Drunkenst ago

What is love?

gabara ago

My family's religion predicted all this. Revelations says all this has to happen before Jesus returns and kills all the fake Jews and resurrects the real Jews.

heygeorge ago

You’re one of my favorite posters on Voat. You and I aren’t necessarily friends, but I have been wondering what happened to you.

not even any friendships

I have certainly made a couple real friends here, and it’s nice. Otherwise your predictions and assessments are well within the realm of probability.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re one of my favorite posters on Voat.

But I’m so worthless.

You and I aren’t necessarily friends

I respect you, at least insofar as I can remember things about you. I think we only butt heads with regard to your lack of action in moderation, where you’re adhering more strictly to the “freeform” nature of Voat (i.e. “oy vey anyone can post anything here, goyim!”) and I’d prefer all the paid shills and liars and obvious kikes banned entirely. But otherwise there’s a single neuron in my head that says I like you, and can’t remember why. Maybe because you said at one point you’d ban every Q-LARPer if you could get away with it.

LuciusAuSolzhenitsyn ago

Maybe it's over, maybe the last best chance for the white race was with Hitler and the National Socialist Party.


But it only takes one man with a vision, wisdom, tenacity and will to persue it restlessly without hesitation or fear to make them tremble. Their global power structure is a castle made of sand, move enough of the grains and it will collapse. Fourteen fucking years and he held the world at it's knees. A fucking insparation and hope for these dark times.

Or the struggle of the Romanian Legionaries


Who's leader is regarded as a Saint.

So long as one of us breathes it isn't over, but it isn't easy. All the walls the jews place in front of us makes it hard for anyone to run a legitimate business, or run for office. Like Hitler said we don't have their world-wide connections. I believe there is still a chance for us and I will spend the rest of my life looking for it, working toward it and fighting for it against this world. I dream of a beautiful world and I hate the jews that took that world away from us.

I pray the trumpet blows sooner and end our suffering.

Christ help us

Tallest_Skil ago

it only takes one man

They’ll put a bullet in your head and erase your existence.

CapinBoredface ago

Rabbi forbid someone say something positive without you immediately swooping in to tell them no.

Fucking kike. Jesus christ.

LuciusAuSolzhenitsyn ago

God willing, I'm tired of their bullshit, but I think Vladimir said it best.

Don't let fear distract you from your work, let them fear us instead.


GenderPronoun ago

It seems not many are going to wake up. :(

ggolemg ago

So leave already, no one's stopping you.

Tallest_Skil ago

Best you can do, huh. Guess that makes 6,000,002.

grandmacaesar ago


It's been said that only about 3% of Americans were on board at the onset of the Revolution.

I don't know about others on Voat, but I take articles and links from here and share them elsewhere.

I figure even if I share with 20 people, and only one person "gets it", that's still one more with us. Once a person sees, he doesn't unsee. And that person will share; eventually the numbers will grow to the necessary 3% (or whatever). The idea is to reach that place on the scale where a flash-point is inevitable.

Tallest_Skil ago

Voat’s numbers been doing nothing but falling for the last year.