hardshaft ago

I bet right now the (((media))) and ANTIFA are all partying and masturbating together, celebrating how they have started marching their million man army. This is just a prelude, we will see far more of such attacks, and next time it won't be on guarded and defended politcians. Remember, you are ALL dangerous white people, and you are ALL legitimate targets.

They have decided what they must do to save the poor minorities, they just haven't figured out the optimal targets yet. It's only a matter of time before they realize they can achieve a higher kill rate in a kindergarten, and that a good white kid is dead white kid. But thank God we have all these gun free zones, right?

Kill-Commies ago

Did you guys see the post with the shooters liked shows, pretty much every show you'd think of when you had to list an example of one of the liberal propaganda programs passing as tv shows.

antiliberalsociety ago

It's all about normalizing and hoping to push the mentally unstable to do that which they themselves would never get their finger prints on*


SoManyQuestions ago

Did you just put Islam with antifa and blm? The part of Islam you are acknowledging is as right as it comes.

Ribena580 ago

Told you all so to revoke fake medias licence.

wesofx ago

This was their plan. They are too cowardly to give up their luxurious lives but they know somebody in their vast audiences will act if they just plant the seeds.

EarlPoncho ago

many boomers will get radicalized i am imagining. since they are the only ones that watch MSM and are the worst generation ever we should be aware of these people

Dibgick ago

Thanks. Great worl summing it up.

watch_listed ago

Stochastic terrorism. Whipping people up, crying that "someone ought to do something," then feigning concern when someone does something.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

where is antifa and BLM these days? once their controllers realized they were driving more of the public away than towards their cause they up and disappeared.

Kill-Commies ago

probably more of an assassin recruit pool now than anything.

AOU ago

Thanks for that list, definitely stealing it! :)

DependasaurusRex ago

Archived fir later on a word pad for me :)