Zoldam ago

For some reason I don't think that last part will work out as planned since the knowledge they are the ones behind a lot of the government corruption is becoming more wide spread.

Nosferatjew ago

Replace sound investment with speculation


CaesarisAstrum ago

When everything’s speculation crypto becomes the only winning move. I don’t even own crypto but I understand the philosophy behind it.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

crypto is only speculative until it is not. there are no jews known to be behind bitcoin. it appears to have been released by rogue NSA.

Garbalon ago

The Jews have this urge to power but whether or not they are any good at it is another thing.

I have seen so many screwup Jews at the top I have a term for them - ISC - Incompetent Sheeny in Charge.

Hatriot ago

Thank you for this Cliff Notes version.