Tallest_Skil ago

  • In before Diggernicks, the publicly admitted troll, types "tl;dr."
  • In before any of five very specific jewish paid shill accounts on this site replies in apoplexy about–not the content of this post, because they're terrified of addressing it, nor of any individual statement or claim, nor of the citations, but rather–my mere existence and slathers the comments with personal attacks (but never directly replying to me because they shit their pants in fear of being genuinely questioned and never respond).
  • In before "so what do we do," because the paid shills who say that already know what to do, and are the people about whom this post discussed.
  • In before "so why haven't you done anything," because the illiterate pay shills who say that have already been answered before the question was even asked.

This submission (along with linked ones above) is nothing more than public proof that "effortposting" is utterly meaningless and leads to no change. As there is no operational difference between this and copy/pasting previous "effortposts," the one with the lowest energy requirement makes the most sense.

Tallest_Skil ago


These voters–these subhuman cowards–and their personalities are weak. Their sense of self and self-worth is derived from how others perceive them–specifically their enemies. Their self-worth and self-image are not derived internally, but are based on external feedback. Just like all other leftists, they're constantly seeking validation. If they can get validation from others outside of their in-group, that's even better. That's why it's so devastating to their egos when the left refers to these people as racists, and why the term cuck cut so deep thought social media during the last election cycle.

Republicans have accepted what their former enemies (now lovers) have told them–that the term "racist" indicates a moral failing, and that to label someone a racist indicates a moral failing within that person. They've accepted the slur and now try to defend themselves against it to repurpose it for themselves to attack their controlled opposition enemies, a la "Democrats are the real racists." Cuckoldry means weakness. Cuck means putting the interests of others before your own, another moral failing. It's what Republicans have done for as long as I can remember. The term highlights the simpering of these voters and cuts to the core of who these people truly are. Their personalities makes them prime targets for manipulation and mockery since they're constantly seeking validation from some other.

In the grand scheme of US politics these AWRV are cattle. American politics is not over what's good for cattle, but rather over who has the herding rights to cattle. The politician with claim to the herd can use it to assert power over the his opponents. It's about who can secure his position at the top of the losers bracket. This how Candidate Trump became president. He identified the behavior and needs of his market, he corralled them, and he validated them. This is where President Trump has failed. He surrounded himself with supporters who were the butt of every joke for decades, trained to lose by the previous herders, and now instead of strengthening them and being a leader he's simply fulfilling their needs to appear morally superior and have their victimhood validated–what first caused them to be the butt of every joke.

Trump is giving them that feeling of oppression by reinforcing the idea that the media as a whole is corrupt and biased–which they are, but we've known that since long before WWI. Trump's tactic worked because both sides agree that the media is biased. Democrats thinks Republicans are biased (and vice versa), but Trump's narrative–with the obvious collusion and lies printed by leftist media–won. Trump saw an opening in the politics of victimhood and he's allowing these AWRV to feel like they're under constant attack. Because these voters have adopted the Trump identity–the Trump brand–they view any attack on Trump as an attack on them. Donald Trump isn't stupid. Some like to say that when he does something they believe is "out of character"–or outside of what he promised–he's actually "making a chess move." The idea that he's "playing chess"–moving political pieces around–has become the go-to excuse for when Trump fails to deliver on a campaign promise or acts in a way that runs counter to his campaign. He's playing chess, all right. What is the goal of the game? Who is the opponent? What's the objective?

Trump's Presidency

Supporters are left to assume that each move Trump makes is an action to get them everything he promised. Let's look at his behavior to see if that's the case. Candidate Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare within the first 100 days. What happened? Congress failed, right? Paul Ryan failed? President Trump shifted the blame onto Ryan for failing to repeal Obamacare. Remember this was a promise from Trump to the American people and not to (or from) Paul Ryan or Congress. Trump didn't come into office with a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. He came into office with a plan to let someone else take the lead on fulfilling his promise. Doing this served two purposes: to reduce his investment risk if he couldn't deliver, and to look like he was reaching out to work with those the narrative says don't see eye-to-eye. When the promise to repeal and replace failed, who took the blame? It certainly wasn't Trump. If Congress had successfully repealed and replaced Obamacare, who would have received most of the applause? Mull that over before continuing.

