MercurysBall2 ago

European Medicines Agency - Guido Rasi, Executive Director

Martini was replaced in the middle of July by microbiologist Guido Rasi, a member of AIFA's administrative board, who has been described in the Italian press as being close to the far-right party Alleanza Nazionale, which forms part of Berlusconi's coalition government.

There's our Black Nobility link.

MercurysBall2 ago

Mr Guido Rasi running


as a great fraudsters agency. I wrote several emails to the board on inspection scam but they buried my info

Mr Guido Rasi, EMA is such a criminals agency which planned to bury me and my family in India to overcome your Joint inspection scam at GVK



inspectors stayed at #GVK facility for about 10 days to delete Audit Trials in 10s of 100s of Bio studies, no SCIENTIST/CEO/MD wrote a public letter to @BarackObama admin. from 2012 to 2015.

MercurysBall2 ago

Related to the many pedophilia posts we have on the Kenyan orphanage Nyumbani:

Thousands of desperate Kenyan patients are being used as guinea pigs in a thriving multibillion-drug industry with some trials contravening the country’s laws and the international drugs-trial protocols.

Moses Otsyula, now head of virology at Kenya’s Institute of Primate Research, raised the red flag a few years ago when he filed a lawsuit against Oxford University and eight British scientists, alleging fraud and theft of samples and research materials, which were ferried outside the country.

And it does not end there. In 2001, a bitter row erupted between the owners of a Nairobi HIV and Aids orphanage and a researcher at Kenya’s Institute of Primate Research over blood samples which were allegedly collected from the minors and siphoned off to Oxford University in the UK. A researcher who exposed the scandal said the director of the home had been bleeding HIV-positive children with the help of interns from the UK in exchange for money for the institution.

..For HIV/Aids vaccine research, investigators must submit a concept paper to the Kenya HIV/Aids Vaccine sub-committee, which will respond with advice. The investigators must next submit a proposal simultaneously to the Pharmacy and Poisons Board and to NCST or another designated ethical review committee. Both of these bodies must approve the research plan.

MercurysBall2 ago

Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine test in Nepali children: Is Nepal a lab? -

MercurysBall2 ago

Prince William with Prof Pollard

MercurysBall2 ago

Oxford vaccine scientist warns animal-to-human virus threat rising -

Professor Sarah Gilbert said human activity is driving the rising threat, adding the risk is unlikely to diminish in the future as globalisation continues.

i_scream_trucks ago

Thank you for this.

Every little helps TM

MercurysBall2 ago

I'm going to out the bastards. They have been damaging children in the third world. And now they intend to do the same here. I find it interesting that the lead scientist from Oxford is a paediatrician...