There is building evidence that the death of JFK Jr. was a staged event and it goes beyond the rally footage and goofy makeup, which I am actually surprised to see people dismiss so quickly because the resemblance is very strong not just to Jr., but to his wife. When Jr. launched his magazine 'George' some viewed it direct message to HW Bush for his complicity in the JFK assassination. It is a commonly held belief within conspiracy circles that the Bush/CIA Cabal was also behind the RFK assassination and the Reagan assassination attempt. I always thought they would attempt to eliminate Jr. and he had to be acutely aware, too.
The 'plane crash' occurred during what would have been the final planning stages of 9/11 and eliminating JFK Jr. would have very likely been a side plot to the attacks. At the time, his star was rapidly ascending and he represented a significant and realistic political threat to the short and long term goals of the Cabal. A second term for W was crucial to the PNAC ( Project for a New American Century ) and the road to the White House for Obama and then Hillary had to be neatly paved for 'The 16 year plan to destroy America'. JFK Jr. would have easily defeated Obama or Hillary and any Republican contender. He was just THAT good. In fact, most people now currently believe the Clintons were behind his death which is a very convenient, almost perfect narrative going forward for the Q team.
In 1999 the group now taking down the Cabal did not have the numbers, the tactical ability or total realization to prevent 9/11 but realistically, they could stage JFK Jr.'s death as the first step in the counter coup against the Deep State. This is the only official photo of JFK Jr.'s body I could find and let me tell say right now: I am less than convinced.
Remember what Q said about the JFK JR. plane crash > 'The Start' The start of what? The start of THE PLAN, of course. Some Anons think he death of JFK Jr. was a catalyst for Trump to seek revenge. This cannot be true. It was the White Hats in the Military that enlisted Trump, not the other way around. Donald J. Trump is the front man, the ad man. The one to take the slings and arrows. A role he proudly said he was happy to play.
President Trump, Q and the Patriots are not out just for revenge for the life of one man, their ultimate goal is the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America. That cannot happen in 4 or 8 years, it will take longer. A 16 year plan sounds just about right and so does the election to President of the United States of a man who had nearly everything taken from him. There will be a reveal of Q's identity and it will be sudden and stunning.
Promises Made...Promises Kept.
thisistotallynotme ago
I came to that same conclusion too, but how do you keep JonJon IN the room with POTUS all those times when needed for synchronicity of twitter/Q posts?
That's the only thing I can't get past, otherwise, I went to this point after thinking it was Ivanka.
wasupwitdis ago
personally I dont care who Q is we will find out when we do..As long as the movement is effective and gets it done...Besides the mystery of it is just that much more interesting........WWG1WGA
Rainhumane3317 ago
If indeed this is true, it would set up POTUS' re-election with JonJon on the ticket with him, and then JonJon would get elected for two terms after Trumpy Bear....!!!!! Would TOTALLY LOVE LOVE LOVE....!!!!
joeythew ago
These members of the military you speak of who supposedly recruited Trump and have been planning this since 1999 - you do realize that was 20 years ago and most of those personnel are long out of the military.
joeythew ago
It took him like 4 times to pass the Bar exam. He was no Mensa. People thought he was dumb, I'm not so sure he would have won. Sure he would have won a Senate seat in NY (hell Gillibrand that bimbo won one) but Nationally. Not so sure.
runway36 ago
JFK Jr. Loose Ends
D1332016 ago
I have always thought that there were two individuals posting as Q. An older, calmer military Q and a younger cheerleader type who tends to get ahead of himself (could be Baron).
AAngel ago
Be prepared friends. When he pops back up it will have to be revealed that he is really Peter Lawford's biological son (Jackie's brother in law).
Go look at the pictures, it's pretty obvious.
MrDigging17 ago
Just imagine if JFK jr was actually still alive and turns out to be Q or some part of Q? I know it's implausable, but, damn can you imagine the celebration in the streets? It would be parade material.
PaulJohnJones ago
If this is so, then.....
JFK will be known as the last straw that broke the camel's back.
On that day of disclosure, what will occur?.....