This isn't the first time Trump pulled a stunt like this. It won't be the last. Whenever something Trump promised falls through, he shifts the blame onto someone else. Whether or not Trump could have delivered on Obamacare so quickly is irrelevant. It was a massive risk, but he removed the majority of that risk by passing the buck to Congress. Another example is his Muslim ban. What happened? The first travel ban was blocked. Some speculated that he used Obama's list of countries in order to make the left look foolish. Another "chess move," perhaps? Doubtful. He probably used it because it was readily available and he didn't have a list of his own. How about the second travel ban? Blocked as well. A few tweets complaining about judges and that was the end of it. See, "he tried," but what are you going to do right? Not his fault. It's those damned activist judges suppressing the will of the people. We're the victims here, and the President did try his best… right? It's that easy to phone it in.

Trump wouldn't promise something he had no intention of delivering, would he? How's prison treating Hillary? Where are the deportations of even a single nonwhite? Realize that Trump doesn't care about the outcome of the travel ban or any of his other promises. He only cares how he looks. The "chess game" being played is against the public. The goal is to manipulate public perception of Trump the man and Trump the brand. The pieces being moved are White House propaganda and Twitter spin. The mainstream media is complicit in this because they spend their days as the uncritical attack dog of the left rather than engaging in objective journalism and analysis. The media knows Trump is 100% about his brand, and that is what they're set up to destroy.

Donald Trump exists to promote his brand image. His earliest supporters bought the promises, but he sold the AWRV the Trump brand. The Trump brand is success. Pay attention, the idea of success is the Trump brand, but that does not mean Trump or his brand leads to success and getting what you want–or, in this case, getting what Trump promised. He sold the average white American voter the perception of success, and they've wrapped themselves with the Trump brand. That's why those of us who voted for him to fulfill his promises readily criticize him when he fails to deliver, and those who bought the brand are his most strident, vitriolic, and delusional defenders.

If the Trump brand fails, they, too look like failures. Why? They were never Bob (who supports Trump), Jim (who supports Trump), or Steve (who supports Trump). They became The Trump Supporter Bob, and The Trump Supporter Jim, and The Trump Supporter Steve. They've never been anything other than that which they attach to themselves–the football fan, the religious man, the NASCAR guy. They've now attached themselves to the Trump brand. Their fragile egos cant take the hit that would come from even considering the idea that President Trump isn't their savior, and that they may have been tricked when he said that he wanted what was best for them. They don't wish to be viewed as fools. It's the same reason these AWRV care that the left thinks they're racists. It's the same reason they care so much about what blacks, Hispanics, and even Moonmen think of them. They care about how they are perceived by others. "Please don't see me as evil!" "Please don't see me as a racist!" "Please don't see me as a Nazi!" "Please don't see me as gullible!" "Please… please don't see me as a fool."

It's perception–not reality that drives them and the rest of the leftists they claim not to be. Trump know this. It's why the left could so easily stir your typical zionist neoconservative civic nationalist into a hysterical frenzy for the cameras for decades. It's why Trump was able to win their vote. He said he would win and more people started perceiving Trump as a winner. The left called him a racist, so he trotted out some Africans and smooched a few pickaninnies, and that validated these AWRV. The media said he wasn't religious, so he talked about that Jesus guy. He was called an antisemite, and he bragged about his Jewish son-in-law, daughter, and how all his grandkids are jewish, and he did it all without ever becoming hysterical. He did it all without ever acknowledging that the smears could be true. He never validated the attacks as being morally valid. He turned the left into the joke and forced them to acknowledge everything he was saying by giving him airtime and winning, thus Trump became everything those AWRV wanted their image to be; strong, righteous, morally superior, loved by minorities, not racist, and a persecuted victim of the establishment. They adopted his image–his brand–as their own. For these people it was never about the promises, it was about beating the left and being validated.

