42times5 ago

They're all closing now aren't they? Afaik they didn't even see many patients! Thank goodness.

Doesn't explain what they were set up for?

MercurysBall2 ago

Yes. Very odd.

MercurysBall2 ago

a very interesting comment from @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS regarding his connections to the Brain Trust which requires further research: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3437568/20680215

In Profile : ARK, Absolute Return For Kids - https://thebridgelifeinthemix.info/in-profile/ark/ [archived: http://archive.is/E8Nl]

...... The United Learning Trust[1] is yet another of these conglomerates and so to the Oasis Trust, so concerned at what we were finding we pooled all the information and published our findings which exposed ARK in 2008 as nothing other than a hedge fund financed front for the Military Industrial Complex, with a Casanova chairman also named the ‘hedge fund hippy,’ Arpad Busson at the helm.

..The children’s charity, ARK, (Absolute Return for Kids) announced today that Stanley Fink is to become chairman of the ARK trustees, taking over from founding chairman, Arpad Busson who has held the post for the seven years since the charity launched. Mr Busson will remain a member of the Board as founding chairman, and chairman of ARK US.

In moving Arpad to the US he and his handlers could continue to run with the A-list celebs, he could continue to look groovy and expand ARK across America.

..the Brain Research Trust has my antenna twitching a lot. We know they are forming a lot of brain research information into the school curriculum to be used against the children and staff to create the new children in the image of the corporate slave. Demanding children no longer see themselves as heterosexual, to do so is to be homophobic, implementing the United Nations dictate on all levels which includes teaching the joy of masturbation and abortion to five year olds.

Though these agendas are not the brainchild of ARK, they like all corporate education entities they fully support and encourage them.This is a blatant move to sexualise and thus fast track children to become little adults, adults who will also be conditioned to see the school and state as the most important influence in their lives above and beyond the reach of the parents.

We are looking at the corporate model forced on Germany between the two world wars, the result being that the children were removed in mind body and spirit to worship a different ideology than that of their parents, it re-birthed in communism leading to the implementation of the same system in China, on behalf of the banking elite, the new social model was launched in 1974 under chairman Mao, who was another Rothschild sired puppet along with Stalin, in fact they were half brothers.

The system shifts all power and rights away from the populations and into the hands of the corporate state, the state determines how many children you can have, and we know this to be the one child policy which lead to incalculable numbers of abortions, what we also know is that China demanded carbon credits for the C02 saved due to the aborted children. The system slowly moves to a position whereby the schools actually have influence upon your children way above the time you the parents have with them, think of the emotional and psychological impact on the children in this move alone. The breakfast and after school clubs are the facilitator in this regard. The criteria determining parental ability will be based on psychological profiling of parents by psychologists. Of course they fail to mention the fact that leading psychologists and professors are lobbying to legalise Paedophilia.

The Brain Research Trust insert a brain pacemaker into humans, this has a direct connection to Smith&Nephew who work with Medtronic, a company that manufactures brain pacemakers.


Well done. This "BRAIN PACEMAKER" seems to be potential MICROCHIP or TOWER based Pulsed Electro Magnetic technology to produce more suggestible brain states. Mass Remote Mind Control ?

MercurysBall2 ago

The skull is opened, and electrical leads are implanted directly into the tissue of the brain. These wires are connected to a small device that sends a small dose of electricity into the brain. ...

Isn't that what they used to do in psychiatric clinics in the early 20th century?

Will have a look into that.


Electrical lobotomy? Shock treatment is utilized in MKU trauma programming - perhaps this is the evolution: subtle electrical entrainment targeted by the neuromapping of the individuals brain.