Earlier this year, a Patriot told me that the last place you will want to be is on the sidewalks lined with tall buildings because the Wicked ones will be jumping out of these buildings to their death. We sure would not want to have our loved one's killed by the falling bodies of the Wicked.
Now just try explaining that to your loved ones that believe Q is fake and that Trump should be impeached.
Jesus Christ and His Truth is the only way, for He Saved Mankind 2018 years ago. The Wicked and the non believers know that and this is why He has been censored in Government and Public Schools and Corporate America.
Simonbelmont27 ago
I really really hope so!
Incty ago
Wait, in one part you state he faked his death, then you state that the C’s are responsible for his death? So which is it?
SilverAlaskanWolf55 ago
Seeing as "They" killed Anti War candidate Paul Wellstone in a"Plane Crash" to Allow the Rise of Obama to be their nominee (Sorry HRC they Knew you couldn't win) then this is Fairly Plausible. That said I do NOT believe JFK Jr. is Q, if he's in this he must remain in the shadows and besides Q said there is Only Q meaning MI only-no one outside that.
avanti ago
That picture of him looks like a mannequin wearing a rubber mask: e.g. why would there not be white teeth?!
bodelist ago
I believe Q is referring to POTUS in communication directly with the Q board
Atrugiel ago
Whatever the case it is a clever way to keep reminding the public mind that the Kennedy's were always DS targets and suffered for it with the ultimate sacrifice.
OIAO ago
I'll go with this until proven otherwise. Nice place to hang my hat on while still believing in the Plan. At the end, only the results matter. The facts will sort themselves out.
LibTearsNoBrakes ago
Sounds absurd...but this world is absurd...so who knows.
gr8tful4Q ago
Here is what I am praying for: Trump announces that he has selected an new VP for his 2020 run and plans a YUGE public reveal of who that person will be, maybe at the GOP Convention. He let's media speculate for days who it will be, Nikki Haley? etc. Then he repeats the same entrance that he did at 2016 convention, only this time his new VP walking along side of him. But they are dark silhouettes and you can't tell right away who it is. Then Trump says, "I would like to introduce you to my new VP, JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY JR! At the same time the spot light comes on revealing JFK JR!!!
MrDigging17 ago
That would be a nice dream come true! I would love to see the look on all those DS faces if that could happen. It would't be much different than when they read their message at the funeral.
CrowWatcher ago
Maybe that was the message in the envelope. J Jr is alive. Although, I don't think that was the message but it's nice to think about what turned their faces ashen.
Crpowell821 ago
ONG! If only! Perfect scenario!
gr8tful4Q ago
I just had another thought about this dream of mine. That scenario would be an epic "dark to light" moment.
Food4theGorg ago
WOWZA! this article pins the death of JFK, Jr. on Papa and son Bush: (alternative theory to Clinton doing the deed)
"He (JFK, Jr.) said he originally thought to run against Hillary Clinton for U.S. Senator from New York but decided instead to run for President. The secret got out. George W. Bush, likewise would most naturally have an interest in the demise of JFK Jr.. About three days before John's plane took off and exploded in mid-air, Michael Harari, and another Mossad agent were seen with former President George H. W. Bush and his son, Texas Governor George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport where John Jr. kept his plane. This fact was also confirmed by separate U.S. intelligence sources who are also willing to testify before a grand jury. All four were positively identified by an aircraft mechanic and a maintenance worker. A coincidence? JFK Jr. was a captivating speaker and unlike other members of his family was unscarred by scandal. He would have most likely swept the field of Presidential candidates. Conservatives and liberals, both could join together to support him."
This article has several juicy nuggets to dig and explore:
thisistotallynotme ago
Relevant John Hankey documentary about Bush Jr's involvement in JFK Jr's murder
AAngel ago
Fantastic bunch of interesting research, Food4, thank you!
lepanto33 ago
Best Case Scenario: JFK Jr is revealed, the whole country MAGAs uncontrollably! Becomes 46 in 2024, the world continues to MAGA til 2032. Yep, I'm totally fine with this timeline.
thisistotallynotme ago
Reminder that Pence will be getting 8 years, and that Q says the Pence Presidency is important.
