whohat ago

Bain is a major investor in China... any wonder why Romney hates Potus

latest acquisition Data Centers https://data-economy.com/nine-data-centres-in-china-sold-to-bain-capital-for-146m/

Toshiba Chips https://money.cnn.com/2018/05/17/news/companies/china-toshiba-bain-capital/index.html

Deadbeat ago

So Bain Capital was used to tear down companies and put people out of work.

whohat ago

yep back during the obama recession they made tons of money buying up problem companies then shutdown and piece mealing all the assets most of which went to China...they still back a lot of upstarts but eventually take control suck it dry then seel off any remaining assets...

LakotaPride ago

Exactly Brother, and why the Billionaires all invested heavily into China also. and where did the Virsu come from, and amazing it has connections to Gates, Soros and Fauci.

whohat ago

exactly plus numerous other politicians and major money players... China has long been the Key

LakotaPride ago

Brother, those operational plans with China really went into play in the 70's.

whohat ago

big time brother..China was backing the VC and North Vietnam in the war, Dem Pres, Canidae McGovern was receiving Campaign Contributions from the VC via Paris, He was also directing some of the large Antiwar demos in DC in person which turn violent...everything we are seeing today goes way back

LakotaPride ago

Exactly Brother, part of the globalist divide and conquer plans.

whohat ago

you are right on target with that and they have shown great patience in putting forth their agenda

LakotaPride ago

Brother, never made sense we helped China fight the Japanese and all of a sudden they acted like we were the enemy, same applies to Russia after WW 2.

whohat ago

Exactly, both had their hidden agenda for world conquest the whole time..they were using us as we were using them

LakotaPride ago

Brother, that is how they were able to gain control, by dividing us all against each other, same crap we are seeing today.

whohat ago


OpakapakaCaca ago

I posted this comment above: Some of them (former employees) are also on the Board of the National Forest Foundation. Both former Clinton and Bain. I happened upon this tidbit while researching who ran the parks after wondering why so many earthquakes were happening in the Salmon-Challis Forest in Stanley, Idaho.

I'm wondering if they have an underground facility/ base there.

A lot of the board member have former ties to both the Clinton Foundation AND Bain.


LakotaPride ago

Patriot, you raise many interesting questions and make many great points here. I am hearing chatter on earth quakes not earth quakes, I am hearing chatter that tunnels are being destroyed , but nothing I can verify. If we look back Q mentioned about tunnels. and we know NYC and DC have many tunnels that also lead to Arlington. then we hear about tunnels at our Borders. Tunnels make sense if you want to traffic humans and drugs and weapons into the Country, the eye in the sky can not see what is underground , so the possibility of tunnels being destroyed sounds plausible despite not being verified. And would explain what people think are earth quakes, and we have all heard about them having underground bases also. I am suspecting tunnels and underground bases being destroyed, based on reports, after the FBI left Pedo island we hear reports of explosions later and what some thought were earth quakes. I am not convinced on this answer, just leaning more in that direction.

WorldClown ago

Anyone who worked for Bain is either a socially immature peon or they have extreme 'moral flexibility'.

OpakapakaCaca ago

Some of them are also on the Board of the National Forest Foundation. Both former Clinton and Bain. I happened upon this tidbit while researching who ran the parks after wondering why so many earthquakes were happening in the Salmon-Challis Forest in Stanley, Idaho.

I'm wondering if they have an underground facility/ base there.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot appears Bain and their connections are now getting the spotlight.

CantGetPastFirmament ago

Bonus points for circling the adams apple on the womyn

LakotaPride ago

ROFL Patriot, paying attention to details are important. LOL

LakotaPride ago

now read this link below and see all the names that start showing up, Romney being one of many. and companies connected.


Appears things are starting to connect .

WorldClown ago

Yeah Romney showed that he had nothing to lose when he went all RINO

Previously he could be counted on as a predictable sociopath who always followed his own best interests. When he threw in with the cavalcade of clowns on the left it was clear they are all going down together.

LakotaPride ago

Patriot, appears Romney was well rewarded .No wonder he is barking so much lately.