RightEdge ago

Yeah... Right... As a general rule, people don't go around hiding something they are doing that is just and right, unless they live under a tyranny. As a general rule, any power likes to boast of what it does that is just and right. The first is true now in the USA, the second is not.

BumbleTummy ago

So, she's trying to capture the Blacks, aye?

mleczko ago

If you are helping the enemy you are a traitor and deserve to die. No exceptions.

dd-schiznit ago

So you think the guy that cleans the toilets is bad? Dumbass.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

Any organization that relies on secrecy to do its work should be destroyed forever.

I_TakeupSpace ago

Your point is valid.

I still respect the hell out of the KGB. Those guys got shit done.

kevf4 ago

The "not all [insert group] are bad" saying is a psychological technique to sway you from the truth. If something is statistically significant there are still going to be outliers.

Somali ago

Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Deflo56 ago

Corruption in the CIA, DOJ, BLM,IRS,FBI, Congress runs down hill. Rank and file are the foundation of the systematic corruption. It’s a shame we didn’t set up a government that wasn’t centralized. https://youtu.be/npxnlhQEtJw

Big_Willy_Wallace ago

"Just following orders"...

Newmemba ago

you mean when the KGB was run by Jews and the CIA was not?

Noot_Noot ago

Good people don't choose a career of making life difficult for others.

11931049? ago

The Mafia is full of good people, but the leadership is bad! MS13 is full of good people, just the leadership is baaad..

newoldwave ago

The heads of any organization recruit underlings like themselves.

TheKobold ago

There are good feminists it's the leadership that is bad...

There are good cops it's the leadership that is bad...

There are good muslims it's the leadership that is bad...

Fucking idiots that believe this shit get what they deserve, I'm pissed that I get it undeserved.

SkittlesAndIcedTea ago

The defendants in the Nuremberg trials tried that defense and they still swung. I'd say they set legal precedence so build the gallows.

dellcos ago

This is what I say about cops in general.

Their main job is to make sure I pay taxes to criminals and that I don't interfere with racketeering operations. Sorry, that's the truth.

albatrosv15 ago

And nkvd... and cheka...

Merlynn ago

There are good people in every bad group. There's bad people in every good group. But when the bad apples spoil the barrel,you still throw it out.

RightEdge ago

ok... frank marshall davis jr, susan rice, hillary, billie jeff, schumer, pelosi... at some point I think your attempt to avoid pessimism in favor of optimism blinds you to reality. Which of these are the "bad apples". Which are the "good apples". Your fallacy is in contending that there are good people in every bad group. You are oh so wrong about that. You are also wrong about the "throw it out" part.

Merlynn ago

You've missed the point of my post completely. Reread it like you're not talking to a normie,faggot.

RightEdge ago

fuck you punk! just using the term "normie" tells me you're just a fuckin kid that doesn't know jack shit! And it not hard for me to spot a little cocksucker who calls anyone who doesn't completely agree with them a "faggot", "racist"... that's your idiotic worthless generation of little fools response to anything you haven't been brainwashed into believing. I might have felt sorry for the perils facing your generation... but more and more, I'm learning you are worthy and deserving of it.

Merlynn ago

One day,you may look back on this and laugh. I shall laugh right now. Because you're a dumbass.

RightEdge ago

I really don't give a fuck what you do, what you think, care about... or your fucking opinion. As far as I am concerned you can eat shit die and go to hell. Anything short of that... You are just fouling the air I breath and fucking up the planet I happen to currently reside upon. Don't expect me to cry at your funeral. You're just a turd.

Merlynn ago

I dunno,you seem to be crying an awful lot right now. Too bad it's all for not. You've already lost an argument that never existed. Quite a feat.

RightEdge ago

you started out right when you said "dunno". after that.... you're just an enemy of mine. NO fucking excuses. YOU believe SHIT. I don't. You are a little bitch serving your master. AND you don't have the slightest idea who that is.

Merlynn ago

Oh,aren't you precious. You're gonna say I'm not your dad next,right?

unclejimbo ago

What is nuance anyway?

tossyokeys ago

A luxury granted by the thinking man to himself.

speedisavirus ago

Because there is. There are people there that join to do what they think is best for the nation and act in it's interests. It's retard liberal store thinking to think everyone under some label is evil.

Cheesebooger ago

(((CIA))) is just Mossad.

tossyokeys ago

How is that possible if the CIA has been around longer than Mossad?

Oh_Well_ian ago


What if Mossad's primary directive at it's inception was taking over the CIA? What if the CIA's primary directive at inception was ceding control to Mossad.

The (((Federal Reserve))) was in existence over 30 years before the CIA was official.

tossyokeys ago

I dont dispute that there are jews running the show, but to say its mossad or the IDF just wouldnt be correct. Its zionist jews. This has little to do with Israel, and everything to do with the jews that were embeded within the countries that helped create Israel.

Given that you mentioned the Federal Reserve, I assume you know all about the Rothschids, Bank of England, ect.

I suspect we agree at the core, but I think its very important to be technically correct when naming the jew. Little logical inconsistencies like in the comment I replied to are used to discredit us.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

Because it was established before Israel got a state in 1948. It was called the Office of Strategic Services prior.

Cheesebooger ago

It was taken over. How do you not know this? Jewish spies have been around under many names for a long long time----long before the CIA

tossyokeys ago

I hear people say it a lot, but evidence seems to be lacking. Do you believe the infiltration predates the CIA into the OSS era?

Cheesebooger ago

I hear people say it a lot, but evidence seems to be lacking

Oh sure sure. http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/30106/spies-like-us

Do you believe the infiltration predates the CIA into the OSS era?

Of course it does, in many different ways: NILI http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-nili-spy-ring

Oh_Well_ian ago

He forgets the Fed was in existence 30 years before the CIA..