This means we're looking at 2032.
lepanto33 ago
whats the Q reference on Pence? need to check that out. thanks! in any case, just the revelation of John John alive, and there to face off Clinton while she is being tried for Treason on national television = EPIC!!!
Rainhumane3317 ago
lepanto33 ago
I want to believe this more than anything. It will be the greatest story in the last hundred years! but certainly, if anything else, to finally vindicate JFK. When they killed him, they attacked us, freedom-loving Americans. It IS personal. JFK was us, and this revelation of John John would be our great victory. @IWantToBelieve
Food4theGorg ago
Interesting while researching JFK, Jr's plane crash, I saw that the last message his sent was to his friend John Perry Barlow. The same man that Q pointed us out to us several times as being 187ed the cover being a heart attack. I wonder if Barlow knew the secrets of JFK, Jr. and maybe was going to expose something hence the "heart attack". Just conjecture, I know, but very interesting.
Among his last written words – an e-mail sent at 4:05 p.m. Friday – was a remarkably uplifting message to a friend, John Perry Barlow, who just had buried his mother after being at her bedside for her final days. Barlow eerily discovered the message late Saturday, well after Kennedy himself was dead. It was not just a condolence, but also a sort of congratulations, Barlow said.
jcd1158 ago
is obviously ALEX JONES. idiots.
MrDigging17 ago
He wishes. LOL
truther49 ago
@jcd1158 - Bad form
Crpowell821 ago
Go shill on Vanity Fair asshole
DixiePatriot ago
Funny, calling someone an idiot while talking about an idiot!
zzenith1 ago
Alex Jones can’t be trusted
Koyote210 ago
if this was the case then yall done goofed.... you blew his cover and they will snipe him out
Oh_Well_ian ago
jcd1158 ago
You think the CIA is that relying on us for intelligence gathering? Or Mossad? I doubt it.
combatveteran ago
And old expression of Soviet Propagandists: "It's more important to be interesting than true."
Bzmentor ago
Pic was actually Teddy passed out on new years eve 😂😂 ... awesome post...
Alpha-As-Fuck ago
OP please stop being a faggot.
JopharVorin ago
No. JFK Jr died along with his wife in a plane crash.
ThreeEyedOwl ago
You clearly didn't read the story.
JopharVorin ago
Yes I did. I'm just saying. JFK Jr is dead along with his wife. PERIOD.
tokui ago
They used a drone in Alaska.
venicreator ago
Is that really what a body looks like after only a day or so in very cold water? I could understand JFK,Jr and his wife agreeing to fakevtheor deaths together but the sister-in-law? What would be her motive to disappear?
ijij5511 ago
there were videos taken but...guess what, they were lost. flight recorder was...missing it's battery. Flight log...couldn't be found
Specific_Fox ago
Maybe they were close. If Caroline agreed to give her her public life to be with him and her sister wanted to stay with her. Her being part of the tragedy does discourage questions about him faking his death, so there's that too. Just a thought.
hamman365 ago
Jfk jr is not Q - jfk jr is dead, those that think otherwise are almost as stupid as the retards espousing anti-semetic bs every other post - yeah there are a lot of conspiracies out there that have merit - MKUltra, Mockingbird, even Jfk assasination being a deep state job, but jfk jr being Q is laughable and make you look like your ready for some serious meds
Oh_Well_ian ago
Cleanhobo ago
Qpost 1697 you stupid faggot... It was the Rlarp from Q's big break in July. That is where all this gay Jfk Jr stuff came from. Not only did Q post to disprove it but guess what THE GUY THAT STARTED IT POSTED THE SOURCE DOCUMENT FROM HIS POST. Its not real. If it is real then Q does not want it to be VIEWED as real.
ijij5511 ago
CC search began 15 HOURS after plane reported missing, then looked in wrong place, then NAVY found 5 days later, autopsy, cremation and burial at sea within very short time, video of wreckage "lost," flight recorder had no battery, flight log book not found...any of that sound plausible ?