Continued. (again, damn character limit)

Tallest_Skil ago

Another example of brand preservation was when Candidate Trump: now President Trump, said that Judge Curie, presiding over the Trump University case, was possibly biased because he's a Mexican. That's not necessarily an untrue statement, considering the remarks made by Trump about immigration and the spin placed on it by leftist media outlets. The statements and the spin could have biased the judge against him, but that probably wasn't Trump's concern. He has very good lawyers and they may have told him the case would be lost if it went to court. If he lost in court, that would detract from the brand and make him look like a loser. If he settled, that would look like an admission of guilt. So how best to come out looking clean? Accuse the judge of being biased, use that as an excuse to settle the case, and then tell voters you settled because you don't have time for that mess because you have to Make America Great Again™. Tell the voters you could have won the case, but you weren't sure the trial would have been fair, and you didn't want to spend time in appeals. Trump comes out looking like the bigger man, he gets to take a shot at the judge's reputation for messing with him, and those who brought suit against Trump look like they were abusing the judicial system to attack what the AWRV views as a great man trying to fix the country.


Trump's end goal is always to appear successful, regardless of the actual outcome. The Trump presidency is about ensuring the perceived success of the Trump brand–the legacy of the name–and not about the promises he made as a man, nor certainly the ideology he personally upholds and enacts, as it's entirely against the will of the only people who voted for him. As long as he can shift the blame and make someone else responsible for his failures, the brand remains untarnished. If you have difficulty believing this, I ask you to look at his businesses. Trump sells his image and his name. You buy Trump steaks. You live, stay, rent, work out of a Trump building. You visit a Trump golf course. What

makes these steaks, buildings, and golf courses different from the rest? The name. The brand. The consumer's perception. This is basic marketing. If you make the customer feel like a winner, or feel smart, or feel sexy for buying or using your product, you can sell them almost anything–even sticks of cancer and poisoned corn syrup in a metal can. Once they adopt the brand as their identity, they'll fight tooth and nail to defend their purchase even if it's slowly killing them.

Realize that President Trump has no ideology other than to win–or appear to win–in any given situation. He wanted to be president, so he did what he had to and made whatever promises he needed to in order to achieve that goal. Now that the goal has been reached, he's going to do whatever he has to do in order to preserve his brand. That kind of selfish betrayal is going to kill any semblance of "conservatism" more than the left ever could. When the fence–never mind an actual wall–on the border is left incomplete, Trump will walk away unscathed, because the people he rallied bought into the brand, not the outcome. He has already set the stage to shift the blame to Congress again. If he does get the funding, he'll be ready to take all the credit. It's a win-win for Donald Trump–the brand and the man.

The only thing currently biting him in the rear is his failure to end DACA or to deport a single illegal. It only requires a stroke of a pen. No judges or Congress to blame. That's why Sean Spicer has had such a difficult time explaining away this failure. Notice the angle—we'll deal with them "with heart". He's appealing to the desire of his AWRV custome… voters to be more "morally" superior to and more righteous than the left. Will the propaganda take hold? Will these AWRV take the bait, swallow it, digest it, and then regurgitate it on social media as if it was the outcome they wanted all along? Yep. Always. Now he's calling for amnesty and they're right behind him. If you decide to criticize Trump on this, you'll be branded a leftist faster than you can blink.

The next time Trump fails to deliver on a promise, ask yourself: "Did I vote for what Donald Trump promised to accomplish or did I buy the brand?" Right now, Trump has absolutely no reason to fulfill any campaign promise (after allowing the media to pretend that he made a halfhearted attempt). The majority of his brand loyalists don't care about the outcome. They just want to feel like they're victims of the left–of which they're already a part. They just want to feel like they're "morally" superior They just want to feel like they're the good guys struggling against evil. They just want to feel like they're winning.

