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Ina_Pickle ago

I don't give Pilate nearly as much credit as you. He had Jesus horrifically tortured and for what? Entertainment? He was well aware Jesus did nothing wrong. Could hae offered him a clean death if necessary. Instead he ordered the most brutal death possible.

Splooge ago

He had Jesus flogged because he was trying to spare him. It was the jews that kept coming back to insist that he must die, three times in fact.

To me, this story is a lesson in trying appeasing the jew. Nothing is ever enough for them. The crucifixion was proposed by the kikes, as per John 19:6.

Even after Jesus is up on the cross, Pilate has a sign made for the occasion, reading "JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF JEWS." This was meant to insult the jews -- they want him dead so bad? He can go with the title of being their king.

Immediately, the jews began kvetching, "N-no no no! You have to put that he claimed to be king of jews!!" At that point, Pilate flatly declined, per 19:22 -- "It is written how I have written it."

And of course, in typical kike fashion, they've managed to flip it around again for modern times. Now if you ask any good goy christcuck or tinyhat, the answer is "Why yes! He was our king, remember the sign? Oh cruel Pilate! Donate shekels to israel!"

Splaining8Logic ago

An old professor of mine once told me, "You have "good horse sense". This fits your post well. It's absolutely naive for any one to believe Pontius Pilate didn't already hear about the wonders Jesus had performed. Scripture tells us Roman soldiers reported these wonders. Moreover, Pontius Pilate even wrote a letter to Tiberius Caesar about this man they called Jesus. Of course, the letter doesn't quite fit the narrative of the Roman Catholic Church, so they label it as dubious because it is not validated. Of course, it can't be validated. Sometimes letters are simply acknowledged and filed away. The dating of the letter however has been determined to be from the time of Jesus. Here is the letter. It underscores your posting.