CrowWatcher ago
For persons of this status to be cremated and buried at sea without much 'to do' is a red flag. Not sure, but I think the Kennedy's were Catholic. Cremation was not the choice of Catholic religion at that time. I wasn't much of a 'digger' like I am now back then but I found it odd about the burial at sea. Added with all the other things, I am convinced that they (the 3 of them) are alive. What sold it for me was the voice of reporter announcing the crash, Todd something. It is, no doubt, the voice of JFK Jr reporting. Sorry I don't have the link. Maybe some Anon does. That same voice is also the narrator of the Q video.
ijij5511 ago
Todd Burgun I believe. I think you are right. Kennedy's are devout Catholics and cremation is frowned upon, and burial at sea is normally reserved for military which they were not, plus all the other anomalies
CrowWatcher ago
YES! TODD BURGUN. Thank you, Patriot! I know they are alive! Here is one link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i22MR71ptrE
I'm searching for more links if you wish to add of the voice recognition (and more). Even here on VOAT, I think people are afraid to admit that they are alive because of fear of being labeled as a kook. I'm not.
I also do not believe Jackie would have allowed a cremation or burial at sea. Thought that back then and still do.
ijij5511 ago
If you thought about it back then you are way ahead of me. I never questioned anything till a few years ago--now I question everything
CrowWatcher ago
I do as well. I just received the Q patch with "Question the Narrative" I grew up in the hippy era of "Never Trust Authority". Same, same but different. Exercise of common sense is a great thing. Sheeple No More. Power returned to the People.
AsOnlyIAm ago
I agree and heres why. We ALL know Hollyweirds and such fake their deaths all the time. Why can't Jr? If a well known comedian can do it jr. can do it better. He has more access to funds than anyone, HAD to have known the bitch was coming for him, and definitely had a plan. MHO what was he? An American Lawyer...AG level? Now this all puts a smile on my face too but I'm also hesitant because in the back of my mind I know he is 1/2 Kennedy 1/2 Onasis TWO bloodlines.. I'm a believer in Christ first so hearing someone is "saved and out for revenge for his father" is NOT enough evidence for me to drop my guard...
Crpowell821 ago
He is half Kennedy and half Bouvier. His mother was Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. Aristotle the Greek millionaire was Jackie's second husband, stepfather to John Jr & sister Caroline. You must be quite young. I remember all of it.
AAngel ago
And his father was really Peter Lawford. Look at the pics.
Zammyanci ago
I agree ;)
Conway ago
It's probably robert mueller..
Roughboy ago
Some head dickhead pulling strings will instruct media to ask who is Q. We have ears on and will know when the Q will be asked and viola He steps out. World stunned.
FuhQ ago
Get the net.
ditzee ago
IF JFK, Jr. is still alive, Depends stock will skyrocket.
6chthomps ago
Oh_Well_ian ago
you're one big NOPE
nice work you've done here lol
truther49 ago
I would love for this to be true, and think the theory is plausible, but remain cautiously optimistic...and question how he could prove "he's back" to the world, and not an imposter - just imagine the collective gasp when that hits the news?!? Kind regards, T49
LIghtStrat ago
Agreed , I would love for this to be true. Whether True or untrue the impact of the growing popularity of this idea is real and it could be creating enough of a ripple to make a few powerful people nervous. Regarding how to prove it.. he does have a living sister and lots of cousins. Plenty of DNA for comparisons. I remember Caroline's speech at the DNC - she is very highly regarded and noticeably quiet since POTUS took office. I have to believe that IF a plot to kill JFK, Jr was stopped then someone has plenty of evidence, videos, etc to support whatever would come out. These people are NOT stupid. Even though I have no idea if JFK, Jr. is still alive, it would be the most amazing and powerful gut punch the deep state could receive and would wake up many democrats. JFK, Jr. and Caroline are two people they adore. All my friends who are baby boomer Kennedy democrats (and their children) would quickly change their opinions of POTUS and MSM. It makes me happy just to think about it.... I remain skeptical, even doubtful, but just can't resist enjoying the thought of this possibility.
LakotaPride ago
Totally agree with you Patriot, would be nice if true, but still cautiously optimistic.
AAngel ago
I'm with truther, Lakota. I'd like to hear more about your connection. I supported the move to force the U.S. to abide by the treaties and allow the Lakota nation to really be free instead of on paper. Whatever happened to that awesome council and everything?