Do you feel like you're winning?

albeit ago

The only thing currently biting him in the rear is his failure to end DACA or to deport a single illegal. It only requires a stroke of a pen. No judges or Congress to blame. That's why Sean Spicer has had such a difficult time explaining away this failure.

Hmm. Believing that:

1. There was no stroke of a pen

2. Chief Justice John Roberts has zero blame for ruling that an executive order cannot repeal another executive order

3. Anyone cares what former press secretary Sean Spicer can explain in 2020.

If these aren't psychotic delusions, they're laziness and/or inattention to detail.

Reps/Dems may seem like little more than football teams to you. But elections do have consequences. In the general election there is a choice between gun-grabbing wannabe tyrant corporate leftists, and orange man. If you're convinced that acceleration is the best way forward, then maybe you should vote for the other ZOG'd party's candidate (Biden). I didn't see other GOP/Dem candidates in 2016 who were better leaders with better proposals to fix problems. I'd rather not have the TPP, the Paris Climate Accord, a president beholden to political correctness for his every waking moment, reliance on foreign oil, higher legal immigration, etc. I'm not going to argue one way or another over the "AWRV" construct, except to note that doing so would be falling into the "no true Scotsman" fallacy.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. There was no stroke of a pen

There wasn’t.

  1. Chief Justice John Roberts has zero blame for ruling

“Judicial review” as per Mv.M is unconstitutional. He has absolutely no power to stop Trump enforcing existing written law, the Constitution, and natural law.

  1. Anyone cares what former press secretary Sean Spicer can explain in 2020.

It’s a historical reference.

Reps/Dems may seem like little more than football teams to you. But elections do have consequences.

List the consequences. You can’t. There aren’t any. Every. Single. Last. One. Of. Them. Votes. Identically.

In the general election there is a choice between gun-grabbing wannabe tyrant corporate leftists, and orange man.

Who grabbed guns, lied about his campaign promises, has done nothing to undo the unconstitutional gun laws of the last century... etc.

If you're convinced that acceleration is the best way forward

No, I’m utterly unconvinced that doing what jews want is the best way to defeat jews.

then maybe you should vote

“Jews hate it when you do what they want” is not an argument.

I didn't see other GOP/Dem candidates in 2016 who were better leaders with better proposals to fix problems.

False dichotomy. No one has to accept your jewish theater at all.

I'd rather not have the TPP

We have that, though. It’s under different names.

the Paris Climate Accord

Still beholden to its requirements thanks to our manufacturing being neutered.

a president beholden to political correctness for his every waking moment

He worships queers. He supports trannies. He does nothing but praise nonwhites. He has never, not once–EVER–said ANYTHING positive about whites. He has publicly denounced white nationalism as evil and illegal.

reliance on foreign oil

Which he’s… taking from Syria in an illegal conflict.

higher legal immigration

What about it? Oh, you mean the higher legal immigration that he himself is responsible for? And the zero deportations? King Nigger deported more than Trump. King Nigger imported fewer than Trump.

I'm not going to argue one way or another over the "AWRV" construct, except to note that doing so would be falling into the "no true Scotsman" fallacy.

Literally wouldn’t. Where’s the white nationalist political party? Where’s anyone, anywhere, presenting any organized resistance against anything whatsoever that jews are doing? Anywhere? At all? Anyone? At any level? ANY. WHERE. Why can’t you support your own claims?

captainstrange ago

is a choice between gun-grabbing wannabe tyrant corporate leftist

Imagine being someone who allows a vote by foreigners, strangers, and other bolshevik scum to decide whether or not you can own guns, or if you'll have to give them up.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Judge Curie is a La Raza member, so that might not be a great example.

You make good points and I have said similar things about parts of it in other places.

NoBS ago

Triggered like a bitch. All I read was (damn character limit) and winning.

Sure, if you say so.