than just the band...
Don't tell me you knew any of this shit.
CornyGoatWeed ago
all of that is very crazy to have documented but the general expectation is that anything from the corporate rock culture complex is an offshoot of mk ultra, laurel canyon kinda shit, and this is just more of that. It's cool that there's this degree of detail and documentation and all but for the choir it's just confirmation bias and for the goyim it's just invisible
Oh_Well_ian ago
low effort concern trolling faggot ^^
itsgettingcloser ago
I chuckled...