LakotaPride ago
Great question Patriot. a few years back when I saw the elders, they looked like youngsters to me. which bothered me because I go fully old school ways, elders should be the older ones. then there were conflicts and allegations of corruption. I know they made changes and Bordeaux is now leading this. I stayed out of it, because I do not live on the res, I was told by a real Elder before the youngsters took over, to stay where I am now with my cousin and some other Lakotas to help people with finding the truth, and why I am here. when they give you these tasks they never give you a instruction manual, LOL, but God will always guide you if you ask and listen. I was told they gave Warriors heart a real bad time and all. I have heard nothing negative recently from family, so it appears they fixed whatever the problem was. Old saying, the more people get involved the harder it is to fix what is wrong. I stated, in the Old days it was the Old ones that were Elders as they carried wisdom. and I agree with the old ways. some liked me, some did not like for saying that. as long as I spoke honestly and from the heart, I was quite ok with it. I place my trust in God, and maybe one day this will happen , maybe not, but no matter what, I am allowed to pray and worship god and yes I do accept that Jesus is the son of God and he is always accorded the Respect and Honor of a Holiest of Holies.
truther49 ago
Are you familiar with the Lakota 1oz silver coin - I bought one hearing it was minted by the tribe....but later heard it was an independent bank - I still carry it because its cool.... Did y'all authorize/sponsor the minting, is the bank legit? Thx T49
LakotaPride ago
Patriot I got word they were going to do that, when it comes to money I stay away from it, and did not look for more information. I am not sure what the Elders decided on that. because I go old school , because things are not sacred when money or things of value are involved, they become plain. A few years back I looked at the elders and was not sure if to shake their hand or burp them. It is exaggerated of course what I state here, but they were a younger crowd, something that would not happen in the old school days. Elders should be older because the experienced more in life, with the minting I was told about the planning part, but never spoke to family about it afterwards. we spoke of other things but never about money or minting. Some get mad at me because I tell them they should be ashamed to Dance for Money and not for religion, because I heard one say he won money at the pow wow , I was like if you teach this then teach it right and remove the money or to get something of value, do it because it is in your heart to do it for God.
jcd1158 ago
DNA test, fingerprints, facial recognition software to analyze his facial structure or even arificially age it and compare to Q
AAngel ago
It will be difficult cause he's Peter Lawford's biological child. Not that I care, I still love him, but we ought to be prepared for a DNA test to show no connection to the Kennedys. (Go look at "images" of both on your searches and prepare to be astounded.)
truther49 ago
True, but these all can be compromised potentially (voice recognition, etc). IF TRUE** it will be the biggest WTF eva....think about it - would spin heads completely off.
Would 'Trump' a Project Blue Beam false flag!
brentvsmaxivms ago
Stranger things have happened. I think. Lol
Rumpledore ago
Can we please STOP trotting this out, whether you are shills or useful idiots of shills? Bill Clinton specifically demanded to see the pictures of JFK Jr.'s body after it was dredged up from the ocean by the Navy, which he oddly deployed to retrieve it. Sicko that he is. Stop this FUCKERY!
MrDigging17 ago
People just dreaming, so relax and let us dream.
ThreeEyedOwl ago
The fact that Slick willy demanded to see pictures is proof enough to you? Go back to CNN normie
Food4theGorg ago
Read this article it explains everything in a complete and concise way the reason Clinton wanted the body so badly. Very informative read and believable. https://rense.com/general87/tenyrs.htm
ijij5511 ago
isn't there an interview with Barlow where he says if anyone would fake his death JFK Jr would?
Food4theGorg ago
I am not sure, but that would be an interesting source to locate.
ijij5511 ago
I looked for it for a few minutes but couldn't find it. I remember it because a bandmate of Jim Morrison said same thing of him, and I think there's a similar Bowie remark
Oh_Well_ian ago
rense is a great site
Cleanhobo ago
qpost 1697
Jasperrock ago
And we never are to doubt Bill Clinton?
Oh_Well_ian ago
that pic is included in the submission
stop your fuckery
TrueSeeker777 ago
you tell him buddy
DyslexicsUntie ago
The mooch said it again yesterday, wait until we find out... idk
derram ago
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=aRKkxJKG7gM :
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