MercurysBall2 ago

Singualry University:

It was founded in 2008 by Peter Diamandis and Ray Kurzweil at the NASA Research Park in California, United States. CEO, Rob Nail

Voat post re Peter Diamandis : Human Genome Sequencing - Can Pedophilia be Predicted or Created? The Field is Unregulated and Wide Open for Disaster.

..Enter Peter H. Diamandis, named by Fortune Magazine in 2014 as one of "The World's 50 Greatest Leaders." He is chairman and CEO of the X Prize Foundation, best known for its $10 million Ansari X PRIZE for private spaceflights. He is also co-founder and vice-chairman of Human Longevity, Inc., (HCI), a genomics and cell therapy-based diagnostic and therapeutic company focused on extending the human life span. Its headquarters is San Diego, CA along with a Mountain View, CA location. Mr. Diamandis wants to live to age 700.

HLI received $80 million in investments in its Series A offering in summer 2014 and announced a further $220 million Series B investment offering in April 2016. It has made deals with drug companies Celgene and AstraZeneca to collaborate in its research.

HLI purchased Lifebank USA in 2016, located in New Jersey, "a leader in placental and cord blood banking along with its high-yield method for extracting placental stem cells." Cord and placental blood tissue provide high quality DNA from mother and newborn for genome sequencing. HLI plans to start offering its newborn genome sequencing product along with stem cell banking. It may already be doing so.

..Peter Diamandis' business, HLI, raises several huge questions. First of all, he is extremely wealthy and is more than likely connected with the Deep State. The Deep State is interested in longevity and will seek any method to obtain it. The genome sequencing field has corruption written all over it. It is frightening to think about the possibilities, and speaking of possibilities...

MercurysBall2 ago

Kurzweill connection to Jeffrey Epstein: .. including : Anders Sandberg and the Future of Humanity Institute - More links with Jeffrey Epstein, Transhumanism, Occultism and Oxford University

The general public view Transhumanism as completely rooted in materialists science but we can find indications of an occult agenda. Here for example, an article : The Magus of Silicon Valley: Ray Kurzweil’s Transhumanism as Contemporary Esotericism -

In this paper, I will argue that Kurzweil’s transhumanism contains a dimension of transgressive and millenarian spirituality that is best understood as an emerging form of contemporary esotericism.

The second part of my argument is that transhumanism, as a movement, is currently merging with and mobilizing parts of the occulture. Transhumanist milieus appear to be converging with the technophilian, science-oriented wing of what used to be the “NewAge movement”, and with fashionable “Eastern” religious systems. Thus, transhumanism adds a new set of discursive elements to what Kennet Granholm calls the “discursive complexes” that make up contemporary esotericism.

derram ago :

The Human 'Extinction Rebellion' Happening NOW (2020) - YouTube

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