BigFatDaddy ago

Didn't see any names directly connected to the Trump admin. A few indirect connections.

Turpin, Matthew (USA), Director for China, National Security Council - this one is interesting.

Baker, James H. (USA), Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense - More worrying.

Hickenlooper, John (USA), Governor of Colorado - This one really caught my eye. Keep an eye on him, expect to see a sharp rise in his political fortunes and possible Presidential ambitions in 2020 or 2024.

throughtheblack ago

I notice there doesn't seem to be anyone from Russia in the list.

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Populism in Europe

  2. The inequality challenge

  3. The future of work

  4. Artificial intelligence

  5. The U.S. before midterms

  6. Free trade

  7. U.S. world leadership

  8. Russia

  9. Quantum computing

  10. Saudi Arabia and Iran

  11. The "post-truth" world

  12. Current events


  1. The Goyim Know; Shut It Down
  2. Communism By the Back Door
  3. Communism By the Back Door II: Electric Boogaloo
  4. How Can We Create Propaganda Without Having to Do Any Work Ourselves
  5. Getting Rid of Paper Ballots
  6. Communism By the Back Door, Reprise
  7. Pilpul, Oxymorons, & Other Dialectics
  8. The Boogeyman
  9. Bypassing Goy Security
  10. Getting Our Puppet to Kill Our Enemy
  11. Self-Congratulatory Session
  12. Our World, Today