See my other comment on this thread.

Oh_Well_ian ago

tell retarded cunt @speedisavirus that

oh shit.. I just did :)

Cheesebooger ago

What? I have one account. and what I'm telling you about the CIA is a fact. It is a jewish organization. Are you doubting that? wtf

Oh_Well_ian ago

No. I'm confirming it to a faggot account trolling the thread.

Cheesebooger ago

I'm not "trolling" anything. I told you a fact. Why is your jimmies rustled?

Oh_Well_ian ago

bro.. you are not the troll.. @speedisavirus is.. that is why I pinged him...

deleting to stop confusion

Cheesebooger ago

I was like wtf?? I thought you were accusing me of being speedisavirus. Sorry man.

speedisavirus ago

You seem like a low IQ fag nigger. If not being one of those makes you a troll then sure, I'm a troll. If being a troll is being a logical well educated person is a troll then sure. I'm a troll.

Cheesebooger ago

You're a jew. fuck off.

speedisavirus ago

Yup. Puerto Rican Jews are so common.

PrettyBigDouche ago

Do you have power and food yet? Trump tried to help but your own politicians fucked you over. Third world shenanigans strike again.

speedisavirus ago

I'm fortunate enough that my family moved to the mainland decades ago. Because the poverty and corruption there. My relatives didn't have phones or steady electricity when I asked my aunt a couple weeks ago.

PrettyBigDouche ago

That's a shame, you moving to the mainland I mean.

speedisavirus ago

I hold American values better than most whities I live around. So does my family. I'm practically the only sane voice I encounter in the entire damn state I live in.

Cheesebooger ago

Indeed, they seem to be.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

I know a guy who works for the CIA whose name shows up in wikileaks as working for the state department doing stuff in asia. Offered me a copy of the bible with the corrections and for me and my wife to come stay on vacation with him that he had a place setup in his basement we could stay. WTF NO! Never talked to him again.

speedisavirus ago

So what you are saying is you are basically as bad as a liberal

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

No... worse think... the bad stuff. the bottom of the rabbit hole.

Le_Squish ago

When leadership is evil, good people are gradually driven out until eventually only the bad apples are left.

iReich ago

Rot at the top tend to spread all the way down

This is true in pretty much any given organization, especially in pyramid organizational structures

Le_Squish ago

I like that this rule also works for countries and cities. Places like Chicago are so bad because every decent human being with the means to leave has.

BigFatDaddy ago

Just as "There are GOOD jews, its just the elites that are bad."

f_lulz ago

Yes, just like the CIA and the KGB, you have to choose to join and get accepted to the group known as "the Jews." Good eye.

Cheesebooger ago

Oy vey yes yes. Jews are our friends. Israel is a democracy in the middle east. oy vey. jews are great.

Cheesebooger ago

Nice one!

BigFatDaddy ago

Thanks. Shamelessly stolen from somewhere. Hope that doesn't mean I'm part nigger...

MichaelObamasPenis ago

Oy vey goyim. I'm the copyright holder for that image. You owe me 30 shekels.

Cheesebooger ago

Heck no! We all do that. Its okay. I make many but I also borrow many from my brothers.

Crensch ago

You're on a roll today.

BigFatDaddy ago

Thanks. Its a slow day IRL, so I figured I'd do my part to forcibly assimilate our new friends.

Crensch ago

I like the enthusiasm; Tasmanian Devil style in that invading subverse.

BigFatDaddy ago

I'm just sad I hit my daily posting limit for that verse. That's why I posted that message to RotR this morning. Hoping some of the other more well-informed goats had some good stuff to drop as well.

I was kind of going for a London Blitz of redpills, as it were.

BigFatDaddy ago

Hail Victory!

carlip ago

"There were good nazi's, but their leadership was bad."

speedisavirus ago

There was

TrevorLahey ago

There were "good nazis." A friend of mine's father was conscripted at age 17 as the war neared its end. He was just proud to be fighting for his homeland and I doubt he knew or thought much of the greater ideological issues.

Binary simplification and assumptions lead you down a bad road and often put you in the same camp as those you claim to oppose.

BigFatDaddy ago

NatSoc leadership was awesome.

carlip ago

note the quotes! it was meant in jest as if spoken from a leftist

BigFatDaddy ago

I see. Oh well, chalk it up to Poe's Law.

tendiesonfloor ago

Everybody serving any any level of the "justice" department should be taken out behind the chemical shed and executed, every last fucking one of them.

Ignoring treason is treason. They are all culpable.

fl3x ago

Limiting it to the "Justice" Department? I don't think you're going far enough.

ZX4jBXu ago

More brain dead bullshit from this faggot OP. Why don't you fantasize more about the Q larp. Big bad Russia isn't out to get you retard.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Is that what you read into that, you dumb cunt? Get your shit straight before come unglued next time, faggot.

The post is about complete corruption at the CIA.

ZX4jBXu ago

Nigger, is that what you read into that? My post was about the complete retardation of 95% of the shit you post, faggot.

This post is about making sure you know that.

fl3x ago

I don't know why it was necessary to compare the CIA to anyone.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Catch me up. Who made the good people comment? I must have missed something.

fl3x ago

Even the goddamn President has said that shit.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Usually it's the Washington Post, NYTimes and an array of apologists who flood out every time the CIA gets caught with its hand in the cookie jar.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

Oh, OK. I thought it was a specific comment made recently.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It's actually everywhere right now. Hannity, Rush, Foxnews are all saying it.

The Left is going much further saying theirs and the integrity of the FBI is unchallenged and unassailable.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

If it were me, I'd change the statement to, "There are good people in the CIA and there are bad people in the CIA."